
Titanfall is Only on Xbox One and PC due to Power of the Cloud, Good Relationship With Microsoft

If you wondered why Titanfall is (at least for now) exclusive to Xbox One and PC, Infinity Ward’s Vince Zampella has the answer.

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FrigidDARKNESS3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Gosh, i cant wait to seed more gameplay videos.this game is on the top of my list as musot Xbox one titles.
The MS/Respawn relationship will be very similar to the EpicGame Studio.

Th4Freak3976d ago ShowReplies(3)
snipab8t3976d ago ShowReplies(1)
thief3976d ago

"The MS/Respawn relationship will be very similar to the EpicGame Studio"

Or it may turn out to be similar to Mass Effect. Also published by EA.

JokesOnYou3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Well devs are either bought out entirely or they make deals....seems Respawn loves working on X1 platform, looks like they have a hit on their hands judging by all the interest from both xbox and ps fans, naturally though since E3 is about games, and shooters are big on both platforms, exclusive shooters can do alot for a console as Gears has demonstrated, looks as if Titanfall really grabbed the spotlight. I think KZ shadow whatever is a launch exclusive for ps4, although I'm not buying a ps4 anytime soon, I just hope it gets the attention it deserves too.

NewMonday3976d ago

I just read in NeoGaf that this will be Windows 8 only on PC and only from the MS store

hype just went down to zero.

b3ast3976d ago

Killzone SF looks way better IMO I don't get the hype for titanfall

nukeitall3976d ago

This doesn't sound like a vanilla business relationship, but more of a technology fit.

MS is heavy on cloud infrastructure with a time tested platform out there. It wouldn't surprise me if MS is doing with the cloud what they did with Xbox 360, building a best in class tools.

Personally, I cannot wait for Titanfalls and Quantum Break.

DragonKnight3976d ago

The second they said "power of the cloud" anyone with half a brain could see that it's B.S.

Cloud computing on the X1 is the same as 4D, 1080, 120FPS that was promised for the PS3. It's all smoke and mirrors. Latency, lack of necessary bandwidth, and the bottlenecks are all very real problems.

This is quite obviously money exchanging hands. But where EA is concerned, there's no such thing as a true exclusive. EA are money whores, they'll go where they can make money. Count on Titanfall being ported. I personally couldn't care less if Mech of Duty came to the PS4 or not, but for those who do, expect it. It'll happen.

awi59513976d ago


Just shut up dragon microsoft already said it has 300 thousand servers for the new xbox live sony doesnt have anything like that set up right now.

da_2pacalypse3976d ago

Lol I like how they use the MS cloud as an example... yet Sony owns Gaikai, one of the most technologically advanced cloud systems in the market. What a bunch of BS.

SilentNegotiator3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

So Microsoft shelled out dozens of millions of dollars for it?

Was that so hard to say? Why does Microsoft always insist that the reason for exclusivity on its systems be kept quiet by the publishers? Gamers want exclusives, and you're giving them (temp) exclusives. There's no reason to BS anyone.

(BTW, EA said to Eurogamer that they couldn't discuss details about this game coming to Ps4; obvious translation being that they contractually can't say "maybe" or reveal that it could in a year)

Waller3976d ago


All you did was show that Gaikai is shared between almost 30 companies. Sony just owns it now.

GameNameFame3976d ago

EPIC is a second party studio.

Respawn exclusive is third party and like 99 percent third party exclusives, it ports.

tristanwerbe3976d ago

That has nothing to do with Mass Effect, Bioware was owned by MS for years since the original made Jade Empire KOTR and other games EA bought them off MS right after Mass Effect came out then EA made it multiplat not similar at all since Respawn is already with EA

mistecheese3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

"good" relationship with Microsoft = $$$

relationship with SONY = "We <3 Devs"

awi59513976d ago


Whats your point they dont have as many servers as microsoft if you think so your fooling yourselves if they did they wouldnt be owned by sony. They are a small crap company they didnt and never will have the resources to pull this off for all games especially with like millions of players online simultaneously .

Dir_en_grey3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Warframe looks way more interesting to me then both this and Killzone.

Warframe being a PS4 launch is the actual game that made me want to own PS4 on day one because even if the other launch IPs turn out to be bad, at least I know Warframe is going to be a fun game I can enjoy with out even having to spend anymore money.

