
Next Gen Warfare: Has Microsoft Fallen Into Sony's Trap?

GP writer Jared discusses why Microsoft may have an uphill battle when revealing their next generation console to the world.

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THC CELL4205d ago

Title hit nail on the head.

decrypt4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

Sure if thats what you like to believe.

"we recently saw the public unveiling of the Playstation 4 in the last month"

Lol no we didnt, all we saw was a controller and some specs for the PS4PC, nothing much.

MS wont have a problem dealing with Sony, they been doing that since the last 10 years. Hence dealing with Sony isnt really on the top of their agenda right now.

MS has problems of their own to settle right now. Its the main business thats at stake right now, with the slow down in the PC industry.

The slow down in Windows sales and their tablets not taking off is where Microsoft will fall. Its not gonna be because of Sony thats for sure.

Playstation fans shoud rather be thanking Apple, Google & Samsung lol. If Windows sales carry on disappointing and due to those reasons we see Office and server divisions tanking. That is what will take the whale known as Microsoft down. It sure wont be Sony, they have problems of their own.

MariaHelFutura4205d ago

PS4PC sounds like a compliment. Apparently PC are made directly by god, but it's also a Playstation. Sounds good to me.

-Falaut-4205d ago

Damn, I seriously though you where part of the club. Fix that in a jiffy....

Rush4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

I love the way the Sony tribe like THC CELL on this site have completely switched there argument and pretend like no one has happened to notice.

First it was "The PS3 has better graphics and tech so it will last longer than the 360 forcing Microsoft to announce a year before Sony"

Because according to them that would give Sony a massive technical advantage. Now it's " Sony announce first so they have the advantage and Microsoft in in there trap"

N4G has made some strides towards becoming a balanced site as of late. But it's still a massive Sony heaven. A place where ignorance is all but encouraged. They should call this place N4G - The gamers bible

jimbobwahey4205d ago


You make valid points but it's also worth noting that although Microsoft has been dealing with Sony for the past 10 years, they've also lost to Sony for the past 10 years as well.

During this time they have of course expanded their share of the home console market while Sony have seen theirs shrink, but at the end of the day Microsoft is on-course to lose yet another console generation to Sony.

I suspect that whenever Microsoft does unveil the next Xbox they will likely come out guns blazing due to sheer determination to beat Sony in round 3. I think their troubles in the PC industry will likely spur them to go all-out in an effort to try and at least secure the home console market, and some form of integration of Windows 8 with the next Xbox will also likely be an attempt to push the OS further and encourage PC adoption for the sake of compatibility and service integration for users of multiple devices.

Of course, it could all fail miserably and Microsoft will suffer major losses as all their divisions suffer in the face of competition, but I think the fact that Microsoft is facing such stiff competition is the exact reason why they'll probably go all-out aggressive and likely shock many people with what they have in store.

HarryMasonHerpderp4205d ago

Everyone sees the PS4 announcement as the be all and end all.
Do you think Sony are just going to sit back and not do anything at E3? Microsoft will be announcing their new Xbox while Sony can concentrate on showing us even more new games and gameplay, which is a great position to be in.

MikeMyers4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

People act like the PS4 will be on sale soon, it won't be. The PS4 comes out this holiday which is quite a few months after E3 and even then it may not come to all regions by the end of this year.

Sony's announcement of the PS4 has people talking and that is great marketing for Sony. Microsoft will now have to come out swinging and show something substantial but they don't need to rush their announcement just because Sony surprised a lot of folks by announcing it in February.

The problem really isn't the wait for E3, it's how the internet is such a busy place trying to make something out of almost nothing.

