
Ninja Theory has received death threats over Devil May Cry reboot

OXM UK: "Ninja Theory's Tameem Antoniades has revealed to OXM that the studio has received death threats in response to its handling of Capcom's Devil May Cry reboot."

Berserk4510d ago

That's what you call a hardcore fan. lol

iChii4509d ago

Thank You, Thank You.

No jk, I love DMC and all and I hate the new reboot but death threats? That's a little immature and stupid if you ask me.

ABizzel14509d ago

"That's what you call a hardcore fan. lol"

That's exactly why the media portrays gamers as ignorant and childish. What's there to lol about a death threat. That's not a hardcore fan, that's an ignorant fool.

RedDead4509d ago

Japanese companies always get death threats over random ****

fallingdove4509d ago


I don't condone the actions of these DMC fanatics but when Tameem makes a point to mock and alienate the fans that kept the series going, the douchebag should have realized that he was escalating things. I have no respect for Tameem and Ninja Theory.

NeoBasch4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

I have the utmost respect for Ninja Theory. Their games are wildly diverse, each one sporting a great narrative. They bring a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stale genre that was only briefly resurrected by God of War III and Bayonetta. I'm a fan of Devil May Cry, but I'm not looking for more of the same here. I want to see an original take on the game in name only. Gameplay, characters... go ahead, change them all. After all, it's about the experience. And they've taken us on some pretty creative epic adventures.

Pozzle4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

"I don't condone the actions of these DMC fanatics but when Tameem makes a point to mock and alienate the fans that kept the series going, the douchebag should have realized that he was escalating things. I have no respect for Tameem and Ninja Theory."

This x100. Death threats are absolutely disgusting, but is Tameem really surprised? If you mock fans, insult the original developers (AND their creation), and blame gamers for not ~understanding~ your genius when your previous games don't sell as well as you wanted, then what the fuck sort of response do you expect to get? Of course you're going to piss off the fanbase! And some of that fanbase is naturally going to be...less than stable in the head.

I very much doubt Tameem's life is in danger any time soon. Though I'm not surprised he used the death threats as a way to further advertise this game. ""It's pretty hard for me to back the decisions we made without showing actual gameplay to the public. So until that time comes, and it will come soon, I just have to put up with the rage." smh.

Oh, and surprise surprise...he is yet again insulting the previous DMC games: "Though I must say, lots of people have come and said that they are now interested in DmC whereas they had previously lost interest in the series." Here's a tip Tameem - stop acting like your damn reboot is "saving" the series and people won't get pissed!

pc_masterrace4509d ago

"That's a little immature"

A little? Immature? That's called being batsh*t crazy. lol

fallingdove4509d ago (Edited 4509d ago )

@ NeoBasch

"I have the utmost respect for Ninja Theory. Their games are wildly diverse, each one sporting a great narrative. They bring a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stale genre..."

I disagree. Ninja Theory actually have been a severe detriment to the action genre. Their philosophy that story is more important than gameplay is a very negative thing for not just for action games but for interactive media. At least cutscene heavy games like MGS4 had solid gameplay to back it up - Ninja Theory games have been uninspired technical messes.

Not to mention, their stories wouldn't pass for direct to DVD B movies. "We have schools, you have mechs".

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4509d ago
StraightPath4510d ago

Hideki Kamiya owned this crap game reading his tweets he should make a new dmc. Bayonetta was one of the best hack & slash game this whole generation. Personally my favourite hack & slash games this gen are GOW III and Bayonetta.

So far what we seen of this new DMC not looking that great anyways...

jc485734510d ago

you guys leave Kamiya alone. Even he's fed up with the constant comments he's been getting.

thaking1554509d ago

Your messing with a game with history and a following from a loyal fan base and you go and mess up a Iconic character and then say that the fans are basically dumb and that the new Dante is better. A rougher Dante compared to the pretty boy Dante. Ugh!!! NT SUCKS!!!

ShaunCameron4505d ago

Bayonetta is worth getting either HD console for. Plus it's casual player-friendly too.

dark-hollow4510d ago (Edited 4510d ago )

OMG a random person threats me over the internet!
My life is in danger!!!

You have a higher chance to choke on your breakfast and die than any of those idiots do any harm to you.

Rush4510d ago

Shut up or I shall kill you >.>

hay4510d ago

@Rush: You should say "Silence! I kill you!"

vickers5004509d ago


Jeff Dunham isn't funny.

manman64510d ago

Just to remind everyone... It is just a game. There are worse things that can happen besides a bad Devil May Cry Reboot.

Whitefox7894509d ago

True, such as a DMC live action movie being made by the same studio who did the RE movies.

Ohh wait....

ZombieAssassin4509d ago

What's even worse is I believe the movie is going to be based off the new game.

Kurt Russell4509d ago

I agree manman 6,someone could fuck up the final fantasy franchise... "uh ohhhhhh" :D

sikbeta4509d ago

Bwahaha thing are going to get worse when this crap is released lol

fei-hung4509d ago

The bombing of the game in sales will most likely kill him than fan threats. I really hope the game releases sametime as gta5 or metal gear rising. That should ensure it flops good n hard. NT n Crapcom must learn the hardway!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4505d ago
HardCover4509d ago

In my opinion it was silly the moment that they announced this reboot.

Bundi4510d ago

Wow. Devil May Cry fans are extreme! Remember the petition to keep DMC 4 from 360? Lol get a life you guys.

Jobesy4510d ago

It's not DMC "fans", it's a couple of mental fucktards that have no life other than a video game.

mitsuhede4510d ago (Edited 4510d ago )

Who cares. There's always going to be one or two crazies in the bunch that do outlandish shit. People just make articles like this to make the group complaining about whatever the situation may be as a whole look bad. Gtf outta here with this bs. And then you'll have the idiots(like Bundi) that go along with it and just decide to label the entire group itself crazy ignoring the fact that most of the ones complaining don't do this.

Yui_Suzumiya4510d ago

Well, I'm a DmC fan and I love what I've seen of this. Although, the last 3 were crap so at least Capcom did something ri gh t for once and got a competent team to produce this. This'll be one of the best hack n'slash games next to Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, God of War III, No More Heroes and Metal Gear Rising.

Majin-vegeta4510d ago

Sorry how the hell did Capcom do something right for once??They butchered the damn gameplay from 60FPS to 30FPS yea that's something totally right-_-.If anything Capcom this generation have done nothing but piss of their fanbase with the constant dlc milking and rereleasing their games with just a few minor upgrades and screwing over early adopters.

gunnerforlife4510d ago

"the last 3 were crap" stopped reading right there looooool you know nothing about DMC mate.

tiffac0084510d ago (Edited 4510d ago )

Wow... now that's just sad. :/

Jam_sponge4510d ago

Just a bit pathetic really. It's not like rebooting Devil May Cry wipes all the previous Devil May Cry games from existence. If you don't like the new one, play the f***ing old ones!

Whitefox7894509d ago

It doesn't kill it from existence however the fans want a continuity of that story, not a new one.

miyamoto4509d ago

And it looks like DmC will follow the footsteps of Capcom's Captain Commamdo, Dark Void.

Hideo Kojima and Kieji Inafune can't be more right.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC20d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC20d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos19d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga19d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer20d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60220d ago (Edited 20d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya20d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde20d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP20d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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