
Microsoft Officially Disputes Kinect-Less Xbox One Report

Microsoft to Game Front: "We have no plans to introduce an Xbox One without Kinect. We believe in Kinect and the value it brings to both games and entertainment, and believe $499 is a great value for what consumers receive with their Xbox One.”

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Mr_Nuts3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

Hope it's true

Was it that hard to listen to what most gamers actually want. I find it a little funny how they would be going back on everything they revealed the Xbox One to be. If they had done a DRM-Kinect-less console in the first place they wouldn't have such a huge s*** storm on their hands.

Abash3938d ago

Thats a shame they're not actually doing it, the Xbox One would appeal to way more people at a cheaper price and without forced Kinect

darthv723938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

it can still appeal at a cheaper price but kinect still comes with it.

for many, price is the only factor and those that cant get it at the initial price will likely get one when it gets cheaper. Price is an obstruction and when you remove the obstruction then there is no more excuse to hold out.

Unless there was no desire to begin with.

edit: its easy to say now that you "dont want to use" because we dont have it yet. The implementation and how it integrates is something that needs to be experienced before we decide.

It will be better than the existing kinect and the existing kinect isnt that bad to begin with so I am optimistic that it will be better received and supported.

Mr_Nuts3938d ago


Not really because in most peoples eyes your still paying for something in the box which you don't want to use. Everytime the price comes down you'll still be thinking in the back of your head

"This could of been even cheaper without Kinect"

xHeavYx3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

From the article
UPDATE: We received a comment denying this story from a Microsoft spokesperson. Here’s the quote:

“We have no plans to introduce an Xbox One without Kinect. We believe in Kinect and the value it brings to both games and entertainment, and believe $499 is a great value for what consumers receive with their Xbox One.”

nukeitall3938d ago

It would be a terrible shame if revolutionary technology was ignored by developers if it didn't have the proper push and adoption by consumers.

MS keeping Kinect standard and included in every box is the right decision.

If you are so against Kinect, don't buy an Xbox One and buy a PS4. Don't turn my Xbox One into an suped up PS3!

I want to see what Kinect can do!!!

abzdine3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

When they realize that their console isn't selling due to the high price they'll think twice. But they're definitely unsure about what they want.
Soon they'll say exactly opposite off what they just said like they said digital and always connected is the future.

To be continued...

MysticStrummer3938d ago

"It would be a terrible shame if revolutionary technology was ignored by developers if it didn't have the proper push and adoption by consumers."

It wouldn't be the first time tech died because of consumer apathy, but I don't see how Kinect is revolutionary tech since a lot of what Kinect does is already doable with other products. That includes using voice and gestures to control devices and making Skype calls on your TV. Those things will be standard in new smart TVs before long, and there are already devices that allow gesture control without a camera, which does away with PRISM related concerns.

GamerzElite3938d ago

They already invested so much money on R&D, If they do so then investors wont be happy.

malokevi3938d ago

Kinect is part of the package. It is not a forced peripheral, its an essential component. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves and spinning BS.

Lets hope morons let this issue lie sooner rather than later. Though, if they haven't gotten the message by now, they probably never will.

darthv723938d ago

abzdine...digital and always connected are the future. Even sony knows that. anytime you see sony talk about the PS4 they touch just a bit on the offline part but they focus more on the online part.

they know a connected console is the direction they see the industry going. People want to whoop and hollar at being offline when sony doesnt want people to do that. its there but how many will really buy a ps4...an internet enabled device...just to sit offline?

the percentage will be extremely low. Given the success of the ps3 online the ps4 is pretty much counting on it being the online successor and drive home the idea of being online is where its at.

As far as digital goes...we have been digital for many years now. It is just the evolution of convenience and distribution. will there be a much higher DD presence this gen than last? Absolutely. will people really care about the increased number of Day 1 digital? Absolutely. will it be a negative response? not in the least.

There is more benefit to the DD this gen than previous. that convenience is something that will not be overlooked this time around.

AngelicIceDiamond3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

Nope, Kinect now, not later. We already know what happens when they introduced Kinect later in the gen before, and it wasn't pretty.

I think people need to quit wining and deal with Kinect being in there. MS will have the ability to market the entire premise of the console.

Instead of separating the market as well as its fanbase.

People complain now but in a year or two they'll get over it, trust me.

Mr_Nuts3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )


Thats your solution..."get over it"


No wonder companies treat us like crap when people like you just tell us to deal with it. Like Adam Orth Junior.

dc13938d ago

@ darthv72
"As far as digital goes...we have been digital for many years now. It is just the evolution of convenience and distribution."