I want to see Sony be very clear in their direction with the PS4. That's where Nintendo struggled with the Wii U. That will eventually force Microsoft to do the same because a lot of rumors are flying about the next Xbox and how much of an actual gaming device it really is. Microsoft needs to be very clear on Xbox Live as well. Will there be a free way of playing online, what real advancements is it taking in a world with Miiverse and Gaikai. How committed is Microsoft to the hardcore gamer and expanding their portfolio? I don't want to see tech demo's, I want to see substance. No more smoke and mirrors.

dcbronco4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )


Windows isn't going anywhere. None of the other OS makers are any closer to knocking it off than they were when people first started talking of a Microsoft fall five or more years ago. But the devices division has grown a ton. It didn't account for much as far as profits, but it did for revenue. And as it matures it will account for a huge amount of the companies profits as well. Microsoft made record revenue last quarter.


Given all of the technology they are introducing and things they are doing in new fields they are only getting stronger. I believe they will make gains in phones, medical devices and IPTV(cable boxes and content) from what I've seen and read. And there position in gaming is strong.

Samsung is the only company that doesn't seem to have any problems of those you named. The iPhone has more problems from Samsung than Microsoft has. And Steve Jobs is gone. And yes, that does matter. Google has to figure out a way to make income other than advertising. None of those companies are a real threat to Microsoft.


I'm not sure what information you're looking at when you judge winning and losing. Sony has lost as much money on gaming over the last ten years. They sold more PS2s and made more money last generation while MS lost billions. Then Sony sold as many PS3s but lost billions on the PS3 while MS made billions on the 360. These are businesses and making money is the point. If anything they are even over the last 10 years. As for Microsoft's business area problems. See the part above about record revenue. And the OS divisions made a profit of several billion dollars, not sure how they suddenly lose money considering any slow Windows 8 sales are easily offset by continued Windows 7 sales. And people will eventually move to 8 once the silly I don't like Metro thing dies.

Knight_Crawler4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

All fanboys are bad but the Sony loyalist on this site take the cake big time.

They like to act like Sony is some sort of god and the PS is a bible that they are willing to die for.

Like I said all fanboys are bad but no one can deny that the amount of PS extremist on this site is ridiculous - think I am wrong post a pro MS XBOX article and watch the comment section turn into a PS is better than Xbox conversation.

Hopefully MS can release something with the same specs and content as the PS4 so the PS die hard do not have any ammo to attack the 720.

Why o why4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

goes both ways nightcrawler. Just go into any ps4 announcement article watch the hate. BOTH just as bad both just as hypocritical. If you stay out of ps articles you just wont notice it as much
..This whole gen has been a huge mud slinging contest

The biggest word I feel defines the hate is the word 'Needed' From rumble not being needed to hdmi or blu ray or x game chat. Replace what word which fans and fanboys alike use and the discusions become non events. Is having rumble hdmi or blu ray BETTER....Yep, so change needed to desired or would x make x better... Ive been hypocritical about a few things this gen but I dont expect much people to be as honest nor do I need them to be. Some people will be wrong n strong till their death.

Not sure any trap has been fallen into...lets wait until whats announced but I abnd many others were surprised sony announced first out of the 2 upper tier consoles


ok whoever... ps fanboyz iz the worst evar

@ rush above... I agree with a lot of your points but just like your cell point what about blu ray or hdmi counter points. many tribes. Highlighting one sides fallacies is old plus this site wouldn't of thrived without it. Great vent spot

colonel1794205d ago

So you would have preferred to be shown the console but not the specs?. What the PS4 can do is much more important than what it looks!

Just look at the Wii U. They focused on the controller, and then after everyone's confusion they showed the console, but they stayed very quiet about the specs. Month after, everyone knew it was a disappointment, and that the specs of the consoles wouldn't be much better than the PS3/360.

I was more interested in the specs. How the console looks is not important. It's very unlikely that Sony will release a piece of turd as the console. Just look at the controller. It's very well designed and built. Expect the same for the console.

In short, not showing the console, doesn't mean they didn't unveil the PS4. ON the contrary, if they had showed everything but the specs, then they wouldn't have showed anything, because people wants to know what it can do!.

greenpowerz4205d ago Show
insomnium24205d ago


"During this time they have of course expanded their share of the home console market while Sony have seen theirs shrink"

PS3 is on course to sell 130 million consoles. How has Sony's market shrung really?

