
PC Gaming Is So Dead That 63% Of American Gamers Game on PC, Beating Smartphones and Handhelds

A newly released study indicates that PC gaming isn't nearly as dead as many believe.

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NYC_Gamer3952d ago

PC gaming is apart of western culture and always will live

zeal0us3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

It's part of Eastern culture as well. Just look at where some MMOs come from. South Korea, China, Japan

Aery3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I play everything on every platform.

Nice for me and nice for everybody who enjoy the games.

Winter47th3952d ago

I play Battlefield 3 on my PC & PS3. Diversity is good.

miyamoto3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I love my PC (typing on it right now)

I use and play on my PC everyday specially Console Emulators!

from NES to PS2

So yeah I am a certified PC gamer and no way PC gaming will be dead.

starchild3952d ago

Totally agree with the sentiment, Aery.

I can't own every platform due to time and budget limitations, but I do game on the PC, PS3, 360 and soon a Vita.

I also plan to get a PS4 when it releases. Maybe an Xbox One down the line. And of course continue gaming on my PC. It's all about the gaming.

kreate3952d ago

Its becuz u can download games for free.

HammadTheBeast3952d ago

LoL has more players than the number of all current generation console sales combined.

zeal0us3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

So LoL has over a estimate of 251 million players?

LoL has over 30million register accounts and over 11 million players playing each month.

While I will admit LoL is a huge and well known game however it does not have more players than all current gen consoles sales combined.

shoddy3952d ago

I only care about great games not what I play it on.

pixelsword3952d ago

Good to hear; I'm on the fence about upgrading my PC instead of going to another console this time around because of all of the pay to play, but we'll wait and see if the two more powerful consoles will relinquish on their insanity before their console comes out.

slayorofgods3952d ago

The idea that pc's are dying off / going to die off soon due to tablet devices and handhelds has been one of the biggest miscalculations by a lot of companies.

Sure the times are changing with these new devices and (yawn) cloud gaming, but look at the specs of a current pc and what exactly it can do (for a much cheaper price than the olden days).

Zuperman3952d ago

I bet this study was taken on INTERNET GAMING, not on actual GAMING PC.

Just about everybody has a computer at home, but honestly I don't know anybody that would drop a few thousand of dollars on a gaming PC.

douevenlift3952d ago

It depends on what you define as "gaming" as this can mean people playing solitaire on their PC at work, or Farmville on Facebook.

awi59513952d ago

Well since you can get a ati 7850 2gb for 150 now you can make a gamng pc pretty cheap now. I tested one before i sold it even with my old slow 6 core cpu it ran Bf3 on high at 60 fps a 1080p. 300 dollars for to of these cards in crossfire would be beastly a very cheap upgrade for someone.

ravinash3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

PC sales has been going down because of the sale of tablets....But thats for using things like checking your email and browsing the internet from your sofa.
While you can game on your tablet, it's just not the same as gaming on a PC, so for people who consider them selves gamers will always go for a PC over a tablet because it's such a richer expereance.
Tablets are great for casual games, but thats about it.

1Victor3951d ago

Hey how about north and south I'm sure they play as well, shame on you

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3951d ago
joe903952d ago

I mainly game on the PC. some PS3 and Wii, never played a game on my phone or tablet though.

sourav933952d ago

My main platform is my ps3, as I started gaming with consoles, and that my PC isn't of the highest end spectrum. Though I still play quite a few games on PC, and I LOVE Steam sales! Just got me The Witcher 2 for £3.74! Phone/tablet? Only when I'm on the crapper.

Anthotis3952d ago

I like my PC, and i'm glad that things are doing well as far as PC gaming goes.

Drekken3952d ago

I've been doing most of my gaming on my PC lately. The PS3 is just so slow compared to PC and as of late is it really showing. I'm so ready for next gen.

GamingTruth3952d ago

and pc has yet to run any ps3 exclusives so so much for pc power so til pc can run any ps3 exclusives better than ps3 its not "showing" anything

oof463952d ago

@GamingTruth: Your comment is so wrong that it hurts my head.

