
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale | Good Game Review

It's not a bad game by any stretch, but ultimately it's a jack of all trades. It can't match Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for accessibility, and at the same time it falls short of the deeper combat subtlety of serious brawlers like Street Fighter. It's not terrible, but it's not amazing.

shammgod4172d ago ShowReplies(1)
Snookies124172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Lol... Street Fighter a serious brawler... Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Yep...

No offense to those who like it, but all you do is the same thing over and over again. It was a wonderful series back in the day, but the new one feels overrated.

LOGICWINS4172d ago

The people who do the same thing over and over again are the people who suck, hence why they need to spam energy balls to even stand a chance of winning. Watch two professionals play head to head in a tournament and you'll see that SF is MUCH more complex than you may believe.

Myst4172d ago

I don't see why you are getting disagrees Logic is pretty much spot on. Spammers generally are the ones that use that to dwindle the person down, but in comparison to those who play at Evo or even just streaming from Team Spooky or something of the sort those are pros. A Hadoken is generally mainly used by them to apply light pressure to either get in or put a bit of distance.

Old McGroin4172d ago

This video disagrees with you (even though there's a few HADOKENs in there!):


capnjoe2174172d ago

Ways to counter a poorly timed Hadouken in SFIV (top of my head):
Blanka: slide, ex ball
Chun li: U1
Sagat: U1, U2
Bison: headstomp, ex scissor, U1 (close), U2
balrog: headbutt, U1, ex dashpunch, TAP
Ibuki: ex slide
Akuma: demon flip
Ryu: HK tatsu, U1 (close)
Ken: U2 (close)
Seth: U1
If you still fear hadoukens, then I don't think you qualify to talk about what is or isn't a serious brawler.

KING854172d ago

The fact of the matter is there will be those reviewers and those on forums who will disagree with our own take on games, movies and so on. We may not hold their reasons valid, but I think it's a simply matter of accepting our differences of opinion. I don't play fighting games too much (I get blisters within 5 minutes of playing SFIV), but I do enjoy PSABR. While not the greatest fighting game, I do believe it's pretty good for it's first entry and I give it a solid 8-8.5/10. I prefer to play it on the Vita because I can play it in short burst, and have fun (even though I've lost all my matches so far). It's more intimate to play on the Vita.

yeahokchief4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

The day i consider reviews from abc will be a cold day in hell.

KING854172d ago

LOL at the disagree. I'm sorry apparently I am wrong in saying that people may have differences in opinions and how I like to play PSABR. I clearly must be wrong. What I find interesting about people on these forums is they cannot accept people's difference of opinion on games whether pro or con. If it's an outrageous score where you think it deserves a 9 and it gets a 3 then quite understandable. Yet the personal attack such as name calling is praised amongst our peers. We name call and get agrees without any attempt of explanation for said name calling; although if you're an adult there really should be no need for name calling. Let's use our intelligence to have a friendly debate to see where we may agree or differ and not resort to trivial name calling, because as much as people may get agrees for calling someone an insult, it merely shows the immaturity, which may lead one to believe they lack the maturity and articulation to express oneself in an articulate manner.


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Inverno533d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69533d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop533d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard533d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi533d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin533d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus540d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer539d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.