
Does No One Remember These Super Smash Clones?

Leviathyn.com's Ron Hoffecker talks about the comments being made about the just unveiled PlayStation All-Stars calling it a rip-off. This isn't the first Super Smash-like game to release over the years. This sort of game is something that fans clamor for. Here's a look at some of the other "rip-offs".

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Abash4393d ago

The biggest reason people are hating on PlayStation All Stars is because they know it has a big chance to be great and successful

mobhit4393d ago

They're running scared. If Sony plays their cards right, the game will be a huge hit.

Awesome_Gamer4393d ago

Nintendo fans don't hate sony believe me, its the casual gamers/Xbots that hate sony because they don't get to play this amazing we have

pandaboy4393d ago

I really hope sony plays their cards right, but they have a history over the past 5 years to do just the opposite. If anyone can screw an idea like this up, it's sony unfortunately.

MmaFan-Qc4393d ago

With all this noise I can't help wondering if some people feel threatened.

It's not like Nintendo originated all the concepts within Smash Brothers by themselves, in 1999 alone you also had Rakugaki Showtime and Powerstone released.

...and frankly I think some competition will force Nintendo to work a bit harder on the next SSB

btw, just because a game isn't original doesn't mean it's a complete write-off. I mean, Crash Team Racing copied a lot of elements from Mario Kart. But here's the thing: it's a really good racing game. It's fast-paced, there's some good track designs, the weapons are balanced: it's probably one the best racing games I've played. In comparison Mario Kart 64 comes across as a bit weak, or so I feel. Okay, yes, we should strive for originality, but innovation and quality are not automatically synonymous. A good idea may be executed poorly and if someone is going to try something else with that idea, why shouldn't they? Maybe this game will bring something new. Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll be an enjoyable experience, maybe even BETTER... and is that really so bad?

Finally, I'm getting pretty tired of people claiming Sony are totally unoriginal. For all their strengths, Nintendo launched the 3DS with a range of games that were almost entirely sequels. The games we're getting excited for from Nintendo are both Mario games. They'll be fun and interesting, but it's still a Mario game. Sony launched the Vita with Uncharted, yes, but we also had Escape Plan and Gravity Daze. Not to mention the fact we've had the likes of Vib-Ribbon, Patapon, Flower, Journey and LittleBigPlanet, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls Heavy Rain, God of War.... all have been published by Sony or created by Sony's internal development teams

they created a lot of new stuff, ...if you care to look for it and not just arbitrarily designate it as ripoff bastards. Meanwhile others still surf on their old copy & paste bad habit....but i know...i shouldnt say that, it may offend some peoples.

Outside_ofthe_Box4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

In all honesty I think that is the case. PSA Battle Royale could be as big as GT within its 2nd to 3rd iteration into the series and apparently people appear to feel threatened by this. I have NEVER seen so much hate for a game before as soon as it was revealed... And it appears that it is 360 fanboys that are most upset or is calling sony out for copying nintendo. I think it's because they are afriad that Sony might actually have another game that may sell like hotcakes so their "sony exclusives don't sell" punchline is looking more and more foolish to say now...

At first glance it does look like a SSB rip-off, but so what? First off we don't know every detail about the game yet. There could a lot of things that isn't present in SSB that is in this game.

And even if it is a SSB rip off, so what? SSB is a good game and fans have been asking for a game like SSB that featured Sony characters for a long time. Why is it all of a sudden wrong? If anything people shouldn't be blaming Sony, but should be blaming fans for asking for it. You wanted a SSB game that featured Sony characters, you got it, if you don't like it then that's why you should be careful for what you wish for.

People should just be excited, wait for more gameplay and roster details to come out.

DasBunker4393d ago

article forgot rag doll kung fu

Larry L4393d ago

Good post OutsideoftheBox. I agree with you. In fact, if this game is good....who knows......maybe next gen we'll see one of the most amazing cross-overs ever. Super Smash Bros. VS PlayStation All-Stars : The Brawl for it All. LOL

MaxXAttaxX4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

Using the logic that All-Stars Battle Royale is a "clone", then every single fighting game after SFII is a clone.
Only difference is SSB didn't start it.

I don't understand this mentality. But a genre can't evolve if only one developer is allowed to do it.

The game has been made. There's nothing these fanboys can do except whine now.

Arnon4393d ago

You guys really need to shut up and just wait. It's an interesting concept and damn will it be cool if it turns out to be good, but what with the track record of all of these "AAA exclusives", I'm not going to hold my breath.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment. Most of these games are utter garbage, whether it's developed by Sony or not. Superbot Entertainment doesn't exactly have a track record. In fact, isn't this their first game?

sikbeta4393d ago

You people shouldn't care about the success of the game or not, I care about the game being Fun and as I saw in GTTV, PlayStation Battle Royale is F**ing Awesome!

mr_badhand4393d ago

I think its only the Sony fans that are insecure and making a bigger deal than it really is.

N4g_null4393d ago

Weird all I see is a bunch of Sony fans fighting imaginary hate? Infact I know no one who likes nintendo checking for this game, why? Think about it... They don't like Sony characters. So there is no hate only in deference.

