
The Xbox One Reminds Me of the Failed PlayStation X

"The Xbox One may be taking cue's fro m the likes of Google TV, and Apple TV; but, it also may be taking cue's fro m the long-forgotten, and failed PlayStation X (or, PSX.) And with the Xbox Ones" heavy-sided focus on being an "all-in-one-entertainment " device, certainly, some concessions have been made. Microsoft's recent revelations -- the console manufacturer; 0;not the software conglomerate -- have been called into question. Some speculate if tactics employed for its third-generation: Xbox One are, indeed, "Smart...Glass."

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Clarence3987d ago

Like I said M$ copies everything.

theWB273987d ago

Can you name one company who doesn't build off the ideas of others??? Please do..

Godmars2903987d ago

There's copying something, then there's copying something then directly and aggressively trying to take over the market position of the thing copied. Like MS has tried to do with the iPhone and iPod, and programs like Photoshop.

Worse is that most times, MS doesn't build off anything. They either make an exact or inferior product. Think the only exception to that "rule" was the Zune with its share ability.

Regardless, with the XB1 we get an example of what MS considers "innovation".

PSVita3987d ago

Sure didn't hear that when Knect was compared to the Eyetoy because apparently "its so original"...

Clarence3987d ago

Your right every company takes something from 1 another. M$ on the other hand out right copies or tries to buy innovation.

scofios3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

The playstation X was the first thing that came to my mind after the xbox one reveal.
Even Nintendo had something like that with the gamecube Q . both failed .
I Don't Know. Maybe M$ Can Pull It Off with their advertising.
Like they did with (eyetoy)kinect .

kennyg37393987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

PlayStation copy Xbox Live. All big companies copy each other, that just nature of the business.

theWB273987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

There's copying something, then there's copying something then directly and aggressively trying to take over the market position of the thing copied. Like MS has tried to do with the iPhone and iPod, and programs like Photoshop.

You kidding me? Apple is worse than Micro with their practices. They design their products to ONLY work with Apple products, have you seen the things they've sued other companies over? They build an inferior product and overcharge...bad example. Micro are saints compared to that company. If you have 45 billion on hand in the US(145 billion estimated overall), no debts as does Apple, that means they aggressively took over the market. They didn't pat other companies on the shoulder and ask them to kindly move out the way.

Clarence3987d ago

Socom came out first

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs is a tactical third-person shooter video game developed by Zipper Interactive and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is an exclusive title for the PlayStation 2. SOCOM was released on August 27, 2002, and it is one of the earliest titles for PS2's online service in North America.

Xbox live was launch November 2002

See alot of people don't know about this but Sony's online service was not called PSN back then. You had to have dial up and a modem to play online.

Playstation didn't copy live. It was the other way around.

kennyg37393987d ago

@clarnce I'm not talking about who went online first i'm pretty sure that goes to PC or Sega Dreamcast. I'm talking about the whole infrastructure of Xbox live.

Studio-YaMi3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

You said that if it was about going online,then PC or the DreamCast takes it,well .. "Steam" came out in 2003.

And basically,Xbox Live and PSN are the same as Steam.

But regarding consoles,yes .. PSN copied XboxLive I guess.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3987d ago
Elwenil3987d ago

I find it funny that "coupdegracecdg.com" is located in Bellevue, WA and the site was registered on May 3rd, 2013. Can anyone tell me what company comes to mind in Bellevue, WA?

DlocDaBudSmoka3987d ago

ohhh pick me I know. lol. I know u mean Microsoft, but theyre in Redmond,Wa. but I get the point u are getting at.

Elwenil3987d ago

They also have an office in Bellevue.

Microsoft Corporation
205 108th Ave NE #400
Bellevue, WA 98004

Tr10wn3987d ago

Because Sony is original right? Move? Wii remote? is a business is normal...

HammadTheBeast3987d ago

Move tech was announced back in 2002.

Tr10wn3987d ago

Where did you get that info? can't find it anywhere, the only thing somewhat similar is the 3D wand they were experimenting on 2003 with the eyetoy, Move was announce on E3 2009 so i dont know what you are talking about.

Fanboyism>Facts in this site i don't know why i even bother.

ShaunCameron3987d ago

@ HammadTheBeast

And Sega had motion controls in 2000.

rainslacker3987d ago

And Nintendo had motion controls all the way back in 1989.


Crappy motion controls, but motion controls none-the-less.

Really though, who cares who copied who?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3987d ago
SonyPS43987d ago

Well to be honest Sony has done the same with MS. Their trophy system is their Achievements system. Not to say it's a bad thing because Trophies are by far superior to Achievements. The entire PSN is also hugely influenced by XBL. Without XBL Sony wouldn't have been so aggressive with implementing online play features.

