
Sony's Next Console Won't Block Used Games

Forbes - The great used game debate is back on the table. This time, a user on NeoGAF has discovered a patent that would theoretically allow Sony to prevent hardware.

-Mezzo-4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

I sure hope so, if they do end up going forward with this ridiculous idea. I'm moving to PC Gaming for good.

TheStorm4144d ago

Uhhh why? PC games you can't buy used copies, never have been able to.

Steam dominates most sales of PC games, so you will never buy a "used game" there.

-Mezzo-4144d ago

Ofcourse, but you do get Games extremely cheap, $20 to $25 cheaper compared to the console versions.

TheStorm4144d ago


However, the library of PC games (especially new) have dwindled ,and may continue to do so.

Unless Valve's new console really takes off. Which could be.

ronin4life4144d ago

In europe, resale of digital content has beem ruled legal and steam can't stop you from doing so.

Furthermore, steam has a laundry list of positives that eclipse the negative aspects of its native platform, and if consoles just become little pcs without those steam like benefits it makes sense that many may just do away with consoles and stick with pcs, something they are bound to have/need regardless.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234144d ago

why would you buy used PC games when they are as cheap if not cheaper and you get all the trimmings with it.

kevnb4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

the library of pc games has dwindled? What are you talking about? There are so many pc games too choose from I don't even know where to begin. And valve isnt making a console, just an htpc type thing that we have seen other companies introduce.
Truth is for pc gaming retail has already pretty much been replaced, thats why we see so many free to play games and digital stores. Dont worry consoles will catch up next gen.

pixelsword4144d ago

Nowadays, the average teen's free time is spent either playing Video Games or masturbation...

...You're putting a lot of teens in a sticky situation, Sony.

kreate4144d ago


Wouldn't they increase the prices of pc games due to the changing gaming eco-system affected by this patent assuming it will be affected?

bozebo4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

"However, the library of PC games (especially new) have dwindled"

.... What. Total complete and utter bull. That's exactly what's happened on consoles.

FriedGoat4144d ago

PC is nothing like it used to be, it used to be ALOT better in the exclusive area. Still better than consoles currently.

SilentNegotiator4144d ago

"but you do get Games extremely cheap"

Not always, and not when you want to buy at launch.

Megaton4144d ago

"However, the library of PC games (especially new) have dwindled ,and may continue to do so."

You should inform my Steam library of that...


STONEY44144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

"Not always, and not when you want to buy at launch."

GreenManGaming basically has pre-order prices for Steamworks games covered. Got Sleeping Dogs for $36 and Borderlands 2 for $40, both pre-orders.

Also, Steam and Amazon sales are always going to be better than what you can find used on consoles, which is why the lack of used games doesn't really matter on PC.

There is honestly no reason PC would ever need used games, or benefit from it.

BrianC62344143d ago

" Ofcourse, but you do get Games extremely cheap, $20 to $25 cheaper compared to the console versions."

Then go ahead and switch. Big deal. It's so funny to see people running around screaming about how bad this is. Maybe developers will all throw their support to the console that does this and no other systems. They'll make more money if the used game business ends. Just wait for sales if you don't like game prices. There's plenty of great deals.

TekoIie4143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

On PC you dont need to buy gets pre-owned because there's something called "Steam Sales"...

*wink wink* :3

T3MPL3TON 4143d ago

"However, the library of PC games (especially new) have dwindled and may continue to do so."

That's so incorrect it's hilarious. The only people who actually believe that the PC gaming market is shrinking are people who don't play PC games. Simply turning on steam will greet you with tons of games new and old.

Bigpappy4143d ago

If they are going to get rid of use games, then they need to make better demo's, and have a return policy which allows the gamers to recoup some of that upfront cost if the game ends up being crap. Something like (90%) back in the first week of the purchase date. I have been mislead and ripped off to much in the pass, when developers conspire with some in the game media to mislead gamers. They get your $60 and you get a shinny disk with egg on your face.

Toolster4143d ago

You can buy used PC disk based games, several retailers in Norwich take then in, even Gamestation took them when I worked for them, the only reason we did not take them was if the key was missing or it was a game like half life 2

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4143d ago
AngelicIceDiamond4144d ago

The patent was done 6 years ago. And Sony probably re-new the patent just re-new it, to keep it relevant for whatever purpose.

6 years ago they patent it, nothing happen, and 6 years later they updated it and I'm sure nothing will happen again with the PS4.

Ranma14144d ago

I am actually kind of for this, so long as new game prices are halved.

kma2k4144d ago

A lot of people are saying this or saying just wait a month for prices to go down but without the used market there is no reason for prices to drop...ever! The reason prices fall as quickly as they do is to combat used game prices there is comptetition if you remove competition there is no reason to compete price wise! If they truley removed used game i would expect games to go up & they would say its because of how expensive next gen is.

BrianC62344143d ago

"A lot of people are saying this or saying just wait a month for prices to go down but without the used market there is no reason for prices to drop...ever!"

