
id Software on Quake 5

John Carmack talks about Quake 5

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meetajhu4706d ago

Quake 1 was the game that made me fall in love with gaming and fps! John Carmack FTW!

THWIP714706d ago

...it just felt like DOOM 3. I want to play a remake of the first 2 games, with the RAGE engine behind it. Those were some great games.

JasonPC360PS3Wii4706d ago

Quake 4 has a great long sp campaign, but mp was broken. I like Quake 4, I still love to smoke a blunt and kill the hell out of some Strogg.

maniacmayhem4706d ago

They should have an Unreal vs. Quake just like capcom vs series.

All the Quake weapons and Unreal weapons in huge arenas!

BlitzAK4706d ago

That would actually be good, however the only issue is the weapons, they are both really similar, only UT having a few combinations of Quake weapons into a single weapon. i.e. Plasma + LG into link gun.


Make Me a Quake as Fast as You Can

Quake may not be a dead franchise, but the single-player element hasn't been revisited for almost 15 years. Maybe it's time?

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MadLad1569d ago

As a big fan of those twitchy 90s shooters, I never found the single player to Quake all that great. Quake 3 arena though ... memories.

lnfiniteLoop1568d ago

agree Quake 3 Arena brilliant even when filled with just bots, it was Brilliant... same goes for Unreal Tournament... both brilliant!!!

MadLad1568d ago

It's funny. I used to play a lot of said twitch shooters back on PC in the day. Never Unreal Tournament though. That was until the 360 days. Got Unreal Tournament 3 on 360 but didn't have internet. Spent countless hours playing bots on godlike. Started getting really good. So good that, once I actually started getting online, I was basically annihilating the competition almost every match.

Ah. Good times. Back on PC gaming, so I have a lot of these games again, but the player base is typically small for arena shooters anymore, sadly.

RaidenBlack1568d ago

idTech should make a new Quake in similar style to the new Doom(s).

Smellsforfree1568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

Why? As a huge Quake fan back in the day, what can Quake bring to the massively crowded FPS space? Quake has never has much consistency in theme. What made Quake great back in the 90s was it represented the "bleeding edge" of FPS in terms of graphics and gameplay back when the market was new and small.

Doom had a unique theme and setting that has been consistent and to me it made more sense to bring that back. People knew what to expect. With a new Quake -- What is a new Quake game even about, exactly? Are we going to be fighting Stroggos again as in 2 and 4 (just like pick-any alien space shooter game that exists today) - is it going to be a Lovecraft-esque game like Quake 1, or be a random storyless multiplayer arena game like all the other Quakes out there? The game series has always been about showing off technology, and I'm skeptical that id can bring something to the table worth showing off.

RaidenBlack1568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

The lovecraftian Quake Reboot is what I am hoping for. Not the generic Strogg storyline.

Smellsforfree1568d ago

@RaidenBlack - Yeah, I'd like to see that too, but I fear if there is another one they will go with another generic Strogg space aliens story.

RaidenBlack1568d ago

You meant to say Quake 1 and II identity crisis all over again? XD

Reibooi1568d ago

I think a reboot for the single player portion of Quake would be quite interesting. The original game has a good bit of atmosphere and the idea of Cthulu like things happening was a interesting idea. I think it could be really cool to take the ideas the original game had and kind of run with them. Treat it not like a remake but more of a completely new vision based on those older ideas. While I like 2 and 4 I always found the move to a more space marine style of story pretty blah. Yes the original was a mess in alot of ways but I think there are enough interesting elements that a modern reboot could work.

LightofDarkness1568d ago

I agree, I'd love to see levels designed like maddening funhouses where the laws of physics break down regularly.

I enjoy Quake 2 as well, but it was originally its own IP, until just before it was announced, as they feared it would need brand recognition to succeed. That's why they're so vastly different.

1568d ago
Smellsforfree1568d ago

I tend to agree. It is really the only theme worth re-visiting as it may be the only "unique" thing left in the Quake series. Two was good for its time because Quake was just about showing off the technology. Any themed setting was just a vehicle to show off the technology, hence why the series has always felt so aimless in terms of a story.

I frankly don't see a point in revising Quake as it was what it was for its time, and today would likely just be another FPS where you shoot at aliens. The only theme worth revisiting was the original Quake 1 setting but I'm not sure id can pull it off today.

AK911568d ago

Would love if John Romero made a spiritual successor using the Quake 1 engine.


Quake 5: What can we expect?

Ben takes a look at what we can expect from Quake 5 in light of the recent buzz of activity at id Software recently. Hopeful at best but some serious food for thought.

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Infinity Ward’s Next-Gen Call of Duty, id’s Next-Gen Surprise, 1666 And Other Gaming Secrets

Kotaku- Do you want to read about some secrets about the gaming industry? Would you like to know about plans and projects that have been hiding in plain sight? The person known as Superannuation believes that you do and has another haul of them to share

Emilio_Estevez4303d ago

Lotta good stuff there. C'mon Quake 5

trenso14303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

honestly after kotaku's crazy rumor about versus XIII i can't believe anything that comes from their site unless its from a credible source.

Vynzent4301d ago

The funniest thing is that they ALWAYS say some bullshit like: "a trustable source has told us..."

it's hilarious how stupid they are xD

tehpees34303d ago

Surely Call of Duty must be getting boring now? I played Modern Warfare back when it came out and saw no thrill in it. I played my brother's copy of blackops and still don't get it. I am an outcast of the rest of the gaming community who cannot understand why this series is so popular.

ChunkyLover534303d ago

Like any game it can get boring, but online tends to become quite addicting to a lot of people. I usually get bored with the latest COD around May or June, then I start looking forward to the next installment.

A lot of people look at them all as being the same, but I think Treyarch's COD and IW's COD are vastly different and play totally different. So its always something new each and every November.

ChunkyLover534303d ago

I called that. MW4 will release on Xbox 360/720, PS3/PS4, Wii U and PC. It'll be massive.

Hdz544303d ago

Yeah, this should be good. They'll probably task Sledgehammer with making the current gen versions while IW will make the next gen version. Launch title for XB3/PS4!

Vynzent4301d ago

Yes, it will be a massive herd of sheep buying that thing, like always. Just another re-skin, as a matter of fact, an HD re-skin.

They should just make: "CoD: Online" and end it there, just keep supporting that one game with updates and patches, and dlc, and once in a while HD graphics patches.

HaMM4R4303d ago

who bets that the graphics will still suck even in the next gen!

Ben_Grimm4303d ago

I'll bet your troll gold that it won't be!

Hdz544303d ago

COD2 was a launch title for the 360 and was arguably the best looking game at that time. One would hope that ATVI will re-invest into the series and have them build a new engine for next gen. We shall see..

WeskerChildReborned4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

i get a feeling that the next gen CODs will have a improvement in visuals but they'll all look the same until the next generation after that. I hope they start innovating alot cause it would be bad if they look the same as current gen.

DeadlyFire4303d ago

Well Call of duty engine already does DirectX 11 so they have made their next-gen improvement right there. No need for more they will think. Its like they want EA to catch up to them in sales. They know competition drives sales.

iNFAMOUZ14303d ago

please for the love of god, no cod for next gen, stop ruining this gen!

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