
I Am A Christian; This Industry Don't Give A Crap About Me

In recent news, we learned that Walmart is very interested in distributing the Christian games around the country, but before it invests heavily, the retailer would like to see how the games perform in broader regions first.

But other evidence points to a tough road ahead, and why in order for the retail giant to find success, the industry on a whole must change its behaviors.

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GeneralCole5149d ago

Screw religious games they are nothing but propaganda

avengers19785149d ago

Would you like maybe a crusades game, or spanish torture simiulator, I got Witch Trails the burning of Salem.
It's funny how almost every religon is identical to the other yet they all hate eachother.

lh_swe5149d ago

Thank you for introducing me to this guy, he's good.

ChrisW5148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

Sometimes Pat Condell's (the guy in the video) anti-organized religion rants can be a little extreme... but even so, they are fairly rational and based on factual evidence.

lh_swe5148d ago

And I agree 100% with almost everything he says.

ChrisW5148d ago

I've been a subscriber to his channel for almost two years.

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Anorexorcist5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

I am Atheist, and I am happier than I have ever been and I'm proud of it.

At least Atheists don't impose their will on everyone and don't try to make their opinions into law.

xTruthx5149d ago

Are you sure about that ? because I though they where trying to take out the "In god we trust" and they did

Anorexorcist5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

"Under God" was never writing into the original Pledge of Allegiance.

It was added to it in 1953 because of fascist Christians who follow that thought that everyone should be playing by their rules (and also by p*ssified politicians who feared any kind of backlash if they opposed it and displayed their true ideals on it.)

It was simply trying to right a wrong. "In God We Trust" is still on all legal U.S. currency.

Jerk1205149d ago

Do not talk about all atheists, as if you can speak for them, and do not talk about all christians, as if you can speak for them also.

lh_swe5149d ago

1.But religion IS imposed on people, especially in America.

2.Where does he say he speaks for all of them?

Religion is not to be imposed on anyone yet IT IS, and that is why I am happy video games encourage the biggest power-play in human history.

The Killer5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

"At least Atheists don't impose their will on everyone and don't try to make their opinions into law. "

very wrong assumption, the Atheist(some/many) do impose their beliefs (of the non existence of God) on others and spend billions to do mass mind control through media/music/movies/cartoons etc, the fact that France (atheist country) is banning few muslim women to cover their face is an action of imposing their belief, in Switzerland they banned building towers on the mosque which is an islamic tradition, even in muslim countries the atheist governments who is supported by the atheist governments in the west r banning even the Hijab which is covering the hair only, and the story goes on and on.

as for violence etc, well Hitler and Bush are prime examples of mass murder and war criminals and they r atheist(Bush is part of the black brotherhood/freemasons/zionist group which is anti-God)

and to compare any religion in this planet to Islam u r doing unjust to your self and to islam!!

Islam have this unique characteristics:

1: the only religion that calls for only 1 God and the unification of the Creator. there is 1 god and no 3 in 1 or 2 in 1!!!

2: the only religion in the world which preserved their holy book and it is unchanged not by a single letter for 1400+ years!!

3: the only book which works and can be implemented in any time in history and is modern and encourage knowledge as part of the faith.

4: the only book that with time more and more complicated sciences being discovered that never existed 1400 years ago and was only possible to discover/know about it through modern technology and science was already mention in the Quran 1400+ years ago(these r miracles from God to prove and challenge mankind with His book)

5: the only book that there is no errors in context/grammar/contradictions etc, so it is perfect book since it is 100% from God word by word!!

6: and the final message of God which came from his last messenger Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him, and which came for All mankind!! not just Arabs or dark skin people!! Jesus Peace Be Upon Him came for ONLY the lost sheep of Israel and this is in the bible and his said it him self too!!

so basically Islam is the only religion that came for the entire humanity and does not discriminate on any race, there is no racism in Islam!! we are all equal and the only difference is the level of being closer to God(through thoughts and actions)!! and new convert their sins will be forgiven by God mercy and can start a new life! and there is no forcing to accept religion in Islam.

so when u say all religions r similar and fighting each other and they impose to each other u r making a mistake of grouping the false with the truth!!

a story:
prophet mohammed PBUH saw a man in the desert, and he told him if he wanted to know something great? the man say yes, then he told him to believe in 1 God and worship nothing but God and that he is the messenger of God, the man asked him what proof u have that there is a God, and prophet mohamed PBUH replied by "when there is a footprint of the camel in the desert/ground, isnt it a proof that a camel passed through here?" the man replied yes, then prophet mohamed PBUH said then is it a proof that the sun and the moon and the universe and the earth and everything around us the way it is and it works the way it is, then doesnt that show that there is a being/creator/almighty/all powerful/God that made these things? the man was convinced and became muslim.

Darrius Cole5149d ago

What a loaded topic. I will try to be brief, as I am late to the discussion and most likely this post won't be read, but still there is a lot to cover, so it will probably be long anyway.