That's not true at all. If old games don't drop in price stores will have to send them back. They drop the price to clear stock. Used games don't have anything to do with that.

InMyOpinion4143d ago

They want to remove used games to make more money. Halving the prices on new games wouldn't make sense from a business perspective. By keeping the same prices they will make up for what they lost on used game sales.

That's how I think they argue, although I'm in no way for it.

HappyGaming4143d ago

kma2k has a point but its not so black and white. The used game market creates competition of publishers but publishers still have to compote against each other in the store shelfs.

None the less if second hand games are ever banned be sure that it will not favour our pockets even if you never buy second hand games yourselves.

SonyPS3604143d ago

Only they won't be. They'll increase if anything.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4143d ago
GribbleGrunger4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

Ok, putting this whole overblown patent issue to one side, have you ever bought a game you can't sell or share? Think carefully about that before answering. Your HDD has the answer...

... ok, so you have.

Same here. A few years back, I would never entertain the idea of owning a game without having the right to sell it or lend it out, but here I am and the concept is no longer an issue. Would this patent be any different, if indeed it was implemented? No. The only difference is the delivery point.

tiffac0084143d ago (Edited 4143d ago )

I still don't like the idea bro, I mean I would never have known how great Uncharted, InFamous or Assassin's Creed if my friends did not let me borrow their copies first, that led me to buying the games and I could never have purchased a copy of Folklore if it was not for 2nd hand sellers because no one is selling the game brand new locally anymore (and ordering online is too costly for us over here).

So yes, your right we cannot resell or lend our games on our HDD but we are talking about physical copies here (disc or whatever media it will be)

I doubt Sony or MS would implement this because it seems like suicide.

I'm just against it through and through.

InMyOpinion4143d ago

@GribbleGrunger - So, you'd be ok with Sony going download only/streaming for games with the PS4?

GribbleGrunger4143d ago

To be honest, I don't know. I always swore I'd never buy digital games for the very same reason, but I currently have sixteen on my HDD

bigfish4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

Who cares,, I buy all my games brand new anyway... stop over reacting guys (or should i say girls)

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4144d ago

Who cares if all you buy is new games. Get over yourself, the used game market is huge.

If 10% of the people who own consoles that purchase a random new game and several used copies were to suddenly leave the console market your game makers would see a huge decline in sales and would then start laying off more staff creating more sub par products. This would lead to less game companies and even shittier games as only those mega franchises and heavily marketed games would succeed.

Borrowing games, renting and used games I've purchased online have led me to enjoy several games I wouldn't have touched otherwise and I'm sure that many others around here are the same.

insomnium24143d ago

@ look at this

But what if games cost only 30 dollars brand new at launch. Would you be pro-used-games still?

Seriously if they get the price for games cut in half and shut down used game markets entirely I doubt there will be a backlash. I mean the games cost 69.95€ here in stores. That's why I shop online from the UK. New games for sub 50€ easily.

I don't usually buy games brand new but the last time I really had to have a game day 1 and even payed 69.95€ for it was MGS4. I buy games when they hit sub 20 pounds mostly. 25€ is the limit. I'll be able to buy Borderlands 2 and Far cry 3 soon. I'm patient and my backlog is loooooong. Might have to buy a new game with Ni no kuni soon though....

BrianC62344143d ago

There must be a lot of girlies on here since you have 12 disagrees. It seems like a lot of worry warts. So scared of not being able to buy an old used game. Well you people are helping to hurt the gaming industry. Better to buy a game on sale than used. At least that way the right people get paid.

PooEgg4143d ago


I buy my games new too, but I still don't like the idea of basic consumer rights being taken away from us.

Also your little insult makes you sound like a 5 year old, so perhaps your mom is still buying all your games for you and that would explain why you have no concept of gaming budget that many gamers live with.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4143d ago
otherZinc4143d ago

1. The PS3 isn't SONY's strongest brand.

2. The Vita "isn't exactly soaring", please, the Vita is doing nothing.

3. SONY once touted PS3 as being completely compatible with PS1 & PS2 games on the PS3...Now, you cant play 1 damn PS1 or PS2 game on the PS3, period. Unless, you buy a collectors edition of a PS1 or PS2 game you've already purchased once. Like SONY did in fall of 2012 with all the retro classics.

Also, that was a marketing ploy of SONY, as M$'s 360 wasn't going to be backwards compatible but with only its top 10 games. Then got the pressure from the public & SONY, NOW, the 360 still has more than 500 backwards compatible games to this day & SONY's PS3 has None.

So yeah, anything is possible with SONY, as they've promised many things & fell way short on delivery. Its really anyone's guess.

Ingram4143d ago

Yeah, no.

All PS3s are compatible with 99% of PS1 library.

I remember they taking out retro and linux, but I have a PS2 and a PC anyway.
I like being able to download PS2 games that otherwise I would have to buy on ebay, like Godhand.