Seriously this same bs over and over again. Consoles are not like phones or cars where most people wouldn't even consider having more then one of those. This console gen people has found the usual Playstation and in addition to that they also bought a Wii and an x360. If there is something to be taken from teh marget zharez it is that this console gen MS and Nintendo weren't pathetic.

Sony is as strong as ever but this gen people found other consoles good as well. I have no idea what is it with all the fanboys who run with this market share bs. It really brings out the stupidity in people.

BitbyDeath4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

Don't know about you guys but i'm quite interested in hearing more about this PS4PC which i'm guessing has some new tech called THC CELL.

MysticStrummer4205d ago

"MS wont have a problem dealing with Sony, they been doing that since the last 10 years."

I guess, if being outsold by Sony is what you call dealing with them.

AsimLeonheart4205d ago

I think revealing a console first or second does not means anything in the long run. It may get you the initial hype and sales BUT a few years down the road gamers wont be buying a console based on the fact which was revealed first. Similarly, releasing a console first or second does not means much in the long run too. People buy consoles for games and services they provide. I bought a PS3 because of the exclusives, good hardware and free online. I did not buy an XBOX because of its notorious initial failure rate and paid online. The only things that matter in the long run are great games/exclusives, solid hardware, quality services and of-course the price.

sarshelyam4205d ago

"Lol no we didnt, all we saw was a controller and some specs for the PS4PC, nothing much."

Yeah...actually we did @decrypt. You may not have seen the plastic that holds those specs, but it's the specs that drove the gameplay/videos for Knack, Killzone Shadow Fall, Drive Club, inFAMOUS: Second Son, etc. I suppose you missed all that?

Nice try though.

xxLuckyStrike4205d ago

Fanboys sense of reality is so warped. Microsoft has seen a 66% increase in sales alone from last gen. Sony has seen their Marketshare shrink. Xbox is on a massive incline. Sony has lost a significant marketshare from MS hence declining. Sony was said to have the more powerful console and is still in 3rd place( by 1.5 million) 8 years later.

Sony had to rethink and change up their whole identity for the PS4.

*They kicked the cell to the curb.
*Scrapped the XMB.
*Redesigned the controller.
*Added a Kinnect looking type camera
*Adding tier pricing.
*Charge for services.

Now WHO'S FALLEN INTO WHO'S TRAP?? Lol I love how you guys can twist anything in favor of Sony.

Old McGroin4204d ago (Edited 4204d ago )

@ decrypt

"Playstation fans shoud rather be thanking Apple, Google & Samsung lol"

Why would PS fans thank Apple, Google and Samsung? No gamer should be happy if a console or corporation like MS or Nintendo fail, I'll never understand that side of Fanboyism. I'm a gamer, I like to play games so the more of them out there the better, I would never affiliate myself to just one console. I like Mario games so I bought a Wii U. I like Gears Of War so I bought a 360. I like Uncharted so I bought a PS3. I'm going to like games on the PS4 so I'll buy a PS4 and same goes for the next Xbox.

If I heard tomorrow that Nintendo were going out of business or that there wasn't going to be a next Xbox or PS4 I certainly would not be thanking anyone for their demise, I would be pretty p!ssed off!

andibandit4204d ago


Actually no we didnt, some prototype PC with heavy similarities to a PS4 isn't public unveiling.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4204d ago
imdaboss14205d ago

Microsoft barely made it last gen..Sony catch up and stole 2nd place..Imagine if Sony PS3 was released at the same time as the 360..I promise you the PS3 will sell at least 5 million more then the 360 right now..MS is lucky that they have fanboys who keep buying the system after it crapped out on them due to the red lights of death.

