
PS4: Guerrilla helped Sony 'build a great controller for an FPS'

Sony consulted with a select group of PlayStation-owned studios as it was building the DualShock 4 controller for PS4, according to two developers at Guerrilla Games.

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StrongMan4088d ago

And did a great job. The DS3 was already the best controller but they just made the DS4 even better. Can't wait to see how devs use the clickable touch pad and speaker on the DS4.

black9114088d ago ShowReplies(7)
SAE4088d ago

I would agree with you before i saw DS4 but now i hate DS3. I wanna through it in the garbage. I'm that excited xD..

Cupid_Viper_34088d ago

Why 'through' it if you can simply "throw" it?

SAE4088d ago

Sorry. Sometimes words confuse me. Thanks for correcting me ^^

Cupid_Viper_34088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

Haha SAE, no problems man, I did in good spirits really. :)

If it makes you feel better, I once stood up in a classroom full of students and said: "he ran away before the bomb could denied..." the silence and confusion on the teacher's face said it all really. But hey, English is only my 4th language..*shrugs*

FamilyGuy4087d ago

More importantly:

Killzone Shadowfall just confirmed Vita Remote Play

I'll probably end up getting a vita just to mess around with my PS4 while im out, knowing that the high quality games will work too is just a bonus.

SAE4087d ago

Lol. My brother say squeeze instead of excuse when he talk english >.< .

4th?. That's impressive. I only know arabic and english. I tried to learn french. I only managed to learn 2 words. Salute and bonjour xD. hehehe . It's hard to learn if you are alone and have things that stop you from learning new things like the school.

I know it's weird but I'm kind of proud of my english. I learned it by my self..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4087d ago
Muffins12234088d ago ShowReplies(3)
IIZANGETSUII4088d ago ShowReplies(2)
DasBunker4087d ago

Hopefully it gets more use and doesn't turn out like another sixaxis.

Controller seems bigger which was a common complaint, stick are concave now and triggers seem improved, overall looks great.

InTheZoneAC4087d ago

u know the dualshock has sixaxis right?


negative4087d ago

Xbox controller is still so much better....

DasBunker4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )


Yes, so?.. i was obviously talking about the sixaxis feature, not just the controller with the name.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4087d ago ShowReplies(3)
Amsterdamsters4087d ago

Are you serious? The new controller is completely hideous! It looks like a cheap Chinese ripoff.

solar4087d ago

as a gamer who grew up playing PC and console games, playing Wolf3D the day it came out with a k+m, i hate playing FPS with a controller.

i really wish Sony and MS would let those input devices on their consoles. the analog stick isnt precise enough. it's just too slow for a fast paced game. :(

chaos-lockheart4087d ago

you do know that you can use keyboard mouse on the consoles

ufo8mycat4087d ago

You know you can increase the sensitivity of the analogs in the game settings yeah? To me they are just as fast as kb+mouse.

I honestly prefer FPS and any other genre with the controller (except RTS).

I find kb+mouse boring, it lacks the immersion that a controller brings. Not to mention it takes no skill what so ever to aim with a mouse.

As for the controller not being precise enough, that depends on each person, but I am pretty sure the majority of people that game on PS3 or 360, including myself, can make headshots quite easily.

It just takes practice.

I could never go back to kb+mouse.

deerain4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

That's not what he's talking about, the mouse is more accurate than the controller and yes you can use the mouse and keyboard on console but it's either emulated (not the same) or in the case of PS its not supported in all the games bar a couple. I agree about the mouse but I do find the controller more convenient and would rather see a Move/Wii like controller for FPS, and for the dev's to implement it Killzone 3 and MAG was great with the move but what other FPS uses the move :(

as for skill it must take some degree of skill to use the mouse and the controller but with the controller its also luck when trying to aim that damn crosshair - many times I have be tapping the sticks to just nudge the cross onto the target

infamousinfolite4087d ago

I hope it's a better implementation than what Rim did with the Blackberry storm.

