
Dark Souls: The Best Gift to Pick

At the beginning of Dark Souls you’ll be asked to choose from one of eight gifts. The gifts that you pick in the beginning will be added into your inventory as soon as you start controlling your customized character.

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Nevers4594d ago

I went with playing as a Thief so I got the Master Key and chose to have the Pendant.

I'm websensed so I have no idea what the article says is the best or if they gave anything away that has to do with why others are not and vice versa.

Tanir4594d ago

made a theif for the same reason. it only opened 2 doors for me so far tho lol

Kyosuke_Sanada4594d ago (Edited 4594d ago )

It's good to see more people taking the path of the guilt ridden Thief. I thought I was the only one fighting with daggers after looking at the ghosts for the last few days.

And I took the binoculars as the gift, which really helps outside the walls......

Nevers4594d ago (Edited 4594d ago )

The binoculars are available rather soon once out of the Asylum. I found those on my first run-around as a Warrior so I knew I wanted something else when I restarted as the Thief. They are pretty nifty to have since the game is so damn pretty... and bosses are neat to look at from a distance.

I haven't found an upgrade from the starter Thief knife yet so I'm running around with some long sword I lifted from an undead Dragon. (^_^)d

Tanir4593d ago

lol i use a scimatar....wait after yesterday i switched to an axe, the gargoyole one, trying to gain enough strength to use it right.

im sorta stuck cuz everywhere i go everything is too strong and they come in such numbers.

and the fact that they dont stop chasing u makes it insane. in the bell tower the room with like 20 zombie dudes, i ran passed them, then like 3 of those knights with capes and long swords chased me, i ran into a door and accidently into a small cell..........and well the massive gang bang rape had commenced lol, there was no escaping that

Getowned4593d ago

get the drake sword :P i'm one shoting most things so far


Bigpappy4594d ago

I when with the health ring. I got the impression it would regenerate my healh over time, but I never noticed the effect.

Nevers4594d ago

I thought that as well but turns out it only gives +30 HP.

I only wonder if you can equip it for 30HP then unequip it and not lose the HP gained, then re-equip it for +30 more HP... hmmm.

Spenok4594d ago

That was my thought process as well. And unfortunately it didn't turn out that way :/

And after reading this article I wish I had gone with the master key. Oh well I guess, 30 HP is always useful, especially in a title like Dark Souls.

Tex1174594d ago

Went with wanderer and pendant.

The director of the game recommended the pendant.

Getowned4594d ago

who cares about what gift you get D; i just want to get past the skeletons that wont die -_- game is making me pissed.

at first I was like YAY!! Dark Souls !!! WOOOO

but then i was like OMFG WTF IS THIS F***********^^^^K!!!!!!!!!

^sorry for caps but it's appropriate at this moment :P

LordLaguz4594d ago

Then go somewhere else and try again when you have more soul level, if you just started, go up the stairs to the town (i belive its name was undead burg)

Also, the skeletons dont give souls (exept the big one) so you cant grind there.

Getowned4594d ago

am i missing a set of stairs cause i keep going past the fat guy and running into a dead end lol

Getowned4594d ago

Nvm found it,its on the far right blink and you would miss it.

Nevers4594d ago (Edited 4594d ago )


This is true for many things in the game.

I totally missed the door in 'fatty' boss' room during the Asylum. I was trying to kill that gd thing with my broken long sword for around 5-7 attempts before I found the door out, lmao/cry.

And those skellies are truly a pain in the @$$. I killed the first two at the foot of the stairs and then lured the rest out so I could plunder their goodies. Think I got them all too. I might purchase a club now that I found the merchant and head back there... hope blunt dmg is there weakness.

Kyosuke_Sanada4594d ago

I highly suggest carrying a club or some other strike weapon against the skeletons and there is a way to kill a skeleton permanently but Ill leave this quote to you:

The best way to kill a puppet is.....

Getowned4593d ago

so there like the reapers in 4-2 in demons souls lol

Kyosuke_Sanada4593d ago

Pretty much except they don't die after the strings have been cut.


Dark Souls: Archthrones Reaffirms Modding Is The Best Thing To Happen To Games

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The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.


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Father__Merrin73d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up