
3 Games to be Announced with Playstation 4

Killzone 4, Motorstorm, and LittleBigPlanet to be announced along with the PS4 next week.

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Sandmano4099d ago

Anything MM creates is gold for me so Im excited to see what they show on the 20th.

I always thought Motorstorm had great potential to be an amazing game I hope they show something spectacular.

Killzone 2 is one of my top 5 favourite games this gen, its time for GG to forget the famous demo video they showed all those years ago that they couldnt match. forget it and top it!!

My hype level...

4099d ago Replies(10)
koehler834099d ago

Mm are, by their own admission, working in a new IP besides Tearaway and have reportedly washed their hands of LBP. It's been passed on to the team that did LBP Vita.

I do expect them to be working on a PS4 launch title but it's anyone's guess what it could be.

EVILDEAD3604099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Whoa didn't hear that they left LBP, but there is no question that MM is a ridiculously talented team no matter what IP they come with.

Killzone 4 and an LBP 2 would be huge, but I got Motorstorm Apocolypse with my Sony 3DTV and even though it was a fun game but the reception wasnt that great at retail.

But after playing Apocolypse in 3D I can't even imagine what that team could create with a more powerful system.

Hopefully we will hear on the 20th


WitWolfy4099d ago

Its hard to think that most of Mm's talent came from Lionhead studios.

Just goes to show , if you give your studio freedom to create what they want, you'll be greeted with something fun and unique...

Ain't that right Peter??... Oh wait! ;)

nirwanda4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

@wit wolfy i think pete is more than willing to give people freedom the problem is i don't think MS are, fable was a success so lionhead became the fable studio and it all went down hill from there.
Bungie left because MS wouldn't let them make anything else.
Same with rare alot of the talent left,
One day MS will wake up and treat game devs like film directors and let them do what they want, nobody wants to make the same thing over and over.

Freak of Nature4098d ago (Edited 4098d ago )

It is Sumo digital I believe...

They could very well come out with this, I hope and trust that MM will have a lot of say in the creation process... With all new expansive creation tools at the ready. Plus new gameplay elements now available due to extra power...

The new MM IP has been in the works for 3 years now including R&D... I hope that this is the one that rears it's beautiful head... With LBP 3 later in 14', don't get me wrong, I have LBP series at my top 3 games this gen... I hope they give it the 3D treatment, open it up,sandbox would be ideal, a massive open World to explore...

I still hope for Naughty dog's new IP and The last guardian too...Greedy I know...I know...

dafegamer4098d ago

LBP 2 is on ps3 already

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4098d ago
AngelicIceDiamond4099d ago

Little Big Planet on PS4? Endless upon endless creations anyone?

Krypto4099d ago

I showed my 2 lil boys (5&6 yrs) the Feb 20th preview, they have joined US on the PS4 hype train!!! FAAAKENAAWESOME!

4099d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4099d ago

Lol... look how excited people are for games ending with.... Part 3,.. Part 4... Part 2 and so on. Yet this gen, it's not ok for a Halo 4, Gears 3 and so on.

:) LOL.

Oh_Yeah4099d ago

Because that's all Microsoft has.. Where as Sony has games for every genre.

Clarence4099d ago

True but those are the only games M$ has. While the Sony works on bring out new ips every year along with their older games. The Last of Us is about to drop. Not to long ago Infamous was release.

M$ doesn't do this at all. They rely on gears and halo. Even that's not working like it use to.

M$ says know one in the UK will no about the PS4... well here go.

Trust that all of UK gaming community will be watching.

wsoutlaw874099d ago

well halo is an xbox 1 game

xxLuckyStrike4099d ago

@ miDnIghtEr20c_SfF So true fanboyism at its finest. Delusional , arrogant, and blind. Sony could sell them an Xbox 360 and they'd lap it up like the Kool aid they drink all day long.

MrBeatdown4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

I love when guys like you try to misrepresent everyone's opinions to try to make a point.

Sequels aren't the issue. It's the dependence on a select few that people don't like, and in that case, Sony and MS couldn't be further apart. Compare the list of published games. It's easy to see the difference.

But, no... go ahead. Keep on pretending it's just the fact that it's a sequel that people take issue with. Reality is too inconvenient to deal with anyway.

EVILDEAD3604099d ago

@ Beatdown

'Compare the list of published games. It's easy to see the difference'

Compare the list of new IPs this gen and let us know how big of a difference is.

