
Sessler Something Xbox One's Indie Surprise, and is the PS4 RAM Allocation Cause of Concern?

Adam talks about the Xbox One's new look on indie gaming and self-publishing.

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XboxFun3934d ago


So awesome to be a gamer. RAM has become the new Cell.

3934d ago Replies(35)
3934d ago Replies(2)
Fergusonxplainsall3934d ago


You've hit the nail through the coffin on this. Still people will deny it. (Xbox 1 vs PS4)..(DDR3 vs GDDR5)..

I'm going all out on high numbers today.

I do notice PS fans bring out facts as fast as they can while Xbox fans try to cover up or all out LIE about hard facts. A form of denial.

Silly I guess eh?

MRMagoo1233934d ago

Thats the thing the xboners have not facts to bring up, MS dont even know whats going on how could the fans lol.

HammadTheBeast3934d ago

That's why Maria gets so much hate, he brings out the facts, and they sting so much.

rela82me3933d ago

He doesn't really bring out facts, in fact his largest argument seems to be all graphics based. I can argue the fact that Borderlands 2 has terrible graphics but still better than 70% of the trash that is launching on BOTH systems.

If games were just about graphics than CryEngine would be much more successful. What I can argue is that the Xbox brand has, in two iterations, swept up an entire fanbase from Sony. With seemingly inferior hardware each console. I am not saying that the Xbox One will be the most powerful. Strength is only HALF the battle.

If you focus all your power in one area such a strength you lack in other areas as well. I am not defending the titles on the One, but for the sake of argument, lets look at the ps4 launch lineup. Killzone for instance is a BEAUTIFUL looking game. As far as anything that is groundbreaking in gameplay, I am particularly let down. It in all essence is simply a new story, and a boost in graphics. For some that may be okay, why fix what isn't broken. I'll hand it to Infamous, that is the one game I look forward to when I get my PS4. The game overcomes a lot of technical feats but it lacks in my eyes, at least as of now, some creativity.

That leads me to Microsoft and their strategy. They came out of the gate trying to do something different. Albeit it was probably their worst mistake in since their debut in gaming; but they tried. DRM in it's conception is necessary direction for the industry, but their are less restrictive ways to handle this IMO, than the way that MS handled it.

Anyway to make a long rant short; graphics and RAM do not sell systems, it is their support and features. If MS has all the hardware they need to implement the features they believe that people want, than that very well may be enough for most people. I know that some people just want the hardware with higher numbers. Even though Goliath had all the strength, David had the innovation, cunning, willpower,and intelligence to win the battle.

Skizelli3933d ago

I care about games, not specs. But that's just me.

DatNJDom813933d ago

Adam sessler is such a bot...... He is so biased for xbox that its kinda disgraceful.

ohiostatesman3933d ago

Right on Sessler. Glad someone is able to speak the truth.

morganfell3933d ago

The date something was recorded is no excuse for promoting rumors as fact. Particularly so when you are aware of the truth before your story goes to air. His actions are inexcusable. Shame on you dirtbag Sessler. Another journalistic disservice to the gaming community.

A story passed on as gospel without basis in fact is deceptive seven days a week. Date disclaimers do not excuse what was by the time he published the story a known lie.

A professional journalist would have pulled the story entirely for the sake of integrity and proper reporting to the gaming public. But Sessler's ego had to have it's 15 minutes and he let the incorrect information ride. That isn't reporting but rather publicly urinating on gamers seeking facts.

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3934d ago
dedicatedtogamers3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

No, "the infinite power of the Cloud" has become the new "The powah of the Cell".

RAM has well-documented and easily-understandable benefits.

The delicious irony is that many months ago Digital Foundry (you know, the same folks who ran with the now-disproven 4.5 Gigs for gaming rumor) wrote an article "proving" that Playstation Orbis was a more powerful system with 4 Gigs of GDDR5 than Durango was with 8 Gigs of DDR3+eSRAM. You can find the article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

So, even though certainly people were eager to latch onto DF's latest RAM rumor, DF was the same source who "proved" a 4 Gig PS4 would be more powerful than an 8 Gig XBox One. And now that we know PS4 has 8 Gigs of RAM...

Like I said, delicious irony. And for the record, my opinion is that DF's original comparison between Orbis and Durango was garbage, but if you're gonna use someone as your source for "proof" in the CoNsOlE WaRzZ then you have to consider everything else they said, too.

