
Tomb Raider: 5 Reasons It’s Better Than Uncharted 3

"The recent reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise has been well met by many. Lara Croft’s new adventure has been compared numerous times with the Uncharted series, which itself was initially compared to earlier Tomb Raider games when it first came out. " | Explosion.com

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guitar_nerd_234079d ago

Not to put Uncharted down because it's great but I thought it improved on a lot things with Uncharted while not being quite as polished as Uncharted.

Considering the scale of the environments, it's a technical marvel.

lastofgen4079d ago

I think you've got your statement jumbled up.

Scenarist4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

I understand what he is saying tho but
I could only hope that any newer game, that is similar to another game , would better it since it is newer... (not always the case but key word is HOPE )

otherwise be completely different so I have no reference

Uncharted is an amazing series..
and I hope (when I play it) that I feel like the
new Tomb Raider ....TOPS IT...

and then the next uncharted top that... and so forth

I would hate for it to be any other way

FATAL1TY4079d ago

Uncharted 2: 96
Uncharted 3: 92
tomb raider: 86


omi25p4079d ago

I swear just a few weeks ago you said we shouldn't use metacritic because most reviewers are biased again the ps3.

Funny how now it works in you're favour its a different story.

Highlife4079d ago

Wow you can recite numbers. Who cares about metacritic. I played them and Uncharted to ME is the better game. But realy who cares about numbers especially metacritic.

fermcr4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Reviewers tend to overhype and overscore exclusives (for all platform exclusives), and underscore multiplatform games (with the exception of games like GTA4).
Metacritic doesn't show the value of the game.

Go play the game and see how good it is.

b163o14079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Funny how people let other people decide what games to play smdh, probably why I own 3D dot game Heroes. I'm my own reviewer pay for what I want play what I want.

007Bond4079d ago

That doesn't mean anything, Tomb Raider is way better and more interesting than that snore fest

Blackdeath_6634079d ago

while i do agree with you please for the love of god do not quote metacritic

4079d ago
icewater854079d ago

@b163o1 YOu get a bubble from me, because 3D Dot Heros is one of my favorite games this gen.

gta28004079d ago

Tomb Raider=Poor mans Uncharted.

Karpetburnz4079d ago

I agree that Uncharted is a better game, but F*ck Metacritic, They gave God of War: Ascension a 79, Thats F*cked.

rataranian4079d ago

..Yeah cause we care about what review sites give it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4079d ago
fermcr4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

I've played all Uncharted's on PS3 (just didn't play the one on the Vita), and they are good games, but... in my humble opinion Tomb Raider is a better game.

Finished Tomb Raider last night, it's very good. Good story, very good graphics, gameplay and cinematic events. Tomb Raider took many elements from Uncharted (just like Uncharted took from original Tomb Raider), and for that it become a better game.

Seraphemz4079d ago

You passed the game in a couple of days????

I wish I had that much time to game...

Shaner_Bock4079d ago

What is it, exactly, that Uncharted "took" from Tomb Raider?

delboy4079d ago Show
miyamoto4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

I know TR is great and lovely game and I am going to enjoy it to the max.

.... but can you please care to elaborate the many stuff Uncharted took from the original TR?

As far as facts show Uncharted is an evolution of these platforming games made by the combined efforts of Hirokazu Yasuhara, Mark Cerny, & Naughty Dog

Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)Hirokazu Yasuhara

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992)Hirokazu Yasuhara & Mark Cerny