While the above is true; It's also true that MS did not have to mandate that future.

The mandate was the problem. It's far better to let natural consumer progression take place. I personally only buy digital music.. but could still pick up a CD if I really wanted to.

We can agree on this :)

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33938d ago

It's crazy people are complaining about something that come with the console that would more than likely would be more if sold separate. Besides the fact that the console is built from the ground up to include the device just like the normal controller, it cost's $400 for the windows version of Kinect 2.0.

mewhy323938d ago

I agree with Abash. I would be much more interested in the xbone if I wasn't forced to take the kinect spy camera and they reduced the price to 349.99. I mean without the camera and with weaker specs 349.99 would be a fair price.

ShwankyShpanky3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )


"Kinect is part of the package. It is not a forced peripheral, its an essential component."

Please explain how it is an "essential component" if the UI can still be navigated and 99% of games can still be played with Kinect's functionality completely disabled (but not unplugged). If the console can still be used without Kinect functionality, then by definition it is not "an essential component."

malokevi3938d ago


...because it needs to be there for the console to work? lol...

Darth Gamer3938d ago

bull s#it, the Kinect is the biggest defining difference between the XBOX ONE and the PS4. If MS was to take that away, it would be the biggest mistake to date.

awi59513938d ago

Thats stupid everyone shut up they have to go all in or developers will not use it. See how much developers used the PS3 controller for motion control, yeah they didnt because it was half assed.

Ben123938d ago

once everyone sees the advantages of having Kinect you will all want xbox one.

pompombrum3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

^^^ - said no one ever.

There, finished your sentence off for you.

Rhythmattic3937d ago

Maybe MS should meet consumers half way.... Make the One usable without an attached Kinnect? At least it's there if a game requires it....

Would certainly comfort people concerned about the privacy issues.

The_Con-Sept3937d ago

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hah *croak.

I just died laughing.

Seriously though forcing kinect down peoples throats as a box in, then the next thing you know every game will require its use. Then people will revolt about it online. Then they will launch a kinect-less bundle with another 180. Man the corporate adbox 180 is in a serious tail spin.

badz1493937d ago


keep pushing for it and maybe they will listen. the DRM is no more, now self-publishing is in place...who's to say that there won't be kinect-free Xbone later?

JokesOnYou3937d ago

So sonyfanboys with a history of trolling xbox want a X1 without kinect, yeah sure OK, fortunately it ain't happening.

pompombrum3937d ago


Are you joining on the "only sony fanboys hate on Xbox" bandwagon? No matter how many times you or anyone else tries to play down the scale of the Xbox hate, it doesn't change the fact there are a good number of Xbox 360 owners and former Xbox fanboys who have no interest in Kinect what so ever and most likely won't be buying an Xbox One on launch because of that/higher price.

JokesOnYou3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Your proof? nah, you got nothing to go on, you're just here to troll another Kinect thread.

Unlike you heres my logic based on what I see + understanding human behavior + reasonable assumptions, n4g is the test sample, I don't know every xbox or sony fan on n4g but I've been a member here long enough to know the vast majority. A quick count of lets just say the last 10 kinect related threads and I cant find more than one member who has been mostly a supporter of xbox or clearly unbiased history who wants kinect removed from X1. As for 99% of those who have clearly been negative about anything xbox/micro related its no question they have been and continue to be negatively biased towards kinect. So therefore understanding this and knowing they have a history of trolling 360 its quite obvious this is more hate, and its laughable for them to even pretend suddenly they want a X1 without kinect, basically nothings changed. Nobody, not even sonyfanboys believe that sonyfanboys want a X1 without kinect, you and I know sonyfanboys don't want an X1 period, its rhetoric to hide your jealousy for fear somebody might enjoy something different than the ps4.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
Aceman183938d ago

Wasn't going to buy one anyway, but if they did decide to do a kinect less bundle I might have considered a look into one. Oh well.

Kurt Russell3937d ago

Kinect is the only reason I have am buying the PS4 over it. I don't like the idea of having a camera on me all the time. I am not worried about what it means for gaming, I am just a bit 1984 paranoid.

Now DRM is gone, the other elements of the console, including its game line up looks pretty good.

Aceman183937d ago


The lineup looks good only game that has my interest is Quantum Break the others not so much, but I can see it does for others.

Microsoft has to prove to me that they can provide me with a variety of exclusives that would make me want to spend my money on it.

As for kinect I don't care about and since its mandatory looks like there won't be one in my apt for the foreseeable future.

Kurt Russell3936d ago

Yeah games are subjective, different strokes for different folks ;)

Personally the two games I want most are multiplat. BF4 and the Division. So I am happy to get them on a PS4.

