
Interview: Precursor Games (Highlights)

oprainfall writes: "Yesterday, Josh Speer, who wrote this amazing article on Shadow of the Eternals, and Jonathan Higgins sat down with the folks at Precursor Games. Their interview will be featured on next week’s episode of The Downpour Podcast, coming to iTunes and our website on Monday, June 3rd. Here are some of the highlights, hand-picked by our editing team."

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Moonman3998d ago

Another promising WiiU exclusive (with PC).

ifritAlkhemyst3998d ago

Stop the N4G articles for this game! Nobody is going to support you Dyack because you've burned too many bridges linking you with your fans and with the industry.

I love Eternal Darkness and at the time Silicon Knights but through the years they;ve revealed how truly incompetent they are without someone outside the company guiding the ship.

PopRocks3593998d ago

Oh shut up. It's not like Dyack is even involved with management of the company, so that point is moot. Also Precursor has talent from SK but they also have some new talent involved with the development as well, so how about we stop acting like an angry mob and actually see if said team can have a fresh start and try again?

If Nintendo's Wii Music and Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines are any indication, any dev/publisher will have some bad games in their resume. I don't see how hounding these guys and preventing them from making games is supposed to make them improve.

ifritAlkhemyst3997d ago

Just like Rebellion has learned from their mistakes all these years, right.

Just like Rare still outputs quality games.

Sorry, but some company's lose the talent that drove their previous games to success and never recover. That is cause for concern enough, and Dyack's involvement can do nothing to assuage that feeling.

PopRocks3593997d ago

1. How about citing a developer who isn't consistently outsourced to do quick licensed games?

2. Rare is owned by Microsoft and heaven knows those guys don't care about producing quality content unless it has the word "Halo" on it.

3. "That is cause for concern enough, and Dyack's involvement can do nothing to assuage that feeling."

Concern, fine. Angry mob and F$#% THESE GUYS mentality? Not even close. And like I said, Dyack is only creatively involved AND there is new talent working with him; he doesn't even have full creative control. So I say the benefit of the doubt is in order UNTIL they mess up again, IF they mess up again.


10 Kickstarter Horror Adventures That Deserved to Be Funded

Serena Nelson writes: " I want to specifically take a look at ten Kickstarter horror adventure games that didn't hit the mark that should have been easily funded. Horror is a popular genre, especially during this time of year as All Hallow's Eve approaches. What better way than to scare you with some unfortunate tales of loss? Read on, if you dare."

garyanderson2755d ago

Agree with about half the list. Big outlier is shadow of the eternals. Glad that one failed both times.


David Hayter’s Kickstarter Saga

Josh Griffiths writes: "Yes, the gravely voice known to a generation as Big Boss and Solid Snake is famous for Metal Gear, but he’s had other roles in recent years. You may be surprised how many of them came from Kickstarter. He’s been involved in eight different Kickstarter projects, one of which was a movie, to varying degrees."

garyanderson2949d ago

Definitely seems like he's always popping up in kickstarter campaigns. Him and Jennifer hale.

DarkKaine2948d ago

Very good analysis. Love the content so far, keep it up :)


5 Dead Games To Save With Powerball Winnings

Powerball mania has swept the nation, and people have been day dreaming about what they would do with so much money. Everyone jumped on the hype train and day dreamed about what games they would bring back from vaporware Hell.

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DarkOcelet3031d ago

Shadow Of The Eternals is still coming. They just wanted to expand the universe.


Most likely they will make a Movie or a TV series along side the game.

DarkOcelet3031d ago

I think we might get a big reveal at E3 this year for the game and an actual release date this time.

It feels like ages since we got any news about this game.

blackblades3031d ago

Hell winning the last PowerBall you can buy a company or create your on company just for it. Also back up kickstarter and get some profit out of it.