
How the Broken AAA Games Model Still Isn’t Ready for Next-Gen

Fans are continually looking for the latest and the greatest from their big budget games, causing the cost of development to increase to never before seen heights and even leading to the death of beloved studios.

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TrendyGamers3956d ago

It's why we're seeing so many cross gen games.

Foolsjoker3956d ago

My money is on Destiny being the game that needs 10 million units sold. I don't think anyone else would consider trying to push that many units, and it needs to be something current gen and next-gen.

adorie3955d ago

It looks like a spiritual successor to Borderlands, Bungie style. Loved the first 3 Halo's. So I'm hoping some of that past experience shows up, in refined form with Destiny.

Godmars2903955d ago (Edited 3955d ago )

Could just as well as be Titanfall. Know Destiny's the even more ambitious project but the other's being held as just as much of a game changer.

Still, broken game model is broken.

BitbyDeath3955d ago

The game is Ryse, it has been in development for 7 years and changed directions multiple times since.

mav8053955d ago

Destiny was my guess as well.

Aclay3955d ago

I was thinking Watch Dogs was the game just based on how Ubisoft has several studios working on a single Assassin's Creed game that span hundreds and hundreds of people-- I wouldn't be surprised if Watch Dogs has been handled almost the same way.

Watch Dogs has been in development since 2009 (before Bungie released Halo Reach), and the game seems to be the next big thing from Ubi since the first Assassin's Creed, and probably have a ton invested in it.

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Derekvinyard133955d ago

I think it looks great but I'm not to sure about 10 million being sold, gonna need a lot of backing from halo fans which is good cause the fan base is still huge

dbjj120883956d ago

I think we'll see more subscription model attempts, more DLC, more downloadable side-projects....

Games as we know them are dead.

Foolsjoker3956d ago

There is already a slew of F2P games hitting the PS4, so I could see that being a major shift in the console market - much like it was on the PC.

ftwrthtx3956d ago

Totally agree. The F2P model is the wave of the future.

Timesplitter143955d ago

Games as we know them will live on through indie games

Trago13373955d ago

Budgets for AAA games are too damn high. If you budget and market your game accordingly with realistic expectations, you'll be fine.

Look at Dark Souls, that game had a smaller budget and loot at how well it sold.

Publishers need to stop blowing their loads.

Timesplitter143955d ago

Especially for next gen since the install base will initially be very small

Derekvinyard133955d ago

But what about games like GTA and fallout where it takes longer then the average release? I heard gta 4 and 5 cost about 100 million to make, I feel it's worth it sometimes with the crazy amount of work these developers do

jdaboss3955d ago

They have installed fan bases..

ZeekQuattro3955d ago

The 7th gen has seen the fall of many a studio some of which I grew up with and even more that are still around but haven't made a game in years. Its only going to get worse. Some companies didn't even survive the jump to the PS3/360 and I fear how many will fall when the PS4/One arrive. THQ was the canary in the coal mine. That wasn't some small developer with a handful of ips.

TheStorm3955d ago

I believe many will fall like they did in '83. The problem is these games really don't cost as much as some are making them out to be. Some games like GTA ya, they do cost more just because of the vast size of them. But so many of these games do not cost as much as they try to claim. In the film industry they call it "Hollywood Accounting" where in reality it should not/really does not cost as much as they say it does.

I remember with Black Ops they said "Ooo look we got Gary Oldman, and Sam Worthington in it. As well as David Goyer writing the script. And funny enough the game would have sold as much with out those things. Too many game devs are worrying about how to make the game with absurd production value, instead of actual gameplay. They don't seem to understand that games can be done cheaper, and it's the publishers that keep trying to shove a broken business model at it thinking that we are the problem rather then themselves.

I think it will be a good thing, and indie studios will take over again. Video games will come back stronger then ever if there truly is another crash. Which in some ways I hope there is. Because the industry has lost a lot of it's creativity in the past generation. They worry too much about sales rather then..."Is it fun?"

madpuppy3955d ago

I cannot believe it!!!! Someone on n4g that gets it!

I have been saying this for a while, the AAA developer studios and large publishers are trying to work with a broken business model. Blaming the gamer (consumer) for not emptying their collective pockets for a game that for some reason "needs" to sell 10 million to even be profitable (that is 600 million dollars gross just over a half billion dollars) and if you think that "production costs" on top of development costs eats up all the profit you are drinking WAY TOO MUCH DEVPUB flavored KoolAid.

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thorstein2h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy012h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.


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