If MS alone by your opinion are overdependent on a select few then how many more new Ips did Sony publish over MS?


MrBeatdown4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )


"Compare the list of new IPs this gen and let us know how big of a difference is."

And why would I do that? This has nothing to do with overall new IPs since 2005, which were clearly more frequent and of higher quality back then. People want MS to go back to that strategy. The bulk of the criticism has to do with MS's recent strategy of relying on the same few core franchises over the past three or four years while focusing on Kinect. MS has actually released fewer games from 2010 onward than they did from launch to 2010. And guess how many prior to that used Kinect. Z E R O. If you understand the concept of subtraction, it's painfully obvious traditional games have been neglected by MS.

Maybe that's why some people act like the criticism is unjustified. Just like Midnight, you don't even seem to understand what the criticism is in the first place. Don't worry. MrBeatdown is here to help you understand.

Since you're into comparing lists, why don't we look at MS's recent publishing habits versus Sony's. Let's look at all the big released or upcoming retail franchises since 2010. You know... the recent stuff people are actually taking issue with.

- God of War
- Gran Turismo
- Heavy Rain
- M.A.G
- Modnation Racers
- Infamous
- Killzone
- LittleBigPlanet
- MotorStorm
- Ratchet & Clank
- Resistance
- Socom
- Uncharted
- PlayStation All-Stars
- Warhawk/Starhawk
- Twisted Metal
- Beyond
- The Last of Us
- Sly Cooper

- Alan Wake
- Crackdown
- Fable
- Halo
- Forza
- Gears of War

Now, let's break those down...

Number of unique series since 2010
Sony: 19
MS: 6

Number of new IPs since 2010
Sony: 5 (not counting PS Allstars)
MS: 1

Series that saw more than one original game since 2010:
Sony: 2
MS: 3

Franchises that saw their first and only original game on PS3/360 since 2010
Sony: 8
MS: 1

Hopefully those numbers clear things up for you.

Drainage4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

not only that but these games hardly sell shit. motorstorm, killzone. they sell very little. At least Halo/gears tops charts

look at the knucklehead 3 posts down listing shit. Puts "NEW IP" for Ps3 games but not alan wake/Gears of war. didnt even list alan. sony fanbot

KwietStorm_BLM4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Lol PS4 is likely launching this year and PS3 is still getting multiple NEW IPs in its 7th year. The Last Of Us, Beyond Two Souls, Puppeteer, etc. So be selective all you want. Your trolling is pathetic and boring at this point. And don't sit here and act like it isn't smart business to launch a new console with established franchises.


EVILDEAD3604098d ago (Edited 4098d ago )

See this is a perfect example of why Midnight had a point.

I think it's cool that people can root for PS4 games that are on their 4th installment, but midnight is dead on in my opinion about the reception MS would have had.

But who cares. It's all opinions at the end of the day.

See we could go list for list but heres the bottom line if people want to pretend in their head that games like Halo don't exist then let's look at # of new IPs Sony and MS year for year.

New Ips

Micrsoft had around 25 and Sony had around 28 going up through 2012

Both MS and Sony had around 12+ New IPs for Kinect and Move.

There were years where MS would have 4 new IPs and Sony only 1 and there were years were Sony would have 4 Ips and MS only 1.

MS is smart to double down on the franchises that 360 gamers love, just like Sony is wise to release sequels to their biggest franchises.

At the end of the day, if your fanbase love and supports those games then it makes sense. If not then it's a bunch of empty lists and developers out of work.

On topic if the K4 rumor is true then Sony's PS4 launch is already looking really strong


neoMAXMLC4098d ago

"See this is a perfect example of why Midnight had a point. "

No, actually he doesn't. Constantly trolling Sony related articles invalidates any sort of point he tries to get across. All he is is a fanboy mocking other fanboys. Surprise f*cking surprise that Sony fanboys would root for Playstation sequels and bash Microsoft sequels. But don't make it seem like it's a general statement for every pro PlayStation member on this site.

MrBeatdown4098d ago (Edited 4098d ago )


"See this is a perfect example of why Midnight had a point."

Unfortunately (and unsurprisingly) you didn't respond to any point I made. Instead you just do what you always do... you distract from the actual criticism I explained by making it out to be nothing more than an issue of sequels versus new IPs. Maybe it's because you're just that hellbent on defending MS. Maybe it's because you just aren't capable or processing any logic that goes beyond "SEQUELS BAD! NEW IPS GOOD!"

