Convas3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

This could be a game changer.

I'm very curious to see how developer's will take advantage of it, especially the claims of increased graphics processing.

Feralkitsune3885d ago

I'm just glad I can finally switch from Windows and play games.

Thisisjuju3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I'm not really sure what to make of this, but yeah, an alternative to Windows for PC gaming is awesome.

The fact that it is free is awesome too. Looking forward to seeing the OS in action.

zeal0us3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

You would still need your Windows PC. The steam os machine is nothing more than a middle man that helps you stream your pc games to your tv.

Depending on where your pc is at you could just buy a HDMI cable and connect it to your pc from your tv. The downside to this would be lag.

Given one's internet the steam os can also suffer from lag(not the same type of lag mention above but it's still lag at the end of the day).

Mystogan3885d ago

You need to have steam on Windows to play Windows games. Its just a glorified Miracast.

Thisisjuju3885d ago


Not saying you are wrong but where did you get that information?

Here's a snipped of the announcement "It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines"

So if its stand alone no Windows is required?

exsturminator013885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )


"You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!"

Its under the streaming bullet point in the article. PC games are still built with an operating system in mind, that's why they needed to be ported to work on Linux. SteamOS should run anything that is developed for it, which I assume is why they've been pushing Linux development so hard lately. If its not available on Linux though, you'll need to stream it from a Windows PC.

EDIT: Or a Mac.

Thisisjuju3885d ago


Ahh, I see.

Now the middleman comment makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification.

Zeref3885d ago

This is not an OS. You still need Windows to play Windows based games.

you people are getting the wrong idea. This is just a streaming service. Similar to Vita's remoteplay.

P0werVR3885d ago

It's not like that!

Anyways, this makes a lot of sense in contrast to what some believing that Linux can actually be in general use.

However, this is real good for developers and "will" change to scope of how developers and gamers interact. Hope they can have some type of cloud computing where they can greatly enhance there Source Mod Manager.

SilentNegotiator3885d ago

I'm always happy to see Windows get some competition, considering how they've worked so hard to monopolize the low-cost OS market. More games being compatible with Linux will improve Linux adoption and thus support.

Yi-Long3885d ago

Hopefully this is the free great alternative to Windows we've all bene waiting for.

Hopefully I can use this OS also for Photoshop, Sai, and other professional software.

SilentNegotiator3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Can you read?

"It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines...Game developers are already taking advantage of these gains as they target SteamOS for their new releases"

It is an OS. It doesn't natively play Windows games, but it IS an OS and it plays games completely free of a Windows PC.

"You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, ************too************&am p;qu ot;

As in "also"
It is not just for streaming.

IT IS AN OS THAT CAN PLAY GAMES ON ITS OWN **AND** IT CAN STREAM WINDOWS/MAC GAMES. The article is not that confusing, people.

Feralkitsune3885d ago

you people can not read. IT IS AN OS. It has support for streaming Windows games over LAN, but it also supports Linux games, that run on the actual OS since this is a Linux Build.

It's just one that devs can focus on if they develop games for Linux. Which, a ton of AAA devs will since they are announcing some 2014 games that already support SteamOS.

Kurylo3d3885d ago

Lots of games are starting to support linux.. lots of game engines starting to support linux. People may actually start developing with linux in mind as a platform just as they would sony vs microsoft. Multiplatform. You would get more performance out of your steam os with your computers hardware making the game run better and look better. I like this approach. Mark my words.. this is the beginning of the death of console gaming. Im not saying its hear. Im saying this will launch it. It will take many many many years, but this will start it.

Perjoss3885d ago

Exactly, Miscrosoft have lost their way, they don't seem to want to support PC gamers they way they should be, always trying to push them onto the xbox. I think there is plenty of room on the market for this Gaming OS and Valve are the perfect company to push it.

starchild3885d ago

I have no real problems with windows to be honest, but I do like the idea of improved performance.

That said, I'm still trying to figure out what this means. One of the great things about Windows and DirectX is that it allows us to have backwards compatibility.

I seriously doubt the entire industry is going to switch over to SteamOS, which means PC gaming will be fragmented.

I need to find out more. I'm intrigued, but also somewhat skeptical.