CoolBeansRus4205d ago

imdaboss, you are a sony fanboy. I can make the same argument, i can't believe you stuck with sony after they lost everyone's creditcard info to hacker who shut down their servers for a whole month. See? Fanboy mentality.

slampunk4205d ago

Sony catch up and took 2nd place!!!..LOL....Sony lost around 50% market share in one gen? and that's winning? foolish fanboy comment....

CoolBeansRus4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

Slam, he doesn't see it like that. He sees a glorious comeback win because MSFT had a 1 year unfair advantage this gen!

Ps2 had over a year advantage on the xbox and 7 year advantage on the brand and lost 50% in one gen because they were too arrogant. So i don't see how they are winning.
A falling rock isn't flying on the way down, its falling.

I like both companies, i want them to compete, but i cant stand fanboys on both sides. I hate people that bash Sony and MSFT for no reason at all. Both have made mistakes so dont act like its all sunshine and butterflies in fanboy land.

FlunkinMonkey4205d ago

It's amazing.. These idiotic comments naming and shaming apparent 'Fanboys', when you yourselves seem to be bursting at the seem with said Fanboyism. Are these one bubble warriors the pot calling kettle black?

With that said MS are in a position where they can possibly surprise everyone and dig deep. They're going to need something special because i feel Sony are pinpointing all previous mistakes and rectifying them for next gen.. I reckon they are going to kill it at E3.

Chaostar4205d ago (Edited 4205d ago )

It's definitely a 'rock and a hard place' situation for MS. They can't just leave it until E3 because all multiplatform reveals up until then will have the PS4 logo on them and no 720. They also can't reveal too much to try and top Sony's reveal as there won't be anything left for E3.

Can't wait to see this unravel but I wouldn't want to work at MS right now they have a high bar to jump. I mean, if the rumoured specs are true and the 720 doesn't quite match up to PS4 then how do you say that without sounding inadequate?

I hope they really bring it and return to their core gaming roots, although there aren't really any exclusive third party games to steal anymore, there must be SOMETHING they can do.

Good_Guy_Jamal4205d ago

Lets not be dramatic, first it was SONY will wait for Microsoft and then come up with something better, now that Sony went first then suddenly Microsoft is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Lets pick a side SONY fans.

Chaostar4205d ago

Yeah because all fans of a particular console think as one hive mind when one speaks they speak for all. It's that kind of generalisation that says more about you than anything else.

If I have somehow contradicted something someone else may have said earlier it does not make me a hypocrite.

Back on topic, you have to admit MS have a challenge ahead and don't worry I'm not saying they can't rise to it, just so you don't take offence.

Good_Guy_Jamal4205d ago

Well according to a Crack in Time, Zoni's are a hive mind.
On a serious note, I do believe you'd saying the exact opposite if SONY were in Microsoft's position.

Chaostar4205d ago

Of course you believe that, because I'm not 100% positive about the console you love therefore I must be a fanboy of a competing platform right?

Typical N4G mindset, maybe you should take a break.

Outside_ofthe_Box4204d ago (Edited 4204d ago )

Let's not be dramatic and only alienate one perspective here, first it was Sony was too scared and needs to wait and see what MS does so that they can copy them, now it's Sony was so scared that MS made them reveal first...

Let's pick a side MS fans...

So how was that? was I correct in claiming that all MS fans think that way? Was I correct in claiming that YOU think that what way? If the answer is no then what the hell gives you the right to do that to others?

With that said I do believe had this article switched MS and Sony and Chaostar swapped MS and Sony, You wouldn't have replied to him and instead hit the agree button and moved on... Am I correct in that assessment as well?

SMH @ the N4G mentality.

solidjun54196d ago

Good guy Jamal is a true fanboy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4196d ago
CapsLocke4205d ago ShowReplies(4)
Garrison4205d ago

It was good read this one. MS does indeed seem to be a rough spot going into next gen right now. If they reveal everything soon they wont have anything good to reveal for E3.
Man I miss Peter Moore running the Xbox division, MS should of kept on creating new ip and games for the hardcore. Now next gen is coming up and what do they got now that the competition matched them up in services? Jack.

badz1494205d ago

Dude he was lucky MS is a deep pocket host because he lied big time about the RRoD and it almost blew out in MS's face if not because of their deep pocket!