Either way, you ignore the actual criticism.

It's not purely about sequels. It's not just about new IPs. But that's what you twist it into, so you can cry hypocrisy alongside Midnight. You oversimplify the criticism. You make the argument out to be something far more simplistic than it is so you don't have to acknowledge that so many people have a valid criticism. You did the same thing here too...


When you can't defend MS from the criticisim, you try to pretend the criticism is something different.

The facts are plainly obvious... MS has distilled their line-up down to Halo, Gears, and Forza over the past few years, and put all the effort that once went into the likes of PGR, Lost Odyssey, Perfect Dark, and Crackdown into Kinect dancing games and a bunch of mediocre games with "Kinect" in the game title.

The facts don't lie, whether people like you and Midnight want to hear it or not... MS has become overly dependent on the same three IPs and put all the rest of their publishing efforts into lousy Kinect games, and for that, the variety of non-Kinect games has gone down the toilet.

People want more variety from Microsoft when it comes to traditional controller based games... more than just Gears, Halo, and Forza. That's the criticism. And it's a criticism that has plenty of validity, regardless of whether or not you want to accept it.

People like you try to make Sony out to be the same so you can cry hypocrisy when fans treat Sony and MS differently, but Sony hasn't turned their publishing into nothing more than a factory for a line-up limited to GT, Killzone, and Uncharted, and a pile of mediocre Start the Party and Sports Champions games. They push to do far more... to provide variety, both new and old... to try to find the next great franchise. People like you like to fault them for trying when something doesn't sell millions, but at least the effort is there, as is the quality, and it's pretty damn obvious it pays off, since Sony has created far more successful franchises this generation than Microsoft has.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4098d ago
Muffins12234099d ago

I also think there going to announce some vita games..

UnSelf4099d ago

They're not the same. Case in point:

Xbox 360

Halo 3, Halo odst, halo reach and halo 4

Gears of war 1, 2, 3 and the new one

Fable 2 and 3

Forza 2, 3, and the current one


New IP uncharted 1, 2 and 3

Gran Turismo prologue and 5

New IP Motorstorm 1, PC and Apocalypse

Those franchises u named all have previous iterations that existed on the platform that preceded it with the exception of GoW and that has 4 iterations this gen already.

I thought u entertain u a lil

ceballos77mx4099d ago

Don't forget the kinnect fable.

EVILDEAD3604099d ago

But the best part is you only put a fraction of the games.

Games published by Sony that got multiple games on the PS3.


God of War, Infamous, Uncharted, Killzone, Little big Planet, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Sports Champions,Socom, Motorstorm

Games published by MS that got mulitple games on the Xbox 360.

Halo, Fable, Forza, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Ninety Nine Nights, Project Gotham. Viva Pinata, Kinect Sports, Dance Central

These are ONLY the ones with multiple games for that particuliar IP under the two publishers.

There were many games that didn't get sequels and third party publishers that had sequels like Left 4 Dead etc.

No One had as many games as COD with had 8 this gen on the 360.

Just as well as games like Assassin's Creed which got 5 back to back games.

Just thought I'd entertain u a lil more


shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

lol why do devs give hints?? Lol they cannot contain their own excitement to real their game guess.

I can care less what games are good or bad. For the first 4 months of a new console I usually just a graphics whore. Then after about 5-6 months when I gut used to the level of graphics I pay attention to what is good/not good.

But day 1 show me next gen graphics,physics, AI and I am sold..

showtimefolks4099d ago

i don't think we are gonna see motorstorm, i think evolution studios are doing a new racing game, a new IP.

they hired some of the developer talent from the team that worked on PGR for ms and Blur. so i am thinking this will be very good since evolution studio was alreday very good bt adding top level talent can only help

MM are not doing LBP, i think the development team that did LBP Vita will be doing LBP3 or LBP world with help and feedback from MM

Killzone 4 is a sure bet, sony is gonna show it to show how powerful ps4 is and what it is capable of

Psn8004099d ago

To be really honest the Ps4 could finish the AppBox off this generation !"

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4098d ago
craigbic4099d ago

I can't wait for this announcement! I'm holding my breath for a next-gen Killzone. 4 more days!

Gamer-404099d ago

I'm waiting for:

Killzone 4
Gran Turismo 6
Final Fantasy Versus XIII

unchartedxplorer4099d ago

I think GT6 is about a decade away judging by their extremely long developement time.

hobohunterz4099d ago

Really so theyre not going to bother realsing an gran turismo game on ps4.. get real

BanBrother4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Killzone 4 would be great. I think it is too soon for Uncharted 4 to be announced.