Blackdeath_6633885d ago

and its free whereas windows costs just under £200

NewMonday3885d ago


* what exactly are "living room machines"?
* is this a locked Linux? will we be able to install and run any Linux software?
* dose Linux allow low level access to hardware? how will this effect scaling to different specs?
* can we install SteamOS as another OS on PCs alongside Windows?
* will this be open to the same Mods on Windows or will they need to be tailored for Linux?
* will SteamOS allow 3rd party non gaming software?

Zuperman3884d ago

Still not switching to pc gaming.

consoles 4 life.

Ju3884d ago

Here comes the "Ikea Console" (I should (c) this ;) LOL.

But great idea. Now devs get a OS for the living room. I'm curious how Valve will define which HW will be supported - to actually guarantee the games will run on that box.

And for the console gamers complaining they can build a monster machine without end - limited buy budget only.

Question will really be, if developers will support linux now (you will need all the tools and the toolchain - which isn't a biggy. I actually prefer that toolchain anyhow). Compilers are there, tools need to be available, too (profilers!!!). But other then that, I hope it'll take off.

Dasteru3884d ago


So you think you know more about it than Valve themselvs? Sry but you are the one getting the wrong idea, learn to read before you post.

SteamOS is an operating system based on Linux, it will be used directly on TVs and other living room devices and is even being provided for free to tv manufacturers to be pre-installed on TVs. It has nothing to do with streaming.

morganfell3884d ago

You will not need Windows. There may be a few titles that will be left unadapted but more games are joining the Steam Linux library every day. I have been running it since Alpha and I have been running Linux for years. I have not had one crash or lockup on Ubuntu that I can ever remember. There is a reason the best servers are Linux based.

There is very little for which I boot into Windows. People that are thinking theis OS will only be for gaming have yet to run a Linux GUI based OS. The handwriting is on the wall. If anything this may force MS to concentrate more on their OS business as after the first year the impact on Windows of a Linux expansion will become apparent.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
UltimateMaster3884d ago

Guess so.
I'd bet Google would jump in the ring as well.
I'd love to see a 5-way race for gaming console.
-Steam, -PlayStation, -Google, -Xbox, -Nintendo.

Big_B0SS3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Question? Does this mean that I would not be able to use any MS Office applications if I use this OS instead of Windows?

The reason I ask is becuase my gaming PC is also my day to day work PC.

Thisisjuju3885d ago

Not likely.

They currently haven't released MS Office on Linux and I believe this steam OS is running on a modified Linux platform.

Thehyph3885d ago

MS Office is out.
A myriad of free alternative office solutions are in.

exsturminator013885d ago

I'm pretty sure this OS isn't meant for desktop use. They're designing it with TV in mind and streaming capabilities, so I think the plan is to hook a PC up to the TV, install SteamOS on that, and then stream from desktop or play Linux games on the TV. Basically this is an OS for anyone who wants to make their own SteamBox, not a replacement desktop solution.

RegorL3885d ago

not MS Office but you will be able to use libreOffice/openOffice

The cloud storage might be somewhat problematic.
Will you be able to install anything yourself?

But I would be really surprised if they do not support a free MS Office compatible office suite at launch...

DOMination-3885d ago

it's not an OS for desktop PCs, it's basically an app you install on smart TVs, that will allow you stream your steam library to it via your PC in another room.

s45gr323885d ago

That is why I am concerned about this too.

Thehyph3885d ago

But it's Linux, and this is Valve we're talking about.
Valve believe in and push Linux, so therefore they probably aren't closing any doors against turning it into a desktop suite.

If it's true Linux, then anyone out there can add full desktop functionality and give it to everyone else.

Kurylo3d3885d ago

set it up in dual boot. You can decide which operating system to start with when you power on the computer.

Ju3884d ago

This is as much linux as Android is.

Nothing more.

A familiar posix level OS with customization and a Steam specific front end. No desktop. If anything it will support "Steam Apps" - since it's based off of linux, depends what UI libraries will be available (probably most what runs on linux - and I strongly hope it doesn't run X !!!).

madpuppy3884d ago

MS office runs pretty good in either wine, crossover office or Cedega / WineX (mainly for gaming but will run office and photoshop.

AndrewLB3884d ago

It's why you setup your PC to dual or tri boot. Mine runs Win7, Ubuntu, and OSX Mountain Lion.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
3885d ago Replies(6)
ZoyosJD3885d ago

SteamOS. Shaving $100 off that gaming pc while improving perfomance.