ALLWRONG3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

.............^^^ remove that

Nafon3952d ago

Same with me, except 360 instead of PS3. I leave my xbox in a duffel bag for when i play with friends. Battlefield and Halo nights with a bunch of friends and TVs in the same room are the only things keeping me from putting the xbox in a.. box lol... that and GTA V! extremely excited for that!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3952d ago
hakesterman3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Yeah the poll includes pc gamers that play cards like Solitaire, tile games, Yahtzee, Chess and what not. If you counted just hard core games like Doom,COD,Bioshock, Need for speed and those type of games i bet PC gaming only counts for 15 percent or less of the market. Most Retail computers can't play much except real basic games.

jairusmonillas3952d ago

Are you still living in 2003?

decrypt3952d ago

Retail computers now come equipped with HD 3000, HD 4000 GPUs integrated on the CPU. Those GPUs can easily do graphics that rival current consoles so...

blackmagic3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

And it includes people that play wii sports on their kids nintendo during family get togethers. What's your point?

sourav933952d ago

Retail PCs, if with an Intel HD video card, can run games such as Battlefield 3, Skyrim, CoD, GTA IV, etc, albeit at the lowest settings, but still at a playable framerate. And with the new generation of Intel CPUs, comes the Intel HD 5000 range, which have increased graphics capabilities. AMD offers their integrated solutions which can be crossfired with a dedicated card (laptop) and they run games just fine. So please, for the sake of humanity, stop talking out of your ass.

Nafon3952d ago

Lol at your list of "hard core games"

aquamala3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

just look at EA's financial statement, here's their revenue the last 4 quarters by platform, in millions

X360: 292 204 277 379
PS3: 267 150 289 404
PC: 276 214 186 252

see how EA actually made more revenue on PC than PS3 in 2 of the last 4 quarters?


Ilwrath3951d ago

brb... Doom tourney this week.

starchild3951d ago

Nope. Do you think a game centered organization like ESA wants to know about people playing free little solitaire games on their email PCs?

No, they polled gamers to ask them what platforms they game on. I doubt a gamer is going to say they game on the PC if all they do is play is solitaire and minesweeper.

The PC alone generated 20 billion in 2012. That's far more than any single console.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3951d ago
Donnieboi3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Not trying to diss PC's, but I wonder what percentage of these so-called "gamers" on PC are playing ACTUAL HARDCORE games. I mean, not including facebook, google games, free-to-play browser games.

I want to know what percent are playing hardcore games. Or even disc games (not to exclude digital though), steam, have real gaming rigs, etc.

Let's not inflate numbers here. I would like a closer approximation that doesn't take into account the vast majority of casual puzzle game players and those playing f2p games solely to kill time. How many people are actually BUYING games.

bangshi3952d ago

Yeah this will mostly be playing Farmville on Facebook.

sourav933952d ago

Well, it this current day and age, you don't need to have "real gaming rigs" to actually enjoy hardcore games. My dell inspiron laptop easily maxed out Skyrim at around 45-60fps, and at 30fps with graphics mods on. I can run games like Alan Wake, BF3, Far Cry 3, Crysis 1/2/3, Batman, The Witcher 2, etc, all at decent settings at a playable framerate. So there are quite a few "non-gaming PC" owners out there who play hardcore games on their PC.

About the question of people actually buying games, the real hardcore ones buy it instantly, and since the games are cheaper than their console counterparts, that's no problem. Others wait for them to go on sale e.g. Steam Summer Sale that's going on now. Bioshock Infinite was only £17 (70% discount). I bought the Witcher 2 for less than £4. So that's no problem either.
Yes there are some people who pirate their games, but nowadays with the amounts of restrictions on games to control piracy, it's almost not worth the 20GB torrent download.

Nafon3952d ago

Well, when comparing PC gaming to smartphone and tablet gaming, it's pretty safe to include those types of games lol. If you were only going to compare console and PC, then the numbers would be inflated on the pc side, since people don't play facebook games and solitaire on consoles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3952d ago
RedHawkX3952d ago

then why do consoles still get more sales for games? look at gta, cod, mario etc these games destroy pc's in sells guess pc gamers arent buying games.

Testfire3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Look at Donnieboi's comment above. N4G PC elites like to think that the vast majority of PC gaming sales is from the hardcore gaming crowd. It's not, it's the total opposite. The vast majority of gaming sales comes from the PC gaming casual market like POGO, Facebook, Big Fish, etc. I'm not dissing it because I too play casual PC games, heck I have a steam account and a bunch of casual games on it. Don't let the PC elitists make you think different, they're too delusional and the worst of the worst fanboys (no, fanboys not all equally bad, PC elitists are the worst.)