Guaranteed fail safe that might actually be even more fun then all other new IPs

BattleAxe3976d ago

I was going to buy this on PC until finding this out. Oh well, looks like I won't be playing it unless it releases on either Origin, Steam or PS4.

NumOnePS3FanBoy3976d ago

Expect this to be xbox next game box advertisement. "Better because cloud" lolol and some of the sheeple will eat it up

DVAcme3975d ago

@newmonday Windows 8 exclusive?! Jeez, they really want us to upgrade to that piece of crap, don't they? I'm thankful my laptop was the last one of its model to come out with Windows 7. Pretty much everyone I talk to that had Windows 8 downgraded to Windows 7 or went with a Linux OS instead of putting up with that horrendous piece of software.

hakis863975d ago

Dualshockers, wtf? Where did you get that headline from? Can't see it in your article.

And if the headline was there, I would say to Respawn "ORLY?" - the power of the cloud enabled you to make this game? LOL.
It looks like an awesome game, but nothing that relates to graphics or physics or other heavy stuff suggests that it could not be done without the cloud.

morganfell3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )


Bioware was not owned by MS. And the truth is that Jade Empire was published on the PC by 2K Games. Bioware owned their IPs at the time, not MS.

Mass Effect was a PC/360 title because of the ease of development for devs that did not have the time to learn the PS3. There may or may not have been some funded development assistance from MS as well. It obviously did not affect IP ownership.


Learn the difference between a hardware server and a virtual server. Several developers have called MS on this one already because it is a load of horse dump and everyone knows it. When 52 people time shares a cond for a week each, stelling everyone they own a beach house is untruthful.

Cloud computing? Not even going to address that:


Good luck with that pipe dream/marketing story. And be aware that any game relying on any type of web assistance is dead the minute ther servers shut down. Do you understand that cost of 300,000 real individual hardware servers? Ever seen the public a game server was being shut down a year after a game launched. Certainly.

Gamewise everyone is piling on the Sony bandwagon and when that 1 year Titanfall exclusivity deal is done they will come crawling to the Sony fanbase and speak about the PS4 with glowing terms telling us it is powerful enough to do even more than they need but in standalone. It won't matter because like XRAVE above so many of us just were not impressed.

Titanfall is being made out to be more than it is because it is seen as the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal E3 for the Xbone. You do not really hear the horn being blown for anything else. And this should be telling because it isn't a launch title for the Xbone either. What does that say about the Xbone stable of games this fall?

It's going to get worse for MS. With Gamescom and TGS the number of announced titles for the PS4 will grow exponentially. TGS will be particularly ugly.

The shooter with my attention that will actually arrive for launch and not next year is Killzone Shadowfall. The MP reveal at Gamescom is going to be one not to miss. The 21 minute demo shows the advancements in mere months:


After the demo they do a walkthrough.

The alternate demo here, just wow. As usual their lighting engine is insane.


I am trying to imagine that streaming across the Vita on remote play.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
OlgerO3976d ago

Yes it can only be played on the advanced hardware of the xbone ..... and the xbox 360 .... right

creatchee3976d ago

The 360 version is being developed by another studio and won't have the same scale and features as the One and PC versions. I'd post a link but I'm on my phone :/

InTheLab3976d ago

Why not just come out and say they paid for exclusivity?

I'd be ok with that. It's the flat out lying that pisses me off.

dcbronco3976d ago

Of course they paid for exclusivity. Both Sony and MS pay for exclusivity 90% of the time. Respawn(despite being well know vets, they said so themselves) is a new company and needed the support for a new IP. MS has the money to support them. Sony would have done the same thing if they had gotten there first or had the money. I'm sure Sony paid for that Final Fantasy exclusive.

You also have to wonder if IP ownership came up if Sony did try. I know that would have been a non starter for Respawn.

nukeitall3976d ago


First of all, these are the guys that created Call of Duty. Investors will throw money at them just like how EA and Activision tried to court Bungie.

Secondly, if MS invest into to Respawn, they are of course going to expect something back. Isn't it obvious!

Same kind of scenario with Sony. It's business as usual. Nobody gives money for free without expecting something back.

AngelicIceDiamond3976d ago

Sony is capableof cloud computing but its no where near as advanced as MS cloud.

"Can the PS4 do cloud?" A simple yes answer from Sony and suddenly its just like the X1's cloud feature riigght.