PS Store has to step up the game though, EU content is taking ages to be worthwhile, we just got hold of Castlevania SOTN some weeks ago, can you believe this s***?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4143d ago

Oh... So Mezzo is SDF? Would explain the many bubbles. I know you contribute like it's your job here, so that might be why so many as well.

But you wouldn't get an Xbox next gen if not a PS4? You'd go straight to PC gaming? Why not an Xbox?

Guess you're not a true console gamer. Your post explains a lot for me.

MostJadedGamer4143d ago

They didn't finsh the statement. The full statement is; Sony will not block used games unless Microsoft also blocks used games.

Either both will do it or neither will do it. One would never do it without the other other because it would kill sales of there console.

solar4143d ago

MS and Sony wont ban, but make it a pain in the ass for gamers to play their used games. kinda like how an auto company makes you jump tho hoops to..oh who am i kidding. the video game industry needs to accept the medium they are. and stop playing this victim game. from day 1 the industry has had used game sales. if you dont like it, join a different industry to make your money

4143d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4143d ago
Optical_Matrix4144d ago

I remember the same rumour was going around when PS3 was announced. About how Sony were implementing a system whereby you could would buy a game, and the blu-ray disc would be locked to that one PS3 system, meaning no rentals, no pre-owned games and no taking your game to a friends house...and look at how that turned out?

SAE4144d ago

Dont forget the pass code , they are half the way to make this true ...

i really dont want it but this could happen ..

i dont trust sony any more after the vita , wont judge until i see the ps4 ..

DA_SHREDDER4144d ago

agreed. The R&D department has their heads halfway up their butts at all times it seems

pixelsword4144d ago

I don't own a Vita; what's wrong with it?

SAE4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

Vita is really complicating because of the limitation sony did to protect it from having the fate of the psp , that cost me the fun , limitation such as one account per vita , locked features such as remote for ps3 and pc ..etc , the sad part is that these things aint helping the pirates , it's just an excuse to do these limitation , ps3 proved this ..

that's what's wrong with it , more thinking then playing and using the vita for what it's made for , you wouldnt notice until you buy one , if you are a fanboy you will accept it , if you are smart you would demand it , evolving in gaming is not limiting and locking , it's doing and offering new things ...

i love the vita , sony made it right but they are not using it right , that's my problem with it ..

SAE4144d ago

I guess pass code is a good idea for you guys and it have nothing to do with this ..

Oh well , im trying to accept your thinking , it's just hard sometimes to understand you ..

i dont see a reason to disagree unless you dont like me not trusting sony any more and think the vita is perfect ..

rainslacker4144d ago

I disagreed with you because in one sentence you said why Sony is doing what they're doing, then suggested they need to make it easier for them to allow the things they're trying to prevent, yet also admit that the things they did are actually preventing the things they're meant to.

Karum4143d ago

I've really no idea what you're complaining about tbh, maybe it's how you've written it as I'm not sure what you mean by locked features like remote for PS3 and pc etc.

As for one account per Vita, not sure why that's a big deal unless you're wanting to be buying content from other regions which is a slight annoyance.

Personally my Vita does everything I want it to which is letting me play Vita games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4143d ago
lonix4144d ago

They could still use the system, but only to prevent piracy. How can you burn a disk with a RFID stamped into it.

-Alpha4144d ago (Edited 4144d ago )

Doesn't make sense to me that Sony would waste money researching such a method, that may be able to get hacked soon after. Online passes are enough.

Easier to lock out trophies or better yet, award new-copy purchasers similar to how Nintendo does it with Club Nintendo-- register new games, get credit towards something like 3 months of PS+ or something like that,

Reward those who buy new games instead of punishing everyone

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4144d ago

The rewards system was similar to the Nintendo deal. It's a shame that it didn't come to everyone. If I had to guess this is either patent squatting or that hopefully the system will just read the disc as authentic and not a burned copy. I don't really see them doing this due to the huge backlash unless they were to drop brand new games to less than 30 bucks.
For marketing purposes I would rather release a game brand new as a pre-order for 30 bucks and then jump the price up after it is released to create more market penetration upon initial release. If I can pre order 2 games brand new for the price of what one is now I would accept this but this type of promotion will never happen widespread on consoles.

rainslacker4143d ago

It probably wouldn't even have to be half-price to drive pre-order sales. $10 may be enough, and I'm sure retailers would love such a thing, since they basically just sit on your money and have it collect interest. I don't believe they can legally spend it, as it's kind of an escrow thing, and they have to be able to give it all back at any moment if necessary.

doogiebear4143d ago

Locking out trophies is not a big enough deterrent. Nobody cares, especially since nobody gains from checking their friends trophies anyway.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 6h ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga25m ago(Edited 25m ago)

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow18h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

OtterX2h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Tody_za2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno1h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.


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Rocksmith+ Comes To PS And Steam In June

This looks like a great way to play.
Rocksmith+, the award winning music-learning app that teaches you guitar and piano with thousands of hit songs, is coming to PlayStation and Steam on June 6, and is available to wishlist now on both platforms.