RememberThe3573934d ago

Well said. But we all have to admit this is getting out of hand. Most people who are bringing up all these numbers with RAM and the cloud don't actually know anything about what they're talking about. They have no clue how cloud commuting works or how to use memory. They have no clue how basic coding effects all of this. All i see on these posts are a munch of kids with way too much time on their hands, pretending to know things they clearly don't.

dedicatedtogamers3934d ago

@ Remember

Indeed. What's worse is when people don't even check their sources. Digital Foundry "proved" that a 4 Gig PS4 was more powerful than an 8 Gig Xbox One. I think if fanboys knew that, they wouldn't be so quick to rush to Digital Foundry's defense now that the RAM rumor has been debunked.

ohiostatesman3933d ago

It hasn't been disproven. People keep saying this but nothing has been disproven. Sony only states that there is 1gb flexible ram on top of 4.5 gb. Which doesn't mean a thing.

MRMagoo1233933d ago


But it has been dis-proven actual ps4 devs have said they are using 6gb of ram which proves they arent held back to 4 or 5.5 or whatever the next rumor will be.

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Spoons3934d ago


You put on a convincing facade to some, but it's laughable in my eyes. Even your false sense of confidence can't save you as others, even ps4 fanboys on this website, start to see you as the troll you are... And yes Maria, people prove you wrong all day. You are simply so deluded you cannot see past what you want to see. You are outdone in almost every debate I have ever seen yet, for obvious reasons, you fervently denounce it.

NeoTribe3934d ago

Actually no. While people may be annoyed by him, he has the closest to facts you can get really. Much more so than your typical xbot. He surely is a fanboy, but a very well informed factual one. Your true weakness against him is that your trying to defend an inferior product. Xbots can't seem to post any proof of there consoles superiority because there really isn't anything.

sAVAge_bEaST3934d ago

"every great story needs a superhero",, you joined yesterday,. but like all your accounts,. spin the same web.

why don[t you focus on system updates, games, and other things this site is to be used for, and stop focusing on the people that post.

(you are replaceable.)

BABY-JEDI3933d ago

Though Maria trolls, Maria is good at bringing out the trolls. LoL, something akin to a Troll Magnet
; D

3933d ago
bligmerk3933d ago

Sessler has become a has-been and really needs to go find some other kind of work than just a video game commentator. His palsy is getting worse over time and he might want to look at being just a writer or some other role behind the screen.

Machiavellian3933d ago

Actually Ram is the new battlefront for fanboys to use as weapons against the heathens. You only have to visit this site enough to have read the battle list. After E3 the Sony Fanboys would jump into a thread and list all the advantages that the PS4 had over the X1. First it was that MS spent 3GB and 2 cores for their OS. Next thing you know, we find out that Sony is using 2 to 3GB for their OS and 2 cores for the OS.

Just like any war vet, you hate when you have a reduction in ammunition. This is why we see the lines getting drawn on something that really isn't a big deal to consumers and probably not be a big deal to developers for quite a while.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3933d ago
GribbleGrunger3934d ago

I don't know what it is about Sessler but I sometimes don't trust him. Yeah, we get it, Sessler, you recorded this on Friday (you went to great pains to nail that home) but you still put this out on the 29th ... Too difficult to edit that section out? And the FUD continues, by a complete accident of circumstance of course

DragonKnight3934d ago

I think he does it so that people can't call him out on mistakes. So if someone were to say to him "Sony clarified it, you're an idiot" he can say "hey, when I filmed this, nothing was clarified." And that way he technically avoids a clusterf*ck of hate like he received for his B.S. about the God of War Ascension trophy.

Madam Sessler is definitely a slick one though. He was one of those people who said Sony didn't clarify their used games policy before E3 when they clearly did.

GribbleGrunger3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Believe it or not, I love Sessler. He's articulate and intelligent and digs deeper into gaming than any other journalist out there, but sometimes, just sometimes, a little incident like this crops up to make me doubt him. This was put up on the 29th. Are you telling me that he couldn't delay the video or edit that section out? Someone desperately wants this out there before the facts are presented.

RememberThe3573934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Sess seems to bite too early some times. The God of War thing you mention, that frankly other people blew way out of proportion (ones guys opinion should not set off a fire storm, kids these days, so sensitive), and now this. He should have known better than to just follow this rumor.

But Digital Foundry have been really credible before now. Eurogamer were the ones who leaked the info on Xbone and PS4.

With this one, however, they blew it. Developers have said over and over again that even their updates are wrong. If anything this entire saga has to be blamed on Digital Foundry; they know how much people trust them and they need to be more careful about the information they relay to their readers.