Companies copy all the time. Even Innovative Nintendo is guilty of the same thing (Wii U pro controller for example).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
theWB273987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

A device will fail if it's not in demand...all in one devices weren't in demand then and they are now. I know it was mentioned in the article but that means ALOT. Even bigger factor to it all, gaming was a far more niche hobby than it is now

The sides are too divided now...I dont agree with a few things Micro is doing(mainly the 24 hour check in even though I have internet) I still think they'd have to do more for the Xbox to actually fail.

zerocrossing3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

I don't agree with anything MS are doing... and honestly I'm one who always likes to try and play "devils advocate" but I can't this time, I just can't.

There is literally no way to defend MS's actions, the Xbone is "restrictive" and "intrusive" You want to plug in and play games? sorry need to install them 1st, you have spotty Internet? sorry you need to be online so we can verify you aren't a criminal every 24 hours, you want to game off line? sorry no can do, how else can we check if you actually own/paid for the game?

Honestly, I refuse to have anything to do with such a anti consumer product, the Xbone needs to fail hard to prevent others from following suit, because if it succeeds I weep for the future of gaming...

Rainstorm813987d ago

I am usually never against any gaming device regardless of my preference... but this device is dangerous to gaming as we know it.

Its like we are witnessing Skynet going online and the more support it gets the stronger it gets.....If this system becomes widely popular next gen just may be the final console generation.

Belking3987d ago

You really have no Idea what's happening to the industry right now. There is something out there that is hurting the industry and it's not the xbox-one. It's places like gamestop who rob customers and developers making a profit off of someone else's work.

theWB273987d ago

The one thing I don't do around here is defend Microsoft. But to each his own...I know the pitfalls of buying the XboxOne and I'm choosing to get one, along with the PS4. People can disagree and anti-consumer this and that. The things that they restrict, I already don't do. If my internet goes out, I'll play my PS4, or plug in my 360 or PS3. All I'm saying is, I'll live.

Honestly, the hackers and illegal downloaders( I contributed) helped to make Micro take these draconian steps.

It's not just Micro...alot of publishers were pushing for the kind of control over used games and piracy that Micro has given them. It's w/e...if this were altering my life I'd have a bigger stance but as it stands, I have more important, pertinent things to worry about.

zerocrossing3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )


Honesty? do you understand what you're saying?

Of course Gamestop make a profit off of someone else's work... so do bookstores, car dealers, music stores and comic book/manga shops, should they all get closed down because they profit off of the original creator? no! because they are a sales outlet that helps generate "sales"

Gamestop may be a bad example of a game retailer, but most are forced to sell second hand games primarily because they earn such a pittance from the sale of a new game, the reason why that is, is because publishers take huge cut, if you need to blame someone blame publishers, don't forget that they also profit off of the developers, the original creators.

SonyPS43987d ago

This console is defeating the purpose of a console: plug and play, and convenience. PC gaming is way more plug and play and convenient than this XOne on paper.

I really hope the people that do plan on buying the XOne really enjoys their system and games, but I fear video games in its entire will be changing for the worse, again.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
NatureOfLogic3987d ago

@ theWB27

You want to make it very known that you're clueless and buying a Xbox one? Good for you, be a sheep. MS is targeting people like you. People who will try to ignore all of the negative and just bend over and take whatever they throw at them.

theWB273987d ago

Cool story bro...actually Im pretty informed. Well informed actually. I choose to do as I please. I have other devices that are more intrusive than this. The apps you have on your cell phone, are more intrusive than this. Did you know even though you turn the GPS off on your phone, you can still be tracked? Your credit/debit card can be tracked as soon as you make your next purchase. Everytime you go to the ATM, you're recorded.

Cameras are everywhere here in Cali taking pics, how do you know they don't take pics all the time? The cable company knows EXACTLY what shows you watch. Your social security could be being used by some unknown person.

You're a sheep in everyday life buddy...grow the f up. Seriously...we are being recorded and tracked EVERYWHERE. Get off the high horse...better yet you should just drop the grid and grow your own food where there are no power lines.

NatureOfLogic3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

@ theWB27

So because you feel like we're already being monitored and tracked in everyday life, that It's ok to just give up our rights so they can expand upon their agenda to monitor us? You make no sense. You're obviously very vocal and aware of the situation and have formed your own opinion on the subject of being monitored. To be aware of these things and not be concerned, Is asking for a future you'll surely regret. Don't ignore what is happening. The "oh well, It was happening anyway" attitude is the reason It's attempted in the first place. You may not care about you rights, but at least be considerate to those around you that do.

baodeus3987d ago


"You may not care about you RIGHTS, but at least be considerate to those around you that do."

this is what I have been hearing a lot but i'm confuse as to what rights are you guys referring to? Care to clarify the rights that being violated?


There seems to be a conflict between their actions and their claimed intent of their actions.

Their "harmless" stance doesn't seem to justify any alternative purpose for the implementation of these things. It's like they drew a weapon, pointed it at me, and said...

"Don't worry! I'll never fire! I'll just cock it, that's all."

