
Gaming franchises I hope will die with this generation

"I think we can all agree that this console generation has dragged a bit. It mean't we've had to endure sequel after sequel.

Don't get me wrong I love a good sequel. Especially when the developers have listened to feedback and made improvements to further add to a franchise. Sometimes merely continuing a captivating story can in some cases be reason enough to bring out a sequel.

But when when i'm buying a games 3/4 or even 5th iteration, yet I feel nothing has greatly changed, surely something is wrong. A Lot of creativity has been lost towards the end of this console generation, and here is a list of franchises I hope don't bother us with more boring cash-ins over the next couple of years."

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MacDonagh4321d ago

That's some interesting choices that fella has got there, but he missed out the second 'ass' in assassin.

Army_of_Darkness4321d ago

Judging from his list of games that should die, I think he just wants gaming to end period. Please go away and never return.

MacDonagh4321d ago

Personally, I think I'm a delight. I was merely pointing out a typo in an article, yet I got so many disagrees for it. It wasn't an attempt at being funny or hilarious and people can disagree all they like, but the truth is the truth.

nukeitall4321d ago

I'm surprised to why MacDonagh got so many disagrees. Maybe there is a multiple account thing going on here. People do stupid stuff like that.

That said, why would anyone want a franchise they don't like to die? If you don't like it, don't buy it, don't play it and ignore it!

There are fans of those games that others would like to play.

If you don't like this site, click the plus sign right next to the website above and rate it! I for one do not want to see more of this junk here!

Gazondaily4321d ago

Down vote this poor excuse for a gaming website.

PoSTedUP4321d ago

this guy is just a hater and doing this for hits. well i would like to inform you that you just ruined the credibly of your site, good job dipshit.

jsslifelike4321d ago

"I want to take almost every popular franchise and shit all over them in true hipster fashion... for hits."

ShinMaster4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

except for Final Fantasy and Uncharted and maybe Assassin's Creed.

I feel like more can be done in the future with those 2 or 3 franchises than with any of the other typical shooters with repetitive designs :P


PoSTedUP4321d ago

@ shinmaster. *in movie preview guys voice* They are. some of the most popular, franchises. in gaming history... good luck coming off as: reasonable.

Gaming1014320d ago

Yet another internet troll that went fishing for hits, and looks like he was successful. He has the spelling ability of a 2nd grader, or at least a crackhead who dropped out of the second grade.
No one cares about your hate filled rant. It can be summed up as "everything successful should just die, like Angry Birds, Assassin's Creed etc. because I myself am an unsuccessful internet troll who needs to bash popular things for cheap hits".

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4320d ago
SPAM-FRITTER-1234321d ago

MYKE the author finished his post with

"And that is my list. Pretty controversial to some probably, but who cares. Feel I missed anything? Or want to scream at me? Leave a comment and COME AT ME BRO!"

just shows how bad things are getting in the journalism world.

Prince_Dim-Lu4321d ago

I love how this kind of stuff passes as news, but because I run a website that is a message board, N4G does not allow me to post stories of when we are giving away free games to members.

But this crap gets passed as news.

What would gamers rather read? A story like this, or a story where they can win a free Kinect, or PSN plus year subscription and so on.

Oh well... this site is pretty whacked.

stuntman_mike4321d ago

The sad thing is stuff like this gets lumped in with proper gaming journos, when all it is,is a blog which anyone can make and publish on a site like n4g for hits.

BlackPhoenix4320d ago

@pam fritter.
Exactly. You'd expecy a journalist to be more responsible than this. Plus saying that franchises should die just because only he doesn't like them is the height of intolerance.

Cerberus294320d ago

Notice he has no Nintendo games on the list but he wants the major exclusive franchises on xbox and ps3 to end. Nintendo has been using the same franchises for over 20 years.

Dumb biased article is dumb.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4320d ago
QuodEratDemonstrandm4321d ago

He kind of fixed it. Now it says "Assasin's Creed."
I think the guy who wrote this is running the website. I would have been too ashamed to hand that article to an editor. TBH I would have been too ashamed to hand that article to my high school english teacher.

gintoki7774321d ago

Games series that deserve a new game: The Mother series, Shenmue, Zone of Enders....Please, oh and SE please release Versus

ritsuka6664321d ago

Gaming franchises I hope will die with this generation"

FPS genre need die, the rest will be fine though.

morkendo234321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

I think myke is right!! these military type game has been milked to long and the milk taste like curd now. need new IP'S something old reborn or new completely. im bored as hell with same format over an over an over year after year after year.
@ myname is evil
why would he need a explanation?? he basicly saying
these games been done soooo damn much and is BORING!! how long will those games feel new and fresh?? I've played all those game felt bored after sec. series of same title.... to each his own bro.

im sure myke is saying HOW ABOUT SOMETHING NEW,SOMETHING EVERYONE can enjoy. not only hardcore but everyone many people bought ps3 expecting their favorite ps1,ps2 game to be up-graded in HD to continue their gaming but that has not happen.

