
Rumor: Windows 8 to Play Xbox 360 Games

It is possible that gamers will be able to play Xbox 360 games on their PC with the release of the Windows 8 OS.

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Seijoru4732d ago

If this is true than there is absolutely no point in buying an xbox. In fact, the only reasons left are for gears and forza.

tehpees34732d ago

I could finally play DoA 4 if this were true

captain-obvious4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

dont think its true

if MS rolled out a new console before windows 8 is out
could happen

but other than that no

if it does happen then it would be great

smoothdude4731d ago

Maybe not in the sense of sticking your Xbox game in your PC, however, they might create a PC version of some of their more popular franchises like Halo.

I would love you see this happen. :)

somerandomdude4731d ago

This article is vague, Does anyone have a better source maybe with some quotes so I know its for real?

Menech4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Ermmm any idea the kind of hardware your going to need to emulate 360 games?

A 360 will be a far cheaper option to anyone with children or who doesn't own a gaming rig.

Not to mention by the time Windows 8 hits Microsofts next console will be out.

Dark_king4732d ago

You wouldn't need to emulate the 360 it pretty much runs like a PC.

Menech4732d ago

Dark_King you clearly know nothing about hardware if you think that's the case.

No modern day computers use anything like the IBM processors found inside the 360.

The general rule is you need 5x the power of a console to emulate it. PCSX2 and Dolphin are a fine example of this.

slyrunner4732d ago

No dark_king is right, the PC to 360 to 30 to pc is easy as counting to 123, they used the exact same tools as well as instruction sets for the cpu. Coding for the pc is just like the 360's. So you are wrong sir, 360 and pc are almost like siblings , the PC is the older brother while the 360 is the youngest. Also, emulation is totally something different, emulation is harder because for one, the PS2 has a complete revamped instruction set than a average computer (the emotion engine) which has to be duplicated twice, which is why emulation depends on the CPU rather than the gpu.

Dark_king4732d ago

You clearly know nothing about software.
or about the 360.Feel free to think what you want because it would take to long to explain why you wouldn't need to emulate the hardware to play the games that are basically built for PC.

slyrunner4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

and i prob know a hell much more than you since it would be more of a hardware issue than software. So explain your knowledge so i may back hand it and teach you something new.

Dark_king4732d ago

@slyrunner you talking to me because I was replying to him.You pretty much said what I said,that 360 games are PC games.Besides if I need to learn about either hardware or software I would just ask my buddy.

Menech4732d ago


If it was as easy as counting to "123" someone one would of done it by now as the emulating scene is massive.

Your talking shit now stop it.

Dark_king4732d ago

well its not as easy as he makes it seem you do need to write code to optimism the games for different hardware.However were talking about MS here they are sort of good with programming.

Theonetheonly4732d ago

i have about 100X the processing power of the ps2 and the games are still shoddy. support by the engineers of the hardware could make this very plausible.

I cannot play any xbox game on emulation given the software has not been created and perfected. however i can emulate the wii at 1920x1200 >60fps when framelimiting is off , w 16x aniso and 4x aa

i think it can be done on less. :)

especially if microsoft give their emulator very low level access to the hardware perhaps direct access just above the hardware abstraction layer.

HenryFord4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Well…this one is easy: Seeing that the PS2 is actually working on a modified version of the MIPS-technology, it is “hard” to emulate the hardware (reasons you easily can find by yourself), you need a lot of horsepower to emulate this efficient on the x86(-64)-platform.

Talking about the XBox? Well that is a PowerPC-architecture which is designed for consoles, but it runs on nearly identical code as the x86-platform. You wouldn’t even need to emulate it…

Why it can’t be done by free programmers today? Because they have to reverse engineer everything and have to use different codes then MS does. That is really hard to accomplish without getting your ass sued off this planet. MS however has direct access to the platform-code and could easily port it.

SkullBlade1694732d ago

Those who say it would be simple to emulate a 360 on the PC are just being silly.

Yes, the 360 is source compatible with the PC. That does not mean that the games will be able to run without emulation on a PC. It simply means that code can be compiled on either a 360 or PC with very little (or no) modification.