I'd honestly enjoy a Heavenly Sword 2 and another Resistance, as Fall Of Man was perfect for a PS3 launch title.

Oh I forgot, Gran Turismo 6. That as a launch title would ship millions of PS4's on its own. Hopefully it is ready around launch.

ILive4099d ago

Honestly, I want new ips, not ips from this gen as launch titles. I really cant see myself playing a killzone 4 or an uncharted 4. Though it would be great to play them, it wouldnt feel like i am on a new console if i played them as launch titles. Sony should launch the ps4 with new ips from their known developers instead. I dont want Sony to go the route of ms, refurbishing existing ips. They can just bring out the killzones and uncharteds 5 years into the consoles life.

BanBrother4099d ago

I sort of agree, but then Sony balance out sequels with new IP's, which we will be seeing for sure. I'd have to say though Gran Turismo 6 is my most anticipated. When I buy I system, I'd like a new racer, and a new game to showcase its visuals in general, aka Killzone 4. GT6 will have amazing visuals, but it would be hard to translate those visuals into just say an RPG or FPS.

Anyway, looking forward to the 20th. I'll be watching and waiting. Finally, a new console generation. Makes me feel younger.

bluetoto4099d ago

I'm with you guy. Playing the 4th or 5th version of a series is NOT going to excite me into buying a new system right away.

I want something new as they KNOW fans are going to buy these games WHENEVER they come out.

Sure the folks who are looking forward to a new coat of paint on their fav series are, but I think there tons of older gamers who are looking for more than just something to brag about.

If KZ4 plays like every other shooter this gen but with pretty graphics, I'm going to be quite disappointed.

Baka-akaB4098d ago

I dont even see why there would be a debate over this . They have their sequels but obviously they'll have new games , even at launch .

Show all comments (127)

LittleBigPlanet 3 Servers Are Officially Shut Down 'Indefinitely,' Sony Confirms

Sony has confirmed that LittleBigPlanet 3 servers on PlayStation 4 will remain offline “indefinitely” following troubles with the service from earlier this year.

18d ago
rlow118d ago

Sad day, hopefully they’ll allow a third party server solution. Goes to show game preservation is an uphill battle.

blackblades17d ago

Sad day oh wait everyone that whining about it didn't play it or haven't played it in years and never was going back to it. Funny how people start to care when this happens but when it was actually up those same people didn't even pay attention to it.

rlow117d ago (Edited 17d ago )

First, you don’t know who has or hasn’t played it. So that’s your assumption. Secondly, even if people haven’t played it in awhile, it’s still nostalgia. Those memories of sharing your creation and having fun playing other peoples creations. Third, no game out there is really like this or as iconic. Today if they made this they would nickel and dime the whole way through and it would launch broken.

Cacabunga17d ago

Reason why i really dislike online games.. they become unplayable over time.. LBP story mode is actually only a tutorial

_Decadent_Descent17d ago

How would you know who's played it or not? What about those who get into games years after their release? They can't now. Besides, and more importantly, this sets a bad precedent across the industry when it comes to game preservation and people's ability to enjoy what they've paid for.

blackblades17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

People still play it but not a lot probably a fee people and I know you 2 guys haven't played it in a long time. If the server was doing so good it wouldnt be shut down. As I said the same people that whine and cry saying bad things on Sony etc are the same ones that havent or stopped playing a certain game in years. Let me ask you guys straight up and y'all tell the truth have you guys played it recently and when you did for how long did you play it.

SonyStyled17d ago

@blackblades “ Let me ask you guys straight up and y'all tell the truth have you guys played it recently and when you did for how long did you play it.”

Whatever “straight up” and “y’all” is, I can tell you the “truth” to answer your question.

I’ve been playing LBP2 for the past 5 years, I have 10 levels to Ace in a row and a coupe more hours in create mode for platinum. I played LBP2 earlier today in crate mode.

It sucked when LBP 1 and 2 servers were closed on PS3, but all those creations were still playable on PS4 LBP3.

Every level creation since LBP1 can’t be played now

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
CDbiggen17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Just disappointing. I have such nostalgia for this game and the user levels from LBP 1&2 and I already was gutted when they were shut down but at least they were on LBP3, and now this means I can't ever revisit those creative worlds again. All because some trolls or whatever decided to exploit these games, of all games, for some reason.