Sony can do cloud computing and suddenly it's that much better then X1? One bit of info and fanboys take it and run with it and use it as misinformation and stretching the truth. Get outta here the cloud is used for storage, instant play, and streams. That's its main functions. It could be outsourced for different things I'm sure, but is it on the level the way MS is making it sound? I don't think so.

Wow you fanboys seriously think one Console is the best in world at everything. All you need is one bit of info doesn't matter its relevancy and stretch far and wide until it sounds better than the other console.

GameSpawn3976d ago


Sony doesn't necessarily have to pay for Final Fantasy exclusives. They have stock ownership in Square-Enix (currently #3 @ just over 8%; Yasuhiro Fukushima is #1 @ 20%), it's not enough to tell Square what to do, but enough to have their ear.


Waller3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

Well, it IS a Source-powered game, so yeah...it's pretty scalable.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
DeadlyFire3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

It is a decent title, but I have seen nothing in the game that can't be done on PS4 or WiiU if Nintendo ever invested or partnered up with a Cloud company. AI being utilized in the cloud is a nice idea in theory, but still its not perfect.

EA is publishing. So this game won't be exclusive for long. We all see how fast Activision got rid of their exclusive to Xbox One deal with Destiny once it moved along in development. EA will fear losing PS4 consumers to Destiny and ship Titanfall to PS4. That's what I believe. E3 2014 lets see.

dennett3163976d ago

AI being utilized in the cloud is an awful idea...it's also a stealthy way of requiring an always online connection, rather like Sim City and it's fabled "server side calculations" that turned out to be a load of garbage.
Besides, we know the PS4 - well, any device with an internet connection really - is capable of cloud function if said connection is strong enough.

This "unlimited power of the cloud" nonsense is marketing gobbledegook to disguise the fact the One has weaker hardware than it's competitor...yet costs more thanks to Kinect, which the majority of gamers couldn't care less about.

DeadlyFire3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

I agree, but really I have not seen anything in the games shown so far that has benefited from Cloud tech. I don't expect to see anything like that until everyone is running 50 Mbps internet. Its one of those ideas that exists way earlier than it is supposed to exist. Just like electronic cars, 3DTV, and so on. Which have had variations over the years since its conception that have failed until recently when they tech actually catches up to the idea.

Internet is everywhere and spreading every year. There will be a time when no space has zero internet in the future. Most countries are pushing to have at least 50% or more % in every major country running at 50-100 Mbps by 2025ish. Nearly 2 gaming generations away from this one. Then and beyond is the only time I see its cloud features running 100% like they are claiming now to be possible, but they could setup software to learn along the way how a player plays on the Cloud, but any real auto-adjustment to the AI wouldn't take place for another decade at the earliest.

BallsEye3976d ago


What? Most of europe is running at 50-100mbps + (YES PLUS, we already have easy access to 300 mbps, 10mbps is lowest possible deal and it costs almost nothing). I live in a small town (2000 peeps) and you know how much I pay for my 100 mbps connection? 16 USD a MONTH (and I get plenty of HD channels). USA is behind with the internet infrastructure for some weird reason but most of Europe is definitely ready. Bah, there is even FREE mobile internet available from ANY place in my country (HSPA+ 900MHz / LTE 2500TDD. We're ready and I'm sure if xbox one will succeed, USA will get better internet deals in no time!

Testfire3976d ago

@dennett316, was going to post the same thing until I saw your comment, agree 100%. "Server side cloud computations" is just marketing bullshit to disguise drm. Xbone and PS4 hardware are more than capable of handling any computations of AI or whatever else, unless we're going to be playing against IBM's Deep Blue.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3976d ago
NewMonday3976d ago


hear is a clip ..


good luck with that!

fr0sty3976d ago

"Power of the cloud." translates into "reason to force always-on requirements".

There is NOTHING about "the cloud" that is exclusive to Xbone. Sony doesn't promote it because they know it's just smoke and mirrors. MS clings to it for dear life because they know they've been outclassed with their hardware, and need some reason to implement mandatory online connections.