showtimefolks4087d ago


what i am happy about is that sony didn't completely redo the controller, IMO dual shock is a Legendary controller. So while some changes had to be made to improve sony did make those changes and there are some great unknowns like the share button and touch pad so let's see

the Triggers had to be redone and they are
the dual sticks needed to be a little more tight, each felt a little loose so i hope they done that

and D-Pad was already the best for a console controller and now it looks like its gonna be even better

can't wait to get my hands on it day one. GG have really become the Dark Horse for sony when it comes to FPS and pushing the tech. I hope this new advertisement firm does a excellent job and get the Killzone series the rightful high sales the series deserves

UnholyLight4087d ago

@007bond you should know by now, typical. It's still not announced so the good Sony fanboy knows he needs to get those final jabs in before the reveal so that the Sony Gods favour them more than the next Sony fanboy

delboy4087d ago

Knowing Guerrilla, they demand input lag to be build in to the controler, so that every game has awful controls just like KZ2.

FlunkinMonkey4087d ago

No my friend.. I think you'll find the controls were actually unique and awesome. They brought something a bit more challenging from the players perspective.

A lot more skill involved than the erratic, weak, robot dance like controls of COD, Halo and other generically controlled shooters.

Kurt Russell4087d ago

I thought the iron sights were awful FlunkinMonkey... You could precision aim as well as most shooters and were rewarded too heavily for shooting from the hip. Resistence was better imo.

FlunkinMonkey4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

Yea that's a fair comment.. After countless hours online though, learning to use it was really rewarding...

BANG HEADSHOT! with the M4 was awfully satisfying.. maybe too much.

I disagree with being heavily rewarded from the hip though.. MUCH less than other games. Hitting someone with a rifle from a good distance was much harder than iron sight

kupomogli4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

Dualshock 2 was the best controller. Sony tried replicating the 360 triggers in their own fashion but most people can agree L2 and R2 on the Dualshock 3 sucks.

The Dualshock 4 triggers look good though, kind of like the PS3 Real Triggers by PDP that you can purchase, just part of the controller design this time around.

Rhythmattic4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

In FPS's I use my index finger to shoot with R1 (the finger Id use for a real gun trigger) while using my middle finger on R2 to flick..

I bought Real triggers and removed them... I couldn't flick my middle finger anymore.....

I like to flick it seems.

Omni-Tool4087d ago

I find myself doing the same thing. I aim with L1 or an analog stick (they're interchangeable for me), shoot with R1 and then I flick R2 and L2 for whenever I throw 'nades or melee or whatever special ability I may have. It just feels natural. It just feels right.

I can not use this play style on 360 controller. It feels awkward. It's like I'm forced based on design to use the RT to shoot. It feels taboo almost to not use the RT to shoot on a 360 controller

UnholyLight4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

@Omni-Tool......Lol oookay then. RT and LT on the Xbox 360 controller is way better. There's a reason the DS4 is finally going to have proper triggers after retarding their controller for so long..people hated it.

Rhythmattic4086d ago


def L2 & R2 for everything but aiming and shooting for me...

So yeh, Im with ya....

kupomogli4081d ago

I used L1/R1 to aim and shoot as well, but I hated the L2/R2 on PS3 overall.

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DonFreezer4087d ago

How the hell do you troll Microsoft in pretty much every article and yet you recieve bubbles.

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MultiConsoleGamer4088d ago

I love the controller but they should have moved the position of the left analog stick. Anyone who owns both current next gen consoles knows the 360 layout is much better for shooters.

OneAboveAll4088d ago

Agreed with this.
I own all consoles and the 360 controller is fantastic. The Wii U pro controller beats that one in comfort though. Although, it takes time to get used to moving your thumb down to the face buttons instead of up. But there is no denying it's comfortable.

With the PS controllers my thumbs actually touch when pointing both sticks in towards one another. It's really not that ergonomic.

xursz4088d ago

I disagree. My hands are symetric. I own both systems and I have no problem with the Dualshock design except that sometimes it felt too small.