18d ago Replies(3)
just_looken18d ago

What needs to be highlighted by this is that the series has had 4 main games then that go kart spin off yet sony let them all die.

There is 0 games like this on ps5 and to my knowledge 0 first party main kids games no tech demo crap

Sony purchased Media Molecule studio the ip then tossed it away letting it rot for over 7 years yet the community carried on until now were we have lost 16 years on all games of content along with no replacement.

Everyone goes on about ea killing studios but sony has killed way way more but its fine its sony they can do no wrong.

Before the sony blidboys track me down again go fire up your holy boxes all the dlc they tossed out all the trophies and all the user content needs a server side handshake that no longer works. Yes offline single player version 1.0 works but that is it.

Media Molecule was not cut i know but they only made LBP and dreams it was reported they just missed the chopping block

Do not forget the dreams game was tossed out 2020 but 3 years later support was pulled

All in all this is another failure at sony on a long long list in the past 10 years

Inverno17d ago

It's kind of hard to disagree when SONY has a history of abandoning many of their IPs. They killed Mod Nation and turnt it into LBP Karting because of brand recognition but left it to die too. They made their own Smash Bros only to rush the studio, and turn the game into an advert for recent release at the time and still let it die. They shut down PS Home for more or less the same reason, they left it to rott till it became too broken and exploited to bother fixing.

just_looken17d ago

This right here

Playstation home is what facebook is trying to make now but in vr that metaverse deal

Imagine if sony kept up ps home development

The death of playstation forums was also a huge loss

Demetrius17d ago

When they refused a days gone sequel and no acknowledgement of a infamous series remaster of those gems, I knew Sony slick abandons stuff, sure they still release good games but to an extent smh

u-bEttA-rUn17d ago

Their games were unable to attract the masses every game that came out the attachment grew smaller and smaller they advertise LBP for years the industry changed and then came fortnight... You want Sony to continue to support them which cost them money that they're not getting back from the studio.

DOMination-17d ago

Honestly, I think a well-designed LBP-style game would do better than ever in the current state of the industry.

People have short attention spans. Having something that is pick up, play a few levels and put down again is the experience the "masses" are after.

Keep it as a 2D platformer only with well-designed base levels, make it easy to build new levels and more importantly easy to access new content - personally I always found the way Forze Horizon 4&5 provide daily, weekly and monthly challenges via new content that they've built or handpicked from the community is a system that works great - and then stick it on mobile and PC with Steam Deck support.

Make it F2P with a one-off fee for the level editor (to stop people spamming crap onto the store) and have MTX for more characters, outfits etc. and there you have a live service game that Sony should be all over.

Do the same with a new Karting game and a 2D fighting/Smash Bros style engine and you have three bangers right there.

(I appreciate the N4G community will hate the idea of LBP being a live service game with MTX and I get that but I think if there's one game this model could work well for, it's this.. just imo)

anast17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Astro's is similar.

Not enough people cared to play it, so they cut it.

Sony has never been a kid friendly console. This should be obvious. People go to Nintendo for this stuff.

DarkZane17d ago

All signs actually point to a new Astrobot game coming to PS5, so you'd be wrong.

anast17d ago

It's the game that came with the PS5

StoneTitan17d ago

Its on media molecule though. They did not want to continue LBP. Sony accepted that.
Sumo continued it. With a solala lbp3 and a great sackboy though.
Its not sonys fault. They dont want to force a studio to create a new LBP game.
But I would love a revival.

romulus2317d ago

For some people Sony can do no right either. You can play Sackboy A Big Adventure on PS5. So there is "a game like this" on PS5.

anast17d ago

They don't want to hear all that stuff.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
Tacoboto17d ago

I feel bad for Media Molecule. For the ideas they have it seems they need a publisher that supports games like this and Dreams especially for as many players as possible.

DOMination-17d ago

Sony in the Andrew House era did support them massively though. They let them do their thing with LBP and spent millions marketing it. I remember one E3 they even used LBP to cover the boring parts of the presentation where they talk about sales figures etc.

And then they allowed MM to announce their game on the PS4 console announcement/showcase event and waited the entire generation for them to release it.

Show all comments (55)

Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?


An update on the LittleBigPlanet server and online services

Classic LittleBigPlanet servers are to be shut down permanently following hacks.
Sony’s drastic move comes after months of downtime for the older games.

darthv72967d ago

It was fun while it lasted. And some of the user created stuff was a blast to play with.