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)Hirokazu Yasuhara

Sonic 3D Blast (1995) Hirokazu Yasuhara

Sonic Xtreme (1996) Hirokazu Yasuhara

Disruptor (1996) Mark Cerny w/ Imsoniac

Crash Bandicoot (1996) ND w/ Mark Cerny

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (1997) ND w/ Mark Cerny

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (1998) ND w/ Mark Cerny

Jak & Daxter (2001) ND w/ Mark Cerny

Ratchet and Clank (2002) Imsoniac w/ Mark Cerny

Jak 2 (2003) ND w/ Hirokazu Yasuhara & Mark Cerny

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003) Imsoniac w/ Mark Cerny

Jak 3 (2004) ND, Hirokazu Yasuhara & Mark Cerny

Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004) Imsoniac w/ Mark Cerny

Jak X: Combat Racing (2005) ND w/ Hirokazu Yasuhara

Resistance: Fall of Man (2006) Imsoniac w/ Mark Cerny

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007) ND w/ Hirokazu Yasuhara, Mark Cerny

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009) ND w/ Hirokazu Yasuhara

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (2011) ND w/ Hirokazu Yasuhara

Clearly its an evolution of game play design that shows in Uncharted series.

Its very clear and obvious Uncharted took many inspiration from Indiana Jones on the stories department no doubt.

So please give me some info on this. A link perhaps. Thanks.

Darrius Cole4079d ago


Unless you are female and not gay, then Nathan is clearly a better choice than Laura, and you would vote for Uncharted.

MysticStrummer4079d ago

"(just like Uncharted took from original Tomb Raider)"

Right there is where you lost all credibility.

You clearly didn't play the original TRs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4079d ago
Root4079d ago

Tomb Raider comes no where close to Uncharted

For starters the cast and the voice actors are horrible and they have more backstory with the documents you find in the game then the cast in Uncharted. I mean Drakes past life is a mystery but his character development is amazing. Laras however.....well it's the voice, she sounds like a 13 year old girl half the time

TotalHitman4079d ago

It doesn't help that the voice actress is an American trying to do an English accent. The voice is really irritating. It's enough to actually put me off from buying the game.

Root4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

She's American....REALLY

Why didn't they get a British Voice Actor...honestly thats not cool

HarryMasonHerpderp4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

She's British but lived in American for 8 years and has a "American/British hybrid accent". Which is why she sounds really off.

"Luddington has lived in the United States for 8 years. This has given her an English/American hybrid accent. However, when she was a child she learned to speak with an American accent"

I hope they use a different voice actor for the next game.

HmongAmerican4079d ago

uhh,I just can't stand her voice. Doesn't match her at all characters at all.

Megaton4079d ago

The cast is one of the only places where Uncharted is better.

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4079d ago
clintagious6504079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Im not taking anything away from tomb raider but atleast give credit where its due. If uncharted never came along this new tomb raider wouldnt be what it is today & im glad ppl enjoy it because if u never played an uncharted game tomb raider is in alot of ways like uncharted but more darker side. Nuttin wrong with following footsteps of great devs like naughty dog.

ritsuka6664079d ago

New Tomb Raider is more open world. I can explore more. Right there I'm already liking it better than the Uncharted games. Also the bow and arrow. It's my favorite weapon in any game (Except in ACIII because it had no free aiming)

-Superman-4079d ago

Better Platforming - Tie(Uncharted is more action shooting while it has some amazing platforming and awesome things. For example - Train, Plane, trucks... seen no other video games like that)(Tomb Rider feels maybe more natural because Tomb Raider is all about Platforming)

More Involving Characters - More does not mean better. quality over quantity. Uncharted wins here.

Seamless Open World - Yeah, maybe but does it make it better? Later you can go back to place, and there is nothing to do. I remember old Tomb Raider games and those were linear and better. Its more about what you can do, story, stuff, not about open world that has nothing to do. Uncharted wins here.

Better Cover System - Cant say nothing... Let people choice... Its option choice.

Tighter Controls - nothing to say. Still Unchated wins here

-Superman-4079d ago

I can say why Uncharted 3 is better.
1)Better story
2)Better charaters
3)CO-OP and multiplayer. Tomb Raider failed big here
4)More awesome effects(plane, desert)
5)More different places(than just a island)
6)Better music
7)Other things.

Tomb Raider reboot is good, but still not better than Uncharted.

4078d ago
fsfsxii4078d ago

Glad people like you only have one bubble

-Superman-4079d ago

I found Tomb Raider: Anniversary better game for some reason.

