
Obsidian’s Project Eternity closes with $3,986,448 – biggest game kickstarter ever

"After a frantic finish and more than 500,000 raised just today, Obsidian's Project Eternity has closed with the staggering amount of $3,986,448."

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Lucreto4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

Good news to Obsidian

I can't wait to see more.

edit: It has finished 11 minutes and they have already taken the money.

mistajeff4222d ago

also worth noting they have about 140k additional in paypal contributions.

nrvalleytime4222d ago

That's an interesting point - I left that bit out because Obsidian hasn't disclosed whether the final number includes PayPal or not.

mistajeff4221d ago

I know the kickstarter page doesn't factor in paypal, but I'm not sure what the final total is.

mobijoker4221d ago

This shows how people believe in Obsidian.....one of the most innovative and risk taking dev....

vallencer4221d ago

Innovation and risk are fine but your game shouldn't be full of bugs. Alpha protocol?? Their only good game in recent years was fallout new Vegas and that was still full of bugs. Yes KOTOR 2 was good as was never winter nights but a couple good games versus more buggy games isn't a good track record.

maelstromb4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

The bugs may be attributed to the publishers rushing the games out the door. Although, perhaps the guys/gals at Obsidian are poor at managing their budgets, too--as that could be a possibility as well. We'll probably never know.

Had Alpha Protocol been given another 3-6 months of development time, it would have been an excellent game with excellent writing, but instead we got a mediocre one with excellent writing.

And as for the bugginess of New Vegas, I would blame Bethesda for that. After all, they created that crap-coded engine, and then never fixed its obvious holes. But in defense of Obsidian, put it like this--I wouldn't hire a contractor to redo my bathroom and then expect him/her to fix the rest of the problems in my house.

Summons754221d ago

correction, biggest waste of money ever! To think this 4 mil could go to cancer research or homeless children but instead it's going to developers who make broken and extremely buggy games and then after they cry about deadlines when really it's their fault for not being able to do their job properly.

TreMillz4221d ago

Can i see your certificate of stoping world hunger or putting homeless people in homes? No I cant? Yea...thought so. If you are not contributing then stop the BS complaining.

Summons754221d ago

Hey, I do my part and help out when I can. I have no problem putting some money toward that stuff. What I do have a problem with is workers who are lazy and incapable of doing their job but instead of admitting their mistake they put the blame on someone or something else.

Vaud-Villian4221d ago

Actually you want to give the money to people who are lazy and don't do their job. This is capitalism, the 4 million is going into feeding people's families. You want to create more jobless in order to pay more jobless. Real sound logic there.

maelstromb4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

@Summons75 - Perhaps Obsidian haven't been given the freedom in the past, constricted by the their publishers. It remains to be seen what they will be able to achieve without an overseer breathing down their necks, and that's why I helped fund their Kickstarter. Because yes, I do believe in them considering a large majority of their employees put out some of the greatest RPGs I've ever played (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape, Fallout 1&2, Arcanum, etc.), and I believe that they can do it again when given the space and funding to do so.

pr0digyZA4221d ago

"biggest waste of money ever! To think this 4 mil could go to cancer research or homeless children"

Why do you play games then? you should stop and give your money that goes towards games away, while we are at it stop seeing movies or buying cd's as that could be used for others who need it.

Its not like this was donated by one person.

Aloren4221d ago

What if the game is good ?

MWH4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

that's intelligent thinking apparently some of the doners don't have.

i like the idea behind kickstarter and how it helps industry veterans to do things the heart&soul way but that's quite a lot of money people mostly driven by emotion just threw for absolutely no evidence what and how the game will be and little is know how it's going to be used.

they asked for an amount, alright let's give it to them with just little more and then some when they deliver and truly deserve it.

remember, money spoils people.. and only ourselves to blame on this one.

maelstromb4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

@segamon - Oh really? So tell me. How do you think ideas go from just basic ideas to a fully realized game or TV show or movie? It's called a pitch, and they're made every single day in the business world no matter what industry you're in. And guess what? People actually invest their money in those ideas and dreams in hopes of getting their money back, but also mainly in hopes of paving the way for a successful new IP that would not have been possible otherwise. It's the same idea with Kickstarter, only instead of say a handful of investors or one major publisher at the helm, it's several 10's of thousands of investors making smaller investments in the ideas proposed by the developers.

MWH4220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

@maelstromb - you're missing the point. i made myself clear about supporting our beloved veteran developers with their bold ideas and sincere intentions but let's be objective, this is business at the end of the day, pouring in huge amounts of money blindly is an unwise bet.

Obsidian for example, they got nearly 3 folds the amount they require! alright, the community is generous let'em have it but i hope they deliver and everyone else used kickstarter because otherwise.. we will look like cheaps.

that being said.. i hope you understand that there are no accusations here but rather justified concerns.