ElementX3885d ago

Yeah if you want a limited game selection

zeal0us3885d ago

You still need Windows(or Mac) for SteamOS to stream games to your tv over your internet.

MonkeyNinja3885d ago

@ zeal0us

You only need Windows to play Windows games. Lots of games on Steam already support Linux, and lots more are on the way. Stop spreading misinformation.

zeal0us3885d ago

@Monkey Ninja
Notice I said stream game to your tv and nothing more

"You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!"

joeorc3885d ago


"SteamOS. Shaving $100 off that gaming pc while improving perfomance. "

100% for the simple fact it's indeed an "OS" many linux builds are out there with gaming in mind, with this one though is being built up by valve! this will be an OS built by gamer's for Gamer's.

Despite some people not really getting that point. I think this will bode very well with Developer's in the PC industry, and the gaming industry in general. This will be a real net + for Gamer's.

Since this OS is free what would it hurt to put it on a legacy machine and try it out, nothing..i think Gabe and co. will have a very good shot to gather more open source support right from the get go, due to the fact that developer's like Carmack would be more than willing to give this OS a go to see exactly what they can do with one of thier iP's running in such a OS environment.

Wish Gabe luck.

ZoyosJD3885d ago


Recently, linux support has been increasing particularly indies, and the site did state that most AAA titles wil be suporting steamOS natively by next year.


indeed, there have been linux versions built for gaming, but never with the support and backing of valve.

Up til now, linux has been too divided and not exactly average consumer friendly.

It will be interesting to see how well valve can unite the industry. I would love to see steamOS completely replace windows.

May fortune shine upon the gaben nation of steam.

SJPFTW3885d ago

you forgot the bulletpoint where it says its an operating system for your living machine aka TV. do people actually read with article or just the headline ROFL

Ju3884d ago

"Living room machine" ... like a PC you hook up to your TV and work from the couch.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
3-4-53885d ago

So I can be playing Total War, and watching TV & surfing the web all on my TV at the same time ?


SuperLupe3885d ago

Sounds like the Xbox One.

WeAreLegion3884d ago

Sounds like every computer.

lonesoul653885d ago

You are correct. It is an OS. Full blown OS. A Linux OS...which currently lacks a lot of game support. You will see tons of indie games on Linux but AAA games will take a while to join unless Valve plans on investing (billions?) on constantly updating API's to compete with DirectX.

The idea would have been revolutionary 6 years ago.

madpuppy3884d ago

what are you talking about? The Khronos group updates and improves OpenGL on a monthly basis.

The Khronos Group is a not for profit member-funded industry consortium. Members consist of:

Apple Inc.
ARM Holdings
Creative Labs
id Software
Intel Corporation
Oracle/Sun Microsystems
Samsung Electronics
Sony Computer Entertainment
Texas Instruments
and that doesn't include individual contributors.

I'm guessing that Valve can be added to that list in the near future.

And FYI, OpenGL is still the standard to which ALL others are compared to including directX.

So, there won't be any problem "keeping up" with DirectX when 16 large corporations/organizations are all contributing to code improvements and new features on a daily to monthly basis to OpenGL.

lonesoul653884d ago

Fair enough...if this is the case...why is Linux not a a platform of choice? Why aren't all games compatible?

Yukicore3885d ago

I've been dreaming of custom gaming OS for years, really. I never really understood why nobody hadn't raised it up before, it's a big and hard job, yes, but the benefits are phenomenal.

A BIG marketplace for PC games, better PC resource usage, MUCH less or none at all game pirating, graphics as high as how much you invest in the PC that you buy.

Of course it seems too good to be true, the optimization will never reach the console level, and at this point it's hard to tell how much the next-gen consoles will be able to give in comparison to PC's.

hkgamer3884d ago

it takes a whlie. I mean gabe newell has been slagging off windows for a long time to try and cange peoples mind about windows gaming.

It was all basically for this moment, i mean why else would he want to support linux?

It's a big step for linux gamign though. But I never really understood why gamers actually gamed on Linux in the first place.

madpuppy3884d ago

hkgamer: "I never really understood why gamers actually gamed on Linux in the first place."

It's about freedom. man.

Gabe Newell saw that MS was starting to move into building in their own game store into Windows (windows games) and He knew full well when MS enters into a new market the incumbent players software starts to mysteriously not work properly in windows anymore.