Since compiled code is stored as machine code, and machine code for different platforms is very different, you WOULD need an emulator on the PC to run these games. Unless of course this "Xbox 360 game compatibility" feature re-compiles the 360 game code to run on a PC, which I doubt, since I don't think MS would like their source code being transmitted between users' computers.

HenryFord4732d ago

Nope, wrong again... with the platform-code at hand, MS could build another binary from the game and run it... of course this would take a little bit (it would be "recompiling", although technically it is more like deassemble > convert > assemble and compiling isn't needed any more, since you already have the machine-code at hand), but after a initial waiting period, Windows could be able to launch the binary nativly. I am not saying that this will happen, but this is technically possible.

Oner4732d ago

What if MS does something like a dual boot option? Where you don't use Windows to run the game at all? Would/Could that help at all?

iagainsti1204731d ago

you wont need very much it is easy to emulate PPC on x86 since there ar not very many instruction sets you have to deal with (like in x86 you have MMX, SSE, SSE2 etc.) these guys already have OSX running through emulation on x86 http://pearpc.sourceforge.n... remember x86 does not always = windows. If you have an AMD x3 cpu < you should be able to run 360 PPC code fine (with emulation) Intel cpu's will need quad or better. And since Xenon only runs 1 thread per core at a time this is even easier. All Microsoft has to do is write a VM to get the code running and get all the graphics commands running properly which wont be a problem at all since its is all Direct x

xtremexx4731d ago

why are you guys talking about emulating it? would you need to emulate it? or could they just simply port the game for pc without the whole ordeal of emulation. Also im sure it would be easy if the mind at microsoft tried

somerandomdude4731d ago

Can xbox 360 games run on a PC. I'm not sure who is right about this argument, but I'm guessing a lot of you don't know what you are talking about.

I am sure that if this rumor is true (360 games on PC) than the emulation is easy on a pc otherwise why would MS even bother. So the real question is whether this rumor is true or not?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4731d ago
soljah4732d ago

i've always said xbox 360= pc in a box.

ChronoJoe4732d ago

It'd be cool but as you say, this is true. There would be little point for many, many consumers.

Also there wouldn't be much control, on PC. Microsoft don't have control of the platform so hackers would figure out a way to boot 360 ISOs fast and conveniently.

Online play would need to be either segregated, or not available. If half of Halos players started being able to use KB/M, then that's the community dead in an instant.

Any way you look at it, this would kill their consoles sales figures.

L6RD7BLU34732d ago

most of the 360 (3rd party) games are already for windows, well I guess so I see no point to this.

kneon4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Perhaps the rumor is a little off and it's the Xbox.next games that will work on Windows 8.

This is something I've been saying for a while. The next Xbox could be a PC. You could buy the branded Xbox as you always have, which would be a micro PC in a living room friendly case, or you could buy an "Xbox certified" PC with windows 8.

It would drastically cut the hardware R&D costs for Microsoft, eliminate the porting costs for devs and result in a more reliable Xbox.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4731d ago
Pandamobile4732d ago

Well, that'd be cool, but it would completely cripple Microsoft's Xbox division.

fluffydelusions4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

Not if a new Xbox comes out. PC could play 360 but not 720 games.

Brash_Attack4732d ago

It could be a great way to get last minute revenue off of the 360 before it's predecessor is released.

Dark_king4732d ago

If it allowed it would take 10 minutes to have it running pirated digital copies.Just not gonna happen to much money would be lost by MS.

SilentNegotiator4732d ago (Edited 4732d ago )

"If it allowed it would take 10 minutes to have it running pirated digital copies.Just not gonna happen to much money would be lost by MS"

Thus why the comment that you're RESPONDING TO is saying that it would play old 360 games and not games for whatever new system that they launch.

They wouldn't really be TRYING to sell the old titles, they would just be using it as extra incentive/a gimmick.

llMurcielagoll4732d ago

I was thinking the same thing plbelanger. I think if that really happened it will be my chance to play gears 2 and 3 since I do not own an xbox 360

BattleAxe4732d ago

Its a smart way for MS to get back into PC gaming in a big way. I'm just not sure when I'll actually switch over to Windows 8. Seems like only yesterday that Windows 7 came out.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4732d ago
CrimsonEngage4732d ago

I'm not paying $100 for Windows 8 when Windows 7 is good enough.

slyrunner4732d ago

Thats silly, people said the same with Xp when they moved to 7. why Stay further away with advances that can make your average task easier, especially if your a gamer.