Old first 4 Tomb Raider games were so great. I mean it was tight, but it was interested. I really felt like Tomb Raider is alone, doing all this stuff, and then there were some human charat, but not big roll. It was all about adventure.

New Tomb Raider feels more like just shooting action game. Big island, humans wants to kill you... wtf is this? I dont want any radio or human contacts. Just be alone, and have this adventure, than just killing bad guys because they are bad guys...

chukamachine4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

I'm playing the new game maxed on my PC atm and it's a good game. But it's not Uncharted.

I don't like the womans voice at all, feels off, a.i is abit dumb. Pulling ropes out of her arse is abit silly.

I enjoyed Anniversary a lot because it's just like the original TR.

This new version does not really feel like a Tomb raider game, more just an action game with a girl in it.

Strange isn't it.

I preferred the DMC reboot over the old game.

I'd give it an 8.

Aceman184079d ago

Damn the gaming media (especially no name sites) are fraking pathetic. all they do, or look to do is cause flame wars between crazy fanboys of systems, and games.

there's no need for this garbage, down vote this crappy site.

greenpowerz4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

No name sites were the ones praising uncharted the most. The games borrow from eachother and is why they're compared. It only seems like the media is trying to piss you off. You're upset because you guys are fanboys so fanatical you are personally offended. PS3 fans bashed Tomb Raider during the hay day of uncharted hype, now you can't handle many people thinking TR is better than UC

-Tomb Raider is bigger with a more open world

-It has a smart blended story that's non intrusive

-Graphics are a great deal better with realalistc art and unmatched detail/textures with almost next gen lighting. Pretty good animations and physics.

-Combat is better

-Upgrading and leveling system is refreshing

The only thing wrong with this game is there are no rewards for beating the game, things like keeping your weapons you earnded and having a new dificalty setting that allows you to use all your new weapons(like Dead Space 3)

BlueTemplar4079d ago


"Graphics are a great deal better with realalistc art and unmatched detail/textures with almost next gen lighting. Pretty good animations and physics."


oh wait, you were serious?

Aceman184079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )


please shut your trap because all you do is spew trollish garbage everything time you was your one bubble. i love the original tomb raider, i love uncharted, and i sure as hell know imma love this new tomb raider.

it doesn't matter to me which is better because they are both great games.

You're only commenting because you have your head soooo far up Microsoft's you know what that you always have to bad mouth anything Sony made especially if there's a multi-plat game like this involved.

I'll just state again that the gaming media is fraking pathetic period end of story. also are you calling the big name sites that praised uncharted no name sites now?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4079d ago
MehmetAlperTR4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

tomb raider is a tomb raider.. uncharted is a uncharted.. none of them are better then each other.. just another stupid article..

HarryMasonHerpderp4079d ago

Tomb Raider does some things better than Uncharted but Uncharted does some things better than Tomb Raider.
They are both really well made games.

Megaton4079d ago

That's the only honest response to the comparison. They're both superior and inferior to each other in different ways, but they're both at the top of the genre.

showtimefolks4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Tomb raider and Indiana jones was the inspiration for uncharted series. Tomb Raider started great than list it's way but than for the reboot of tomb raider I bet you Uncharted series helped a lot on what TR should be.

So in a way TR helped start Uncharted but than UC helped TR developers by giving it clear vision of what fans like and don't like.

Also people complain than inUC you kill,kill and kill more but you do the same in TR.

Uncharted series is one of the best in gaming so haters gonna hate. To me the perfect game this gen was uncharted 2. The amount of polish and overall feel of the game and pace was perfect. But that's just my opinion

TR is a good gamut for sequels it will get better, it reminds me of the first uncharted game good not great so hopefully for the next game which will on on next gen systems it will tak a huge leap.

Why do people care which is better why can't we enjoy both? We get bunch of FOS ga,Ed each year so why can't we get 2 great 3rd person action adventure games?