So, to circumvent this situation, they got to work getting Linux ready to become a free gaming OS that is not controlled by any specific corporation and do and end run around Microsoft and their semi-legal to completely illegal practices.

Linux has become a great equalizer in the computer industry, everyone has to play fair, which in the long and short run has made Linux quite desirable to support
without fear and having to rely on a competitors platform.

lonesoul653884d ago

Gabe was seeing a market share issue coming with the opening of the windows store. It's funny how everyone thinks the Steam and Gabe are the "good" side of this industry. Did you know they are valued at 4 billion dollars? Did you know the gouging of devs with pricing and sales that goes on at Steam?

I love my steam and what it has done to keep the PC community alive and thriving...but they have practices no better or worse than your hated companies like EA. Hate to say it...a business is a business that is designed for one purpose...to make money. When you reach the kinda size Steam has...you don't get there without being shady and cracking some skulls along the way.

Steam and there new OS isn't really about choice...its about taking another approach to dominating the market. How are you going to feel if HL3 comes out and is SteamOS only?

Regis3885d ago

So what they are saying is that with an HDMI cable I can put my computer game on a monitor bigger then my computer?

SniperControl3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Yeah, I have been doing this for years with my gaming rig. I just bought a 60" tv as well! I have a PS3 controller for it to.

hkgamer3884d ago

You could plug any PC to a TV.

this is basically for someone to buy a PC for living room, install SteamOS and play linux supported games.

You could also access all games from your current library if you turn your PC on and then turn the licing room PC and stream it.

PlayStation_43885d ago

I have no interest in using this on my TV (I have a PS4 for TV gaming), however if I can replace Windows with steamOS I'd be more than happy to

assdan3884d ago

If I can get all the same games on this that I could get on windows, it's an open platform like windows, and I can put it on any computer, I'm going with this next time around.

nypifisel3884d ago

That's the question though, the installbase of Windows is something around 90% is it not? How viable will it be? I like the idea except for the apparently very open nature to your computer, this sounds like a security risk to me - but hey, we'll see!

thisismyaccount3884d ago

Wait what ?! Not a full fledge´d OS ?! What´s the point of this then, i already have an HTPC top notch in the livingroom with my Steam games...

Dont´get it..

SONY!! Release Gaikai for the PC so we can play PS1/2/3 and hopefully PS4 games.

hkgamer3884d ago

this is a gamingOS.
it also allows for in house streaming. so basically made for people to build a very very low budget pc and strea games from their PC.

It's also trying to push for linux, not sure why but I guess its one step closer too the steambox they are trying to release

wsoutlaw873884d ago

ya pc needed this. valve is taking control of pc like its there console and there making pc gaming better

Sarick3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

There is also WineHQ for running game applications over Linux.


If Companies want to support Values SteamOS they'll do their best to ensure a form of wine compatibility. In this fashion games designed for Windows 1st can easily be ported to wine capable systems such as SteamOS.

A lot of people are looking for alternatives to Windows OS. Microsoft keeps trying to reinvent the wheel and it's getting to expensive/problematic for a lot of gamers/developers. It's about time someone took steps create a GAME CHANGER.

ATi_Elite3884d ago


NO more Microsoft to mess up PC Gaming!


ritsuka6663884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Damn, Gabew newell drops the bomb again in gaming market.

AuToFiRE3884d ago

Indeed. Linux itself is a much more efficient OS, to have native support in much more games now.. We will see a huge shift in power in the OS of choice.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
majiebeast3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Meh biggest news is that Valve wants to see Microsoft die faster then ever.

Its just streaming from your pc to the living room. Hardly revolutionary.

The_Villager3885d ago

"Its just streaming from your pc to the living room. Hardly revolutionary."

Eh no, that already exists it's called big picture mode.

They will announce the steam box on wednesday. Stop being such a sony fanboy. Competition is good for the industry.

majiebeast3885d ago

No this is as a pc gamer.

Steam: HolyMajesticBeast

I dont have any use for this steamOS because my pc and tv are in the same room.

I do look forward to seeing a controller for steam because some games are unbearable to play on PC like Assasins Creed.

nirwanda3885d ago

An os based purely on gaming is revolutionary in the pc world, did you not read the bit that said they have made large gains on imput latency and on the gpu and sound side.
Because the ps4 is linux too devs may just choose to make a linux version in parallel with the ps4 instead of paying ms for using dx.