My Pedigree: I consider myself a religious person, Christian, born again and all that.

My findings: (in no particular order)

1. The most important thing is people.
2. People tend to forget that the most important thing is people. We want to reinforce our way of doing things...our dogma, our language, our way of dress, our culture etc., without considering how things look from the other guys point of view or how our views do or would affect his life.

3. Many atheists are evangelical. They try just as hard, maybe even harder, to convince you that there is no god as the religious try to convince you that there is a god, or some gods if you prefer.

4. People tend to get their culture and dogma mixed up with their religion.

@Killer - You mentioned western countries banning the traditional styled Mosques and the women from wearing the face and head covering. That is probably a reaction to culture clash and a rejection on Islamic faith. I've never lived in a Muslim community so I don't have full understanding, however, from my point of view it seems that Muslims often try not to blend in to the native culture when they move there.

When you go to Rome, do as the Romans do. The traditional-styled Mosque, I think, is ancient Persian architecture. Putting that in Switzerland goes against their culture. Why would you put something like that in France, or China, or Japan, or the England? The same goes for the women were the head-dress (is it call 'Hajib') or the face covering. Native French women don't cover their face. Why would a woman do that in France? It screams "I'M NOT ONE YOU." Think about how it looks it from their point of view.

5. Almost all people want the same thing. To live their life in peace and prosperity, in the way that they choose.

I've got to go now so I will say this and explain later if I've got the time.

If an idea is good it can withstand the challenge of other conflicting ideas.

Darrius Cole5149d ago

When I wrote,

"You mentioned western countries banning the traditional styled Mosques and the women from wearing the face and head covering. That is probably a reaction to culture clash and a rejection on Islamic faith."

I meant to say,

"You mentioned western countries banning the traditional styled Mosques and the women from wearing the face and head covering. That is probably a reaction to culture clash and NOT a rejection on Islamic faith."

That is a very big typo of profoundly changes what I meant to say.

Also instead of,

"It screams "I'M NOT ONE YOU.""

I meant to say,

It screams "I'M NOT ONE OF YOU."

That typo is minor and it is fairly easy to tell what I meant to communicate.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5149d ago
alaa5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Now here's a topic worthy of discussion. I agree with the points the author make about giving gamers the option to disable certain aspects they don't want in the game. Not much, but stuff like cuss words, nudity etc.

Just like they make edited versions of CDs... in the music industry.

And yes, Killzone 2 was full of uncalled cussing that was plain stupid.

-Alpha5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

My main issue with Christian games from what I've come to know is that they are used to educate, and I have no problem with that. No one's putting a gun to my head to buy an educational game. Personally, I want to see some amazing games done in the name of religious overtones. We already have great ones like God of War and Assassin's Creed.

I'm not sure if a game surrounding the Old Testament or Christianity would work though. What would you do, play as Old Testament characters? Would the purpose be to educate? to entertain? Wouldn't education bore audiences? Wouldn't entertainment be controversial to holy texts?

This is why I love God of War and what Santa Monica Studios did: they took a rich, mysterious, and enchanting mythology and brought it to gorgeous life.

In fact, this is what I want to see them continue in God of War. We know Kratos' story is dead, so why not move on to other religions/myths? Norse Myth? Maybe a game surrounding Buddhism?

Religious games don't have to take on the religion itself, but pulling out religious themes has always existed in many, many games. That's what makes a story so great in a game. When they make you think, or impact you, or do something unexpected, etc.

The thing with Christian games wanting to publish in Walmart is that I'm absolutely sure we are going to see titles marketed towards Nintendo's Wii where titles are only there to educate younger children. That is why I don't really care for it. It would be interesting to see the industry tackle an actual religious story closely to the text, but they will have to be pretty bold and do something interesting with it. Look at AC2 and how they create fictitious storylines by adopting religious stories. In truth I don't really search for specific games like Christian games or FPS's-- if a game looks good to me I'll buy it. By all means, bring on Christian games. I just doubt the quality of the titles.

5149d ago
thorstein5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

And at least I can use proper grammar.

God doesn't cuss? Since when? Have you read what the Bible says? There are worse things in the Bible: incest, murder, rape, carnage, slavery...than in any myriad of video games.

Article FAIL.

Christopher5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

When you go to see a movie, is there a violence/language/nudity filter? When you read a book, is there a violence/language/nudity filter? Why would there be one with video games?

The fact that there is more violence/language/nudity in all mediums is a sign of the general populace desiring as such. It's just good marketing that is following the tend of the public. Thinking that video games should be altered or have filters for language is akin to telling the people who create the games that they should enable censorship options for what they want to provide to the community. If people asked an author or a director to do this to their medium, it would be a huge issue with censorship, and it should be one here as well.

