
Xbox One still blocks low income consumers by requiring internet during system set up

Gimme Gimme Games writes that despite Microsoft's changes to their Xbox One policies they still need to work on some stuff like requiring internet during the system set up. They write that this policy will make it hard for low income consumers without internet access to justify buying an Xbox One at all.

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doctorstrange3974d ago

And low income countries. But if they're low income, they'll probably have to choose the cheaper one anyway.

creatchee3974d ago

Pretty sure that low income families (and countries, for that matter) are going to choose food, shelter, and clothing instead of worrying about next-generation gaming.

HammockGames3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )


Gamers had plenty of reasons to be ticked at MS over the Xbone, but this gripe (over a 1x internet connection) is stretching it.

The_KELRaTH3974d ago

It depends how you define low income. Your options suggest poverty not low income.
I'm sure there are many that choose not to have direct broadband internet access and likely find just using their mobile service offers enough (email, browsing/shopping etc) but budgeted their entertainment using a games console over drinking, smoking, subscription TV etc.

clrlite3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Where I live they often don't pay for food and shelter and it is not uncommon to see them drive away from the supermarket in luxury autos. It may be the families that actually work and prioritize that will be affected.

I don't feel comfortable with always on personally, or HAVING to go on the net to play my games.

Dir_en_grey3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, the SMART people are going to choose the PS4 if they are going next-gen.

The dumb ones are too dumb to realize how Microsoft screws them over anyway so it really can't be helped.

loulou3974d ago

i think that this is for the new firmware. i expect that this will be on the discs as well

mewhy323974d ago

Havent people figured out that all Micro$oft cares about is money?

Wintersun6163974d ago


But even with only one connection needed, they are blocking many regions from using Xbox One at all.


There's a list of countries where Xbone works. If you try to setup and connect one somewhere that's not listed, it will not work. Happen to live in Japan, Poland, Iceland, Portugal, Czezh Republic or Slovenia among many other countries? No Xbox One for you.

ElementX3974d ago

Haven't people realized that EVERY corporation is after money? Do you think Sony really cares about you? They care about profits just like everybody else. All that PR speak about caring about gamers is just BS. They care about gamers' money. Never believe a large corporation cares about it's customers. I can see a local mom and pop place caring because they get to know the customers, you're just another number to any big business.

darthv723974d ago

if they are a low income family they will not be getting the xb1 or ps4 or even the wii-u because all 3 of them have a starting price that exceeds the comfort zone of less than $300.

It had been reported many times that the sweet spot for consumers to really adopt a platform is when it gets to $200 or lower. That is not always the case however but especially in lower income families they are better served to buy the previous platform due to there being more games available and at a cheaper cost of entry than the new platforms.

No doubt, lower income families would likely eventually buy into the newer platforms when the pricing matches what they can afford. Everyone deserves the chance to play these newer units and while there will be many who can get them right away, its understandable for others to wait until the time is right for them.

shinrock3974d ago

This comment should close this thread.

iceman063974d ago

Low income doesn't mean BROKE or at the poverty level. Low income families, despite what most think, can actually save money for "luxury" items and STILL manage to eat and have shelter. They just don't have as much disposable income as families that make more money.
Not saying that this is an MS problem per se, just stating a fact.

3974d ago
SilentNegotiator3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

We all know that "low income" means that they live out on the streets and lick pond scum for nourishment.


That said, this will more than likely only affect the more recent buyers, until they include the patch in later shipped systems.

horndog3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Amen brother! The low income family probably has a nes or snes maybe a ps2. They really aint giving a damn about the next gen systems yet especially third world countries.

B-radical3974d ago

Agreed and even if they can afford a next gen consoles im sure they can afford a mobile phone which MS said u can use to download the update anyway

superkidcupid133974d ago

their next gen is using real ppl technology....their first exclusive is called life.....if u lose u die....sounds like a good game...i wonder if i can play it lol

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3974d ago
blitz06233974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Whatever, now these guys are just finding reasons to hate. Why would low income consumers get an Xbox One at launch in the first place?

Microsoft's original vision is making a lot more sense now isn't it? Still a stupid move on their part, but it was pretty clear who their target audience was - and that's a family driven environment - a family who can afford internet, the console itself, cable TV, etc. Not regular gamers who work part time jobs and have trouble saving up for a next gen console or have to ask their parents to buy them one.

-EvoAnubis-3974d ago

I actually agree with you here - the first bit anyway. This is just nitpicking. The Wii U had a day one patch, so does the XB1, and spoiler alert: so will the PS4. This is a non-issue.