Titanfall is exclusive because of a big fat payment from MS. That's it. That's why they've already discussed bringing the game to other platforms. Also, PC doesn't use "teh cloud" either, so their argument of it being due to the "power of the cloud" falls flat on it's face right there. They contradict themselves in the same sentence.

chcolatesnw3976d ago

"Also, PC doesn't use "teh cloud" either, so their argument of it being due to the "power of the cloud" falls flat on it's face right there. They contradict themselves in the same sentence"
That's cos pc had enough power under the hood and needs not have things rendered for it by a more powerful cloud server. Xbone needs cloud support cos its weak

SALT3976d ago

The 24hr DRM check is anti-piracy as XB1 requires games installed to HDD. You will be able to access 10 of your friends library of games from cloud and download to your HDD and play whenever they are not.

You cant do that on PS4 - well you can by physically going around to mates borrow their games.

Whats better?

fr0sty3976d ago

On Xbox One, only you and one of those 10 people can be playing at once.

PSN already lets you install any of your games on a friend's PS3 as it is, and you can play at the same time as that friend.

In other words, both are the same other than Xbox letting 9 other friends wait in line for the 10th guy to finish playing the game so one of them can play too. At any point though, 9 people have to wait on the 10th to finish before they can play.

It's the same policy PS3 already enjoys with a waiting list tacked on.

HammadTheBeast3976d ago

Actually Frosty, only of those 10 people can play at once. You OR someone else. Not 2 at same time.

Although I may be wrong, I got this from Major Nelson, but they've been contradicting each other way too much.

fr0sty3976d ago

^In that case it's even more restrictive than PSN's policy. I can play against a friend I lend a game to on PSN.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3976d ago
TXIDarkAvenger3976d ago

Yeah guys, disagree with this man because he wants an Xbox One /s

I'm buying One and I don't mind the restrictions cause they don't really apply to me.

Sono4213976d ago

That's like saying "Let the Nazi's kill the jews, I don't care because i'm not a jew"

Obviously this is taken yo an extreme but it still applies. Microsoft is doing bad things but because some of those bad things don't effect you your just going to let them slide and give your money to them anyways... some people..

TXIDarkAvenger3976d ago



In all seriousness, its not anything like the situation you mentioned. If you don't like the system and MS policies, don't buy the system. I don't share games with others, I always have internet access, and this whole kinect watching u shit can be easily avoided by covering the camera or unplugging the console. Seriously, most smartphones/laptops have cameras. Some people are just absurd.

Sono4213976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Well like I said... just because it doesn't effect you doesn't make it any less wrong. You no longer even own your games, you own a license to play them, it's a step backwards in the industry. Especially when all of these new 'features' don't benefit you in any way nor do they make the system better. What gives Microsoft the right to tell you what you can and can't do with what your buying? I don't understand how any consumer can stand behind Microsoft when everything about the Xbox One is so anti consumer oriented and this wasn't just added, the Xbox One was built around this.

TXIDarkAvenger3976d ago

As a Steam/PC user, there almost very little difference. Maybe that's why I don't see it as such a big deal.



The difference is Steam has competitors... Microsoft will have a monopoly on the preowned game market for xbox one. With no competition there is no reason to price things competitively. Think about it

FGHFGHFGH3976d ago

"As a Steam/PC user, there almost very little difference"

If you are a pc user than you might be familiar with GFWL, which is not very popular because steam makes it look like crap. I don't get why people try to compare the xbox1 to steam when it should be compared to microsoft's own pc drm. Like oceangrownkush said steam has competitors, microsoft was one of them, but are disliked by a majority of pc gamers. (at least the ones I know)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3976d ago
hiredhelp3976d ago

Im buyin this for PC but im bit unhappy with the headline makes me concerned.
Good relationship with Microsoft...? Dont choose that Path i hope they dont

iMixMasTer3976d ago

If I hear "power of the cloud" anymore I am going to lose my shit.

cyguration3976d ago

*cough*reputation management?*cough*

Titanfall looks all right, but since it's on PC there's no reason to get the console version.

If you have a PC already you could spend $500 that you would have spent on an XB1 and upgrade your PC to out-match Microsoft's console.

mp12893976d ago

Only the Xbox One can handle so much power...and apparently the 360 as well...lol. But no thanks, ill still get the PS4.

