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Should I give Mass Effect 2 Another Chance?

Here is the story. I am a PS3 owner who was pretty excited downloading the demo of Mass Effect 2. I booted it up and I started to play through it but for some reason, it didnt wow me like I thought it would. Bioware games have scored some points with me in the past but there were some elements to this game that I didnt like.

The biggest gripe was with the cut scenes. They are pretty long and I cant seem to skip over them. I had to wait quite a while after the initial cut scene just to customize my character. Maybe this wouldnt be so bad if we had those Heavy Rain QT events in each cut scene. The more I think about it, the more I want games like to or any game with long scenes to have that Heavy Rain element to it. Just sitting and watching a long scene without having any control over it feels pretty outdated since Heavy Rain came out.

Another issue I had was with the speech scenes. The voice acting is very good but the facial animation is very stiff. The people rarely blink and they just feel lifeless all together. Another odd thing was that I could activate the same speech choice many times and that would kill the immersion.

I did enjoy the gameplay when I finally got to do some gunfighting. Not enough games have laser guns in them. The small problem with the mission structure. They basically just tell me "go right" and from there im pretty lost. A little arrow pointing me to the destination would help so I wont wander aimlessly.

The last complaint may sound a bit shallow but Miranda's face is just painful to look at. It wouldnt be so bad if she wasnt made to be sexy but they missed the mark with that. Her chin and overall facial structure is just manish. Its like they started with a good face but then then hit liquify in photo shop and screwed it all up.

So am I being too critical? Mass effect was pretty highly rated and I had high hopes for it but maybe I hyped myself up for it too much. Should I give it a chance and get the full game? Does the demo not do the game justice?

jidery4881d ago

Honestly, Mass effect is a game you play to watch cut scenes, they are the best way to tell a story hands down (This is why movies are so sucessful). The story is deep and great, but you have to pay attention and get into it to like this game. The first cut scenes are long because its the start of the game, it gets shorter once things get started.

GWAVE4881d ago

The demo does not do the game justice. The demo makes it feel like the game is 75% cutscenes with sparse gameplay thrown into there, but that is not the case. ME2 is packed with action.

Also, in response to your "I wish I could interact with the cutscenes somehow": the dialogs are pretty much this. A lot of the game is spent investigating and learning new things through dialog trees. This IS an RPG, after all. If that isn't your cup of tea, so be it.

sdtarm4880d ago

ya you gotta wait, the game really shines when you can visit any city you want in any galaxy/system and with all its subquests, I liked this game a lot

ABizzel14873d ago

Listen to jider and GWAVE above me.

The story, the world/setting, and the cut scenes are the huge draw to Mass effect.

My biggest problem was the gameplay, and since you liked it you'll be fine. To me the gameplay is the weakest part of the game, and it's still not up to par (it's like a near perfect RPG, played as a mediocre TPS shooter).

Everything else is great, the cut scenes do get shorter, but there are still some long ones throughout the game. I agree with the speech thing, once you ask the question they need to kill it, but again that's a minor grip. If that's all you have against it then you should still get the game or at least rent it.

saladthieves4880d ago

I have to agree with jidery. Mass effect has cut scenes that have to be watched because they are simply awesome. Think about it, if you were to suddenly start the demo and skip the cutscene, you immediately end up in the Normandy on fire...and then you'd be like WTF?!? I should have watched the cutscene! Seriously, if the Mass Effect 2 demo didn't really get you, then it just simply isn't your game.

Bnet3434879d ago

"Does the demo not do the game justice?"

You just answered your own question with your own question. You can't play a demo of an RPG and expect it to be god. I imported my guy from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2. I love the storyline and carry overs. It's an epic game, my GOTY.

outwar60104881d ago

dude i played the 360 version like 8 times(albeit with the 8 characters i imported from me1) and its an amazing game i wish i had the endurance to play it again on my ps3 but i dont Dont lose you chance at an EPIC GAME

toaster4881d ago (Edited 4881d ago )

Addressing your complaints:

1) If you buy the PC version there are scripts that let you cut the uber long cutsene in the beginning if you decide to play it over and over again like I did. As what people above have said the cutscenes do get shorter. The intro is the longest in the game I think. And as you progress further, you'll want to watch the cutscenes.