avengers19784320d ago

I for one can't wait to see what next gen brings to 4 out of 5 of the titles listed in his "article".... Angry Birds can go away.
Did anyone see Squares tech demo for there next gen engine... can you imagine what final fantasy will be like then. Gears is a great franchise, Ass.Creed can keep reinventing itself with new leads, new locals, new weapons, and gadgets, Halo is an xbox multipler game that still has millions playing online and Halo 4 is currently one of the most wanted games coming out this year.
While were at it lets due away with Madden, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and GTA(The person that wrote this article seems sort of like they secretly hate games and wish they would go away)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4320d ago
mynameisEvil4321d ago

What a trolling, flamebait article with absolutely nothing good about it. "There's a popular series, I hope it dies."

No, seriously, look at the list here:
Assassin's Creed
Gears of War
Final Fantasy
Angry Birds
Ghost Recon
Call of Duty

And the author lists no good explanation for any of these, really, so...

Ghoul4321d ago

haters will hate
and n4g willgive them the space to spread such pull on the masses

well move along

L1keMike4321d ago

So you want another console generation filled with poorly implemented sequels? "Gears of War 5 for a new console Yaaaaaaaaay"

mynameisEvil4321d ago

If they are good sequels, I certainly do. If Gears isn't there, many other games will copy the style to see if it can fill that empty void. We might as well have the best version of the type of gameplay, plain and simple.

And poorly-implemented? Out of the list that's here, Call of Duty, Angry Birds, and Assassin's Creed are the only ones that have "poorly-implemented" sequels. Even Assassin's Creed is at least shooting for the stars for this one, so... what's your point?

Denethor_II4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

"Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Halo Wars and the Halo HD remake. I personally have had enough of the whole halo universe, simply due to overload. We FINISHED THE FIGHT, so what is the point of Halo 4? The fact that it’s coming out on the current x-box is pretty much bullshit and another lovely money grab. Give the Master Chief a rest and move on."

I agree with this statement. Also I'm, sick of AC, hate gears, hope FF improves and changes, bored of Ghost, Uncharted definitely needs (and is getting) a break and anyone with a brain is bored of CoD.
I don't see why you deem this man's opinion as trolling. I can completely see where he's coming from.

Also I don't mention Angry Birds as I don't consider it a game. It's like calling a push-bike a motorcycle.

mynameisEvil4321d ago

Let's see, you hate Gears? Okay, but there's only been three games. It doesn't need to die. Uncharted? 4 games, which includes Golden Abyss. Bored of Ghost Recon? Only been three games this generation, once again. AC, FF, and CoD are perhaps a bit more understandable to dislike, but to want these series to die is just a stupid thing to say. If he wanted to say, "Franchises I Hope Will Take A Break Soon" or "Have More Time Put Into Them", I would understand. But to want to kill off a franchise and not give it that chance to get better is ridiculous.

Even Call of Duty can get better if they stop making it suck. If they don't fix it, they'll drive their own series into the ground without any help needed.

KMCROC544321d ago Show
Denethor_II4321d ago

Yes I hate(strong dislike) Gears because of the steroid pumped bland characters and story. Uncharted peaked at 2, this is generally accepted. 3 felt like more of the same, stagnation was starting to occur. And to conform this the company has moved to a new project. I'm not going to list every Ghost game, but I stopped playing when it reached 'Advanced Warfighter'. For me I have had enough of the series.

I look forward to new IP's. You seem to enjoy 3,4,5 or even 6,7 and 8 when comes to Ghost Recon. I however become bored with the same series of games and look for something new.

vickers5004321d ago

"Yes I hate(strong dislike) Gears because of the steroid pumped bland characters and story."

So you never liked Gears at all, which means your opinion is worth absolutely nothing when it comes to Gears. Just f'cking ignore it then. I hate all those stupid Madden and NCAA games, but I don't think they should die off just because they're not for me. Other people still enjoy them.

But apparently you're so selfish that you think if a game or a franchise doesn't cater specifically to YOU, then it should die.

dotwithshoes4320d ago

How can you agree with giving Master Chief a rest? He's had two games so far for the 360.. not including 4 which hasn't released yet. One of those two was a "HD Remake", and the other came out 5 years ago. Halo ODST wasn't about the chief, neither was Reach or Halo Wars. So we can give him a break when he's had ONE actual game that was a new current generation title? I hardly read into this article and I already think the author is an idiot. Doesn't bode well for the rest I guess.

andibandit4320d ago


You seems to have a strong dislike for anything you've played before, but what about those of us who really like to play Campaign coop with friends. For us games like Halo/Gears are godsends, even tho they are getting a bit old.

akaakaaka4320d ago

you are normal!

Denethor_II > most losers in n4g

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4320d ago
joab7774321d ago

It's funny because we know that most are re-upping this Gen. They will all get a boost from graphical and gameplay upgrades. Remember, these games pay for everything!!!!