3952d ago
oof463952d ago

We'll never be able to make a fair comparison because Steam, Origin and other online distributors do not make their financials public.

GDDR6_20143951d ago

This is just so wrong, EA makes more money on PC than ps3 or x360 in q2 2013

Diablo 3 sold 12 million copies, only games that sold more than that on consoles are CODs

WoW has 8 million subscribers, paying Blizzard every month

Companies don't release digital sales figures but you can look at the financial reports . Easily 10-30% of game companies revenue are from PC, sure not as much as consoles but the difference is not as much as you claim

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3951d ago
ssj273952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

so now facebook games do count has gaming on a PC? lol :p
"don't hate the player hate the game"

ninavoljic3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

PC games will continue to thrive thanks to steam, dota, dota 2, LOL, minecraft and yes, you can also include Diablo 3 there.

Heartnet3952d ago

I could say i constantly play on PC but i could also be meaning i pirate everything on PC...

Thats why they say its dying as the profit you get on a PC versus other platforms is huge.

starchild3951d ago

Bzz wrong!

The PC alone generated 20 billion dollars in 2012, which is more than any single console.

To put that in perspective, the entire gaming industry in 2013 is worth 80 billion, and that includes consoles, PCs, tablets, handhelds, phones and any other gaming device.

Also, the following pie chart shows that the PC generated 30% of the total gaming revenue in the US (and that is excluding casual game portals and social network games), while all consoles and handhelds combine generated only 43%.

This means that the revenue generated by the PC far outstrips any single console and begins to approach the combined revenue for all consoles.

Heartnet3949d ago


"any single console"

Yes but there a 3 consoles for you to release a game on therefor trebling ur profit

3952d ago
Doctor_Freeman3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I think Steam had a major role in helping PC stay alive. Some of the best deals in gaming can be had on PC/Steam RIGHT NOW.

Summer Sale is the shiz.

sorane3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )


Actually you're wrong. LoL has over 32 million different accounts a month(with over 70 million accounts registered) and over 11 million play a day. They just had over 5 million players on at once. They play over 1 billion hours a month. To put that in perspective Halo has only been played 2 billion hours since 2004.


MazzingerZ3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

Never gamed on PC more than Another World, Monkey Island and a couple more...discovered the convinence of consoles since PONG, Coleco, etc. and never needed more, lots of great games there...recall having a blast with the mattels fotboll, baseball, etc as well but handhelds felt always a downgraded experience until PSV showed up, good ther are options but at my age it's easier to justify gaming on TV than in front of a PC just because one alreasdy sits enough in front of PC for other daily stuff...just my personal case

darkziosj3952d ago

but how much of them actually buy the games?

ChrisW3952d ago

"Steam Summer Sale!!!"

That's why the percentage is so high!

3952d ago
Anon19743951d ago

It's be interested to see a breakdown of what these PC gamers are playing. Previous research has indicated that the rise in PC gaming we've seen the past few years has been the direct result of the popularity of games like Farmville and the rise of free to play versus core gamers playing big budget titles such as Battlefield. I wonder what the actual numbers behind that 63% look like?

PurpHerbison3951d ago

BF3 on PS3 AND PC?? What a chore.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3949d ago
Snookies123952d ago

I'm a PC gamer through and through. Though I love consoles as well for their exclusive games and ease of use. :]

Abriael3952d ago

Me too, though 99% of the times when a title is on PC I'll get it on PC, steam and customizability for the win.

Snookies123952d ago

Mods are the ONE thing I wish consoles suported... They can make games infinitely better. I liked that Unreal Tournament 3 had some mod support on the console version. I just wish more games would do that...

Abriael3952d ago

@Snookies12: My pipe dream: Cerny comes out and say "with PS4 we're going to make an effort to support user created content" :D

Ogygian3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

It'd be very hard to get mods on consoles to the same degree as they are on PC's without actually turning the console into a living room PC in the process. I suppose highly rated mods could be checked and transferred, but smaller creations are too variable in quality.
Not only that, but mod makers game on the PC and so create mods for their platform. If porting a mod to consoles requires any amount of work, I doubt it'll happen.
Having said that, it might be worth watching what Valve do with their steambox, seeing as there's a high likelihood of the steam workshop being integrated.

iamnsuperman3952d ago

I don't want to be that guy but the Entertainment Software Association seem to do a study focused on core gamers (i don't see your average mobile gamer doing a survey like this/ look at the members list)

Anyway. I play on both console and PC. I only have a laptop but I use it to play indie games. There small and cheap. I use my console for the more expensive games

Abriael3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

i'm not so sure about that. The ESA includes all kind of gaming publishers, that work a lot on mobile gaming too, so I'm quite confident they try to get a rather balanced polling pool.

