
Sony looking into charging second-hand buyers for online play. Fair deal, or massive rip-off?

GamesRadar: The second-hand market is a tricky beast to tackle. On the one hand it's every gamer's desire - and right - to pick up a bargain-priced slice of digital delight. But at the same time second-hand game sales mean than an increasing amount of players' purchases are of no benefit whatsoever to game developers' livelihoods. With game budgets spiraling this generation and game studios dropping out of the industry like rot-riddled teeth collapsing out of a tramp's mouth, loss of revenue is obviously a big problem nowadays.

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2FootYard5006d ago

Looks like everyone here is going to think this is a good idea now.

DasBunker5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

interesting way to force people to buy new games... as a business point of view it could be a pretty good move, people on a budget will be the ones suffering..

supremacy5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

i mean i used to work for gamestop and lol i can say either way gamestop are the biggest rip offs of the industry and probably one of the biggest reasons why the gaming industry struggles the way it does.

You the consumer buys a new game for 60? we gamestop give you 6? 9? dollars for that same game?

Than sell that game you just sold us for 9 dollars to some other person for just 5 dollars less than what you originally bought it for(60?)

So..again whose ripping off who? and whose winning again? because Sony or any of these companies aren't making a cut for a every used game sold.

Again these companies spend millions of dollars making these games, for some random person to be burning their games and some retailer undercutting their investments by a two fold.

I don't want to sound like a rep here, but if you like the games you are playing now than all im saying is support whoever makes them.

I love new stuff because i don't feel ripped off, i feel confident and comfortable with my purchases.(i have never bought a used exclusive title for any platform whether that being ps3, 360 or whatever the platform is)

And another thing if i'm going to pay 55 or even 45 for some used game why not just pay the extra 15 or 20? for the new game, which is most likely to be in top condition and is likely to work when you put it in your console 99% of the time.

zeeshan5006d ago

They should charge the sellers and not the buyers!

longcat5006d ago

too bad for those thinking bout renting games and using the jailbreak to store them

karl5006d ago

bubbles supremacy

very true.. its not always easy to get what u want..
but even if i have to wait i always buy new...

just cuz i like my game collection.. i dont trade games in...

Spydiggity5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

you don't HAVE to get used games at gamestop. ebay, gameswitch, etc, are much better choices.

to answer the article: It's a massive rip-off. unfortunately...it seems to be becoming the norm.

EDIT: The supreme court ruled on this. Once you purchase a movie, game, cd, etc... you are allowed to do what you want with it. you can rent it out, sell it, let people borrow it, whatever. The publishers are getting WAY too greedy and they are coming up with all sorts of ridiculous, consumer screwing plans to circumvent this ruling and this protection of the consumer. and there are apparently blind fanboys that will support it depending on what publisher is doing the screwing.

the problem with the industry is that you have developers that make great games that sell really well, and they see only a tiny percentage of the profit because the extremely greedy publishers wanna keep all that money for them selves. it should never have become a publisher vs consumer issue...it should be a developer vs publisher issue.

this is all about maximizing profits...that's it. there's no noble cause. this is why i refuse to buy nearly every activision title and EA is about to get added to that list. sony is welcome to play that game too, but i vote with my dollars and a boycott is alright with me.

AC130-Gunship5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

The issue of "Development Studios need to get paid" is freaking stupid. The Big Publishers need start paying these studios. Honestly, Studios should be publishing their own content on the internet and cut out these publishing companies. What the hell is Activision doing around anyway.

The Infinity Ward leads are no longer around because of issues with pay.

Alternative, the games should be cheaper. Then only charge for online play. That way you catch everyone who wants to play online.

DasBunker5006d ago

im talking about people on a budget that cant buy new games every week.. so they look into used games.. everybody knows GS is a ripoff and you have to be a 11 y/o or mentally unaware to trade your games there..

madpuppy5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

because, For myself, I will just wait till there is a discount for the game I want or I will just wait till the game drops in price to get it new. the only way I would pay for an on-line play code for a used game is if I got the game for super cheap 20.00 or less. and if the code is more than 2 or 3 dollars, forget that, I will just get single player games used and multiplayer discounted new. no more day one purchases for me.

ExplosionSauce5006d ago

It's a good idea from a business perspective. They don't make money from used games.

