
Steam Database shows Fez, Dyad, Halo 3 and plenty of entries

There’s a tool to check what games are registered on Steam. Well, it’s mostly reliable and has leaked many games coming to the service.

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ThatGuy24111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

Oh shit halo 3!Day one buy for me.Even though i already own the past halo's,i also wanted halo 3 and hopefully this means 4 will later come,but i hope they upgraded halo 3 a little bit and optimized it for pc.

aviator1894111d ago

I agree. If true, I'd happily play halo 3 on my laptop.
There's barely anyone on halo 3 anymore on the 360, and I could really play this when I don't have my xbox around to play halo 4.

ThatGuy24111d ago

I just hope the DLC is included cause that dlc that's required for some playlist piss me off

classic2004111d ago

The only thing I find interesting about this is how PC gamers are behaving over halo 3 lool, dont get me wrong its a good game but I ran into so much Pc gamers who completely insults anyone who play console exclusives including halo 3, so its interesting to see how they all take this news on PCgamer.com if its indeed true.

pandehz4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )


um lol

Halo is as much a pc game as an xbox game.

Combat Evolved may hav been the last savinggrace and the birth of xbox as we know it but to pc gamers it was a solid game with good mp community. Sadly it did too well for MS and well MS has been known for 1 hit wonders and this was theirs so they tore it off the pc crowd.

Now lets say killzone releases for pc well ppl will be excited but not that much. I'll want to see what it'll look like and maybe troll some ps3 fans thast all. But Halo is appreciated by the pc community and in every single sequel we look forward to it well atleast I looked forward toit and got disappointed at every turn when it never released. I have both 1 and 2

Only condition that Iwont buy Halo 3 is if MS decides t make it Windows 8 only title. Then eff off MS

SilentNegotiator4111d ago


Yeah. When the Big Team Battle mode became DLC only, I nearly threw my Xbox out a window. IDK if that's still the case, but it was for quite a while and I stopped playing after that.

Gamer19824110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

Just shows if you wait long enough nothing is exclusive on 360 anymore.. PC got Fabe 1,2 and 3 and the first Gears and seems like its getting Halo 3. All you got left is Forza.. This is clever though from MS as would make them a boat load of money to go towards producing there new console.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4110d ago
BattleAxe4111d ago

If this is true, then I will buy Halo 3 on Steam. I want to get rid of my 360 since I barely use it anymore. I hope Microsoft fully integrates LIVE with the PC, because I would like to be able to play the games that I downloaded for my 360 on my PC. Of course those games would have to be ported to PC (Gears 1 which is already on PC, Gears 2 and Halo: Reach).

aliengmr4111d ago

They tried to integrate LIVE on PC and forgot they actually had to support it, so it failed and they pretty much gave up.

MS just need to stick with the XBOX and windows and leave PC gaming to those better able.

Raoh4110d ago

"They tried to integrate LIVE on PC and forgot PC Gamers weren't foolish enough to pay for live fees like their console counterparts and told MS to kick rocks.. "


N0S3LFESTEEM4110d ago

I played this game to death 4 years ago... why would I want to do it again.

Temporary4110d ago


The PC community would NEVER pay for a service like Live for their PC. Paying to play their purchased games online is a slap in the face.

Raoh4108d ago


That is exactly my point. MS tried it and the pc community fought back. MS in turn dropped the fees. Console gamers are usually asking to pay more or wishing sony would charge for online just so their xbl gold accounts can be justified.

It's odd to me to see the xbox support so strong.

Bad econony but embarrassing the online fees.

Buying a product that has no hdmi or wifi but then buy the upgraded model a year or two later when it should have had it from the beginning.

RROD, before the 3 year warranty ms denied the issue and many people bought replacement consoles only to have those fail on them as well. Not to mention disc scratching with launch models.

Loud fan noise.

Horrible business practices that actually stifle competition.

Propitiatory hard drives and a sneaky move making the audio jacks in the controllers 2.5mm instead of the standard 3.5mm so that people would be compelled to buy ms hardware.

A wall app garden.

An online fee for services offered for free everywhere else.

Not allowing free content offered by developers and publishers forcing them to either charge for the free content or not offer it at all to the 360 platform.

All the things people say they hate about Sony and Apple are welcomed by the xbox community.

The xbox gamer is truly and odd consumer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
FlyingFoxy4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

Played it on 360 and don't see the hype, what's so good about it? i found it stale. shooting at things with shields for ages to wear it down, especially boring in multiplayer.. To quote duke nukem, power armor is for p*****s.

But being serious, i didn't find it that good.. Half Life series is a lot better, i think Left 4 Dead 2, Soldier of Fortune 2, Killing Floor are much much more enjoyable online.

I bet Halo 3 won't be rated as high as it was on 360 either. I feel the series is highly overrated.. Half Life 3 will completely blow it out the water when it's announced probably this year.

LocutusEstBorg4111d ago

I've only played Halo 1 and 3 and I hated both. Mindless shooting at childish aliens with force shields.

Temporary4110d ago

I liked Halo at one time, after halo 2 I just got bored of it though. Not that it wasnt a decent game, just not the best of its genre. The game runs on hype.

adorie4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

Hah! I'd buy Halo 3 if it was released on Steam.

I wonder how good it would look over the Xbox 360, on PC?