NextGen24Gamer3974d ago

Next they will complain that you can't buy an xbox one with your food stamp card. This is getting crazy!

WeedyOne3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )


The difference is that the Xbox One requires this update to even function whereas the PS4 and WiiU updates most likely arent required in order to use the consoles offline. With the WiiU and PS4 you can probably plug in a game and play offline immediately without the update but if you wanted to go online you require the update.

See the difference? Still not a huge deal but could be a hassle for someone who just got an xbox one at their grandparents house for Christmas but couldn't play the single player game he got because Gramps doesn't have internet.

-EvoAnubis-3974d ago

@WeedyOne: A slight hassle in certain situations perhaps, but not even close to a big deal. Certainly not on a level of "blocking low income consumers." That's just a ridiculous statement to make.

WeedyOne3974d ago


Yeah I agree its not a big deal, just wanted to point out its not exactly the same as the ps4 or WiiU launch updates.

rainslacker3974d ago


I couldn't use the Wii U day one until I updated the software. It wouldn't let me get past the update prompt. Might have been because I was connected though, I did tried to bypass it with no success...just wanted to play a couple games first.:)

Maybe someone else that didn't connect their net right away and could say otherwise.

For as slow and dodgy as the day one update was, I couldn't imagine how bad it would have been before updating.

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r1sh123974d ago

whilst I have been very vocal against the DRM, always online policies MS have introduced.

This sort of blogger seems very desperate to clutch at any straws to get hits to the site.

I completely agree with @Creatchee, low income families will be more concerned about being able to survive.

Its clear the idiot of a blogger, does not understand owning a video games console is a luxury and is not required to get through life, like food, shelter or clothes.

Sev3974d ago

If they're truly low income homes/countries, then how will they afford a $500 console, Xbox LIVE, and $60 a game and second controller?

I mean, I get it, but now you're just swinging in the dark hoping to hit something.

dragon823974d ago

Technically I am in a low income family. My wife and I only make a little over 40K per year combined and I can still buy a $500 console and games. I just need to save up for them with what little money we have left over from our budget.

Others in a similar situation may not have internet in an effort to help out their budget but still save up for some luxury items like an Xbox1. If they can't even play their games when they get home because they have no internet connection it may cause a problem.

Obviously we both know I have a great internet connection but just pointing out one side of it.

dedicatedtogamers3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

If it requires internet during setup, that's just one more thing that can go wrong.

People might say "who cares? It's just a one-time connection", but you'll be flocking to the internet in rage if the Xbox One servers are overburdened, if your connection times out, or if something else goes wrong that delays you being able to play the console you bought.
And when you show up on N4G and start complaining about it, I will have no sympathy.

EDIT @ below

Um, I'm not even talking about "low income people". I'm talking about unforeseen errors on launch day that might prevent people from downloading their Day One patch and therefore, prevent people from playing their new console. You could have thousands in the bank but if your ISP is down or if you just moved and you don't have interent set up yet, or heaven forbid the Xbox One servers are overburdened and you keep "timing out", then all the money in the world isn't going to make your system function.

Cmk01213974d ago

ahh poor low income people who need an hdtv tv with hdmi to play either console, so one time internet access worth whining about but not that either console wont work without hdmi input on hdtv??? folks lets get a grip and stop talking about how 400-500 consoles arent friendly to poor,3rd world countries, or military! Heck frigign ipads require internet or cell service and cost 400-880 bucks and dont last 8 years lets put things into perspective folks. ANd im not ranting at you just in general

Anon19743974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

It's telling that when Microsoft tried to make the announcement that they had changed the DRM, they couldn't keep their website live. The news had leaked onto twitter and the Xbox news page completely went down with "Server unavailable" messages for quite some time.

Like you said, adding something like internet activation just adds another level of complexity where something can go wrong. Not to mention that it shrinks the potential US market by a third. Interestingly enough, by about a 3rd is what the 360 outsold the PS3 in the US this past gen.

Now the Xbox One is $100 more expensive, the potential market for the product is smaller due to the internet activation requirement and the amount of bad press and bad word of mouth seems unrelenting. It's clear that the Xbox One has it's work cut out for it in the US, let alone the rest of the world who have traditionally snubbed Microsoft's consoles.

No_Limit3974d ago

"If it requires internet during setup, that's just one more thing that can go wrong. "

You mean like the recent PS firmware that are bricking a lot of PS3 causing Sony to retract it from their server?

Anon19743974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Actually, it's not really like that at all. The PS3 doesn't have to run an update for the system to play games, the purpose it was intended for.

