
Wii U Gamepad Could Disrupt Tablet Usage

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Nintendo doesn't want the media or the company's fans referring to the Wii U gamepad as a tablet, but the comparisons are not only inevitable, but also impossible to ignore. A wireless device that plays movies and games, while offering Internet access away from a desktop? Sure, it has tangible buttons, analog sticks and what not, but the controller serves similar functions as the iPad and Nexus 7.

BitbyDeath4193d ago

If you get too close to the word 'tablet' Apple will come out swinging with more lawsuits and nobody wants that.

lilbroRx4193d ago (Edited 4193d ago )

The Upad will not play movies and games. It has no components inside to do so. It simply receive a video feed much like the Wiimote could receive audio feeds and save data. I guess that make the Wii mote a telephone. The GBA could play videos and games so I guess that makes it a tablet as well.

The only difference between this and a standard controller is that it has a touchscreen. You can't carry it with you, you can't do anything on it by itself. It is for all purposes, a game controller.

The Upad is no more a tablet than the DS, DSi, 3DS and Vita. I mean heck, the core design itself is just the bottom half of the DS with the TV being used as the top screen.


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