Although it's not a good deal if the price of the used game + online fee = more than a new game. In which case, might as well buy it new.

I can see your passive aggressiveness against Sony and PS3 owners in your comment, btw.

RyuStrife5006d ago

Well think about it, you save 5 dollars. But get charged 10 for online pass. Big savings right? Of course not. If you can buy it other places for less, then save 10 bucks for the pass. You still get "x" amount of trial online to play anyway. Besides, you didn't buy "your" game, you bought someone elses. And on ebay(if you use it) you can get them new, used, usually with online pass still not activated. Just read the description. Only problem I see with this online pass is that if you have multiple psn account it probably won't work with the other accounts. I don't know that because I haven't tried it yet and I haven't bought any of these games with the thing online pass.

Prototype5006d ago

The big problem with the system is people grow tired of games over time; there's some moments you want to jump on a once popular game only to find its a wasteland with maybe 3-4 people max online playing. The problem I see from a customer standpoint is lately I've bought games that were voted "good" however ended up being junk - so I traded with a friend for a better game. By their logic that means if we traded games we're gonna pay $ for a trade because it's considered second hand? F- that and f- them.

If this system does go through I will vote to either classic gaming only or digital download where it's cheaper to just download a demo then pay to unlock it. It's no longer based on what the fans want but how greedy the developers get because someone found a loop hole.

Yes I do buy a lot of games new and I do support a lot of companies, however as of late I have lost some confidence in a lot of studios because you can tell the ones that want $ rather than cater to their fans.

vickers5005006d ago

"And another thing if i'm going to pay 55 or even 45 for some used game why not just pay the extra 15 or 20?"

Because you could spend that 15 or 20 bucks on a PSN game, or even a very good but kind of old used game. And you don't have to worry about games not working with the ps3, it's bluray ya know (pretty much indestructible to accidents).

BulletToothtony5006d ago

this is gameradar we're talking about.. this is pure BS they do this crap every week!

Food for fanboys.. that's what they do

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5006d ago
Davoh5006d ago

If it's still going to be cheaper to buy a secondhand game and to play online then everybody wins =D

bjornbear5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

never complained about it when other devs do it...so not going to complain now.

but it does suck, i do buy used games sometimes and its a low blow, then again, I am against gamestops monopoly, and thus, i don't disapprove of this.

and yes ghost, everyone will think its a good idea because its sony, everyone loves sony, all hail sony, n4g is sony4gamers, poor little 360 owners, PS3 owners are so brainwashed and stupid /s

anything else?


@davoh - exactly =P

douchedebater5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

GHOST is 100% correct, and you know damn well he is, when EA talked about doing something similar you guys were in an uproar EA this EA that, now it's rumored that sony is doing it and somehow your sorry butts can see ways to make it work. Even feeling bad for the guy on a budget.

I am so sick of you hypocritical bums slamming everyone else and praising sony for doing the same thing. How can you even look yourselves in the eye and still feel like a man with that dripping "SONY SLONG" hanging out of your mouths.

Yeah I said it, take a damn bubble, that's what you pucks do best.

Edit: OOps! Sorry guys I was thinking out loud, here is my real comment...


madpuppy5006d ago

I personally think the idea sucks and I will not be preordering games at full price anymore if this happens, I will just wait for a discount or when the price starts to drop to get the games I want rather than the getting multiplayer games I want to play used from now on. unless the price is under 2.00 and I can get the games used for under 20.00 I won't be doing it myself.

and saying that people that own a PS3 will blindly follow what Sony does is stupid, just as stupid as a person who thinks Microsoft is great because they extended the warrantee of the poorly designed pre-jasper 360's.

cliffbo5006d ago

its a ripoff devs get paid enough already its extortion.

what next? buy a second hand car then have to pay a fee for a key to drive it!.

5006d ago
Lifendz5006d ago

Ya know, for a site allegedly run by PS3 fanboys it's kinda funny that the first post in PS3 articles is usually by someone that's not a PS3 fanboy.

jack_burt0n5006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

BFBC2 already does it, didn't see you all crying about that, its inevitable its gonna come from all the major publishers it their way of staking a claim to a share in the second hand market which is understandable.

How if its tied to ur account? u can take it with you they just cant use it without you.