2) I agree going over the same dialog can take away from the immersion but it can also help you too. If you missed something the first time through then you can listen again, you shouldn't be punished for not hearing what the NPC said to to. You have an option to skip dialogue you've already heard, or go back and listen to them again for more detail, instructions, etc..

3) The game's levels are a decent size, not enough that you'd get lost. Other than choosing what planet to go to the game is as linear as it gets, but that's ok as it doesn't pose itself as truly open world. Later levels get bigger but are still linear. You can choose what route you take to to get to your destination but there are only a few options. As for gameplay, the mouse/keyboard is much much better than control pad. The game is much more tactical shooter on PC and less of a run and gun like on consoles. You can pause the game mid action, issue commands to your teammates, reposition them, change weapons, etc.. just one click away. This is especially helpful when playing on the harder difficulties as you'll have more time to react. I'd say the PC version's controls suit Mass Effect much better.

4) I think everyone pretty much agrees on this point.. See this thread.

Are you critical? Of course. Everyone is a critic. The demo definitely doesn't do the game justice as with most demos. Maybe this type of game isn't your style. ME2 is much more action than RPG than the first one and that's my main complaint against it. Armor customization is very limited compared to other games and the first ME. Guns as well, but ME2 makes up for that with great weapons later on in the game. Biotics play a huge part of the game as well, I don't know if the demo lets you play as different classes but it's definitely worth it to try out every class as they each play very differently. My favorite combos are using Biotics to pull enemies out of cover and then sniping them, I let my teammates handle the brute force. Any way you play it is fun though and I definitely recommend getting the full game.

Another thing I want to add is maybe you want to try the PC version. Like I said, it is by far the superior version in pretty much every sense of the word. Better controls, better gameplay, better graphics, ME1 is uber cheap now and you can import saves through all three games if you want a continuous story of your own instead of starting fresh. There are just many more benefits to the PC version, unless you care more about trophy whoring, lol.

soundslike4880d ago (Edited 4880d ago )

You got some testosterone issues if you think her face is "mannish". Unless you mean that only a MAN would find it attractive, then you can go and dream of a more childish face :x.

If she had a baby face nobody would treat the character as intelligent or worthy of respect.

crimsonguard4880d ago

Get the game plz. all demos suck, should never judge a game by the demo. my opinion.

n to the b4880d ago

if you'd said 'many' or maybe even 'most' demos $uck, wouldn't have to hit disagree but...

and anyway what's the alternative? demo is better than nothing IMO. it's unfortunate that some don't go far enuf into the game to be truly representative (ex: Brutal Legend), but you can still learn things about a game even without getting a true gameplay feel. like graphics/art style (and yes graphics do count).

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gold_drake1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

wow haha.

i dont think he will resign. or will be kicked off.

if hes still here after everything in the past, this wont affect him unfortunately.

northpaws21m ago

Where are the Xbots that cheer for MS to buy everything? They destroy everything they touch... MS only cares about AI now, the MS CEO could care less if all the studios get closed.

FanboysHateFacts15m ago

Of course Christopher would submit this lol.

The unbiased site admin strikes again!

KwietStorm_BLM7m ago

Fanboys hate facts. This type of irony is so obvious it's not even funny.

FanboysHateFacts2m ago

It’s almost as ironic as how the unbiased site admin only ever seems to submit negative Xbox news 😂

mastershredder5m ago

Nothing Micro about this Chut. Russel Crowe is so gonna play him in his stream flick.


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thorstein2h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy012h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.


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"A Dance of Masks" will take players back to where it all began in a final love letter to the Knight Commander and their loyal companions. Get ready for one last ride when A Dance of Masks releases for PC and consoles on June 13, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.