RegorL3885d ago

PS4 is OrbisOS (FreeBSD)


But both are UNIX based operating systems and probably Posix compatible.

PS4 has extra graphics libraries are in two levels one easy to work with and one with very low overhead (if I understand it correctly it is direct to metal for their specific GPU) access to GPU. Valve might be talking to Sony right now...

Ju3884d ago

I doubt Sony will share their tech with Valve - on that level.

And, well, OS4's OS is posix, but it basically ends at the kernel level and low level services - with a custom graphics library (and shader language).

Valve won't customize that far. It most likely runs a kernel and some standard Linux graphics driver which hopefull runs OpenGL directly on the metal (on those drivers) and cuts X-windows out (this would give them a shorter path to the HW - maybe that's the graphics optimization Valve is talking about). They will need driver support from the chip manufacturers to make this happen - but can't be too far from the linux driver model unless they would write custom driver - for all PCs SteamOS supports. Which won't happen.

It's a nice hybrid console. Scaleable to the max - now you can build a multi-$1k console if you like. Or a budget version. But, in general I suppose somewhere between next gen consoles and top end PCs. That's where this belongs.

Big_B0SS3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Can you imagine if going forward all of Valve's game are exclusive to this OS and not consoles and Windows...that would be huge and Half Life fans would have no other option but do use Steam OS to play HL EP3 :).

The Great Melon3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

That's just a transitional feature. What Valve wants to see is the growth of Linux as an option for games. I often debate this with my friends. There really isn't much point in using Windows except for gaming. Most basic software has an equivalent on linux. Heck, most of the scientific and numerical software I often use is built for Linux also. There is little reason to value Windows over Linux.

Thehyph3885d ago

100% agree. +bub
The part that scares me if you debate this with someone is the stance where one is free and one you pay for, so the one you pay for must be better.

ElementX3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

The one you pay for (Windows) has the most software and hardware developer support. I use Windows because it has the games I want to play and I can just plug in hardware and it works.

joeorc3885d ago

@The Great Melon

"That's just a transitional feature. What Valve wants to see is the growth of Linux as an option for games. I often debate this with my friends. There really isn't much point in using Windows except for gaming. Most basic software has an equivalent on linux. Heck, most of the scientific and numerical software I often use is built for Linux also. There is little reason to value Windows over Linux."

Agreement 100%


"The one you pay for (Windows) has the most software and hardware developer support. I use Windows because it has the games I want to play and I can just plug in hardware and it works."

well i can plug all my USB devices from card reader's to PDA's to Printer's into my Ubuntu 13.04 powered PC and they all work. Most of the time with no need for driver downloads.

and with Valve pushing for Linux for gaming as they are now, i would not be so sure that windows OS Api's would be the #1 target for game development is Valve is as invested into this new Gamer OS as they seem to be, this is not something i doubt very much the investors over at Microsoft are taking lightly right now.

It could indeed fail, but when your releasing a Gamer centric OS FOR ALREADY LEGACY and New Hardware to take advantage of the existing hardware in the market. releasing a free OS that's just for gaming being built by a game company as big as Valve this is not something any company will take lightly, you can bank on that.

DeadManIV3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

you can use a ps3 or xbox contoller you know

Stsonic3885d ago

What is wrong with using a PS3 or xbox 360 controller on PC?

majiebeast3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I dont like the 360 controller dont like the button layout, and motion joy for DS3 is almost pure malware that can screw up your pc pretty badly. If i can get like a 40$ steam controller that would be cool if i like the button layout. Best would be pc drivers for the DS4.

gamertk4213885d ago

Playing PC games with a dualshock sounds like pure hell to me.

Ju3884d ago

It's a linux OS, so those drivers will be useless.

But, for the DS3 there is actually a fully compatible XInput driver available under Windows - which works flawlessly. With USB and Bluetotooth.


SilentNegotiator3885d ago

"Its just streaming from your pc to the living room"

It is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT "just streaming"!

Read the article, ffs!

Godmars2903885d ago

Meh. Call me ignorant and uninformed, but if it needs a PC to function, then its largely a streaming device.

That's not going to make it any less popular to PC gamers of families with PC, it all certainly spells trouble for MS who's place in the market has become unsound by their own actions, but none of that changes the fact that we're talking about a streaming service/device.