NYPunkster5006d ago

Exactlly. They just want to bitch at Sony, nothing more.

Godmars2905006d ago

But still there's a point making and maintaining an online infrastructure and not seeing any income from the re-sale games with online components. And the true is the person who bought a title out of a discount bin does not have the same privileges as someone who stood in line for hours much less someone who paid full retail.

Its just that you can't take that same game over to a friends house, let them borrow it, without having to pony up more cash. Can be just as screwed if you have to buy a new console.

Kazu0 Hirai5006d ago ShowReplies(3)
Blaze9295006d ago

So what are they going to do about single player games which require no Internet connection to experience the game? Gonna rip parts out like Ubigreedy and Assassins Creed 2?

Or why not just give free DLC to new copied like Microsoft does with all their published titles now? And I don't mean stupid KB-30MB sized DLC. They give full on 300MB+ content free.

HelghastKid5006d ago

You mean pull a bioware and release games with huge dlc? thats actually a good idea, it gives the consumer a good reason to purchase the game new. To this day i regret getting DA used :(

Takoulya5006d ago

That's a great incentive for people to buy used. I think they should definitely implement this in all $60 games.

The Maxx5006d ago

I think this will result in more pirating.

A) Buy a retail game at $60 with online code

B) Buy a used game at $50 and pay $10 for the code

C) Use mod (Jailbreak or whatever will come out) and pay $10 for online play...

Those that feel money is not an issue will continue to buy new games at retail cost, however those that are on a fixed budget, or just want to get something for their kids used and think they are saving a few bucks only to find out they have to pay extra may just think of easier ways to attain the game instead of allowing companies to charge them extra for used games.

badz1495006d ago

WTF? all companies are on board with this now? what's the point of buying used if it's going to cost more?? it's not like new prices are going down anytime soon! Sony, please don't do this!!

callahan095006d ago

I thought it was a good idea when THQ mentioned it and I still think it's a good idea. I love this hobby and have MASSIVE respect for the talented people that bring me my favorite form of entertainment, so I never buy games used unless they are out of print and impossible to buy new. I like supporting developers and the people that actually take the risk to fund expensive development projects, by giving them my money for the product they deliver when they've done a good job. I think it's perfectly fair for developers and publishers to start doing SOMETHING to give incentive to buy their games new instead of used.

BattleAxe5006d ago

Its a great idea. Why should some broke ass bumb get the same privileges as someone who has spent their hard earned money to buy a game on day one?

hazelamy5006d ago

not me, i will never buy any game that includes some sort of online pass new, i may buy it second hand though.
if losing online play is the price for not supporting this then i'll gladly pay it.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5006d ago
HeroXIV5006d ago

Pre-owned games can get to the sub £20 price point pretty quickly. A measily £10(?) on top of that is completely fair and a good way for the developers to get a steady stream of revenue instead of getting £0 when someone buys pre-owned.

captain-obvious5006d ago

i think sony shouldn't even think about doing that

madjedi5006d ago

Actually with sony first party game it's not as big deal as third party games are, the reason alot of sony's games will drop below the 59 dollar mark after a few months or sony turns it into a greatest hits.

I only see this being an issue with online based games, as for fighting used game sales, don't keep the damn price tag @59.99 for a 1yr old game.

Some people might snatch it up for 39.99 instead of refusing to pay $59, for it.

5006d ago Replies(3)
NYC_Gamer5006d ago

can these codes be shared between two profiles?

Canucks235006d ago

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose? But i do think that they need to have some work around for families or something that have multiple accounts on a ps3.

Mabye have the online available for all profiles that the code was first activated on? then on other systems only for the account that entered it?

That's how xbl does some stuff and i think it works out alright... as long as it doesn't die on you.

CombatEvolving5006d ago

This has always been a good idea. Buying used means you use their online without paying them, its their choice to make you pay. If you don't like it don't pay

Jrome5006d ago

That makes no sense...it's not like there's an extra person playing online...it's the same copy that the ONE person bought...and now another ONE person will be using it. And who knows, maybe the money the seller gets from the sale would go towards buying a new game.

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Rebel_Scum14d ago

With articles like these cant you tag the games mentioned so that we can know ahead of time if there’s a spoiler to avoid?

Not clicking on your article otherwise.