PeaSFor4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

nah, my hands are symetrics so my left thumb doesnt need to be in a different alignment than my right thumb.

to only thing i prefer about the 360 controller is that its more bulky, but look like the DS4 is also more bulky.....thats perfect for me.

KUV19774088d ago

While I totally agree that the DualShock is the better layout, the 'hands are symetric' argument actually supports the X-Box-Controller as you are mostly using one thumb to hammer on the action buttons (X/O/Triangle/Square), the other thumb is on the left stick and thus lower than the right thumb. The only time the position is symmetrical is when using both sticks to navigate/look around etc..
But for me the Dualshock is still the most comfortable controller. I guess it really is mostly a manner of being used to something.

Ilovetheps54088d ago


I'm not sure what FPS you are talking about, but in most FPS's, I like to be able to move and aim at the same time. So, my thumbs are often on the thumbsticks.

edgeofsins4087d ago


The symmetric argument doesn't support XBox at all. FPS's are the most played game on XBox. Millions of asymmetrical thumbs. Also. Because the left joystick on 360 is closer to the outside of the controller it has less comfortable degrees of freedom that your thumb can stretch to. It isn't comfortable to have your thumb touching or hovering above your index finger. A lot of people hug the controller instead of letting it just rests in the hands. You don't have to wrap your palms all the way around the grips. This is why a lot of people think the DS analog should be higher.

Eyeco4087d ago

I have never understood this ergonomic nonsense, for some strange reason I still prefer DS3 despite it being "ergonomically inferior"

ThanatosDMC4087d ago

I disagree, since it's like pulling your other thumb higher. If it's so good, then why didnt they put the right stick on the same location on the other side of the controller?

BitbyDeath4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

I use my thumbs to work both analog sticks so the PS controller layout works better for me.
Guessing not everyone does this?

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Gamesgbkiller4088d ago

I don't know but I like the way it is.
I didn't try the 360 one .. and I am happy with this controller .
I got used to it.


getting use to something does not mean its always the best thing out there...

I don't say that to say the ps controller is bad in anyway mind you. people have different hands. For me personally i wish they would bring out two options with the ps controller. one in the current shape, and one with the stick moved to where the dpad is.

it's the only thing that puts me off the ps4 and the only reason i would still consider getting the next xbox.

I know it seems like such a small issue but i spend a lot of time holding those controllers so they have to feel right for my hands and for fps games and racing games I never liked the ps controller as much. I can manage it sure, but i would rather have the other option

infamousinfolite4087d ago

So you got used to operating the 360's controller more and only wish the layout was on the dualshock controller.

Irishguy954088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

I'm fine with the sticks placement, i'm just glad the triggers were fixed.

Hyperbear...please gtfo. Ps4 won't have all the exclusives will it? No? Then it's not the only one I need.

Also, the size is bigger on the controller now. Which is good. Dark Witness...it's possible the Size was your problem. Give it a shot before writing it off

AznGaara4088d ago

While I agree with them doing this, it just doesn't make sense from a marketing perspective. The Dualshock has a silhouette and layout that easily differentiates it from the xBox 360 controller. When people see the shape they automatically tink "oh thats a Playstation controller' which is why when Nintendo revealed the WiiU Pro Controller I bet most people here said "oh they're just copying from xBox," Or "wow thats just an xBox controller."

I think the DS4 is perfect for Sony. It has the 360 styled grips and triggers, convex analog stick with a lip on the edge to make it feel concave and they're also further apart so your thumbs wont hit each other.

BLow4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )


For you it is.

xabmol4088d ago

Symmetry, man! My thumbs aren't staggered; so why are the sticks?

knocknock4087d ago

I beg to differ, now I'm not a fan boy I'm not here to say ps or xb controller is better, iv bought most of the main consoles since the nes and use third part ones on pc, the reason nintendo did the split sticks and xbox followed, was because research. It's quite intuitive when you think about it, if you stretch the thumb forward the dominant and easiest motion is forward and back, if you stretch it out the side the dominant and easiest motion is side to side. Most games use the left stick for movement and the right for direction, so the off set sticks is actually a good idea.