SilentNegotiator3885d ago

Ok, gladly; You are ignorant and uninformed.

It does not need a PC to function. It runs Linux games natively and only requires a PC to play Windows/MAC games.

Bzone243884d ago

If it doesn't need a pc to function, what do you install steamOS on?

SilentNegotiator3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

It can be installed on any computer, but it is also for their "steambox" that is coming out.

MEANING that it can run games on its own hardware and does not need to stream from a PC.

It is unbelievable that people don't get this. READ THE F***ING ARTICLE.

Bzone243884d ago

You say read the article, but I see no announcement of the steambox anywhere on it. So in just reading this article, steamos needs to be installed on some sort of PC. So a PC is needed as of this article.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
s45gr323885d ago

So is not an improvement to big picture mode?

CheexInk3885d ago

Not sure why you think that. That was a single feature to ensure that you aren't losing out on your Windows/Mac games because as a Linux OS, it can't support them. Presumably you'll be able to run past Linux games on it and it will encourage developers to also develop for Linux in the future.

Stsonic3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I don't see how you think motionjoy is comparable to a virus. The only one bad thing it does is remove the ability to use your bluetooth adapter with anything else, its not going to harm your PC or steal any information from you.

cyguration3885d ago

Nice stealth troll.

No it's not just "streaming from your PC" it's a dedicated OS. You only need to stream games that can't run natively in Linux (DX-exclusive games).

Everything that runs on Linux will run on the SteamOS.

I can almost guarantee you that Valve will announce a huge Linux exclusive to help push the SteamOS/Linux into the living room entertainment space.

Sarick3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

I see this extra competition as a good thing. It humbles the industry to move forward in development and not openly allow exploitation of customers.

When you have a competitive market it opens peoples eyes if they have alternatives. Look at it this way. If competition didn't exist when draconian DR policies where announce do you think costumers would've had as much leverage?

I applaud more open competition in the PC gaming market. If successful it could push more people into open source environments/OSes. To this date Microsoft controls a large portion of the PC OS market. This dominating factor (OS monopoly) limits development support on alternative open source OSes.

If the Steam OS takes off I assume it'll be win win for the gaming and PC community. Why? I have faith developers will be more willing to develop for alternatives if SteamOS gains a substantial following.

Kurt Russell3884d ago

It'd be interesting to see where it goes from here though. As a free OS there is no reason TV's couldn't have it built in.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
ElementX3885d ago

Linux support on Steam is pitiful. A vast majority of games are released on Windows with hardly any on Linux. All you see is Linux users begging developers in the community forums to port to Linux, it's sad.

vazurahan3885d ago

Ain't the purpose of this thing to turn that around?

Mystogan3885d ago

Hardly. It still requires you to have Windows.

zeal0us3885d ago

The purpose of this thing is to stream your games from your PC or Mac to your TV.

It may change a few developers' minds but most big name publishers won't shell out the extra money to make their games Linux compatible.

CheexInk3885d ago


If that were their entire purpose behind it they wouldn't be working on a separate OS and creating hardware that will run that OS. That'd be like completely rebuilding a house to fix a squeaky door.

zeal0us3885d ago

Alright it I'll admit this is not the first time I stuck my foot in my mouth, far as stating the purpose of Steam OS goes.

Regardless the road ahead for this OS/platform won't be an easy one. Valve will have to work to make Steam OS/linux viable platform for major publishers to consider.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3885d ago
forcefullpower3885d ago

But that is the whole point is that gamers want to migrate it's just there was no viable option till now where developers can start creating game. It has to start from somewhere. I currently dual boot but I would love to completely delete windows.

Hopefully break the shackles of direct x. Microsoft made sure opengl is not as good on windows by not allowing full low level integration.

The Great Melon3885d ago

Definitely look forward to dual booting this also. Hopefully this means driver support for linux will begin improving rapidly in the future if this takes off.

dredgewalker3884d ago

Dual booting is the way to go. I remember the old days when I can play a game in DOS and use windows 95 for other things. Games were much faster running on DOS since there were no other applications running on the background. I do hope the Steam OS is purely for playing games where it uses all the pc's resources for gaming.

forcefullpower3881d ago


If you havn't used Linux its a modular system so running other things when you need them only uses those resources at that time.

I just can't wait until I can click on the download Steam OS. I am as giddy as when I saw the PS4 specs. This year is turning out to be awesome for games.