LoveOfTheGame3938d ago

If they made a DRM-Kinect-less console they would have a slightly weaker PS4.

Might just be me, but I rather enjoy innovation and having options.

SilentGuard3938d ago

Options? Like half the Xbox fan base that wants the option to have a Kinect-less Xbox One?

T23938d ago

there is no innovation, only intrusion. its for advertising, all the other supposed innovation from kinect has either been tried already or can already be done by any smart device... smart tv, smart remotes.
It is a waste of money and I am not getting a kinect. I would consider an xbone, but not with kinect.

JamieL3937d ago

@ SilentGuard & joecanada
I don't know how you two can be so matter-of-fact about what the One will do and be. I have to say at this point "I" feel MS is trying a lot more "new" stuff than Sony is. I feel Sony is really just releasing the 360 2. I have no idea how MS's plan will work out, and to be honest Sony is taking a proven successful strategy this gen, so I am defiantly not saying the XBone will "win" or anything like that, but as far as trying new stuff I feel MS is leading in that category. I am going to do the same thing I do every gen anyway and getting all of them so I can play anything.

TheTwelve3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

If Microsoft did a DRM-Kinect-less console, it would just be a wannabe PS4, without the worldwide clout that Sony has.

Knowing that both consoles were going to launch around the same time this gen, they have to try to appear different and better.


P.S. Exactly as the post above me says, haha

iceman063938d ago

I fully agree with this. MS would really only have non-gaming features to compete with PS4 and that would not be attractive to the core gaming audience. That being said, if sales aren't up to par at some point, I expect that MS will probably release a Kinect-less console anyway.

AngelicIceDiamond3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

@Nuts What? GTFO what are you talking about? What's it to you don't plan on buying the console anyway? You know what happened when MS introduced Kinect later on the gen?

too many Kinect games (kid games) shovelware, Kinect only ads, Exclusive Kinect features and Kinect only E3's with skittles and Usher.

Sony fans would want MS to have Kinect separate so they do those things again. Alienate the core fanbase and say "Xbox has no games, just casual Kinect crap", yeah nice try.

Its logical for Kinect to be in the system and get the whole package. Plus MS is using Kinect in Battlefield 4, Witcher 3 and Cod Ghost. As its first party games. "Better With Kinect"

Your getting the whole package, instead half the console and half the features Kinect is apart of the console You understand?

Of course you don't. I'll play my PS4 and use its features accordingly, and Use my X1 and use its features accordingly.

That's my logic which seems reasonable and makes sense.

How bout you just buy 2 PS4's instead? Because that's what your asking.

BTW Quit wasting your time and pretending you know what's best for the console and pretending you know the solution and problems it may have, when you clearly have no interest in it at all.

@Root So that's what you do these days hmm. How bout you and get life a little little guy?

How bout that.

Root3938d ago Show
awi59513937d ago

Silly comment for a pro sony SDF site.

NeoTribe3937d ago

We've already seen kinect in action this gen. It was a horrible broken mess. Nobody used it. Even when it worked. What makes you think people all of a sudden have an interest in jumping and frailing around a camera again? What makes you think its gonna actually work like they say it will? They released BROKEN unplayable kinect games....

PS3PWNSALL3938d ago

I find it funny how Sony Apologists think no one likes the Kinect. MS sold over 10million of those things. Of course people like it and the Kinect 2 will be way better than the first one.

T23938d ago

so 11.5 percent of xbox gamers which represent about 1/3 of overall system sales = 3.8 percent of consoles are running a kinect, and that is being generous.
a resounding success!! /s

also you don't know if kinect will be way better on xbone, its just as likely multiplats wont waste their time. but i do know it will make all those dashboard ads so great!!

rainslacker3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

A lot of people brought the Kinect on the hope that it would bring something amazing to gaming. Number was actually closer to 20 million. A lot of people were disappointed.

I saw little in the way of Kinect being liked on forums since the first one released. It wasn't until it became a console war talking point that i see people welcoming it with open arms.

I know a lot of people are saying, "We want to see what it can do. It will finally deliver what Kinect should have been". I just wonder what makes them believe that of a motion control input device, particularly since I haven't seen any game that is truly defining a next gen experience with Kinect 2. It was noticeably absent from their E3 presentation.

I see way too many people touting Kinect 2 without a single shred of evidence to it's abilities for gaming. Not a single video or representation on how it will improve game play. Too many people are going on blind optimism, instead of being more reflective of the past and asking for actual proof to Kinect 2's worth for games.