Gameratheart3976d ago

^ I know right?... It's on the x1, because its such an awesome system and it has access to the infinite power of the cloud.... Oh yeah, it's on pc and 360 too... BUT! The x1!!! Lol... Microsoft are like a bad joke now... And I WAS a rabid Xbox fanboy for the last ten years.... For you current and still Xbox fanboys that will say I never played on the Xbox? My gamer tag is tonymontana530.... I have almost 50,000 achievement points... So yeah, I was a big Xbox gamer.... But the price, drm, constant check in with bigbrother(Microsoft), and ms seemingly arrogant attitude, I'm an Xbox fanboy no more.... Fanboys should only be skin deep... When a company pulls the stuff ms is doing, it's time to move to greener pastures... I preordered a ps4 last weekend... Can't wait to get my hands on it... Sony wants every gamer possible on ps4, ms wants only people with good and fast Internet who are willing to forego their rights... Me? I'll be a playstation gamer for the first time since my launch ps2 broke after 8 months... Things change, but it should never be about gaming on a company, but gaming for the games.

alb18993976d ago

This news will make some people green as HULK, lol!

showtimefolks3976d ago

Yeh lets see ps4 is one of the top ore ordered systems and EA was so close to sny for last 3 gens what changed all of the sudden? Don't give me the crap about cloud or good relationship with MS. Whether its ms or Sony it's all about money and who is willing to pay.

Patcher said MS had to cover for what the game would have sold on PS4 for it to be on Xbox one and to be console exclusive. MS said they had a billion dollar budget for games so how much did just one game cost? GTA dlc was 50 million so this has to be a least 3 times as much

Also this will be on ps4 within 6-12 months since its a 3rd party game

It's kind of weird that bungie is with Sony lol money reasons and EA with MS

Enemy3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

And yet it will release months later on PS4 with better graphics. Go figure.

TitanFall is temporarily on Xbox One because Microsoft has no 1st party developers and they paid for it.

With the PS4's vastly superior specs, only an idiot would believe Respawn. It's pathetic that they'd even agree to repeat what Microsoft asked them to say.

4me23976d ago

Titanfall reminds me a little bit of first person Starhawk.

TheDivine3976d ago

Me too. Titanfall looks freakin bananas man. Fast, frantic, huge bad ass mechs, wall running exc. One of the best looking next gen games along with quantum break and the new ubisoft mmo. All 3 look really amazing. Killer instinct also looks great, one of my fav fighters ever finally returns.

The xbone def has the edge on announced games but I can't support the online checks. I don't like blocking used games but I buy new anyways so my only real worry is ten years later when I can't play a game because the online is down. If ms didnt do these things they would be in the best spot next gen but alas, ps4 it is. My friends who never liked Xbox all wanted a xbone but none of us will support this shit. Ms is literally losing half their potential customers. Hope they get the message.

FlyGuyHung3976d ago

My personal pick for Game of The Show, this coming from someone who is very sick of FPS games. It just looks beyond fun if you ask me and will most likely get me back online playing multilayer which i grew tired of after the last COD game before BlackOps2.

zeddy3976d ago

why is frigiddarkness getting loads of disagrees? he's only expressing his opinion and its not like he's trolling or anything.

C0MPUT3R3976d ago

Then why is it also on 360? Power of the moneyhat.

JohnS13133975d ago

No game should be at the top of your list of Xbone games. That thing is a piece of crap. Don't waste your money on it. Are you brainwashed by Microsoft or something? There's help for that you know.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
dazzrazz3976d ago

I love when they enforce ideas that apparently are good for future and its the only way it can work. Anybody remember OnLive ? Future of cloud gaming and computing that fell down so fast

Abriael3976d ago

On the other hand Gaikai lives and prospers, though.

PFFT3976d ago

Gaikai was saved by Sony if i am not mistaken. Cause that too was a sinking boat.

nukeitall3976d ago

Gakai is still a sinking boat. Where is the business model? Heck where is the product or service?

Point being, there hasn't been traction for cloud based game streaming at all.

jcnba283976d ago

But Gaikai is just perfect right?

IcicleTrepan3976d ago

Actually they're building cloud-enabled games so that if the cloud is not available it isn't 'you can't play your game' which is just people jumping to conclusions. If the cloud isn't available, then the developer can opt to do something like implement a less computationally intensive version locally, or perhaps worst case, just skip that part of the computations. It's not the end of the world as you would love people to believe.

Belking3976d ago

Onlive was only in trouble because the network was so large they couldn't afford to keep it running because of the daily costs. Gaikai was in trouble because no one was really using the service for games enough.

SITH3976d ago

50 million+ gamers per month and 200+ games is no one using the service? Lol! Do you guys look anything up? Are you saying Sony acquired a failure?