DeadManIV3885d ago

All steam games will be supported on steam OS

Pandamobile3884d ago

Not yet it won't. The whole purpose of the streaming is to make the entire Steam library compatible with Steam OS. Games that run natively on Steam OS are the next step.

ElementX3885d ago

Steam supposedly has over 2000 games and only 300 are available on Linux. That's pitiful.

cyguration3885d ago

Please name me a home console that launched with 300 available games right out of the gate?

I'm begging you.

ElementX3885d ago

We're not talking home consoles. We are talking about a catalog of PC gaming going back years! A lot of these games are older and will never see release on Linux.

Rubberlegs3885d ago

They just started supporting Linux on Steam less then a year ago. Of course there will be a lot of older games that probably ever won't get the support. Most of games in the Steam Linux store are newer games.

starchild3885d ago

Yeah, one of the things that I love so much about PC gaming is that I can have all of my favorite games going back many years all on one machine.

This is going to fragment the market and I'm very doubtful that all developers will jump on the Linux bandwagon.

The other thing is, there are too many music making programs and other programs that I need that don't run on a Linux based operating system.

For these reasons I don't see myself being able to run a purely Linux based system. I will have to build a second PC or dual boot, and both options are a bit of a hassle.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3885d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3881d ago
-Foxtrot3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

Whats with all the "living room" stuff....I mean I'm not a full on PC gamer but I have my PC in my bedroom and I'm guessing I'm not the only one. Either the bedroom or someones "office" room

Well I hope the Steambox is around the corner then, I hope to god it will let us still use physical discs. They have to respect in someway that console users still like physical discs.


Announcement 2 - Steambox

Announcement 3 - Source 2

Thisisjuju3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I really hope you are right about the third announcement. I'm sure if they do announce Source 2 this will be step closer to the announcement of Half lif-

Nevermind, I wont say it.

Drekken3885d ago

Ive been playing my PC on my TV in my living room for years.

s45gr323885d ago

From my knowledge the steambox was nothing more nothing less than the affordable version of Alienware. Since Dell or HP were allowed to make their own steambox version. First is an open platform which means is fully upgradeable like able to change cpu, gpu, etc.........


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Steam’s Refund Policy Change Won’t Affect You Unless You’re A Lowlife

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thorstein16d ago

Should have happened a long time ago. People wanting refunds after 50 hours in game.

fsfsxii15d ago

Pc gamers will take this as an excuse to pirate things

KyRo15d ago

I'm not sure why you're getting disgrees. Whilst not all PC gamers are petty, an awful lot of them are lol

Crows9015d ago

Entirely untrue. Not any more petty than console gamers. The only large difference is console gamers don't have much of a choice.

Michiel198915d ago

Not sure why you're getting agrees. an awful lot of console gamers are overemotional twinks ready to go to war over a plastic box, I'll take being a pc gamer then.

Speaking about overgeneralizing much.

Nooderus15d ago

"X" type of gamer conversations are cringe

qalpha15d ago

Daily reminder that 'TheGamer' is a corporate-generated, anti-gamer, anti-consumer, clickbait web site. They are mostly A.I. generated articles that villainize gamers. They provide nothing positive and actively try to provoke and divide the community through extreme view points and politics. Do not give them any clicks.

Inverno15d ago

Only scumbags? As if people don't play their games on console put in the most amount of hours and return it to GameStop and trade it in for another game. But also how many people are actually do this? And what games have been allowed to be refunded?

DustMan15d ago

You can refund any game you've purchased as long as it hasn't been longer than two weeks, and you've played less than 2 hours. I wish they would change it to 3 hours because some RPG's have so much exposition that you may only get an hour total of complete gameplay. That's my only knock on it. I've refunded plenty of stuff I was just curious to try. I typically stay away from Early Access titles which are the only ones affected by this policy change.

Inverno15d ago

Apparently early access doesn't count, only complete games with a play early preorder bonus.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I definitely know if I want a refund in 2 hours.

SegaSaturn66915d ago

I never liked refunding anything. Even if a film is bad, i dont want my money back. Sometimes things just aren't for me, and it's not the creator's fault necessarily.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I feel you and i have never walked out on a bad movie cause I payed my money. I also don't refund games cause I'm a gamer and I know what to buy lol. I think having a digital refund is great.

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