I guess the best argument I can make is...I remember the Milo demo. Cool stuff that was never realized. I've yet to have anyone really give me an adequete reason why Kinect 2 will be able to deliver where motion control has failed to live up to expectations in the past. The only thing I see is that it's so much more advanced. Throwing more power at a flawed gaming input technology(in a home console sense) is not going to rectify the development issues that keep motion control gaming from being a powerhouse worthy of praise. At most motion control is good for certain types of games, and most of those games aren't the kinds of games that I'd imagine most people on here play with frequency.

Kinect 2 is a gimmick through and through. Same as the WiiMote. But hey, at least it's better than the first one.

NeoTribe3937d ago

Dude, everyone bought it falling into the hype and realized it sucks. All my friends bought it because microsoft promised the moon. To this day none of them use it because it was horrible. Quit acting like it was a good feature. You fanboys defend the dumbest shit. If you told me move sucked, I'd gladly agree with you. The fanboy is strong in this one.

JokesOnYou3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@PS3PWNSALL WRONG, actually it sold 24mil as of Feb 2013, hey just a quick fact check would be helpful before you throw out numbers.

@joecanada I guess you have to re-do your numbers, while your at it lets see the breakdown of move sales that count each individual move controller, despite you needing multiple controllers in a household unless you always game alone???

rainslacker the problem with your analysis is you haven't spent anytime with the new Kinect and all your assumptions are based on limits of the first, meanwhile countless professionals who have had hands on with the device have almost unanimously come away impressed how much improved the tech is and are very interested to see where micro/devs will take it. hmmm, already X1 owners will benefit day 1 with not only exclusive launch games like Forza 5, DR3 and Ryse using Kinect but also Battlefied 4 and COD Ghosts versions are confirmed to have optional Kinect support. You say meh, but devs say cool lets give gamers options. Its nice to have extra options in games, that's only because Kinect is included.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3937d ago
Gamer19823938d ago

They will do it when Ps4 outsells them and they need to drop the price plus sticking it in the box early on forces devs to put it in games and then will hope to entice gamers later down the line and it won't be £100 like it was when bundled with the console it will be a lot more.

SilentGuard3938d ago

Also, when MS realizes that developers are not going to implement Kinect in real meaningfull ways becuase that would make the game an Xbox exclusive. No way developers are going to design games with Kinect in mind making it a console exclusive when PS4 ends up selling more consoles due to a cheaper price.

N83938d ago

That is a fact and if you don't understand that your crazy. If Sony kicks ass they will release whatever sku they can to compete. That's why they dropped DRM

kewlkat0073938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

"We have no plans to introduce an Xbox One without Kinect. We believe in Kinect and the value it brings to both games and entertainment, and believe $499 is a great value for what consumers receive with their Xbox One.”

I fell the same way...

This is not the Xbox 360 where there was fragmentation with and add-on product. This is the way it should be.

Value, Creativity and Implementation will be automatically added to every Xbox One. Those waiting for a Kinect-less Xbox One can buy a 360, PS 2,3,4 , ipad...etc

The Kinect gives the Xbox one a different identity in terms of value, then the PS4; which is mostly a spec upgrade (although good one) from the PS3 with a crippled Eyetoy from launch.

HugoDrax3938d ago

Well said! Without KINECT 2, in my opinion there would be no point in owning both next gen consoles. Instead, I have both day one consoles pre ordered, and just received a call from GameStop informing me that all trade ins towards my PS4/XB1 console would have an extra 50% tacked on. Now I just need to figure out what to trade in hahaha! Maybe my Wii U console? or I'll just hold on to it for Mario Kart and Smash Bros : -)

omi25p3937d ago

You realize they will be losing money with each console sold. The kinect alone costs around £250 so you cant be telling me a new console costs £200 with a controller ect.

3937d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
NYC_Gamer3938d ago

X1 is built with Kinect in mind to ensure developers would make use of every feature

darthv723938d ago

yeah, i dont see it forced if it was built for it to begin with. It is needed to complete the package and make it work.

Removing the kinect would be akin to removing the engine from a car. You could probably sit in it and get some friends to push you around town but it isnt the same as actually driving the car the way it was meant to be driven.

devwan3938d ago

For me it's more like removing the fluffy dice from the mirror - something superfluous and laughably irritating.

nukeitall3938d ago

Kinect is the competitive advantage and the differentiator from PS4. Removing Kinect from Xbox One would make the Xbox One just another PS4 with a different skin on the user interface.

Don't compete on price alone, compete on awesomeness!!!

Once consumers starts seeing the Kinect One in action, they will be wowed and compelled to buy it.

