
What Should Zelda Wii U’s Controls Be?

ZI writes: We here at Zelda Informer have been talking a lot about the future of Zelda recently, from Nate’s article about making Zelda appealing again to Alex Plant’s piece about episodic releases. As far as Zelda’s future on the Wii U, Nintendo is faced with a tough choice about what the game’s controls should be. Obviously, they have the unique features of the Wii U tablet controller at their disposal. However, Nintendo has already invested lots of time and money into developing motion controls for Skyward Sword, which were highly acclaimed by most critics and fans alike.

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eagle214368d ago

They obviously won't be motion controlled dominated. The new control scheme will involve motion to some degree but not sword movement.

ChickeyCantor4368d ago

They said they will continue using it.

MaxXAttaxX4368d ago

This is what the controller should have been:
No BS, no gimmicks.

ChickeyCantor4368d ago

Why is it when it doesn't suite you it's a gimmick in a bad way?

Motion+ worked very well for Zelda. Whether you like it or not. But just throwing around the word gimmick in a bad fashion is just silly.

dark-hollow4368d ago

am i the only one who liked the motion controls of SS?
dont get me wrong, i used to hate motion gaming with a passion, but after playing skyward sword it had opened my eyes for a lot of possibilities for the wiimote.

it is in my opinion, one of the best sword combat controls ever!
usually in any sword combat based game like skyrim or demon souls the procedure goes like this:

hit, hit, hit, evade/block and hit once more!
with skyward sword, its more than that.
the combat is more precise because you can attack from 8 different angles or strike right in the middle.

and based on that, enemies can start blocking your attack from certain direction so you need to find an opening before mindlessly hacking the sword on them.

sure, the wiimote is no way perfect and it needs some ironing out. so if they released and improved, more accurate version of the wiimote, then ill be more than happy if they included motion controls in the next zelda.

mike1up4368d ago

Agreed, Skyward Sword had the exact same effect on me.

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )

I Enjoyed It BUT---

I get why people don't like it. I could play SS lying down but certain parts required me to make a special place in front of the TV just to play.

Some gamers say that they want to play while relaxing.

Others want the motion control unique challenges.

I enjoyed it but I can honestly say that after some of my battles I noticed that I was sweating. --- It was not necessary that I swing so hard but then again it was never necessary for me to push the buttons sooo hard on my GameCube controller. Adrenalyn takes control.

mamotte4368d ago

I dont see it using motion controller... what I want (and It'll be useful in other games like COD) is, for example, the bug ítem from Skyward Sword: I always tought: "Woah, I'm so invincible while using this thing, no enemies will attack me!" . Same with the control ability from Wind Waker. Being able to be in the two fronts at the same time will be amazing and difficult, using the normal controls and gameplay on the tv screen (fighting enemies and moving around) while controlling the bug's movement and basic actions in the controller screen. Priceless. Now, that's for zelda, now imagine this kind of features in games like splinter cell, ghost recon, COD, etc... will rise the inmersion to new levels.

hellztourguide4204368d ago

Maybe they can give us the option of motion vs standard?

Gen0ne4368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )

Thank you. Always give the player the option. I'm looking at you Other M. Should've ported over Prime's control setup and had their single control setup as an option. Although, it really doesn't matter. The game wasn't great.

dark-hollow4368d ago

but if that was the case, then the motion option would be useless because the game isnt being built around it.

sort of like TP vs SS.

mike1up4368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )

I really am not sure about this. I loved Skyward Sword's motion control gameplay, but I still want to use 2nd screen like in the HD Zelda demo.

NovusTerminus4368d ago

Standard controls, please.

The Wiimote does not handle like a sword, and as someone who uses swords on a daily basis, this killed it.

Just give me the normal controls, I will be happy with that!

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Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

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H998d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno97d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


Directionless Modern Zelda Should Return to its 3D Roots

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CrimsonIdol128d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic128d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast128d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul128d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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Zelda Fan Brings Godzilla to Life in Tears of the Kingdom

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Knightofelemia166d ago

I like it would also be cool if some created Dragon Caesar in the game I would love to watch the two going at it.