Snookies12967d ago

Whaaa-? That's crazy. Didn't expect it to be permanently shut down...

Teflon02967d ago

It's still up on PS4, they just shut down the PS3 end because hackers on PS3 can't be stopped and go on the game making announcements that can't be avoided without having to go back to all the old game codes and updating to remove the feature etc. It's one of those sad and garbage things where hackers ruined a good thing. I'm mostly sad about the Vita, I'm not sure if I have my music stages saved to my Vita, meaning they're gone forever if I didn't save them back to it. They were good too :(

Profchaos967d ago (Edited 967d ago )

Have to say I expected them to be permanently shut down problem would be in the underlying server architecture and possibly something like a depricated authentication protocol which has to be replaced that the PS3, PSP and vita can't support which is why they can't be securely restored on those consoles but the PS4 does support it.so lbp3 was restored on that.

Given the attackers were able to breach the server there was obviously a fear of lateral movement once inside their servers so I can't blame them for this and it makes sense despite the huge blow to the community millions of hours spent building that community.

Despite this blow I believe the millions of creations are going to be available via lbp3 and it's capability of backwards compatibility with user generated content so that's something to be thankful for still not a huge consolation to the many players who only own a older console but unfortunately that's the world we live in these games are old the older they get the more insecure the servers get which the company that make them.host them on and the more likely they need to be shut down.

MadLad967d ago (Edited 967d ago )

Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.

Battlestar23967d ago

Nice edit to your troll comment.

MadLad967d ago (Edited 967d ago )

I reread the article, and changed it, to be as honest on the topic as possible.
Let's be real, it was an easy reaction to have considering their actions of late.

CaptainHenry916967d ago (Edited 967d ago )

He's been on a roll and it's comical 😁

RedDevils966d ago

This guy love stealth troll on playstation article as I see the pattern, but he doesn't want to admit that he's a MS fanboy.

Christopher967d ago

I am also sorry people enjoyed the online aspects of the game?

mikey15966d ago

TheRealTedCruz10h ago(Edited 10h ago)
Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.***

I'm sorry for the PC fans port begging for Dreams to come to PC... You do realise that


Little Big Planet 3 PS4 - PS Now PC gameplay
224 viewsJun 26, 2020

LBP is on PS Now and PC right?? So less of the crocodile tears/crap when you stated PS Now was crap... Clue

The man who earned a job by playing LittleBigPlanet
By GamesRadar Staff March 03, 2015
***“We've hired four people from the LBP community" reveals Alex Evans, co-founder of UK studio Media Molecule and creator of LittleBigPlanet. Including one lucky soul who dodged death to get a job on LBP2. Enter John Beech, or 'johnee' to his PSN friends. Two years ago John was a builder with absolutely no qualifications to speak of. But now? He's a full time designer at Media Molecule working on LittleBigPlanet 2, one of the most anticipated titles on PlayStation 3. This is his story.***

Dreams players are being employed by game studios

3RD MAR 2020 / 11:49 AM
Posted by
Tom Ivan***

The CREATIVE CONSOLE creates JOBS... What are they using to Sculpt??


the failure that is the MOVE controller. lolol

John_McClane966d ago

Why would anyone disagree with your statement? I don't get get it.

mikey15966d ago Show
John_McClane966d ago

@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.

mikey15965d ago

John_McClane9h ago
@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.***

of course there is.. He was stealth trolling stating all LBP contributors wasted their time making levels for LBP... I pointed out that some of the contributors for LBP + Dreams have actually got JOBs because of the CREATIVE console. Just like Gran Turismo fans


***Team GT Academy Competing at the Nürburgring 24hr This Weekend with Kazunori Yamauchi
May 18, 2012 (updated Mar 13, 2016) · News Article
by Jordan Greer · 37 Comments***

If you are so clever, step up and show me where I was wrong, or keep schtum and we'll see what a hero "John Mclane" actually is. lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 965d ago
Battlestar23967d ago

Understandable they had to do this better to be safe then sorry. I just wish those right wing racists that hacked the servers and started posting homophobic slurs would get want they deserve a good few decades in prison.

Profchaos967d ago (Edited 967d ago )

That's the thing I guess if it wasn't them it would just be someone else and we would still be in this position regardless of their intent.

darthv72967d ago

What are you going on about?

Profchaos967d ago

The attackers breached and manipulated the servers to place abusive messages all over the game ccontent https://www.ruetir.com/2021...

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