All those WoW and LoL players must be somewhere after all.

BattleAxe3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

I started gaming on PC around 3 years ago, and now instead of buying a PS4, I've decided that the PC will be my platform of choice for the next generation. I'll still have my PS3 for the odd console exclusive, and to use as a Blu-Ray player, but otherwise its full STEAM ahead next generation. So far I think Titanfall is the game that I'm most looking forward to playing next generation, despite the fact that it will be Origin exclusive.

Saksoy3952d ago

I actually decided to move from console gaming to PC gaming for the next generation.

Benjammin253952d ago

I think both console and PC gaming are important. I love playing on my gaming laptop, especially around this time of year. But sometimes you just want to chill on your sofa and consoles are great for that. Also, missing console exclusives like TLOU should be considered a crime.

hakesterman3952d ago

Your going to miss out on alot of Games because than 30 to 40 percent of the Console games won't go to PC and the ones that do will be 3 months to a year later.

RedHawkX3952d ago

yep like gta5 and others and consoles actually gettnig more exclusives this new gen then ever before. no last of us, pikmin 3 etc for you guys. pc gameing is not supposed to be the only platform you game on same with just having one console. you do a combo and of different consoles. the console you can exclude from ever getting is the xbox one though. it has less exclusives and most its games are on pc like titanfall. sony, nintendo, pc, and handhelds is what you game on.

BattleAxe3952d ago (Edited 3952d ago )

It doesn't matter to me if the PC versions of games get released 3 months or a year later, and here's why I say that... There are so many games coming out these days that firstly, I don't have time to play them all when the come out, and secondly I don't want to pay $60.00 for every game that comes out.

I just bought BF3 Premium Edition on Origin for $15.00 USD, and I just bought Borderlands 2 with all of the DLC on STEAM for $20.38 USD. I can tell you that I haven't missed out on anything except paying higher prices, especially since lots of people are still playing these games everyday.

decrypt3952d ago

"Your going to miss out on alot of Games because than 30 to 40 percent"

Not really, 90% games released are multiplats, those make it to all platforms. Its not just the PC that gets late games, werent Mass effect, bioshock series late to the PS3?

Also its the next consoles that launch with no games. I was recently playing Mortal Kombat on the PC, tell me can next consoles play that game?

can the next consoles play tf2? or can they play portal? or maybe a resident evil game(and i mean a real resident evil game like part 4?)

So there you go PC just has too many games, consoles will have to build a library from scratch.

MadLad3952d ago

You have so much insider knowledge.
Only fifteen percent is hardcore gaming.
Thirty to forty percent of games won't make it to PC and oh so many of them will be late arrivals.

Seriously, you should be getting paid for all of this information.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3952d ago
SkyGamer3952d ago

Right on brotha... Who cares about nexgen when it is laptop specs that have been out for 2 years? 7970mobile... I will be happy with my outdated system....

640 GB WD Caviar Black SATA3
1.5 TB WD Green SATA2
2 TB WD Green SATA2
Hexacore at 3.33, 3.8 Turbo
GTX570 Superclocked
16 GB Ripjaw DDR3-1600
Asus Sli mobo
Antec 902

GamingTruth3952d ago

yet ps4 exclusive graphics cant be replicated on any pcs oh well

just-joe3952d ago

Just bought my last 2 part for my gaming PC. I may get a PS4 down the line but for now, I'm coming over to PC and Wii U for the occasional first party game.

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MrTrololo3952d ago

PC Gaming won't died as long as Steam exist. People who play game on smartphone are not hardcore gamer at all

Heartnet3952d ago

so what? whats ur definition of hardcore gamer btw? plays games alot? spends alot of money on games?

Android and IOS gamers can both do this hell some people spend thousands of pounds on a single game so they can compete in the online community...

And it wont die but it will get less and less focused on for Triple A titles as piracy is such a big thing on PC.

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LucasRuinedChildhood11h ago

Hopefully they won't have any trouble delivering 60fps on consoles then.