
Dark Souls sequel will not up the difficulty further

IncGamers: But don't expect it to be easy, says From Software.

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Optical_Matrix4596d ago

Demons Souls 2 for PS4. From Software, Sony...make it happen.

Ser4596d ago

I second that.

Bring back those dedicated servers, From!

BeOneWithTheGun4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

And call it, "Fuck the Carpa" Demon Souls.

Ser4595d ago


Too right! That is literally the only thing I found to be cheap in Dark Souls! Those two dogs were just a tad overkill. lol

beavis4play4596d ago

i'd love to see a demon souls sequel - but a dark souls sequel would be ok too! hell, i'd love to see them restart the kingsfield series.

DrFUD4596d ago ShowReplies(4)
JsonHenry4596d ago

I would rather them fix the pathetic excuse for a matchmaking/PvP system they have. Or at least put in a dedicated place people can meet up to fight each other.

Bloodraid4595d ago

It's called the Darkwood Garden.

Ramas4596d ago

i not agree ps4 atleast 3 years away, so please demon souls 2 or dark souls 2 on PS3 and third on ps 4

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4595d ago
iamironman4596d ago

it should be called Dead Souls


As much as I like that name, they can't, it's already taken.
I did however mention an alternate...
Damned Souls

dangert124596d ago

They should call It
'Bless your young souls'
It should have loads of happy little kids easy gameplay and bright colours i'm thinking a winnie the pooh type game?

Tanir4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

Dystopia Souls, Devil Souls, Deranged Souls, Damnation Souls, are some that come to mind if sticking with the DS thing.

if not Chaos Souls or Calamity Souls would sound cool too lol

and the fact that the devs said this means more!!!!! woot. i remember how happy i was when i saw that dark souls was announced!!

DarkBlood4596d ago

isnt dead souls just a subtitle to yakuza game coming out in march or are you talking about a game called just "Dead Souls" ?

UNCyrus4596d ago

Not ramping up the difficulty?

Ares84HU4596d ago

I'm all for difficult games and playing games on hard but Dark Souls is just crazy. I think they should absolutely not make the next game more difficult. This is close to insanity.

Tanir4596d ago

doesnt need to be easier, you just need to play better,

if you can't complete a certain task, then maybe two or 3 blades is better than one?

summon another player to help you, your not limited to yourself, there is help.

trust me, in a way demons souls was harder, sorta, just cuz if u kept dying while human u would get black soul tendancy, which not only gave you less hp, it gave u better drops also, though spawned way stronger enemies.

i love the game how it is, no need to dumb it down

4596d ago
BattleTorn4596d ago

It's my opinion that the "prepare to die" difficulty-marketing hurts the expansion of it's audience.

Ser4596d ago

I think it helps. It gets people interested.

Everyone likes to overcome a challenge.

BattleTorn4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

no, not everyone. specifically only the hardcore.

and hense the casual trend of the industry; accessibility attracts more audience.

Dark Souls attract the exact opposite; the hardcore.

@DarkBlack, Dark Souls =/= a little challenge

Ser4596d ago

I'm pretty sure that even casual players like to overcome a little challenge.

Iamback4596d ago

lol fu.k no. I was the same. it is bad marketing. People always give up on hard games.

btw my goty so far. I wish sony made Demon SOuls 2, use BR and all the fine stuff (dedicated servers? ) and make it stellar.

admiralvic4596d ago

"I'm pretty sure that even casual players like to overcome a little challenge."

I think you're extremely confused there sparky. I would agree that people enjoy a challenge. No one want's to play a game where you walk to the end without a problem, but the term "challenge" does not suit the "souls" games. Dedication is a lot closer to the point.
Now most people game to have fun and the masses are not dedicated gamer's. Unlike a challenge where some parts are rough... The souls games are completely manageable IF and ONLY IF you understand the mechanics. What works when, What skills work, How to get by enemies, etc. Failing constantly will make many people aggravated and give up.

@ Battletorn

I agree that it is bad marketing. Some see it as a challenge, but most people are not looking to constantly lose. If you market yourself as this insane thing... the "hardcore" gamers will pick it apart, the "causals" will ignore it and the remaining will bicker about how amazing it is.

Ser4595d ago (Edited 4595d ago )


Oh, please, guy. You make the Souls games sound as if they're friggin' MMOs, which they are not.

If you can play an Elder Scrolls title, you can play Demon's Souls / Dark Souls. Just don't play stupidly. There's a difference between a casual player and a stupid player.

I've actually gotten a couple of my "casual" friends to give Demon's Souls a run. They never knocked the game for being too hard or difficult, they would instead say things like "Oh, man! I didn't block that guy's swing! Let me try one more time."

Casual gamers like a challenge too. Stop acting as if they're brain-dead mental patients.

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ElementX4596d ago

I think it's good because people know it won't be an easy game just by looking at the box

Getowned4596d ago

well the games not made for the casuals soo why would they worry about it.I see your point but if they didn't do that then casuals would buy it and hate it and probably return it any way.

Kamikaze1354596d ago

I hope it's an even bigger game =X

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phoenixwing52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.


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Father__Merrin81d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up