Campy da Camper3938d ago

I see it as them selling a car that has the car drive itself. Rather than turn the radio yourself you have to ask the car to do it. I've got my own issues with ms but there are games they will have that I'd like to play. I don't care about a price drop, I don't even care if kinect comes bundled with every system...just don't make it a requirement for me to have it on to play a sp game.

I never use voice activation software. I don't ever want to wave my hand to throw a grenade and I sure as hell don't want an always on camera looking at me. Don't care about NSA but I do care some hacker will figure out a way to hack my system via WiFi and be able to check to see if my apartment is empty.

I don't see how not having kinect is an issue with devs. Unless they are going to make games that require you to use the kinect features and in that case its just a shame.

One controller. Headphones. No body heat reading and a dark room with my LED TV. Is that so much to ask for?

Patrick3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

@ nukeitall

Let me know when the awesomeness gets added to kinect.. cause from what they have shown it can actually do, its only awesome if you like games that play for you or like playing with animals named after rainbow colored candy. I'll wait till the reality catches up to the promise.

"Once consumers starts seeing the Kinect One in action, they will be wowed and compelled to buy it."

Tell that to Star wars, Harry potter and Milo Kinect. We have heard this promise before. How much disappointment can MS push on you?

NeoTribe3937d ago

Nuketaik, you seriously can't be a real. You have to be some bot microsoft programmed to praise xbox all over the internet. Even xbox loyalist don't believe kinect is great. Especially as great as you make it seem. EVEN if kinect worked how it was suppost to, its still a retarded gimmick. People don't wanna scream or flail there arms in front of there tvs. Its as simple as that. Your praising simple voice commands as if that's next gen. Your typical gamer just wants to sit down with a remote and that's it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
devwan3938d ago

@NYC_Gamer It wasn't "built with Kinect in mind to ensure developers would make use of every feature"...

It is part of the system therefore developers know it's always there, whether they can be bothered making any use of it is up to them.

zeal0us3938d ago

Every feature, "Better with Kinect" now your super duper game has voice commands!!!!!!!!!!!

JamieL3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

I'll tell you what, it may be a complete joke to you, but it's become invaluable to me. I lost the use of my right arm in a motorcycle accident about 2 years ago. I had a custom controller built so I could still play, but in Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 the voice commands helped me out greatly. I know this is a very specific case, but if it helps 1 other person in this capacity, I'm all for it. For me it was definitely "Better with Kinect", and this is something I couldn’t get on PS3. I’m glad MS doesn’t listen to folks like you.

zeal0us3937d ago

Sorry about your situation but honestly I don't think most developers care about disable or injured people far as game input goes. Voice commands has been around a long time. The question I keep asking myself why didn't more developers implement voice commands over headset/microphone?

The last thing I want to see is Microsoft and other developers trying to justify Kinect by using disable gamers like yourself as a scapegoat. Given that when one look at the past they didn't care too much to start with.

JamieL3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

That's not my point, and to be honest I don't even consider myself "disabled", but your comment mocked the fact the "super duper game has voice commands!!!!!!!!!!!", like it was stupid and didn't work, or have any real function in a game. They do, not having to switch out your shouts and being able to do each one by saying a word in Skyrim does make the game "Better with Kinect" in my opinion, and you say it like it's not true. I've used it and I think it does make the game better, so I guess we just agree to disagree. I really don't know why you just focused on my handicap and your grim view of MS, maybe you’re just a negative person in general, but thanks for that.

zeal0us3937d ago

Well regardless of what you think of me,I hope your future with the Xbox One(if you're planning on buying one) be a good one.

Now back to cleaning up my house for my family reunion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3937d ago
ShwankyShpanky3938d ago

"X1 is built with Kinect in mind to ensure advertisers have a treasure trove of market data."


"Removing Kinect from Xbox One and upgrading their RAM, GPU, and memory & power management, and adding Remote Play would make the Xbox One just another PS4 with a different skin on the user interface."

Also fixed.

Hicken3937d ago

It doesn't ensure anything, as far as games are concerned. Just like Sixaxis being in every PS3 controller, devs can treat it like it doesn't even exist, even though it's a built-in part of the system.

I dunno where you guys keep getting the idea that just because Kinect will be in EVERY box, developers are more likely to make use of it.

Use it for what? Something that can be done as well or better with a controller? Something that can be done as easily- and coded for more easily- with a headset?

The applications for Kinect in gaming are severely limited, and there are other devices that do even those jobs better.

So why would developers waste time and money making a feature work for Kinect if they don't have to?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
xReDeMpTiOnx3938d ago

Ehhh I don't know how I feel about it but it don't matter I'm not getting one come launch.