If Sony or Nintendo, not MS who had had the RRoD and as bad as it was, the PS3 or the Wii would be forced to be recalled off the market!

Jazz41084205d ago

At digital raptor...please show me where ms has revealed specs of there new console? They have not plain and simple. Your taking rumors as truth and that will come back to bite you.

4205d ago
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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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Obscure_Observer3h ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

purple1012h ago(Edited 2h ago)

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

MrDead3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers39m ago(Edited 32m ago)

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

shadowT1h ago

Sony spend $400 Million for Concord.

pwnmaster30001h ago

Yes it was a disaster. What’s your point?
This is about game pass and how Microsoft is investing billions on it.

BeHunted39m ago

Game Pass brings in billions per year, while Concord flopped, the worst flop in the history of gaming.

pwnmaster30002m ago(Edited 2m ago)


Okay so what’s your point lol.
Didn’t know this article was about concord and Sony’s.
I could have sworn this article was about MS and game pass.

I guess I misread the title and article 🤷🏽‍♂️


Report: Microsoft Cutting 650 More Jobs From Gaming Division Per Phil Spencer's Letter to Employees

Phil Spencer has sent a letter out to employees informing them that 650 jobs would be cut from Microsoft's gaming division.

VenomUK8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

‘Good guy Phil’?

The truth likely is that the decision was not his to make and is possibly a direct consequence of cutting costs following the ABK deal.

DodoDojo8d ago

Would be nice if he'd mail one of those letters to himself.

RhinoGamer888d ago

Cut costs -> no bonus, stock options, raises for Phil and his leadership team.

Lightning778d ago

"Good guy Phil" is comical. You have to bleed green to see that. I'm only a matter of time until MS, that's right MS even in ages themselves from the industry.

Sad, people and even sadder and pathetic company.

fr0sty8d ago

If they keep this up, they won't even be able to go third party anymore after they stop making Xbox hardware.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
bionicstar8d ago

game devs aren't being let go.

“As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming—mostly corporate and supporting functions—to organize our business for long term success.”

darthv728d ago

getting rid of some suits... now this news isnt so bad. Too many suits makes all the wrong decisions, esp the top dogs.

Michiel19898d ago

@darth they arent suits, they are people that work in administration, customer support and that kinda stuff

ZacultronTheFirst8d ago

Probably people from much needed Marketing department.

Nacho_Z8d ago

It doesn't make it any better if they aren't devs being fired.

7d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
Petebloodyonion8d ago

The original story is from IGN as they are the ones who got the memo.

Still sucks!

badboyz098d ago

The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching.

8d ago Replies(2)
Obscure_Observer8d ago

"The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching."

Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.

1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “ Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.”
Welcome back we missed you said no one 🤣

I don’t remember Sony cutting over 1900 employees then Less than 7 months later get a leak for another 600 to be on the chopping board but hey let’s equate that to a few people not been happy about a mid gen system refresh price 🤦🏿.

8d ago
1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “
They also casually forget that Sony have been laying off thousands of people too”
Yeeesh I got a better help discount code for you

BehindTheRows8d ago

Uh, thr Pro "backlash" is hardly something that's going to tank their business. Unless you've been living under a rock, there's no question that Xbox is in the gutter.

Quit pivoting to Sony because you don't like the subject matter. Their game division isn't in the toilet.

DodoDojo8d ago

Well Sony isn't selling more copies of their games on a rival system yet so they must be doing alright.

7d ago
Mr_cheese7d ago


Saves some straws for the rest of us will you

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
343_Guilty_Spark7d ago

Vastly approaching is a weird phrase… vastly is typically used to convey the degree of some size or length or time.

