
Denis Dyack on Shadow of the Eternals, Community Engagement and Eternal Darkness

Nintendo Life - Silicon Knights' Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was hands-down one of the Gamecube's most memorable gems. Its tale of unimaginable death and woe through the ages was all well and good for a horror game in the style of author HP Lovecraft, but the title really carved a name for itself in the annals of gaming history with still-impressive Sanity effects — as characters slowly lost their minds, the game would play tricks that sometimes had players questioning their own mental well-being.

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zeroskie3915d ago

I would love to see this game be released. It's too bad that I don't trust Denis Dyack with an upfront payment.

Even if this game had a regular development and release, I would probably wait for a review before buying due to his involvement.

Tobito3915d ago

If there is an issue you can come to the forums and express it. No one holds anything back and the devs want to hear your concerns and feedback so they can ensure a great game. This is the main reason for the community involvement.

zeroskie3915d ago

Haha, yeah but the problem is I don't trust the "transparency" of the dev team since Dyack is involved. I guess once you lose someone's trust you have to gain it back through some hard work--releasing a couple of great games with no bullshit.

VermithraxPejorative3915d ago

He's in a strictly creative role with the company now. They have a pretty clear vision for the game and they're transparent as heck about it I think the $25 pledge isn't much to ask for what they're offering in return.

wannabe gamer3915d ago

denis dyack lol havent heard of him since that epic flop that was hyped beyond anything ever

VermithraxPejorative3915d ago

It's hard to have a perfect record in games. He's also made a few of my favourite games. I think Denis does his best work when he's in a pure creative role. I'd love to see him back another great game and this one looks good.

MHK3915d ago

It really is an amazing value. 25$ for a full AAA game featuring David Hayter, running on the CryEngine 3. Take one look at the demo and artwork, and you will see how amazingly high quality the game is.

wannabe gamer3915d ago

im sorry but if you buy a game just cause of who the voice actor is then you are doing it wrong. good voice acting counts for an extremely small portion of what makes a good game. it can bring a good game down if its done badly yes, but it will never make a bad game into a good game if its done well.

MHK3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Of course I don't but is a clear sign of the quality that runs through the entire project. Look at the game, then you you can see, from the community created content, to the lore, setting, features, everything. 2500 people are contributing to the game via the forums. 5500+ people have pledged. You should too.

Yattering3915d ago

David Hayter's involvement is just one of the many bells and whistles on this project. Take a look at the KS page, and maybe the forums. Lots of creativity and great people there :)

Yattering3915d ago

I think what's important to note is that the game is drawing on lots of community content to potentially be in the game. Plus, pledging isn't a big gamble through Kickstarter, if they don't fund, you don't get charged!

RAzieL19793915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

When have you heard of David Hayter doing bad voice acting in a game? I haven't.
It's not about who do they have as a voice actor for Shadow Of The Eternals, is what the game will offer, and what its going to offer is a single player 3rd person game just like Eternal Darkness AND the best part here is that the community gets to decide what we want and we don't want in the game.
What other company lets you do that?
Check the site, check the kickstarter page, and you will see that a game like this should have a chance because it can open so many doors for other indie developers to involve their community in creating their vision with their fans.

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Eternal Darkness Remaster: Dennis Dyack Thinks It Would "Resonate" With Fans, Not Opposed to It

An Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem remaster would certainly "resonate with fans," according to director Denis Dyack.

GotGame818384d ago

I have been asking for a remake for Nintendo's next console launch. The sanity system was a very nice touch.

NecrumOddBoy384d ago

This game wouldn’t work with a simple remaster. I think the sanity system needs a full reboot or remake. I think using the console technology, haptic controls, and mimicking other apps would be real cool.

GotGame818383d ago (Edited 383d ago )

I agree. I didn't say remaster, because of that. It needs a remake! The article says remaster, and that just wouldn't work. 🙂✌

excaliburps383d ago

Same. I think it needs an actual remake not a remaster for it to have the full impact.

Anomander383d ago

Agreed, I'm just imagining what they can do from an audio standpoint with earphone's and directorial audio.

XiNatsuDragnel384d ago

Eternal Darkness 3 in the future plz

GotGame818383d ago

Eternal Darkness 3? They would have to make 2 first.

mynameisthumper383d ago

i’m guessing @XiNatsuDragnel is joking, the og game has a trailer for a sequel within it once you reach a certain point to confuse tf out of you lmao

XiNatsuDragnel383d ago

Oh we need 2 first lol you right.

TheEnigma313383d ago

One of the best horror games ever. Nintendo should have capitalized on this. It's still not too late.

DaReapa383d ago

Even not being an owner of a current Nintendo console, I for one would love to see this. Preferably a remake, though.


Interactive Streaming Is a Much More Provocative Opportunity Than Next-Gen, Says Dyack

Denis Dyack, who's currently working on Deadhaus Sonata, said that interactive streaming is a much more provocative opportunity than next-gen consoles, despite their impressive technological leaps.

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RaidenBlack1430d ago

Cool concept.
Well the base game needs to be pretty good for users to be invested in and participate in the interaction.

AK911430d ago

Whatever you Dyack whatever you say.

jznrpg1430d ago

You keep that I’ll go with PS5

rainslacker1430d ago

Anything can be provocative if it's done right. The consoles are just a means to an end, but it's the software on those consoles, hopefully using that technology, that will make it provocative.

Interactive streaming, as it's being talked about here, is an interesting concept, but provocative is not really the right word to use. I'd call it interesting, because it is something kind of new. What I feel however, is that the implementation will likely not be that compelling, as things that are new, usually are very superficial, and if it's not successful, it either dies, or slows down adoption. Asynchronous cloud compute was that thing this gen. Lots of potential. Had a viable proof of concept released by MS(even though people don't recognize this). Failed to impress. Now, no one cares.....even MS. It was irrelevant, and now it's practically forgotten except for what used the same principals before MS decided to make it into a marketing catchphrase.

1429d ago
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Deadhaus Sonata Q&A - Denis Dyack's Quest to Bring Narrative to the Free-to-Play Online Space

Wccftech talked to Denis Dyack to learn how he plans to bring narrative to the F2P online space in Deadhaus Sonata, thanks to Genvid's interactive streaming technology and Amazon's Lumberyard engine and Web Services in the cloud.

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