It matters little in the long run really, familiarity will win out in the end and only truly horrendous controllers are an issue an well we haven't see one of those since the original xbox came with the 'pastey' controller lol.
On a personal note I'm looking forward to the new ps controller, for me the old ones were never a favourite and I think this will really help me enjoy the brand more.

rezzah4088d ago

Yes it is and that's why it is not as good as the PS controller.

Xbox controller is best for shooters and shooters only.

PS Controller works for all types of gaming.

delboy4087d ago

Xbox controller is best for shooters and shooters only.

Thats because of trigger buttons, but asymmetrical sticks are just wrong, humans have symmetric hands.

WiiU pro controler is the perfect one.

DigitalRaptor4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

And what if you vastly prefer other genres to shooters, that the PS4 will provide?

No, in my opinion the sticks are fine exactly where they are. I've used the Xbox controller many many times, and the stick positioning is just not as suited to games outside shooters in my opinion. I think having a concave analogue sticks on the DS4 is a good step forward, as it supplies the best of both worlds - a comfortable place for your thumbs to rest, but also has the convex button shape placed where your thumbs rest to give you more active control.

They've also increased the analogue stick distance so it won't feel as small and cramped as the DS3, and it looks to have better grips and triggers too. I just feel that the DualShock fits into my hands better than the Xbox for most styles of play that I'm interested in.

MRMagoo1234087d ago

The day my thumbs are in different places on each hand is the day the 360 controller is better than the ps3/4 controller. Till then i will keep my symmetrical hands on a dual shock controller to play games of any kind.

InTheZoneAC4087d ago

playing on my friends 360, which is once in a blue moon, I find myself repositioning my thumb on the left analog especially after running. And the response time to aim and fire is a lot slower than compared to ps3.

PS3 controllers/players have a lot quicker reaction times and don't have to worry about the delay of the trigger button like 360 players do.

It doesn't fit my hand like a glove as you think it does.

infamousinfolite4087d ago

Funny Analysis but here it is:

Your thumbs are like mates to each other that hate long distance relationships when they are active. So why distance them apart instead of keeping close together.

The dualshock 4 controllers will request that your thumbs be a little far apart but at least both are active down south instead of up north/down south.

Neo-Axl4087d ago

Luckily I don't play shooters very offen, the Dualshock controller just feels pretty much perfect for every kind of genre, heck.. even if I did play shooters more offen, I wouldn't sacrifice the DS layout for one specific genre.

I dislike the X360's controller analog stick layout.

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HyperBear4088d ago ShowReplies(2)
Virtual_Reality4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

This controller fixed what DS3 couldn't:

*Concave Triggers (perfect grip)
*No more convex Thumbsticks, the new designed avoids the slip with the fingers.
*Controller bigger than DS3, which is good for the big hands, and not too big, which is good for the small hands.
*Perfect grip

And is not designed only for the shooters like the Xbox 360.
It works well with fighting games using the D Pad along with other games.

xursz4088d ago

This is the impression I get as well. Can't wait to try it for myself.

rezzah4088d ago

I recall them saying on stage that they tweaked the rumble to perform better.

Personally I don't know how they can make it any better than what it already is (DS3).

InTheLab4088d ago

I have a problem with the triggers. I love my shooters but thats not all I play. Certain games don't work well with triggers. At least they retained the size. Holding on to the triggers of the 360 controller for extended periods is a pain..

animegamingnerd4088d ago

glad they are doing cause i didn't like using the PS3 controllers when came to shooters

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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers13d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken12d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g13d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing13d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H913d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola12d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66913d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle13d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg13d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos13d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola13d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

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ChasterMies34d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken33d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga33d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken33d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6433d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long33d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197233d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic33d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 33d ago
DivineHand12533d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91333d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer33d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91333d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit33d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 33d ago
Christopher33d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6933d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit33d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher33d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken33d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197233d ago (Edited 33d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic33d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2333d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218333d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder33d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts33d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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