Shackdaddy8364732d ago

Personally, I will wait till at least Windows 9. I hate buying many versions of things when the one I have is just fine. It's one reason why I have a year old cell phone...

CrimsonEngage4732d ago

Windows 7 hasn't even been out for 3 years. (released in Oct 9th 2009)
I just recently upgraded from XP. Because at the time XP was doing it's job. I plan on using 7 for many more years. I'm not the type of person to drop money on a new iPad every year just because the iPad 23 has one new feature the last version didn't.

pr0digyZA4732d ago

Rather wait till the version after that, unless windows 8 has some huge advancements that justify the price.

narked4732d ago

it may be good enough yes, but you never know what features might warrant a purchase of windows 8.

if they have gamer centric features which are guaranteed to improve pc gaming, say a new api, then it would be well worth buying the new windows

aGameDeveloper4731d ago

I'm not paying $100 for Windows 8 when Window 3.1 is good enough.

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bodybombs4732d ago

why wont it. if it comes out when the new xbox does they could have bc integration in the new xbox as well as cross plat for windows 8, either way microsoft wins as they wont have to spend as much money on overhead for manufacturing costs and they can still sell games as well as making people want to purchase the new windows.

seems like a good idea to me

pr0digyZA4732d ago

I don't know if it won't but it sounds like a good idea. If I got the new xbox and it couldn't play 360 games then i would love that it would give me the options to. By that time those games might be cheap and I could pick up more than I usually do. I already have 4 consoles in my house plus a couple gaming PCs, this would allow me to not clutter up the place as new consoles release. You must also remember that windows 8 would be more expensive than the 360 at that time, as I am sure there will be a price drop.They won't be cutting off that section of the market as it is still cheaper and therefor more apealling to the masses, this just gives choice to the consumer.

I would love it if it happened.

RockmanII74732d ago

I could see this happening because by the time Windows 8 comes out the next Xbox should be close to release.

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Report suggests the UK is a console nation

Bit-Tech: Perhaps the biggest surprise was that the tide of console gamers is a cultural phenomenon which does not appear to cross every border. According to NPD's research, while the UK has the highest incidence of console usage out of all the markets analysed Germany boasts the biggest number of PC gamers.

France, meanwhile, is clinging on to dedicated hand-held consoles like the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PlayStation Portable at a time when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets.

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Knight_Cid4465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

"when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets."

you mean like japan, europe or the US where the 3ds is breaking records?

People are ditching the 3DS so fast in the US, 3ds sales have doubled over ds first year sales and the year isnt even over.

No source, no truth

who approved this garbage?

Knight_Cid4465d ago

you shouldnt be proud to approve slander

ATi_Elite4465d ago

but 250 million global online PC Gamers say other wise.

Everyone with a Gaming PC can play Wii Games so does that mean the world is a Wii Nation?

I think people just enjoy Games and it really doesn't matter the platform.

Console Nation, PC Universe, iPhone Realm, doesn't matter just enjoy your Games.

StayStatic4465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

Considering most PC Gamers will own 1 or more consoles , declaring the UK as a "console nation" is complete and utter bollox.

kevnb4465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

owning a console and playing the occasional game once in a blue moon doesnt make you a console gamer. Just like owning a pc and maybe playing some random flash game doesnt make you a pc gamer. Alot of pc gamers bought ps3s, its a blu-ray player and media hub that plays games.

guitar_nerd_234465d ago

I'm from the UK and game on nearly every platform I can think of.

But yes in general I'm more thumbs than fingers when It comes to my games.


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Star Wars Kinect: Droid Themed Xbox 360 Limited Edition Console….I’m VERY Excited!

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LX-General-Kaos4479d ago

That is a very nice looking xbox 360.

gamingdroid4479d ago

That does look sick and the sound is even more awesome. Too bad the darn Xbox 360 is so expensive still.

LX-General-Kaos4479d ago

When the Wii U drops the xbox prices will take a serious nose dive. Hopefully they still have that particular one floating around retail.