
The Amazing Spider-Man Review - AusGamers

AusGamers has reviewed The Amazing Spider-Man and writes:

"There are a handful of decent ideas here, but nothing within is original. And there’s a serious lack of excitement; of tone and transition. The lack of a day/night system or dynamic weather, for one, keeps at bay what has the potential to be awesome. Beenox needs to stop spending so much time rendering the perfect Spider-Man avatar, and remember what it means to just be the wall-crawler.

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BigTwitchy4336d ago

Man this game is getting a lot of bad reviews. Not bad as in the game being bad, but the points they make in their reviews. Like this one for instance goes on to say that the game uses the movies story line too much. Of course it does it is based on the movie and is basically a sequel to it. WTF did that expect, a game that is named after the movie, has the same art and style, has some of the same characters, but be based on the comics? I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but your your opinion is that a game is bad for following the movie, when it is practically based on the movie, kind of makes your opinion a dumb and non-thought-out one.

clarkjudo4336d ago

This point your making is one of those things that disappoints me with these reviews that seem to cater to what someone else did with the same or similar genre. Here for example it would be Batman AC. These tactics or behavior is merely a thorn in the brain.

The Amazing Spider-Man so happens to be its own in a sense its story starts where the movie ended and its added character villains. From the trailers and interviews alone made me interested in my pre-order of the game. And once I saw early game play of the retail version, I was sold.

Funny thing, gamers have been giving this game higher scores than the paid critics catering to a specific genre or play style or game series. Reviewers that seem to be puppets to the critical mind. And to what other "Professional" reviewer sites are saying on the game at hand. To be more fair to everyone, this game deserves an 8.0 - 8.5 at least.

billythepunk4336d ago

No, because I'm also pointing out that movie-based games have a tendency to be bad, and this game is no exception

clarkjudo4336d ago

" .. movie-based games have a tendency to be bad" is a thorn in the brain for some gamers or game critics in becoming a negatively influence. The one thing different with The Amazing Spider Man is that it leaves off where the movie ended. And added story and other characters to pull away from the "Movie" clone death trap.

Another influence would be comparison to what other game developers did with the special added elements like "day/night system or dynamic weather". These expectations can take away the respect of what the current game developer is trying to present. More so in this case where your dead line is determined by someone else. One interview with one of the staff members of Beenox stated this to reveal what other ideas that they did not have time to add.

This is not a bad game but a great and FUN game with a few set backs that some people get stuck on more easily than others. To be fair for everyone, 8.0 - 8.5 at least.

Raider694336d ago (Edited 4336d ago )

Well for me web of shadows is better.I Miss the boss combats from WOS,on this game the boss battles are very noob friendly,and the missions boring.

ACEMANWISE4335d ago (Edited 4335d ago )

I watched my son play this game for over 6 hours yesterday. Fantastic game.

Don't listen to review sites anymore. Read about the games you like and then rent them. If you must read reviews then find a few reviewers that tend to have the same opinions as you. It's hard to do, I know, but the rewards of having reliable reviews are worth it.

P.S. This game offers two free tickets to the Spider-Man movie coming July 3rd. Bet the review didn't mention that, now did they? Deal is at Walmart for those interested.

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Ranking Every Spider-Man Game From Worst To Best

From the Amazing Spider-Man series to the most recent titles and DLCs, explore which Spider-Man game deserves to be ranked first and why.

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Sonic1881172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Ultimate Spider-Man use to be my favorite until Insomniac games took over.

Inverno172d ago

I'd still choose Ultimate above all other games, followed by Shattered Dimensions

Abnor_Mal172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

My favorite and still champion Spiderman PS2, followed by Marvels Spiderman2, then Miles Morales, followed by Marvels Spiderman, and finally Ultimate Spiderman.

I need to drag out my PS3 and try Web of Shadows, owned the game for years and years and never played.

Rimeskeem172d ago

Shout out to cultured vultures for NOT making this 40 separate pages.

Relientk77172d ago

Spider-Man (2000), Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions were all so good! I have fond memories playing them.


Every Spider-Man Game EVER Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Marvel's Spider-Man games have spanned decades. We've ranked every game from worst to best across consoles, handhelds, PCs, and mobile."

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darthv72683d ago

2600 Spider-man was the first I ever played. So many memories of that and Superman game. I didn't play another SM game until the Sega CD Spider-man vs the Kingpin

Yui_Suzumiya681d ago

I guess 6 people don't believe you, lol

ClayRules2012683d ago

Spider-Man 2018 (Insomniac’s game) is the absolute worst…I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The absolute BEST Spider-Man games to date!

1. Spider-Man: Miles Morales “ “Insomniac”
2. Marvels Spider-Man 2018 “Insomniac”
3. Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions.
4 Spider-Man 2.
5 Spider-Man (I forget the name) but I played it when I was about 10 or so, back in school. I thought it was the coolest game (which was a side scroller) and believe it or not, I felt like I was playing Spider-Man lol. If only I knew what the future would hold for technology, the talent of artists in these studios in the future, my eyes and brain would melt outta my head haha.

Seraphim682d ago

Ultimate Spiderman is definitely #3 on my list and a gem of the PS2/XB/GC era imo.

I can see an argument to flip 1 and 2 but I think the improvements Insomniac made to Miles Morales does technically put it a step above the original. Because it was Miles it was something refreshingly different too.

ClayRules2012682d ago

Nice! I’m glad you enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man. I forgot about that one. That was a good one!

Yeah, I can see that argument to clip 1 and 2 as well but the improvements added in Miles Morales for me definitely put it above the original, which is why I put it as my #1. I absolutely love both tho!

ZeekQuattro683d ago

The first one I played was on the Game Gear called Spider-man vs the Kingpin. Definitely one of the worst Spider-Man games but I loved it as a kid. My favorite Spider-Man games include Spider-Man PS1/64, Maximum Carnage, Web Of Shadows, Shattered Dimensions, ASM 1 and the two Sony recent Sony exclusive ones. Edge of Time and ASM 2 get honorable mentions because though I did enjoy them both felt like step back from the previous titles.

gunnerforlife683d ago

Still hold amazing memories of spiderman 2! What a game!

SavageFlamingo683d ago

They absolutely nailed the physics in that game. No game has ever come close.

Silly gameAr683d ago (Edited 683d ago )

Spider-Man The Movie, the game will probably be my favorite SP game ever, with the nostalgia goggles on. I doubt it would hold up at all today. Shattered Dimensions was great too.

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5 underrated Superhero games you may have missed

Lewis writes: "With Square Enix presenting gameplay of the new Avengers game at E3 2019 and with the release of Sony’s Spider-man on PS4 last year it is fair to say we may be heading into a new golden age of Superhero games on consoles. While watching the videos that were released of the new title, I began thinking about Superhero games that I had enjoyed over the last 10 years since Arkham Asylum’s release. I remembered there were a number of them that surprised me with how good they actually were and after looking online and speaking to friends discovered they had little fanfare, or people simply wrote them off for being movie tie-ins despite some being reviewed well.
I wanted to speak to you all about just a handful of these titles so that they may get some of the recognition they deserve, but also so you can enjoy some hidden gems of the genre."

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