Instead of hating just play and enjoy

aquamala4079d ago

I agree. and Uncharted 3 is the worst game in the series, not saying it's not a good game.

MariaHelFutura4079d ago

In all reality they are two very different games, like Call Of Duty and Battlefield.

fei-hung4079d ago

how about dismissing the crappy title from the site all together and saying, "5 reasons why Tomb Raider doesn't need to be better than Uncharted and vice versa."

The game has launched 1.5 years after Uncharted naturally the tech etc will be further along.

Tomb Raider has always had a larger focus on puzzles compared to Uncharted.

Uncharted always has had a larger focus on set pieces and blockbuster moments compared to Tomb Raider.

One is has a more serious overtone compared to the other.

One is supposed to be more grounded to reality and gritty compared to the other.

Yes, they are similar, but no, they are not the same.

Can't journalists live without pitting things against each other constantly and trying to make something or another more inferior or superior to the other?

It's like they want to watch the world burn -_-

TheSurg4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Did you just write something else than: PS3 IS THE REASON THAT HUMANS EXIST "? You will feel the flame of fanboy kids on you quickly. You offended their mothers. This site = only for ps3 fanboys. Rarely someone (me) comes here for gaming news.

guitar_nerd_234078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Ok (deep breath),

@lastofgen: My statement is not jumbled.
@FATAL1TY: Metacritic means nothing to me a better game is a better game f.uck the numbers.
@gta2800: Poor mans uncharted? Get real, seriously that's just plain offensive to the devs that clearly put in a TON of work in.

I actually love sony playstations and I would genuinely bet money my PS collection is better than most (not to mention my SNES collection). I don't mean that to show off, I'm just trying to get across I'm not at all anti Playstation yet I can still see Tomb Raider is better in many ways.

I'm not arguing the combat, Uncharted is technically better in that regard.

I'm mearly saying from my experience Tomb Raider is the better game overall.

I love the Uncharted games, but if your honest you should be able to see Uncharted 3 was a relatively safe play/ easy cash in/ didn't have the passion of 1 or 2 (even though 1 is technically inferior in many ways.)

I really, genuinely cannot see why some of you are so upset about this and desperate the defend Uncharted.

Uncharted is great I accept this.

Tomb Raider, however HAS suppased it.

Deal with it, hell play it- it's friggin' awesome.

Your loss otherwise frankly if you like Uncharted type gameplay.

Deal with it.

edit: The other thing I should point out is ps fanboys are showing you age and shooting yourself in the foot. As far as I'm concerned the original Tomb Raiders were a LARGE part of the PS1 puzzle WAY before Uncharted was on the seen.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4078d ago
alousow4079d ago

this game is great but uncharted is better. if u r a xbox fan boy u wont kno it

wishingW3L4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

and way better when you think about the fact that they had to copy Uncharted's formula piece by piece to finally make a decent Tomb Raider game. ;)

But we all knew these kind of articles were coming and that they were going to be on favor of the multiplat game. The same thing happened with inFamous and Prototype... It's a really easy and obvious way to fish for hits. Especially on a site like N4G where the majority of the population are Sony fans and most of these sites make most of its profit through N4G.

aviator1894079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

so....what you're saying is that even if people have played both uncharted and tomb raider on their ps3, they must agree that uncharted is better than tomb raider, otherwise they're an "xbox fan??"

...some strange logic you've got going there..

Convas4079d ago

It's strange because it's not actually logic ... LOL

RTheRebel4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

yea uncharted 2 was a masterpiece but,
uncharted 3 ughhhhhh tomb raider is better upset for the mulitiplayer
but I enjoy both these games :)

delboy4079d ago

If you're gay, then I understand that you prefer Drake over Lara.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4079d ago
Silly gameAr4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

haha. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for an opinion piece like this to pop up, but I figured it would eventually.

majiebeast4079d ago

Took longer then i thought for such a article to pop up.

Xaphy4079d ago

why dont we just enjoy both and dont compare?

