
Interstellar Militarization: Video Games’ Obsession With Space Marines

More and more we’re seeing a trend developing in the gaming industry that promotes the idea of space marines. These games frequently involve a single soldier or squad of galactic military men being pitted against a huge, seemingly unstoppable onslaught of alien forces. While the idea of humans vs aliens is a rivalry that the science-fiction genre has done for years, recently we’ve seen the humans take a more militaristic approach to space exploration and colonization. Let’s run through the list...
From HalfBeard's HUD.

runqvist4094d ago

Why? Because it is more interesting than a fat plumber or a sack of potatoes.

Godmars2904094d ago

"But the question remains: Why has this space marine trend flourished so recently, and so well?"


Article reads like someone who just discovered gaming.

Also think that the trend towards human-only "galactic civilizations" or with something like Mass Effect where the aliens may as well be ones from Star Trek with forehead ridges shows creative limitation.

x5exotic4094d ago

That problem is for the xbox only, where the biggest exclusives are all shooters about aliens and crap. No variety whatsoever.

Rynocirator4094d ago

I used to like space marines because I was a warhammer 40k guy when I was a kid, so when someone did something like that I was all in. But now I would rather play as someone who is an ordinary person thrust into an unordinary situation who doesn't know combat and learns, than someone who is a grizzled veteran. Just my two cents.


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine came out more than a decade ago – a retrospective

Bits & Pieces asks: Releasing in 2011, there's a sequel on the horizon for Warhammer 40,0000: Space Marine. Relic’s third person hacker-shooter is older than the average Twitch chatter – how does it hold up?

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DefenderOfDoom262d ago

Currently enjoying WARHAMMER BOLTGUN .


10 RPGs That Defined The Genre

Thanks to their innovative approach to gaming, RPGs like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Quest left a significant impact on the genre.

ApocalypseShadow350d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox350d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast350d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


Most Iconic Armored Suits in Games

GF365: "These are our picks for the most iconic armored suits in games. This article only includes suits from games set in modern times or the future."

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porkChop365d ago

Samus is on the list. Personally I'd swap the Space Marines with either Grey Fox from MGS or the COG armor from Gears of War.

NecrumOddBoy364d ago

You’re right. Hiding at the bottom so I missed it

REDGUM364d ago

There's no Dead Space listed in here, WTF!

Sciurus_vulgaris364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

I’d take the Space Marine power armour off the list due to it not originating in a video game.