So naturally I can't think of a reasonable purpose outside of just shooting me. Are they adjusting their sights? No. Did I catch them in the act and now they are pointing out that a crime hasn't occurred yet cause they didn't pull the trigger...and no intent can be proven? Possible.

"Our intent is to point it, for nonshooting-related reasons."

So maybe it makes more sense to get as close as you can and keep it there. Justify the existence of pointing it and ask gamers not to generalize things. Removing it is not your main concern...making people accept it as harmless is.

They will wait until you forget, and they will try again later.

MysticStrummer3987d ago

Someone had the theory that they'll wait until the install base is big enough, then start their new policies after people are invested.

It's hard to discount much of anything when big business is involved.

ACEMANWISE3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

I have come to the same theory. They will leverage your account against their policies. The greater the investment the greater the leverage to enforce their will.

Morpheuzpr3987d ago

The problem here is that you would be buying a product that's not actually yours. If I buy a console I should be able to do what ever the flock I want with it since I PAID for it. If that's modding it, painting it or throwing it from the Empire State Building it's my property period. Pirating games is illegal but modding the console isn't. So they decided to put us on a leash because legally they can't control what people do with their consoles.


All they have to do is create a system that doesn't effect the consumer. For collectors like me they could have announced some sort of DRM release system for the end of this generation so that I do real backups enforced by my own account and password. Instead my purchases die when the servers end and that's unacceptable to me.

They could have kept online for the games they shut down by releasing their system and implementing a peer to peer server. Instead they keep their service as the only means to do anything.

To me it's their service that is driving the cost up for this industry. Instead of making the consoles become the online system they create servers to act as a middleman to what already be achieved without it. It's like a third server for nothing. Then they need all sorts of paid staff to maintain them, on top of electricity costs, and an update system that never ends and in most cases doesn't really improve anything. It's like they are there to update in response to everyone else's update.

I used to believe that consoles would implement the good in what updates, online gaming, and digital can do for us. Yet it has become clear they created this system to keep a service going.

Neko_Mega3987d ago

The PSX didn't really fail, what was bad about it is the price and the fact it wasn't out worldwide.

I think Japan was the only one that got it, I be more happy to own it then the old PS2 and thats because it is a PS2 with a good size hard drive.

rainslacker3987d ago

Sony made a follow up with the PlayTV. It was moderately successful, and still supported by Sony to this day. It actually does a lot of the things that the X1 does now, minus the Kinect I guess.

It's not really lighting the tech world on fire though. MS does have some savvy marketing, so maybe they can make it more mainstream. Most endeavors into this area of entertainment by Apple, Google, Sony, Samsung, etc aren't really something you hear about people needing in their lives. MS marketing could change that. Think the biggest issue is that the X1 isn't actually a cable box or DVR from what I understand. All it really offers is an overlay feature, a few more apps, and the ability to play games.

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Game Studio Closures, Entertainment News, Disney, And More Skewedcast

The full Skewedcast crew back for this episode and Gareth, Justin, Michael, and JoeyZ at Skewed and Reviewed break down the latest entertainment news qith a focus at 40:00 on the Microsoft Studio Closures and how it impacts the game community and what can be done to help offset this negative trend.


What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple10123h ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing7h ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast6h ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop4h ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

XiNatsuDragnel22h ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander197221h ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

20h ago
ApocalypseShadow15h ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai19h ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

P_Bomb18h ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz7h ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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Xbox, do you even have a plan anymore?

TSA asks what is the future for Xbox.

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Chocoburger23h ago

They clearly never did, hence why they spent so many BILLIONS on other publishers as a last resort.

anast22h ago

They have a plan. It's to move everything toward streaming and mobile. This is just the next step.

Cacabunga21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

With half of the money they spent, they could have been on the very top and the gaming industry would be way bigger than it is.. encourage developers, indies, make them grow trust them and they will deliver.

Tody_za21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

What are you talking about Cacabunga? The Xbox faithful insisted that Microsoft has infinite money, and after Activision they should buy Square Enix and Capcom before Sony does. There was no chance ever that Microsoft would do this. They would use their infinite millions and Bitcoins to invest in 50 new IP and beat everyone.

Tody_za18h ago

Did I really need to add a /s to my comment...

SonyStyled16h ago

The Parent company of Xbox spent billions on publishers, not Xbox

andy8522h ago

To ruin great studios it's looking like

Skuletor21h ago

Sure, a plan to be a more hated game company than EA. Ubisoft were recently giving them a run for their money but I think Xbox have really knocked it out the park with their latest stunt.

neutralgamer199221h ago

Absolutely not, their whole plan is at odd with what MS wants

Phil wants GP to become big
MS wants to sell games and make billions

GP can’t be sustained with AAA games which take 3-5 years and 7 figure budgets. Only go put those games on GP day one. Why do you think games are coming out on other platforms?

People want a change and want Phil gone without realizing if someone new comes along they may want to change everything again so we just keep going in circles. Phil has to realize that and give clear message on the direction of Xbox

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