Studio-YaMi4079d ago

Because stupid sites like this wouldn't be able to get hits otherwise ?

vikingland14079d ago

Intelligent bubble for you :)

mcstorm4079d ago

@Xaphy well said. I cant wait to play this game but I have a massive back log and a few pre orders already so it will have to wait until later on in the year before I pick it up. Im glad it looks like its selling well to as this game looks like it will be an amazing game.

Xaphy4079d ago

@mcstorm I feel you man. I have tons of game to finish and so little time. Especially that I have subscribed to ps plus 2 months ago.

Show all comments (168)

Tomb Raider’s Risky 2013 Reboot Revived a '90s Gaming Icon

Crystal Dynamics' daring reboot of Tomb Raider brought Lara Croft back into the spotlight.

Godmars290417d ago

An attempt at a reboot with no momentum for continuance. Just a torture-porn trilogy about a poor rich girl with daddy issues reluctantly being pulling into a world of violence, versus say the adventures of a quipping Brit treasure hunter who solves ancient puzzles while gunning down rare and extinct animals that it originally was?

Honestly, don't have all that killing. If the devs had been truly clever, not focused on mangling a message about the senselessness of killing which was seemingly and quickly forgotten, they could have worked, if not bloodlessly then not directly by Laura's hand, dealing with enemies as part of the puzzle solving - they didn't have in the game in the first place...

badz149416d ago

"Revived a '90s Gaming Icon"


the only thing similar between the 2 is the name of the protagonist. if they would have given the game a different name, NONE would even think that it was somehow a resurrected Tomb Raider IP. the last game with the real Tomb Raider DNA was TR Underworld.


The Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy's Take on Lara Croft Deserved More Recognition

The Survivor Trilogy was a drastic reimagining of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, and it provokes changes for the character that are truly fantastic.

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isarai480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Deserves less IMO, i think the 1st in the new trilogy was a perfect 1st step for the new direction. The next 2 games were half steps at best. Not only that, every character in the series including Lara is just annoying and doesn't make sense in terms of motive, like yes they have a motive, but none of it seems proportional to the lengths they are willing to go through for it. The most annoying thing is every one of the games say "become the Tomb Raider" yet 3 games later and we're still not there? No thanks. Then there's the mess of the 3rd game, massive skill tree that serves almost no purpose as there's literally only like 3-4 short encounters in the whole game, and they took till the 3rd game to finally manage some decent puzzles even remotely close to previous games in the series. Nah, the trilogy infuriated me to no end as a long time fan of the series, i hope we get better going forward cause that crap sucked.

Army_of_Darkness479d ago

The first in the trilogy was my favorite. I thought they were going into the right direction with that one until the second one came out and seemed like a graphical downgrade but the gameplay was okay. As for the Third, Graphics were really nice but it was kinda boring me to death with its non-stop platforming and exploring with not enough action! Well, for me anyway...

DeathTouch478d ago

Graphics on the 3rd one were abysmal. It’s more colorful and has more variety, but everything else was a noticeable downgrade.

The more open world with NPC quests was also handled very poorly, to the point I missed Angel of Darkness.

thesoftware730479d ago

I know it is your opinion, but she did progress as a character in each game, she even got more muscular and seasoned.

That is the thing, people first complained that there was not enough platforming and actual tomb raiding in the first and second games. Shadow remedied that and kept the combat elements.

3-4 encounters? huh? did we play the same game? there was plenty of combat and, the skill tree did matter, like being able to hang enemies from trees, set explosives traps on bodies, being able to counter, and that are just a few of the combat skills. The skill tree also had things like being able to hold your breath underwater longer, crafting upgrades, zipline upgrade, and climbing upgrades that all changed how you can approach situations.

Not knocking your opinion, but we definitely had different experiences. I had 98% completion on the shadow.

SoulWarrior479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Sorry but i'm with him about the low number of encounters, the game throws loads of weapons and skills you're way with a comparatively low amount of places to actually use them, so they felt under utilised.