The editing issue the Gribble bring up is valid though, he should have known better. But maybe he knew it would bring a little more attention pissing off overly sensitive fanboys (they're never misinformed /s).

dedicatedtogamers3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

I think Sessler is just getting accustomed to the new "status quo" in gaming journalism (i.e. Xbox One bad, Ps4 good). He spent nearly a decade playing his games predominantly on Xbox 360 (something he openly admits) and he spent the two months from the Xbox One reveal up until the policy reversal taking a very "let's wait and see" attitude for Microsoft yet jumping the gun on any and every negative Sony rumor. This was the guy who said PS4 was "pretty much the same price as Xbox One due to the camera and PS+", making no effort to a) mention the cost of Xbox Live Gold and b) mention that PS+ and the camera in particular are optional, not mandatory.

Not that I agree with the "status quo". I don't think there should be a status quo in journalism. It was dumb when 360 got a free pass while PS3 was constantly berated, and it's going to be stupid when Xbox One gets mocked for dumb reasons while PS4 gets endlessly praised. But as I've said months ago, Xbox One is the new media whipping boy. Some journalists (Sessler) are simply taking a bit longer than others to get the memo.

(and for one final time, I'm not saying that attitude is right. I'm just pointing out that attitude exists).

TheStorm3934d ago

See I love the hell out of Sessler and have since Gamespot TV. But I'm not going to lie, since February with the PS4 reveal it's been pretty clear he's being biased. He said he was not that impressed at the February event for the PS4. Then did the as you said "wait and see". Then when the X1 showed off it stuff at a terrible event, he defended it saying "It's not that bad people are over reacting!"

Then he would jump on any negative of the PS4 but glide over the X1 facts. Then he jumps on "fanboys" saying they are biased yadda yadda. Also ya when he said they were basically the same price, and yet he lambasted the hell out of the PS3 for all these flaws the X1 did.

I think it's pretty clear he's upset MS has fallen from the grace it was once at last generation, and just does not want to face facts. I thought he was above all this crap, but now he just seems to be digging himself into a deeper hole. I've tried calling him out on it as along time fan, but he just ignores it.

RememberThe3573934d ago

Can't really argue that. I try to defend Sess more than most because I feel like his analytical way of talking about games changes whole conversations sometimes. His voice is needed.

But he cannot deny his bias (he does), not when presented with his own history. He wants people to give the Xbone a chance but he doesn't really care about the PS4. If your going to support one support the other, Xbone owners and PS4 owners alike are going to look to him for guidance on what they should buy. If he's more likely, by bias, to recommend the Xbone his viewers need to know that.

He needs to either face the reality of his bias or he's going to be torn apart by fanboys who feel his not giving their system a fair shake. That, or he can just not be bias. You know, like a professional.

TheStorm3934d ago

Ya, also I found it funny during the worst of the X1's coming out party, he made a video just saying "Don't buy any next gen." It's almost like he was saying buy the X1 or none of them.

I've just been very disappointed with what he has been saying. He's almost trying to be "hipster" like and defend the console that is being more attacked by the media, but he was one of the ones attacking the hell out of Sony with the PS3 for the same things. I remember earlier last year he said something like if Sony does a high price again they are screwed. So they don't....and MS does and he now acts like it's not a big deal.

I mean he's such a smart guy, but his emotions are running deep with this, he clearly is letting his ego/bias get in the way of this one. He needs to wake up to that fact. I'm not saying he should bash one or the other, just stay objective then. But he always seems to backhand the PS4 when ever he can, or downplay it, and tell people to give the X1 a chance. And him making up lies like "The PS4 is pretty much the same price with the camera/Plus" When I was thinking the same thing dedicated was...was "Ummm you don't need the stupid camera and....you have to pay for Xbox Live too...and it still costs more." To me he could not be that daft, so I just see it is bias.

Come on Adam if you are reading this, knock it off, it's clear what you are doing.

Crystallis3933d ago

I've noticed that as well with Sessler. I still think hes one of the best but hes clearly shows favor for MS and the xbox.

dendenmooshi3933d ago

Like people have been saying Sessler just has some clear bias.

"The policy must've been worked on for a while; it's not something you can just flip the switch on."

yeah, okay.

I don't mind it that much though. The worst part are just the shills jumping on these topics to push more towards their favor. *Looks at the top of these comments*

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BABY-JEDI3933d ago

Don't be surprised if a lot more media presenters start adding their own version of events to the XBone & Ps4 fan wars for hits & sensationalism.