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Fallout New Vegas dev pitched Bethesda a number of Elder Scrolls games

Chris Avellone expands on his earlier claims that Fallout New Vegas dev Obsidian pitched Bethesda ideas for Elder Scrolls spinoffs.

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-Foxtrot142d ago

Really Bethesda? Come on

We could have gotten to explore more of the regions or revisit old ones with another developer making them. Would have shortened the time between releases of the main games.

shinoff2183142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Just thinking about what could've been. Maybe they didn't wanna be showed up on their flagship title Ala new vegas compared to fallout 3 and 4

phoenixwing141d ago

it's not that hard to show them up when they're like 20 years behind in terms of engine and development skills. If they had gotten the go ahead i guarantee it would have been better than anything they'd made recently.

anast141d ago

Bethesda didn't and still doesn't do above the bare minimum.

cammers1995141d ago

The issue here was Bethesda was butthurt that obsidian managed to develop a better fallout game at the time (new vegas) than theirs (fo3) so they didn't allow it.

OneLove140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

It's funny how they're both owned by Microsoft now. They should be able to work together now.


The Outer Worlds PS5 Spacer's Choice Edition Is So Busted That Players Want Refunds

Playstationlifestyle writes: "The Outer Worlds’ subreddit is full of threads complaining about the Spacer’s Choice Edition, with many players demanding refunds. Publisher Private Division‘s support team responded to some ticket submissions, promising players that their complaints have been passed on to the development studio.

Over on Twitter, developer Obsidian Entertainment has been responding to fans, apologizing for the issues."

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shinoff2183426d ago

Go figure. How's the Xbox version. Maybe sonys right about bugs in cod

Sonyslave3426d ago

Microsoft got nothing to do with this Private Divison and some other dev did this update.

Christopher426d ago

While I get it is an outside studio, Microsoft now has everything to do with any work on their IPs, including ensuring that any third-party hired to develop their games makes sure they work.

porkChop425d ago


MS owns the IP going forward but they do not own the publishing rights to the first game. Private Division does. MS has nothing to do with the remaster, that's why the trailer for the remaster doesn't have an XGS logo.

I get that the Spacer's Choice Edition has issues but the fault lies with Private Division pushing it out before it was ready. It has major issues on all platforms, not just PS5.

Christopher425d ago

***MS has nothing to do with the remaster, that's why the trailer for the remaster doesn't have an XGS logo.***

Microsoft literally owns the development studio, and, yes, they were involved in the port (this isn't a remaster, it's a port for current-gen consoles).

porkChop425d ago

MS owns the dev, yes. But they still have nothing to do with it. Their only involvement is that a studio they own made the game.

Also, it's not a remaster? Really, since when? So upgraded lighting, updated textures, new animations, etc., means it's just a port. Ok.

Let's look at the Steam description:
"The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition is the ultimate way to play the award-winning RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Including the base game and all DLC, this REMASTERED masterpiece is the absolute best version of The Outer Worlds."

What about the Private Division store?
"2019’s hit RPG has been REMASTERED with better graphics, improved performance, additional animations, higher-res environments, and more."

Godmars290425d ago

Given that MS is in the middle of trying to buy Actvision, this is very much the bullet loaded into the gun they shot themselves in the foot with.

TheExecutioner425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

typical gibberish in response. Take some time to yourself.

jwillj2k4425d ago

Wrong. Guilty by association. This goes for this and any other title under their umbrella going forward. No one will draw a line in the sand separating the two when it comes to issues and rightfully so. They made their bed so lay in it, can’t have one without the other.

343_Guilty_Spark425d ago

Good try Christopher. Microsoft doesn’t own publishing rights to first game. The Spacer Choice Edition has bugs on Xbox.

DOMination-425d ago

Firstly all versions are the same so this isn’t some big conspiracy.

Secondly Private Division are owned by 2K I believe.

Sonic1881424d ago (Edited 424d ago )


You should to bring back the Bubble system for guys like Obscure_Observer.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 424d ago
darthv72426d ago

the XB version is also borked. This was done by a different outfit and not by MS or Obsidian.

porkChop425d ago

It's bad on all platforms. This article is from PlayStation Lifestyle so they're only going to report on the PS5 version.

shinoff2183425d ago

To be fair I did ask how's the Xbox version. It was a real question

HardKnockKid24425d ago

Shin, really? You also said go figure as to heavily imply they purposely screwed up the PS version. You even said maybe Sony was right about intentional bugs. Stop and do the research next time

CobraKai425d ago

They did mention that all platforms were affected in the first paragraph

The_Blue425d ago

Truth is the game is just bad

MadLad425d ago

Neither Microsoft, or even Obsidian, are involved in this update.

I'm sure Sony will still now bring this up in litigation. People need to read more than just the headline.