-Foxtrot480d ago


It was awful, for THREE GAMES it was "become the Tomb Raider" where she went back to square one after each game. Not to mention after a huge reaction of killing someone for the first time she then becomes Rambo straight after and goes on a slaughter spree without a single other reaction. Her development was all over the place.

She was whiney, weak and in later game a little arrogant and selfish

Oh and the voice actress compared to the previous ones was not as good

Lara Croft deserved better and while they are decent games as they are, we deserved actual Tomb Raider games, we could have had better survival games if they just stuck with the original Lara Crofts origin about her plane going down. Surviving 2 weeks in the Himalayas...I'd have liked to seen that, who knows what mystical threat she could have faced in the mountains or underground some secret concealed cave.

Tacoboto478d ago

I thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay than Rise, but it annoyed me the most of the trilogy when I stopped to think about the story.

It's like they deliberately decided to make her unlikeable and did nothing to make the character you're playing as likeable or have even one sign of humility.

SoulWarrior480d ago

2013 I thought was a fine entry, but Rise and especially Shadow were painfully mediocre follow ups imo, I really didn't like how selfish and angry her character was in those two.

Terry_B479d ago

No. Please forget the crap completely.

northpaws479d ago

First one was decent, played through it twice.
Second one was okay, played through it once.
Third one was really bad, tried twice a year apart, still can't get through the first two hours, it is just really bad.

thesoftware730479d ago

Honest question, what did you find bad about it? the opening 2 hrs of Shadow were fantastic imo.

The opening was very similar to the first 2, what did you find really bad?

Not looking for an argument, just an honest question.

Starman69479d ago

3rd one just didn't feel like a tomb raider game. Possibly because the development was passed to another development team. Big mistake! Microsoft killed tomb raider making the first game a timed exclusive. Never recovered after that.

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Analyzing 'Uncharted: Drake’s Deception' – Wait, What is The Game About?

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has a lot to live up to as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is an incredible and near-perfect game.

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Profchaos917d ago

It's about retirement...oh wait

UNCHARTED2FANATIC917d ago (Edited 917d ago )

I cant even say what the point was its easily the worst story in the series. The online was a whole lot of fun though but overall doesn't come even close to 2

porkChop917d ago (Edited 917d ago )

It was a step back for sure. Personally, I thought even the MP was way better in U2. Solid game, glad I played it. I just think they didn't push as hard as they did with U2.


Yes both the online and story was better in 2 no doubt

Flewid638917d ago

The "young Drake" portion was pretty top notch, story-wise. But yeah, everything outside of that I felt was inferior.

DanielEndurance917d ago

Villains were all over the place in this… one second they wanted Drake dead, the next they needed him, then they want him dead again, then they coulda killed him, but poisoned his friend instead, then coulda shot him again, but had brunch with him, then needed him alive, then coulda mowed him down, but decided to kill him by fire and let him escape… Uncharted 2 was way better. 😅😅

slowgamer917d ago

=D Sounds crazy. I don't remember any of that. Played it on ps3 and I remember thinking that why was this game so bashed compared to second one. I liked it.

Chocoburger916d ago (Edited 916d ago )

Another thing that annoyed me about UC3 events was the agent Talbot teleporting around Turkey. It just felt off to me, and made no sense.

Also, for about one third of the game, you go on a wild goose chase to rescue Sully, who wasn't even there to be rescued, and you end up back where you started again. There was simply no pay off for all the events you go through, so it fell flat in that regard as if they couldn't figure out how to make the game longer, so they decided to side-track you to do something with no pay off, hoping you wouldn't notice due to all the incredible action set pieces they made.

Overall though, even with its flaws, I still enjoy the game.

TheEnigma313917d ago

This was actually my least favorite in the series. Didn't have that same impact that part 2 set.

Flewid638917d ago

Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of the series (to me).

Granted, 4 had the best story in my opinion, but 2 was the overall best game.

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