Funky Town_TX3934d ago

What's all the talk about Indie games. Name one great game made by an Indie dev? I'm serious maybe I played one. It's also funny how 5 gigs is okay now instead of 7 gigs.

mattdillahunty3934d ago

Journey, Braid, Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Flower, Trine 1&2, Amnesia, Super Stardust, Faster Than Light, The Binding of Isaac, Fez, Bastion, VVVVVV, Orcs Must Die....

hell, even Day Z and Minecraft started out indie.

there have been so many unique and phenomenal indie games this gen that it's hard to keep track of them all. indie developers have a lot more freedom (and thus more creativity) to make whatever they want, so there are a lot of gems out there.

and on top of all that, they're usually $5-20 in price.

Fireseed3934d ago

Skulls of the Shogun
Joe Danger
Zeno Clash
Don't Starve

Just to name a few...

Funky Town_TX3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

I played the LIMBO demo and it was cool. I still need to get that game. I like how all xbox live arcade games had a demo for the game. I hope xbox one and PS4 both do this.

I loved Trials. I purchased both games HD and Evolution.

specialguest3934d ago

PixelJunk Monsters. Love that game and wishes there was a sequel.

XboxFun3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

You wanna play some great indie games go play Hotline Miami, Gun Monkeys, Night of the Rabbit!

And yes 5 gigs is ok! I mean why wouldn't 5 gigs be okay? It's not like 5 gigs is too small right?

GribbleGrunger3934d ago

Something tells me your reply alert is going to very active.

MysticStrummer3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

"What's all the talk about Indie games. Name one great game made by an Indie dev? I'm serious maybe I played one. It's also funny how 5 gigs is okay now instead of 7 gigs."

Two indie games were legitimate Game of the Year candidates last year, and both won that award from at least a few places, so indies should get more attention next gen. I can't wait to see what devs can come up with on the new hardware.

Even 4GB of GDDR5 is better for games than 8GB DDR3+32MB ESRAM, so yeah 5GB is ok too.

badkolo3934d ago

your delusional , gddr5 is not meant for gaming, i think you will all get a rude wake up call when you realise the ps4 is not going to produce better gfx then the x1

MysticStrummer3934d ago

@badkolo - Google "GDDR5 vs DDR3 for gaming" and do some reading.

JP13693934d ago

I guess Nvidia and AMD are just as clueless, since their graphics cards all use GDDR5. Your level of ignorance is astonishing.

MRMagoo1233934d ago

just ignore badkolo he is like foxgod and a few others ...completely clueless but like to pretend they know what they are talking about, but the ppl that do know what they are talking about can see how stupid they really are within seconds of reading there nonsensical comments.

For you badkolo, gddr ram is made for gaming it is made with high bandwidth to be able to push big textures as fast as possible.

Sevir3934d ago

Lmaooo.... You think they Run Crysis 3 or Battlefield 4 off DDR3 on the PC... The Graphics cards running Battlefield 4 when it was unveiled was a AMD 7990 HD, which sport 6GB of GDDR5... Have a seat F***in you air head ----> _/ ... You haven't the slightest clue of which you speak..

Reverent3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

@badkolo, are you kidding me? GDDR5 is not for gaming? It's literally designed for gaming. God, there really needs to be an "ignorant" debubble option.

This may be cliche of me to say... But never go full retard.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3934d ago
ALLWRONG3933d ago

@Funky Town_TX stop playing COD once in a while and look at the indie section.

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mrmarx3934d ago

seesler looks like the elves on skyrim lol..

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Adam Sessler on Game Reviews, New Games Media, and X-Play

On this week's episode, former co-host of G4’s X-Play and the current president of TheoryHead, Adam Sessler, joins host Josiah Renaudin to talk about the new games media landscape. They cover modern game reviews, how we talk about games, the importance of sites like Waypoint, how X-Play was done from episode to episode, the brilliance of Horizon: Zero Dawn's design, and what Adam's up to now.

Read Full Story >>

i prefer extended play and tech tv haha.

OldGuyStillGaming2561d ago

F this clown
He ruined God of War Acension because he's easily offended and sucked at playing it so they had to dumb it down for his sappy ass.

TheUndertaker852561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )


Sony Santa Monica develops the game while Sony publishes.