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3976d ago
WarThunder3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Its good that is also on PC, really like this game, getting the PC version.

Abriael3976d ago

Yeah. PC here too. Mouse and Keyboard are always superior for what I'm concerned.

Blachek3976d ago

Am i a loser for wishing I could get a mouse & keyboard for my xbox?

I miss shooters with that input style, soo much more accurate.

Jovanian 3976d ago


No dude mouse and keyboard for the xbox would be awesome it would make FPS on the console a viable option for me. As it is now they only allow controller and I cannot tolerate the controller for shooters

AzaziL3975d ago

Aiming with a mouse just feels more natural, it flows with the arm wherever you move it while consoles controls feel like aiming with a crane game arm.

However moving with a controller joystick always felt better than tapping the WASD keys.

AllroundGamer3976d ago

same, i found it the best game at E3, maybe cause i liked Mechwarrior games :)

DA_SHREDDER3976d ago

lets see if people will buy this, mech games aren't known to be COD killers, hopefully people buy this so there will be more awesome AAA mech games in the future.

3976d ago
Studio-YaMi3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

PC here too,got a gaming laptop with a GTX 780M graphics chip which is really good,saving money now for a desktop PC with GTX 780 SLI.

Sure,lots of money spent,but I rather spend it on a high end gaming PC than the stupid "RestrictionsBox".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3975d ago
core_53976d ago

they mean the power of the money from microsoft xD

sashimi3976d ago

Well you know what they say, money is power lol

Ezz20133976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

no , it's now money is "teh cloud"

FITgamer3976d ago

If knowledge is power anyone who backs M$ must be a Lemming.

Gamer19823976d ago

Actually the article is a load of crap the developers said at E3 the only reason its not on PS3 is budget restraints but they do want it on as many consoles as possible in the future. Meaning a Playstation launch is very realistic and its probably a timed exclusive. If you concentrate on 1 console at a time you can get your game out faster and thus make income faster. Plus if you get MS to pony up some cash for you doing it also in advance then thats also a win. It's nothing to do with cloud gaming read the article carefully its doesn't say it is thanks to the power fo the cloud like the title says. He just says he looked at the game a little differently meaning he may have put cloud features into the game. PS4 also has cloud remember? And I am not just talking Gakai

peowpeow3976d ago

"Power of teh cloud"

and so it begins haha

Cueil3976d ago

amusingly their actually using the "power of the cloud" effectively for their game... don't just make fun of something you don't understand

peowpeow3976d ago

No my comment applies regardless of whether it is used or not.

Term will be thrown around like hot potatoes

MidnytRain3976d ago


But I don't throw my hotcakes, lol.

Gamer19823976d ago

We will here this power of the cloud BS for a few years as developers try to justify there games and fanboys there consoles. As they know the PS4 is 50% more powerful but it doesn't actually matter in this case as he didn't say the cloud makes a difference just they can incorporate it into the game.

ginsunuva3976d ago

Lol, "teh cell" is now "teh cloud"

Except the cell was real.

joefrost003976d ago

Yep cause every fanboy in hear is a developer
Look none got your hands on an xbox so until then I think its kind of stupid to criticize something you know nothing about
The only developer I have seen really come out against cloud is Blow
But we all know he still bitter at MS
Until I get the system I will.keep my criticism reserved

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3976d ago
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That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

Read Full Story >>
DaniMacYo90d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer8890d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder90d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex90d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake90d ago (Edited 90d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy89d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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Respawn Boss Confirms "Other" Star Wars Project in Development at EA

It seems there might be more Star Wars stuff on the way from Respawn's parent company EA according to Respawn boss Vince Zampella.

masterfox375d ago

we need this Star Wars UNcharted type of game:


This looks way more impressive than Survivor imo, and is from 2012 I think!!

IamTylerDurden1375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

1313 was going to be tough. Savage cancellation by Disney. Jedi FO/S was imo built off the carcus of 1313 but 1313 to me looked and sounded more compelling for its time. How about a Bioware Star Wars? Please?

-Foxtrot374d ago

I don’t think I could trust the Bioware of today with Star Wars

It already makes me nervous with Ubisoft doing an open world SW game

I honestly can’t even which multi platform developer could do SW justice outside of Respawn.