Skate-AK4111d ago

Probably will just support for higher resolutions and some levels of AA.

sashimi4111d ago

Once it gets mod, it'll mostly likely look better than the latest halos

Gamer19824110d ago

60FPS, true 1080P, Shaders and AA to name a few features..

SnakeCQC4111d ago

i would rebuy all the halos(still have all the xbox copies) if they added 360 controller support and have juiced up graphics options etc

adorie4111d ago

Why?? a game like Halo screams M/K eliteness. Join the master race in twitch as it was meant to be. Lightning speed at crazy DPI!

Qrphe4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

You'd go ahead m+kb players with a gamepad?

Enjoy your sub 0.1 kill ratio.

Regardless, there are plenty of stick-to-mouse options out there.

SnakeCQC4111d ago

i prefer a pad and im not alone.

ps i do okay with it lol

Perjoss4111d ago

@ Qrphe

I'm a PC gamer at heart so I know full well about the m&k advantage, but have you ever watch a 'fps on console' tournament game like halo or black ops, they are not as far behind as you might think it terms of going up against m&k. Obviously its an extreme example as they are pro gamers, but it is possible to become very good on a gamepad.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4111d ago
SPAM-FRITTER-1234111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

If Halo 3 is coming to Steam it will be a day 1 purchase for me.

All these games are making 2013 more tasty for been a PC gamer.

4111d ago
DeadlyFire4110d ago

Even if Halo 3 was unoptimized ported Hell for the PC. It would run at 60+ fps these days easy on that engine it had. I personally have high hopes for Halo PC future. I enjoyed Halo PC 1000 times more than Xbox Halo 1. I hope the same can happen with Halo 3. New custom maps, mods, and player stuff in the game would be awesome.

This likely means Microsoft is looking at using STEAM and Origin to sell its games while also pushing their Xbox Live PC service inside of its own games. Might get something similar to Uplay or battlelog popup with Xbox Live marked on it before we get to launch the game.

On a positive note it means Halo Trilogy 1(1,2,3) collection might be available on Steam at some point.

Microsoft really hasn't launched many titles on STEAM, but likely they like the number of sales they have gotten from it so they might push for it more so by releasing a key franchise on there.

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PirateThom4111d ago

Guess that confirms where Fez is going.... but PS3 must follow as well, right?

Pillsbury14111d ago

Fez is coming to ps3?! Awesome! I've wanted to play it!

xseven4111d ago

I'd love to have FEZ on the PC or Mac

ThatGuy24111d ago

Hahahah the halo part was so epic it overshadowed all those other good games

cyguration4111d ago

Wow those are some amazing games. That could bury Microsoft if they're not careful.

Free multiplayer + mods + better graphics on PC = why would you pay for Xbox Live and an Xbox 360?

Rivitur4111d ago

Wait they recently shut down servers from gamespy which is what FEAR and Halo ran on of course there is a way to get around this and all the rat servers are still online in Halo. So does this mean new Halo servers?

ginsunuva4111d ago


Halo 3.... Meh. Halo 3,odst, and reach sucked compared to 1 and 2.

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Steam’s Refund Policy Change Won’t Affect You Unless You’re A Lowlife

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thorstein10d ago

Should have happened a long time ago. People wanting refunds after 50 hours in game.

fsfsxii10d ago

Pc gamers will take this as an excuse to pirate things

KyRo10d ago

I'm not sure why you're getting disgrees. Whilst not all PC gamers are petty, an awful lot of them are lol

Crows9010d ago

Entirely untrue. Not any more petty than console gamers. The only large difference is console gamers don't have much of a choice.

Michiel198910d ago

Not sure why you're getting agrees. an awful lot of console gamers are overemotional twinks ready to go to war over a plastic box, I'll take being a pc gamer then.

Speaking about overgeneralizing much.

Nooderus9d ago

"X" type of gamer conversations are cringe

qalpha10d ago

Daily reminder that 'TheGamer' is a corporate-generated, anti-gamer, anti-consumer, clickbait web site. They are mostly A.I. generated articles that villainize gamers. They provide nothing positive and actively try to provoke and divide the community through extreme view points and politics. Do not give them any clicks.

Inverno10d ago

Only scumbags? As if people don't play their games on console put in the most amount of hours and return it to GameStop and trade it in for another game. But also how many people are actually do this? And what games have been allowed to be refunded?

DustMan10d ago

You can refund any game you've purchased as long as it hasn't been longer than two weeks, and you've played less than 2 hours. I wish they would change it to 3 hours because some RPG's have so much exposition that you may only get an hour total of complete gameplay. That's my only knock on it. I've refunded plenty of stuff I was just curious to try. I typically stay away from Early Access titles which are the only ones affected by this policy change.

Inverno10d ago

Apparently early access doesn't count, only complete games with a play early preorder bonus.

Gaming4Life198110d ago

I definitely know if I want a refund in 2 hours.

SegaSaturn66910d ago

I never liked refunding anything. Even if a film is bad, i dont want my money back. Sometimes things just aren't for me, and it's not the creator's fault necessarily.

Gaming4Life19819d ago

I feel you and i have never walked out on a bad movie cause I payed my money. I also don't refund games cause I'm a gamer and I know what to buy lol. I think having a digital refund is great.

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