
PC vs console: Choose your weapon!

There is a massive, long-lasting debate over which is better, PC or console gaming. Let’s be honest up front, neither suck. Here are a few select reasons why both consoles and PCs are good to get your fix of virtual reality in your spare time.

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Ask4024d ago

I think the console vs pc argument is something that needs to be discuss for an aspect that is never given any kind of consideration. The new gamer. What they actually try to game on will actually define whether or not they get into the culture of playing games. Finding the right platform for you is VERY important and without knowing the ins and outs of both you could be doing yourself a huge disservice.

It may be common sense to everyone else which should suit which but a lot of people just don't get it. I've found a lot of my friends who get into gaming have done so by trying something they weren't prepared to play and have found it to be much more enjoyable than they thought it would be. This is especially true of those who go from consoles to PC games as they think them to be too fiddly or dull when compared to their console counterparts.

I don't want to start a flame war but I do think it's sensible to know the limitations and advantages of each platform from the perspective of a non-gamer. Because at the end of the day those who argue about "What's best" already know what works best for them.

DA_SHREDDER4024d ago

I would prefer to play all my games on the WiiU game pad. IDK who these people think they are telling me what I want and need?

reynod4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Well console gaming is expensive because every game costs more to begin with, then you need pay to to go online, the accessories like HDs can cost a ton since some consoles use proprietary parts.

However the real kicker is consoles have no BC. I bought over 150 games on Steam in the last 5 years. Even if i dont consider the discounts i got to purchase those games, my library is probably worth 6000-8000usd. If i was to buy those games on a console i wouldnt be able to play them on the next box. Hence these sort of losses make consoles unreasonably expensive.

Gazondaily4024d ago

Choose my weapon? I choose to duel wield.

MikeMyers4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

If I only had one platform to choose it would be the PC. It's the best platform to sustain a never ending supply of games and can be scaled pending on investment. In theory I could play the latest Battlefield for example on a mid-priced system and have it toned down to run smoothly. Then in a year I could upgrade if I so choose and have a new experience with the highest settings. I can also play the original Grand Theft Auto or even older titles that are still being sold today.

The consoles have great exclusives, there's no doubt about it, but the PC will always have the largest library and the best hardware available with the most freedom and versatility.

trenso14023d ago

@reynod what are you on about? The only thing that was true for all consoles was the games, not all consoles require you to pay to play online only the 360 does that. Not all consoles have proprietary HD's the ps3 uses a sata drive that can be manually swapped out, i plan on switching mines soon on my fat model.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4023d ago
Lior4024d ago

autoaim takes all the skill out of gaming period

LogicStomper4024d ago

As in aim-bots? Then most definitely yes.

4024d ago
4024d ago
Hellsvacancy4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Silly me, I thought the article was actually about m/k vs gamepads

Its not though, its just another "PC is better than consoles" bs article

Ask4024d ago

Sorry I read it and went off on a tangent - my bad! It is essentially that. I prefer gamepads personally for games that require dexterity of character movement but for an FPS game I much prefer a mouse. I can't hit anything otherwise.

Corpser4024d ago

Console games have aim assist, some games you can't even turn it off.

And some console gamers think Aim assist means auto snap on to enemies like the default in cod games (in campaign). That's not what it means, it means when you aim down the sight, the game helps you by "assisting" you target toward an enemy, all console games do this.

majiebeast4024d ago (Edited 4024d ago )

Im the master race!

PC/PS3/Wii/Vita is the combo.

-Pc for multiplats and exclusive's.
-PS3 for exclusives and multiplatform games i dont like to play with a keyboard and mouse, like Assasins Creed(keyboard twister).
Wii for exclusives like Xenoblade.
Vita for indie's and portable console experience.

Oh_Yeah4024d ago

You do know you can use a ps3 or 360 controller to play games on pc right?


Yep, I use my ps3 controller on my PC all the time

starchild4023d ago

Assassasins Creed on PS3 sucks @ss. You can easily use a controller on pc.

Williamson4024d ago

Console for me...only because thats all that Ive gamed on in my life.

Kran4023d ago

That's a dumb statement.

I gamed on consoles most of my life and the transition to PC gaming is really easy. Too easy in fact.

trenso14023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

i disagree while i was transitioning to PC its not that easy, learning mouse and keyboard takes getting used especially playing the arma mods, also with going to PC it would be wise to learn all the technical details to so that you can build a better rig down the road. It certainly has some learning curve to it.

Williamson4023d ago

How is it dumb? Ive only played games on consoles since I can remember, I wasnt bashing pc gaming. I know games on pc look better,play better, and you can get mods for most games on it but im fine with consoles since thats where I can find sony&nintendo exclusives.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk775h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE2h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7301h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄


Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion4h ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus3h ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning773h ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC2h ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion2h ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware7301h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC1h ago(Edited 1h ago)


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion1h ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance1h ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

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1h ago
Hofstaderman48m ago

Going in with no expectations but likely will see something that resonates with me.


MultiVersus Joker Trailer With Mark Hamill

Here is a look at the new Joker Trailer. Warner Bros. Games today released a new MultiVersus trailer revealing the first look at gameplay for The Joker, who will join the roster as a playable character when the upcoming free-to-play platform fighter videogame launches on May 28th.