But I see what you're saying. Like that Xbox dashboard update from awhile back that Microsoft knew would brick people's systems and stated before the update came out that when the update bricked your system you could rest assured you'd get a replacement console and a free year of XBL for your troubles. At least the PS3's problem was caught in less than a day and can be fixed by simply restoring default settings in safe mode. They didn't just force out an update they knew would brick people's consoles.


But the point stands. This internet activation just adds another unnecessary layer between gamers and being able to play the system's they've purchased. And why? A PS3/360 out of the box doesn't need to connect to the internet to play games. Why on earth if the Xbox One doesn't need it's internet check in anymore does it need to connect to the internet at all? It's unnecessary.

It's like if I needed to setup an online account for my toaster before it would cook toast. If I never plan on taking it online in the first place, why on earth should I need to connect to the internet to do what I purchased it to do?

rainslacker3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )


While I would say DTG is pro-sony, his post had nothing to do with Sony. The issue was different, but if you want to call Sony out on it as a example, yes, that is one thing that day one updates can cause, and it can be a problem for a lot of people.

Now that you've established an example of how it's a bad idea to require a day one connection, are you still so keen on getting it? I mean, after all, Sony did it too right?

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Stryfeno23974d ago

When I was growing up in a low income house the last thing we thought about was the latest tech.

Mystogan3974d ago

I'm sure that there will be units that come preinstalled with it after launch.

ElementX3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

replied under wrong post

CoLD FiRE3974d ago

I don't even understand anyone who's going to be buying a "next-gen" console and not planning to use it online in the first place. Many of the games shown at E3 had online multiplayer as a key component of the experience. I'm telling you this now, as "next-gen" progresses, more and more games will incorporate online play as a critical part for the complete experience. When you play offline "exclusively" you'll be missing out... a lot!

MizTv3973d ago

It seems most low income people in the us have it better off than people who work for a living.
That being said its another dumb move by m$

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3973d ago
LOGICWINS3974d ago

How the hell would a low income consumer afford a $500 console in the first place?

clrlite3974d ago

A am not making tons of money right now but should be able to afford it if I play my cards right. I think a lot of people on here are confusing "low income" with abject poverty, where people often have NO INCOME and no free money. People that should be fed, clothed and given other opportunities before considering luxury items.

Cryptcuzz3974d ago


That or as a gift.

I agree that a low income family household shouldn't be thinking about getting the latest tech or a $500 console at launch, but what I fail to see is why couldn't it be obtained by saving up money or be as a gift if they wanted to.

It is not too farfetched to think that a parent or a husband or wife or what have you save up now til when it does get released to buy the console as a gift. Just because a household is low income does not mean they will at least not try to get something that they know their loved one would really like to have.

Whether it was achieved through cutting back on usual spending, working more hours, or a relative or friend helping out. I am sure there are a lot of low income families who still gather up the money one way or another to buy their loved ones name brand clothes, shoes, or technology. In this case why not the Xbox One as well?

TOSgamer3974d ago

Prices drop over time. And a one time fee for something that can be used for years is cheaper then occasionally going out for entertainment to a ball game or dinner. I can't wait to see BEST BUY offering setups of this console for $29.95. lol

HammadTheBeast3974d ago

Well, they can take it to a Starbucks or a library, turn it on, then go home lol.

clrlite3974d ago

I think it depends on how you define low income, how many bills they actually have to pay, and whether or not they are cheating the system(etc.)
Either way this is really none of my concern. I'm getting a PS4! :)

rainslacker3974d ago

Credit cards, gifts, win it, rent-a-center, some guy selling them out of the back of his truck, saving money, stealing money, stealing the system, working an extra job for a couple months, etc.

Many low income consumers spend money on things they can't afford. It's one reason why so many people in the US are so in debt. This also applies to high income consumers too though.

Not really proper to assume that low income consumers don't find ways to enjoy the things they enjoy though. Low income does not necessarily mean dirt poor. In fact, 32% of the US is considered below the poverty line.


Note:Not saying low income families are prone to crime in the first paragraph, just pointing out there are alternate distribution channels.

sak5003973d ago

They can't afford internet but can buy games for $60 and $500 consoles?

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NYC_Gamer3974d ago

I doubt low income consumers will even be buying new consoles

Cosmo8113974d ago

If you can't afford internet then you can't afford a video game console. Priorities.

Convas3974d ago

I understand that everyone likes gaming, but even at $400, the PS4 is still a premium item.

Needs come before wants in these situations, and consoles are definitely wants.

No hits from me.

raytraceme3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

As much as I hate MS the whining about something this small is really becoming absurd and annoying.

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