The only way it will get hate is if it is over hyped and it's not fun. Sony falls short on fun a lot. Heck I didn't even like smash bro till the wii version. I'm a old school sf virtual fighter fan so if you don't see the difference game play wise then you wouldn't understand.

Yeah but a key componet to these games are that people have to love the characters and they must be fun in some manner to use and the game must require skill. Other wise expect mod nation like numbers instead of mariokart or smash bro numbers. Those games are ruthless and fun. Sony better show the damn ps4 at E3 no one cares about clones unless they are like power stone.

tokugawa4393d ago

just lol @ the defense force fighting this made up hate. yeah, i can just see all these "other" non sony fans running scared lmao!!!!

if everyone really gave a shit about the ps3 and its AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA exclusives, they would just by a ps3

having a ps3 is not like being part of the masons, or owning a ferrari. they are cheap and affordable. time to grow up

MaxXAttaxX4392d ago

Bitterness oozes from your comments. Try not to be so obvious next time.

@scissor_runner, @tokugawa

The comments you see above are responses to the article and on topic. There's plenty of hate outside of N4G as well.
Don't just assume.

mobhit4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

tokugawa - You're extremely bitter. I can just imagine your tears from my computer. You know, people *are* buying PS3's, otherwise the PS3 wouldn't be closing the gap. That shows that people actually give a sh*t about the PS3.

Maybe you should take your own advice and grow up.

scissor-runner: What imaginary hate? We already have fanboys denouncing the game already when we don't know much about it. The saddest thing is that it's being compared to SSB when there were games that came out before SSB's time.

Before, it was 'The PS3 has no games'. Now, it's 'Wah, wah, the PS3 has games!!1'

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4392d ago
SilentNegotiator4393d ago

Same genre and mixing characters = automatic "clone"


A7XEric4393d ago

Or maybe it's because we hold Sony to higher standards than all these no name developers putting out Smash clones. We expect Sony to maybe be inspired by Smash, but innovate on the formula and not outright copy it.

TekoIie4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

You sure it's not because it's exclusive??? Won't be buying this game personally due next gen consoles rumoured to release soon. Would rather save my money for one of those and not buy games on release date will help.. Not even getting halo 4 either, just thought I'd throw that in before someone shouts fanboy ; )

KwietStorm_BLM4393d ago

I tbought it was just because its from Sony.

Xof4393d ago

Sony has a long and storied history of taking great ideas and... ruining them.

But, yeah, most of the hate comes from the fact that it's on Sony's console--that, from a gamer's perspective, is blowing the competition out of the water now and has been doing so for... quite a while.

Just think back to when the 360 was coming out and you saw all that hate directed at, say, Tales of Vesperia and Losy Odyssey. Or the 3DS and Kid Icarus now. It's the same effect.

sly-Famous4393d ago

@Xof "Sony has a long and storied history of taking great ideas and... ruining them."

Can you please elaborate, or is that just another opinion stated as fact?

Wintersun6164392d ago


Strange, all I've been seeing is praises for Kid Icarus and I know I would love to play that game.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234393d ago


it will be called GOTY by all and then only end up selling 200,000 copies.

Outside_ofthe_Box4393d ago

Name me a game that was called GOTY by all and ended up selling 200,000 copies.

Oh wait you can't. Troll harder FinancialGamer...uuh...I mean Spam-Fritter.

morkendo234392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

I personally welcome PLAYSTATION ALL STARS a change is good at times to get away from FPS,3rd party shooter, multiplayer games for awhile.

Kingdom Come4392d ago

Patrick Morrallis, a journalist for GameTrailers.com won the Press Tournament an he and all his co-workers that played the game said (On Invisible Walls Podcast: http://www.gametrailers.com... ) it had nothing on Smash Bro's from what they played.

It's undeserving to hate on the game at this stage but it's fair to be very cautious not to get overly hyped as the game does look unbelievably similar to Smash Bros and apparently the characters, unlike Nintendo's, don't feel as though they blend together...

Consoldtobots4392d ago

360 All Stars incoming in 1....2....3.....

shuuwai4392d ago

and using kinect ....

the kids will go ape on this ...

Ka-me-ha-me-ha! oh wait that's another game...

oNIXo4392d ago

With only Master Chief and Marcus Phoenix.

mep694392d ago

I don't see peoples problems, i liked SSB; this should be awesome :P

Sheikh Yerbouti4392d ago

For Sony's sake I hope so, but I'm not interested. I much rather see each one in their own title.

GamingPerson4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

lol the game is not extra special. I have seen the gameplay.
People seem to go crazy because sony is doing it.

Shnazzyone4392d ago

Actually I'm hating it because it's a continuation of sony's tradition of just coping what's successful for nintendo and showcases just how few memorable properties Sony has.


even if it's just a brawler please let there be a good story with the madness

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4392d ago
StrongMan4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

The problem is the ones doing most of the talking are kids who just started gaming this gen and don't know any history of video games.