IamTylerDurden1375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

Ofc there's more, it's Disney, they will milk until it's powder. We know Quantic has a game, KOTOR should still be a thing. Jedi and other EA games, VR, etc. I'm all for more but we knew Disney would bleed it dry. I just hope for more SP and RPG as opposed to mp.

excaliburps374d ago

What if it’s a Star Wars MP game to replace Battlefront?

Majin-vegeta374d ago

Jedi power battles game again?

RaidenBlack374d ago

The Star Wars Respawn FPS, right?

senorfartcushion374d ago (Edited 374d ago )

Mobile games and GOAS games?

Xdefiant but with Star Wars probably

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Respawn Boss Vince Zampella Admits Battlefield 2042 "Strayed Too Far From What Battlefield Is"

Respawn Entertainment -- and head of the entire Battlefield franchise -- Vince Zampella -- thinks Battlefield 2042 strayed too far from the franchise.

_SilverHawk_598d ago

All they needed to do was make a better bf4 game with a different story and better online multiplayer

porkChop598d ago

Agreed. Though BF4 was similarly broken at launch, along with every BF game since then. I think DICE needs to either take more time or reign in the scope of what they do. If they consistently can't release a working game it's because they're building games they know they don't have enough time to finish.

RaidenBlack597d ago

Or make Bad Company 3.
They've already assigned Ridgeline Games developing the next BF campaign.
Let DiCE and Ripple Effect handle the multiplayer side of things.
And release it not before 2025 and focus on current-gen platforms from ground up.

LordoftheCritics597d ago

But if they make BC3 what will happen to Battlepass 6?

Concertoine597d ago

The problem is current gen is growing too slowly because of supply that could get worse.

excaliburps597d ago

Yes. For multiplayer, all we wanted was better graphics, more maps, more destruction, more class items, etc.
DICE kept pushing for what they wanted and not what gamers wanted.

awiseman597d ago

Dice, is just another word for EA.

KyRo597d ago

If I remember reading correctly Vince made Devs go back and play older BF titles after the mess of BF2042 to understand what it was what made BF special.

I also remember reading that a lot of Devs that made the classic BF games were put on BF Portal duties which for me is baffling.

Vince has a good track record of changing things for the better so whilst BF2042 was a average game, I'm optimistic for the next installment.

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Sciurus_vulgaris598d ago

Ever since Battlefield 1 the Battlefield franchise has gotten less-and-less immersive. The combination of historical inaccuracy [when set in an historical setting] and imbalanced classes is what drove me away from the series. I however, didn’t start playing battlefield until battlefield 4, so I can’t speak for long-term fans of series.

Pyrofire95597d ago

Unless they went really wild with it's inaccuracy, I doubt many people care about some inaccuracies as long as it captures an idea of WW1 and it's fun.

awiseman597d ago

It's basically grounded fortnight. That's not excusable.

Pyrofire95597d ago

Was Levelution not well liked?
I only started playing BF games last year and really like the BF4 stuff. I don't know why they haven't done that again. (aside from the massive amount of work that must take to make a level with evolution.)

Yi-Long597d ago

It kinda depended on the map and how the ‘levelution’ affected it. If you’re an assault type that ran/drove to every flag, I don’t think it made a whole lot of difference on how it affected your match, but if you’re playing as a sniper or are mostly in a boat, and ‘suddenly’ there’s a huge storm, you’d lose your long-range targets and ‘boating’ was more difficult.

I think for most players, some of the stuff was cool the first few times, and after that it was a ‘shrugs’ moment. Siege of Shanghai was probably the best map, in that the tower is pretty much the heart of that map, and flattening the tower made that flag far more vulnerable to take-overs.

Yi-Long597d ago

As we’ve been saying for years; All Battlefield needs to do/be, is be a Battlefield game. That’s it. That’s all.

It doesn’t need to copy all kinds of features from other games. It doesn’t need legends, or heroes, or battle royale, or whatever. Just 10-12 cool gorgeous fun maps, 32 vs 32 players, 5/6 flag conquest. That’s it. 4 classes, good balance between solo-play & squad-play. Good balance between vehicles & infantry gameplay.

A good Battlefield match is short but sweet (20-30 minutes), and ensures that YOU -can- make a difference, regardless of your individual play-style. That’s what made it special. If you’re on a ridiculously huge map with insane amounts of other players, you’re not really going to feel you’re making a significant contribution. Not to mention when half the folks on the map are bots, of course.

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