Playing the waiting game

JamieL3937d ago

Very sensible comment. I wish more on both sides would have this attitude. We have no idea how this stuff will play out. I think we have a much clearer understanding of what the PS4 will do, and I don't think that’s a completely good thing. Sony is Sony though, and we can feel pretty confident that it will have a ton of great games.
That's what Sony does, and they are very good at it. Given the current stat of the company as a whole, and the hard time they had with the PS3, they almost have to take a safer approach this gen, because I don't know that Sony could handle losing the same amount of the market they lost this gen. MS has a little more wiggle room in this regard.
Without a doubt MS has some serious proving of concept to do, but let’s at least see what happens before we crucify them.

xReDeMpTiOnx3937d ago

Yeah man I wish people would stop this fan boy crap and just play good games for good games.

Bubbles for you man.

Very well said

BattleTorn3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

Huh. Perhaps they truly don't. (which is too bad)

Otherwise they would've stuck to their usually "we don't comment on rumor or speculation"
----------------------------- ----

Off-topic: Here's a Kinect feature that I would actually be very interested in seeing come to life.

They said they can do full 3D renders of people to make in-game avatars, as well as being able to make avatars smile/frown when the player does.

So, I'd love to see a (co-op) game have facial expressions. A game, maybe like L4D or something, where you can see your friends in-game character looking frightened, or excited, or even laughing when he is. They could do off of the actual expression of the player, or predict the emotions off the heartrate. (the latter could be tricky)

Anyways, I just thought it could be funny to literally see the look on your buddies face as he flees from a horde of zombies, or ect.

OC_MurphysLaw3938d ago

NO... just no. Stop with the ideas of splitting your base up. Put Kinect in the box to all who buy. Let your devs know they can count on it being there...you will see far better efforts using kinect if its part of the ecosystem and not just available for some.

MrBeatdown3937d ago

Why is splitting up the base such a problem now? It's never been a burden on other Xbox features.

Features that only Gold subscribers could use have done fine, if not exceedingly well, despite only having a pool of customers that amounts to 20+ million.

I don't see anyone insisting Microsoft give away multiplayer access so devs can "count on it being there".

But for some reason, the exact opposite approach needs to be taken for Kinect... It needs to be included for developers to care.

The funny thing is, with "only" 20+ million customers, multiplayer is doing just fine, yet with just as big of an install base, Kinect on 360 hasn't amounted to anything more than games and features that are forgettable at best. Hell, the original Xbox didn't even sell much better than 20+ million, or any faster than Kinect, yet that had no trouble garnering support.

We've got two instances of widespread Xbox support with 20+ million users. Yet for some reason, when Kinect, 20+ million is a problem. Developers can't be bothered to give a crap, as if they've got some fantastic ideas tucked away that aren't worth attempting if only 20+ million can use it.

It's a little ridiculous that customers have to buy something before even Microsoft can come up with compelling software for it. It's one big KickStarter campaign... pay for promises, and hope you get something down the line.

rainslacker3937d ago

Leave it in the box, and allow people the option to not attach it. Solves that problem.

Then we could complain that we don't want to pay for something that we don't want to use, but yeah, it's a no win situation on the forums either way.

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Microsoft Survey Asks About Handheld

A new survey from Microsoft has further hinted at the possibility of an Xbox handheld being in development.

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EasilyTheBest5d ago

This is definitely happening, I just hope they have 2 versions one with a much bigger screen.

GamerRN4d ago

I'll be happy with this, and a PC console hybrid that rivals anything we have power wise

Number1TailzFan4d ago

The problem with bigger devices is playing them on your side in bed, Vita and before that was fine. Since the Switch you gotta have a gooseneck holder & controllers detached so you can lie down holding them, or your arm will quickly get tired.

1Victor4d ago

@thesofware: “A much bigger screen than what?”
A gaming laptop 🤷🏿🤣

Kosic4d ago

Than the screen originally planned...duh... :D

darthv724d ago

it kinda already did... https://www.xbox.com/en-US/...

They are just gauging interest in one of their own.

crazyCoconuts3d ago

A Xbox version of Logitech G-Cloud?
I mean, why bother? Not like the G cloud is flying off shelves and what would Xbox add to make it better?
They're surely not going to create bespoke architecture here and there are already a few Windows handhelds out there. I have little confidence in their ability to put together an attractive UI in the way Steam did. So I doubt anything will come from this.

KicksnSnares5d ago

Day One buy for me if they'll make a dedicated handheld device.

darthv724d ago

i have that logitech g-cloud. Its a sweet little piece of kit. I like that it can also install games from the play store unlike the other android based handheld.

mudakoshaka4d ago

It sure is! Don't understand why you get the down-votes. Whoever does not like the G Cloud must have been dropped down a well, head first, when they were of a younger age.