They think COD invented load outs.
They think Gears of War invented the cover system.
They think MS was the first to do controller-less gaming.
They think MS was the first to do online console gaming.

jetlian4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

the problem is this game isnt for most teens and adults its for kids!! All those reason you gave arent even related to this game in anyway.

Also people were expecting a fps,tps, action or some normal genre not a mash up. the announcement made it sound like it was gonna be big

MaxXAttaxX4393d ago

Why don't you go back to your 360 articles.

No one was expecting an FPS or TPS. Get out of here with that.
The announcement IS pretty big. This is the type of mash up fighting game PlayStation fans have been wanting FOR YEARS(therefore not kids).

KwietStorm_BLM4393d ago

I wasn't expecting anything other than what it is.

impulse1354393d ago

wow u dont know what ur talking about do u...just read the comment below this guy knows what hes talking about

jetlian4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

nathan really like the whole last week when n4g was talking about a KZ4, IF3,UC4, RE4,HS2 etc.

noone was thinking of this as the major announcement.

kwietstorm then you wasnt expecting anything or you knew and you work for sony. lol that was a stupid thing to say.

MaxXAttaxX4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

DOESN'T MEAN they weren't expecting/wanting this game as well.

Your logic fails. I stand by what I said before.

_DragonSlayer_4393d ago

yeah.. like stupid Mario..it's for kids \s

tokugawa4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

leave it out, sony could announce "dog poop scoop" where you go around picking up dog-shit, and it would be an earth shattering, hotly wanted, worlds most anticipated title according to n4g!

lol i jusy watched thevideo on IGN. good god, do fanboys see things differently to non fanboys?? the last fighting game i bought was tekken tag ps2... and after watching the video, i am certain it will still be the last fighting game

Sheikh Yerbouti4392d ago


both fps and this was being expected. The Battle Royal isn't a new rumor anyways.

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L6RD7BLU34393d ago

"They think MS was the first to do online console gaming."

I feel so sorry for kids who believe this, lol MS invented online gaming *HA! I laugh in your face*

SephirothX214393d ago

I don't think anyone with a brain (most people) actually think the xbox was the first console to do online but it did online pretty well. Halo 2 was a great experience online back in 2004 and compared to psn back then, xbox live was heaven.

Anyway, only kids care about who did what first. It's who does what best is what's important and I think Sony can really make an enjoyable game in a genre that very few games have had. Sometimes people are in the humour for something casual, competitive and fun and this game seems to tick those boxes.

Consoldtobots4392d ago

MS invented a way to charge for system everyone else gave you for free.

the worst4393d ago

controller-less gaming hahahahahahahahahaha
if u call that gaming hahahahahahahahaha
online console gaming i remember playing my dreamcast online b4 the xbox came out

yewles14393d ago

Yeah, don't forget the Saturn though, which had online play... THEEEEEN there was the X-BAND...

NukaCola4393d ago

Man, I remember back in the day when my mom's best friend's kids had SEGA CHANNEL on their Genesis. Still to this day the best way to game. $50 a month for 50 games at a time you could play endlessly streamed from the console itself. Before Xbox or PlayStation, before Games on Demand, before OnLive or Steam. That was a concept my friends, that was pretty damn awesome.


true .
they said kinect was a revolution to hands free gameplay but the eyetoy did that way back before wii or kinect were created.
motion sensor will and forever be nintendo's creation since they started with that idea with the virtual boy console

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4392d ago
Majin-vegeta4393d ago

Don't worry guys it's ok if everyone does it but when it's Sony it's a complete rip off*Rolls eyes*.

Then for that matter i guess every FPS is a ripoff of wolfenstien 3d.

I swear so many idiots these days that need their brains beat up like a pinata-___-.

Mikhail4393d ago

Either they are too young to remember or just trolling because they want to.

*Glad you remember wolfenstien. Though, Doom was the one, in my eyes, that popularize FPS genere.

Fylus4393d ago (Edited 4393d ago )

"Too young" Right there^

The only ones complaining are the Nintendo guys and it's because they feel threatened. Plus, let's face it, Nintendo's fan base is a much younger audience who are going to react in a much more immature manner about this game.

sly-Famous4393d ago

Much too young, most of the kids on this site will claim that all FPS games are ripoffs of COD:MW.

MasterCornholio4392d ago

True but as for me Duke Nuekem 3D was the game that got me into FPSs.

mobhit4393d ago

Remember, logic doesn't exist in the realm of trolls.

Jazz41084393d ago

Ifyou do your homework you will see segas and ms worked together on the online since dreamcast till live

Relientk774393d ago

What about the Wii one

TMNT Smash Up? or something with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Cennus4393d ago

I have an infatuation with the numbers 5, 10, 15, and 20. Nothing personal. :)

Infernostew4393d ago

How about Onimusha: Blade Warriors too?

rdgneoz34393d ago

I was thinking the same thing. Was a fun with a group of friends.


StraightPath4393d ago

Guess what theyall were horse poo compared to smash bros. This game is a clone n rip off but will be fun until new smash bros comes out

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A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

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Inverno533d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69533d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop533d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard533d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi533d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin533d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus540d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer539d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.