All I have to say is Ghost Wire Tokyo ran fine. Psychonauts 2 ran fine. Wasteland 3 ran fine. There's no evidence that a Microsoft owned company put out a PlayStation game that ran poorly.

darthv72425d ago

But but but.... sony says it 'could' happen. /s

Jin_Sakai425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

But but but…. Microsoft stuck PS5 owners with the inferior PS4 version of Psychonauts 2 so that Series X would be the best place to play on console.

MadLad425d ago (Edited 425d ago )


They honored the promises made to original PS4 owners within the promises of the Kickstarter had prior to the acquisition. Nothing more. Nothing less.

porkChop425d ago


There was never a PS5 version announced or promised so PS gamers got exactly what they kickstarted. We also don't know if Sony even gave Double Fine any PS5 dev kits considering they were owned by MS. But sure, MS is bad for giving PS4 gamers a better game by delaying it and giving DF extra funding to finish and include all of the cut content.

Christopher425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Obsidian developed this update. They literally apologized and said they would work on fixing the issues.

The company they used was for graphical updates, but Obsidian still did most of the work. I wish they had taken more time to QA.

Jin_Sakai425d ago

“There was never a PS5 version announced or promised so PS gamers got exactly what they kickstarted.“

Could they have made a PS5 version though? Of course they could have.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 425d ago
Obscure_Observer425d ago ShowReplies(1)
ModsDoBetter425d ago

I hardly think Microsoft are deliberately sabotaging cross platform games…that’s a bit “conspiracy theory”.

Christopher425d ago

Definitely agree with this. Just bad management on a game which happens.

Sonic1881424d ago

I told you so. I expect Microsoft to continue doing this

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 424d ago
Stanjara425d ago ShowReplies(2)
OhReginald425d ago ShowReplies(1)
CantThinkOfAUsername425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

I know I'm wasting my energy here, but this has nothing to do with Microsoft or Sony. This current gen port was outsourced to Virtuos, a Singaporean development studio with a surprisingly good track record. The publishing rights of the game go to Private Division, the publishing arm of Take-Two.

This 'remaster' is busted on all platforms. Not even a stable 30 FPS on Xbox Series X's 'cinematic' option. 13900K + 4090 (the most powerful PC components available today) can't run the game at 4K@60. It's currently sitting at Mostly Negative 20% rating on Steam. The game runs worse than Cyberpunk 2077 with Psycho settings and Ray Tracing at native 4K while not looking the part.

And to add insult to injury, they're asking for $60 (currently on a 'special' 20% discount coming at $48). There's no free upgrade. Only if you own the base game and both DLCs do you get an upgrade for $10.

jznrpg425d ago

MS owns the IP. They clearly get a build and have to approve THEIR IP to be released the state it was in.

DankSinatra425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

That’s not true, the current publisher for this game is not Microsoft. Microsoft owns the rights moving forward with future games but publishing rights still belongs to take two.

Christopher425d ago

Nah, they're just managing obsidian here, not the IP.

Christopher425d ago

Just a correction, part of the work was done by virtuos. Obsidian was lead and did a lot of work on it and managed the work.

This is just bad management by obsidian.

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Obsidian Entertainment CEO on Possible Fallout Game: "I Would Love to Make Another"

Obsidian Entertainment CEO and founder Feargus Urquhart stated that though the studio isn't working on a Fallout sequel, he'd love to make one.

lelo2play473d ago

Would love another Fallout by Obsidian.
Microsoft, make it happen!

Crows90472d ago

Don't you worry. Microsoft will take care of you. Just wait...

lelo2play472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Did Microsoft harm you? You poor thing...

Crows90471d ago

Nah. I'm immune to their crap. It's the harm they're causing their fans without complaint that's concerning. Carry on being used.

-Foxtrot472d ago

Come on Microsoft, get these guys to do spin off games while we wait for the main numbered games, they should use the spin off games to take it outside the USA. Take inspiration from the mod to come out and make Fallout London.

Also they should cycle between that and Elder Scrolls spin off games, just set it in a different region. There's lots of places than just Tamriel and that's just what we know of.


Akavir would be a good place to explore as they have 4 new races there not seen before or if they really want to go "out there" how about Lyg, a parallel version of Nirn which I'm guessing has a alternative version of Tramiel where the possibilities are endless.

472d ago
Orchard472d ago

You would hope that a FO NV 2 is in development - it should've been greenlit the minute Obsidian and Bethesda were under one roof.

If not, then it's almost a copy paste of the Ubisoft situation where they are leaving obvious cash on the table.

-Foxtrot472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

I'll be honest I'm surprised Outer Worlds 2 was green lit and not a New Vegas spiritual sequel after being under one roof now.

Yui_Suzumiya472d ago

They've been wanting to do this for over a decade. Maybe now they'll be able to after they finish The Outer Worlds 2.

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