PassNextquestion4d ago

I wonder if Microsoft will perform better in Japan if they do actually make a handheld since everyone says handheld and mobile are king over there.

TiredGamer4d ago

This looks like the future of the game industry... all three platforms with a handheld option.

I wonder if the Playstation Portal is a technology test-bed/prototype for a future Playstation handheld?

rlow14d ago (Edited 4d ago )

It’s a possibility but I can’t help but think would that be the best way to go about it? Though it would give you data on how much it is used and game type. It’s still not a true portable device and so people approach it differently. I think that data on phones, tablets, and of course the competition would give a better indication.

But I really think if Sony is considering a new PSP that could play ps5 games, now would be the time to dive in. Honestly, if they do this, it would be huge.

Traecy4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Doubt if Sony PS wants to support a new handheld with first party games. Something they lacked with the Vita. What they should do is have a handheld that is like the PS Portal which can play all games but play those games on the go as well as at home. Something like that is a better investment.

TiredGamer4d ago

Agreed that you will probably never see a separate line of games specifically for the handheld (a la PSP or PSVita). The modern economics and expectations of game development make that cost prohibitive. What makes more sense is if the full-fat game on PS5 or PS6 has a special "handheld" profile that is automatically optimized for the lower spec handheld. There would be some significant compromises compared to the bigger console variant, but it would be the same game overall and would only require a single purchase.... somewhat what the Switch does with a lower resolution when playing handheld versus docked.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9

- Xbox Wire - Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct airs June 9. More info inside.

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bionicstar5d ago

Will they show Fable 4, Stalker 2, GoW 6 & Perfect Dark?

PhillyDonJawn5d ago

Crossing fingers for Fable and perfect dark. And State of Decay 3

RaidenBlack4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

And maybe Clockwork Revolution, South of Midnight, Contraband, Project 007 & OD? lol
and whatever happened to Everwild ?
+ that rumored Wu Tang RPG

Sonic18814d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Will they have official release dates and gameplay?

anast5d ago

Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming.

5d ago
Lightning775d ago

It's an Xbox showcase that they have every year.

Make smarter comments for once.

anast4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Tell me what a smarter comment is.

If they don't sell game pass the entire time, then I will be wrong. All of this can be proven once the show gets underway. Let's wait and see.

InUrFoxHole4d ago

Anything you didn't type. Good day sir!

5d ago
5d ago
4d ago
4d ago Replies(1)
Lightning774d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Wow too easy.

You went from MS going all streaming to selling gamepass content in which we all know they are.

Which one is it?

Pretty clear you don't know what a smart comment is at least you admit you don't know.

4d ago
anast4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

"Another game pass event with their plans to go all streaming."

It's both. I would worry about your own intelligence at this point. It seems that there is not enough to go around for you to worry about how smart other people are.

Lightning774d ago

It's just a regular event announcing games. Nice one captain obvious they're gonna mention gp stuff like they do every year what else is new.

The all streaming part is just you, being you I guess. They have streaming options but going all streaming again is just you pulling stuff outta thin air.

anast4d ago

You don't know what a smart comment is or isn't. You're welcome for the help.

Lightning774d ago

No you said something dumb then you tried to back track and mention GP.

Again make smart comments for once.

anast4d ago

And we have broken record syndrome.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
darthv725d ago

Wonder if they will address the handheld rumors....?

jimb0j0nes5d ago

For a brief moment I thought we might get a whole Direct for Gears 6 - seems like it's COD though!

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Microsoft’s Surface and Xbox hardware revenues take a big hit in Q3

Microsoft just posted the third quarter of its 2024 fiscal financial results. The software maker made $61.9 billion in revenue and a net income of $21.9 billion during Q3. Revenue is up 17 percent, and net income has increased by 20 percent.

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darthv729d ago

Xbox content + services up 62% while hardware down 31%... seems about right with the way they tout you don't need the hardware to play. People can play on their phones or smart tv or other means. I don't hardly play on my consoles directly since getting devices like the logitech g-cloud and ps portal. Which is to also say I have been playing more digital than physical because of these devices.

solideagle9d ago

you should apply in MS PR team buddy, I think you will do a great job in my humble opinion :)

Sonic18819d ago

I thought darthv72 and Obscure_Observer already work for Microsoft 🤔

dveio9d ago

MS: "Xbox services and content without AB up 1%, with AB up 62%. Hardware down 31%. In total a loss of 350 mill."

darthv72: "Seems about right."