If it was dumbed down it was by those two parties. Stating that they changed the game due to one individual is asinine as either

1) Sony Santa Monica and Sony then gave into the supposed demands of one individual and altered the game
2) Sony Santa Monica and Sony dumbed down the game based on their own opinion
Or 3) Sony Santa Monica and Sony wanted to push multiplayer with God of War Ascension then dumbed down the game to get individuals into the multiplayer with the micro transactions they introduced with the same title.

Either way it didn't come down to Sessler. He wasn't directly creating the game, publishing the game, or even involved outside of critique.🙂

Lionheart3772561d ago

That's not how video game development works, dude.

Fullmetalevolust2561d ago

I don't think his sphere of influence can impact a game and its development. However, he has made some statements I do not agree with but it doesn't take away that Xplay was fun to watch. They'd both shit on JRPG's almost every time and I'd shrug and still play them, lol.

dirkdady2560d ago

Actually if Adam did a mock review for Sony it could have heavily influenced aspects of the game.

Mock review for those that don't know is when a publisher hires a game critic to do a mock review for internal use/feedback only. It gives them a sense for how it will review upon release.

TheUndertaker852560d ago

@dirkdady: For them to want a mock review they'd had to have doubts with the product. Further for them to change aspects of the game comes down to Sony & Sony Santa Monica. They wouldn't do so unless they thought the feedback was valid.

Even still Sony & Sony Santa Monica would be involved in a green light. Not Sessler, again.

rainslacker2560d ago

Huh? Only thing I recall getting changed because of him was the name of a trophy.

Hardly something that would ruin the game as a whole. They didn't even remove the trophy....just renamed it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2560d ago
Pantz2561d ago

Hope they are together at E3 again. It warms my heart.

TheOttomatic912561d ago

I've never been a personal fan of Adam Sessler but hearing his insights about game industry (or specifically in being a gaming journalist) is quite interesting.

medman2561d ago

X-play and Aots all day every day.

fenome2561d ago

I used to watch both those shows all the freaking time. I lost a lot of respect for Sessler after some of his ridiculous rants though. God Of War was the first wtf seriously moment, and then the whole backing out of the industry because of the share button thing was just the icing on the cake.

OoglyBoogly2561d ago

His review of Bioshock Infinite did it for me. He talked about that mediocre game play experience like it was the greatest game he had ever played. Didn't make sense to me honestly.

TheUndertaker852561d ago

@OoglyBoogly: Yes, god forbid someone enjoys Bioshock while you don't.

fenome2561d ago

He literally just started contradicting himself and having little meltdowns toward the end, it would almost be funny if it wasn't kind of sad. Like I said, I used to watch X-Play all the time back in the day.

I'd post links just to show you what I'm talking about but my phone is ghetto and it's not worth the effort. Just look it up, it's not hard to find, he started slipping bad.

rainslacker2560d ago (Edited 2560d ago )

I lost complete respect for him the day he was at some E3 post conference show completely drunk off his ass, barely coherent, and just cynical as all hell. Claimed he had a cold, and was on cold medicine, even though he was fine early that day, and the next day seemed like he was not sick at all.

I've only enjoyed about half of the content he ever was a part of, and I did enjoy when he did interviews, because he was always fair, and even pushed hard on some questions at times, but his reviews either seemed shilled or extremely biased.

After that though he just started thinking his own opinion on how the industry should behave made him intolerable. Particularly his rant about not getting free stuff from the console markers. It's like the guy went off his meds, and all you ended up seeing what the bat-sh*t crazy side that just makes you uncomfortable to watch or be around.

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Segata2561d ago

Aos was trash. Screen Savers was better. Extended Play stomps X-plays crappy skits with interns and lame jokes.

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Exclusive New Friday The 13th Game Interview On Spawn On Me Podcast

It’s a spooky, scary time of the year in Brookago! So it’s a no better time
to bring back our newest minister, Adam Sessler! Adam has so many great
things going on, and we get right into to it. Between his new movie
Lumberjack Man and his excitement about the kickstarter/upcoming video
game, Friday the 13th, The Sess is everywhere! What would a show with Adam,
Kahlief, Cicero and Shareef be if there wasn’t a ridiculous amount of
hilarity? Enjoy episode 82 of the Spawn On Me Podcast!


Adam Sessler, Jessica Villareal and Jeff Cannata discuss the biggest stories out of E3 2015

Adam Sessler, Jeff Cannata, and Jessica Villareal sit down to discuss the latest trends and biggest news coming out of E3 2015. See what they have to say about the show’s hottest games, including Uncharted 4 and Halo 5: Guardians, as well as their thoughts on the impending arrival of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality headsets that could change the way we game forever.