Crazay4321d ago

Yup - All "popular" multi million copy selling games that he wishes would die. Firstly, good luck with that, secondly, what series' does this guy hope carry on?

More Lollipop Chainsaw, Dead or Alive (bouncy bouncy virtual bewbies...) or games based on Pixar/Dreamworks games (all huge winners =\)

This list is just silly and clearly fodder to try and draw criticism and grab some shameless traffic.

chukamachine4321d ago

I just wish people would stop going on about open world games like they are amazing. No they get boring quick unless your like 12.

Unless there is a reason to do something in a game, why do it.

Cut the rope is better then angry birds.

Uncharted in space needs to happen.

call of duty needs a rest for 5years.

Gears of chunky soldiers has gotten long in the tooth.

I'd like to see an adult HALO with actual decent enemies and not childrens colourful cute characters.

Oh_Yeah4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

gears of war- hasnt changed gameplay mechanics since 1, whats new other than story and graphics? i still cant battle in aircrafts, tanks, etc. gears of WAR needs more variety in WAR so it feels like war

call of duty- dont get me started. whats the difference between cod 4 and mw3? setting? they also need more variety, destructible areas, better story telling

final fantasy- one botton press game, take turns to attack -__- thats was cool in 1999, not now.

whats changed? still feels like im playing almost the same game since the 1st for all of these. theres not much reason to buy the newest one over the first

_Aarix_4321d ago

Dude The gameplay mechanics from gears 1 to 3 are AMAZING differences. 3 has smoothed out all clunks in all aspects. You obviously havent played it and thus dont deserve an opinion.

Oh_Yeah4321d ago


i have it lol, you cant tell me other wise. i just dont see the big leap, other than graphics and smoothness as you put it. yeah it plays better but im talking about ACTUAL gameplay additions

CoryHG4321d ago

how about most of those are milked franchises. Basically, get rid of yearly releases that aren't sports games. We don't need an Assin Creed every year.

ChiVoLok04321d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. He sounds like a Nintendo fanboy though. Notice how Mario and Zelda weren't included(not that they should've been included) although they have been around way longer and don't change much from game to game?

specialguest4321d ago

Despite the fact that every FF series is a new story, world, and characters, I don't mind FF taking a break. Imagine what new or resurrected RPGs SE could be devoting time to if there was no FF for a while.

WeskerChildReborned4321d ago

COD doesn't even really need a explanation.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4320d ago
DasTier4321d ago

I don't want any of those franchise to be discontinued, even call of duty has its place in the gaming world. It's like the author has just made himself a list of some of the best games this generation O.o

SpecialK4321d ago

Agree with that, none of those need to be canned.

Some of them could to with a re-boot. Though i expect Call of Duty will get one at some point similar to the change between 3 and 4 with next gen.

Halo, Gears of war and uncharted have been some of the best games this gen that have just kept on one upping themselves all generation, theyre doing everything right as far as Im concerned...

L1keMike4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

They are the best games of this generation. But lets keep it for THIS generation and move on.

DasTier4321d ago

You do realize f we did that with every generation then the gaming industry would be a lot weak than it is today right? If not dead.

antz11044321d ago

Your comment literally makes no sense whatsover, just like your argument.

Taking what we have now and carrying it to the future consoles IS moving on. If more ppl used you logic then we would have never had the Metal Gear Solid Series. If a story is solid and theres room for more, run with it.

VanguardOfCalamity4321d ago

I get what the author is saying to a degree but I would prefer maybe some sort of Re-boot in SOME of these series or a new storyline/protagonist that may still be in the same "universe" as its predecessor but go in a different direction. One example might be an Assassin's Creed 200 years in the future...or an Angry Pigs where they finally get some sweet retribution ... perhaps even and Uncharted where we see an aging Sully flipping channels in a rest home only to find there's buried treasure under the ol' maintenance shack.... ok started losing my train of thought there.. but Should these series go away? I don't think so - but something more then a fresh coat of paint would be nice too. Either way I'll be playing all the same

TopDudeMan4321d ago

I don't want final fantasy to die. I want them to fix it and make it like 1-10. They've lost their soul.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 6h ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga26m ago(Edited 26m ago)

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow18h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

OtterX2h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Tody_za2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno1h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.


Game Studio Closures, Entertainment News, Disney, And More Skewedcast

The full Skewedcast crew back for this episode and Gareth, Justin, Michael, and JoeyZ at Skewed and Reviewed break down the latest entertainment news qith a focus at 40:00 on the Microsoft Studio Closures and how it impacts the game community and what can be done to help offset this negative trend.


What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple1011d 3h ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing11h ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast10h ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop8h ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

TheEroica2h ago

Yep, Microsoft and Sony are a mess. Neither have a compelling business strategy and they're not making bangers anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 2h ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander19721d 1h ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

1d ago
ApocalypseShadow19h ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai23h ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

P_Bomb22h ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz12h ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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