Vastly approaching makes no sense.

You mean rapidly approaching.

MrDead8d ago

A combined $80 billion spent on consolidating a massive part of the industry, thousands fired all to line the pockets of the already wealthy and turn the gaming industry into a rental service.


crazyCoconuts8d ago

MS is a publicly traded company. If you have a 401K you yourself might own MS stocks.
I'm definitely not a MS fan, but CEOs need to keep returns high to keep their jobs if nothing else. They don't get to transfer the salaries to their accounts.
I blame MS for failed strategies, poor execution, lack of vision, etc.
These layoffs are just the result of those things.

MrDead8d ago

That's the weakest excuse for a giant monopoly I've ever seen... also companies like MS are more likely to damage people's 401k through monopolistic practices.

Obscure_Observer8d ago

"FU MS."

I love how you act all enraged and bully when it´s MS firing people.

"It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?

We been seeing some of Sony recent bs moves and you know what´s coming, right?

I´m expecting you to disappear the same way you do every time Sony layoff hundreds of people or get a whole studio shut down.

You´ll do anything to avoid and hold them accountable. But that's OK. You´are not biased, right?

1Victor8d ago

@obscured: “ "It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?”

Well Sony didn’t overreached and spend over 80 BILLION$ to acquire mayor 3rd party game developers and one MAYOR publisher the owner of the BIGGEST FPS just hoping to keeping it exclusive to their system and now having to fire thousands of employees to valance their books one more quarter.
Now Microsoft is beginning and going to kiss Sony dark ring and publish their “first party games “ on PlayStation. Regardless of who it is it’s wrong to do an acquisition and then fire people.
I applaud Microsoft for at least giving them a severance package and assistance getting a new job 👍👍.

MrDead8d ago

Chill out kid... also why bring up Sony, have they just spent 80 billion to consolidate a massive part of the industry to the detriment of thousands of workers?

MS lines their pockets whilst firing thousands, such a shame you support this.

Chevalier8d ago

Gee someone here said Xbox would NEVER release 1st party games on Playstation or competing platforms again?! Never tired to see you eat crow again.

7d ago
OlderGamer177d ago

But but Sony bad...thats the normal damagecontroll from O_O. Dude its time to sing another song, this one is sounding like a broken record......

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil8d ago

Not sure about the rest of the world, but here in Brazil we have a say that goes like this:

'May the last one to leave please turn off the lights'

What the heck is MS even doing right now?

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Something Feels Off About Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Shaz from GL: “Amidst recent concerns surrounding Xbox, Phil and Co. need a win. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be it.”

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TwoPicklesGood13d ago

Looks good to me and I’m glad it’s coming to ps5

VenomUK11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

When it comes to video game previews I’m of the opinion that journalists should maintain a position of CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM. Yes, note and share concerns about the game with readers but maintain a restrained optimistic stance until actually having reviewed it so that any negativity is based on the game’s quality and not the author’s prejudices.

Here the author writes “ I’m going to continue to keep my cynicisms intact, less so because of my trust in MachineGames and more so due to the dumpster fire that continues to be modern-day Xbox.” This example illustrates the need to follow this guidance.

DefenderOfDoom212d ago

Not worried about facial animations , but I do hope the gameplay is fun . Most definitely I will purchase this on PS5, if the gameplay is fun .

BaughJaughs12d ago

nice hit piece. I notice the writer didn't mention any of the journalists / creators who had good things to say. From what i hear, it has riddick: escape from butcher bay in its DNA. To me that sounds like something to be Optimistic about rather than pessimistic.

ChasterMies12d ago

It’s odd to have a first person perspective for an adventure game with stealth and brawling. But’s not without precedent. Wolfenstein: New Order and Wolfenstein: New Colossus had a lot of adventure game elements. They were in the league of the greatest games ever, but they were both fun games. Indy looks fun too.

YourMommySpoils12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Yes, Indy looks like Todd Howard. Something feels way too off.

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