MS: "Excuse m ..."

darthv72: "I don't hardly play on my consoles directly."


Lightning779d ago

What he said was facts. How he plays games is no concern of you. Don't get too mad about it.

Cacabunga9d ago

I can tell people like you are an absolute minority..

If service is up means their fans and fanboys accepted this model and subscribed to it. The near future you will see a big decline because the service is saturated.

darthv728d ago

to you it may seem like the minority... but your bubble is shrinking because more and more are following suit. convenience is a hell of a drug and its also why physical sales only amount to 30% of overall game sales. times are changing, you either get with them or you get left behind.

neutralgamer19928d ago


30% physical sales: yet Phil and xbox division are in a rush go give up on that 30%. they don't have any right to give up any piece of the pie since the control such a little of the pie to begin with

also, the market is clearly speaking that the model Xbox is pushing isn't working right now the keyword being right now. you are right about freedom to play anywhere so i hope they put their games on steam

shinoff21839d ago

But that's been ms for years. When things aren't going their way they try to change the way things are said. For instance console sales are down, they stop telling how many sold instead telling us how many hours spent in halo or headshots. So it makes sense console sales down just say people are playing on more devices then previous. What they won't say is how many xbox players jumped ship to ps5.

Cacabunga9d ago

Hardware sales are so bad that Sony and Nintendo are blowing the sales off the water with their hardware.

If Xbox are losers, others aren’t..
Xbox already tried everything with Xbox live then subscriptions went down so much that they had to find something else. Their fans subscribed then reached saturation rather quickly.

Hardware and exclusive games is where it’s at! Keep gamers excited, announce decent software and people will support you

itsmebryan9d ago

Well keep it simple Sony 's operating income is down 26% and Microsoft's is up 32%. No MS spin there, just facts. 😉

S2Killinit8d ago

MS is after diminishing consoles as a medium. They want to destroy this market because they couldnt win. MS’s vision is to dissolve console gaming.

romulus239d ago

Odd that a company that touts you dont need the hardware to play is already touting another console in the works.

darthv729d ago

They are not reliant on the HW but still want to maintain a presence (no matter how small) is a good thing. It shows commitment to the craft. It reminds me of SNK and how they made games for their own hardware (Neo Geo) while also making them for others because they knew there was a market to do so. They knew they would sell more to others but also sell to their own niche fan base.

TheEroica8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Perfectly reasonable post down voted by insecure corporation friendly folk.... But not gamers. Real gamer want accessibility and ease of acquisition for all.... Company shills are the only ones still telling us that hardware locking people from games is good for us.

Chevalier8d ago


You should stop parroting metrics like an idiot without context.

"Xbox content and services revenue grew 62% in Q3 from a year earlier, “driven by 61 points of net impact” from the purchase of the third-party video game giant, Microsoft said."

61 of the 62% was from their merger so net increase is ONLY 1%


itsmebryan8d ago


It looks like made a great purchase. Much better then Sony buying Bungie. 😉

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
purple1019d ago

Xbox hardware revenue tanks to lowest point of Xbox Series generation

Profchaos9d ago

I'm not surprised surface is struggling they aren't relevant anymore

DOMination-9d ago

In the last two years they've started exiting the consumer market altogether. All of the newest Surface products are business models only. They can't seem to work out what they want to do with it.

XBManiac9d ago

Too expensive hardware when others offer the same or more for less? Good work, Green Team.

SimpleDad9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

"Despite some early successes for Xbox games on rival platforms, Xbox hardware is down by a massive 31 percent this quarter."
"Without Activision Blizzard, Microsoft’s overall gaming revenue would have actually declined this quarter."
"Xbox content and services would have only been up a single percent without Activision Blizzard..."
"It looks like next quarter is going to be a similar story for gaming at Microsoft, too."

That is crazy... so A/B/K is carrying the whole Xbox gaming.
Oh and Microsoft will be fine. Windows, Office and Cloud are growing with each pc purchase.

purple1019d ago

Activision: "we gonna need a bigger rucksack/backpack please"

Microsoft: "why's that"

Activision: "to carry yo' weak ass'

Profchaos9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Top brass have also wanted to start seeing returns on the 100 billion they have put into various Xbox related moves so seeing more multiplatform games is highly likely especially from abk

It's basically saying that PlayStation is the reason Xbox is afloat right now thinks to Ps5 versions of COD

Kornholic9d ago

So basically PS and PC gamers' money is keeping Xbox on life support.

MrDead9d ago

The only growth MS will get out of the console industry is if it supports it's rivals platforms. Xbox is a pointless machine now. I can see them on a big push for live next, and they won't give up on trying to buy Steam.

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