I'm sorry that you don't like certain things in your video game, but the choice is yours and the level of each is presented on the case as well as reflective of the rating of the game. I want developers to create what they envision, not two versions of the same game just because people don't want to hear what they want to say in the first place.

***God doesn't cuss? Since when? Have you read what the Bible says? There are worse things in the Bible: incest, murder, rape, carnage, slavery...than in any myriad of video games. ***

I've seen this argument before and it comes from a misunderstanding of the purpose of the material. Look at it this way, would you watch a movie about the history of The Holocaust without any reference to the vile acts that were performed against the Holocaust victims? No. The Bible's use of the other elements is done in a similar manner, as a tool to teach you what others have done and why it is wrong. Same concept as showing aborigines in full in National Geographic, to get an idea of how those people live and how they are not bothered by the parts of the body we're told to keep covered up every day.

Education can't just include only the good words and events, it has to encompass it all to truly educate someone.

Please note: I am an atheist, I was brought up as a Roman Catholic and 'lost my way' or however you want to say it. But, there is no doubt that The Bible itself is a strong tool for use in teaching people how to be better people just by showing the bad that people perform and how it is better to do good and the rewards one finds for doing as such. I learned many of my personal morals today from the The Bible, I just don't believe that there is a divine being who created us or place we go to after we die and yadda yadda yadda.

It is sad that many have instead used The Bible to fuel anger in the world, the exact opposite of what it teaches one to do.

sikbeta5149d ago

lol @ The Picture, that's so Wrong, I mean, some stuff better leave it as it is..


I believe in a God, I don't go to church every Sunday, I respect the Religions, I don't want keep talking about Religion all the Time, I know there are things you don't have to do and some of those "Rules" got more to do with Common Sense than Religion, but It's OK, I don't like the Idea of Put Religion in Gaming, I don't like the Idea of make fun of religion in Gaming, so just we can stay cool if we put [Gaming] and [Religion] aside, the same way I put [Intimacy] and [Religion] aside

xXRight3yeXx5149d ago

I'm a Muslim and i have to say, i'm not religious at all. But that's not my point. My point is, that the gaming industry MUST use these strong languages. It suits what adult does nowadays. It makes it REAL. Don't you see?

I mean, if you're in a middle of a war and the enemy landed a bomb which explode right in front of you, would you say, "Oh Man" or would you say "F*k"? Please be realistic. If you don't like games to be realistic then fine, go back to playing your old NES.

If you're so worried about going to hell, then why don't you think about other things that you committed sins on? $ex before marriage, alcohol, gamble, why game?

Like my old man used to say.

"It's just a game"

Ocelot5255149d ago

let the christians eat cake

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

@thorstein, you are an idiot. I don't normally insult people especially because I like to take the high road and be as mature as possible, but you sir are a moron.

"God doesn't cuss?"
Correct, he does not use swear words.
"Since when?"
Since forever.
"Have you read what the Bible says?"
"There are worse things in the Bible: incest, murder, rape, carnage, slavery...than in any myriad of video games."
Again those aren't swear words. In addition to this incest, murder, & rape ARE ALL FROWNED UPON IN THE BIBLE. I dare you to find me ONE verse where God says "Good job my good and faithful servants you did one excellent job raping your sisters!" And murder is also looked down upon, killing is a completely different story, but murder is a SIN.

Think before you speak.

And to the post talking about movies and books. A: Most respectable books don't have swear words in them nor do they have nudity. B: No one goes to a movie thinking "I can't wait to see Matt Damon curse up a storm" they go thinking about how awesome the story is going to be or how thrilling the action sequences are going to be.

In my opinion a word is only as powerful as you make it and that is why swear words are swear words, because of the power people give them. However, while we are still in a society that frowns upon cursing in any professional setting we should also cut them from our movies and games. Its not clever and adds nothing to the plot and a GOOD writer could do much better. Regardless of religion you can admit there is so much unnecessary cursing and such in our entertainment. I highly doubt anyone thought the cursing in Killzone 2 made it better. In fact most people believed that it made it worse.

Parapraxis5149d ago

LFAO @ ShadowRyuX
"Most respectable books don't have swear words in them nor do they have nudity"


Solidus187-SCMilk5149d ago

this guy wants games about killing things with guns and swords to have a nudity and language filter.

maybe he should go play LBP and banjo.


Also, Im pretty sure if I was shotting people/getting shot at in real life Id be dropping F bombs left and right.

So according to this "born again Christian" shooting and violence is not disturbing but bad language is?

WHAT A FREAKING PU$$%. Sorry, had to say it. If bad language bothers you that much, stick to the games rated E.

Cold 20005149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Thats really weak.

The bible tells the story of Man. The story of people. The story of individuals

How do you want to tell the story of the being that is man without mentioning those things. That IS what we see on this earth. That IS what man does on this earth. Its a realistic portrait of the world we live in. How do you want to speak of bad and evil, about mankind in general without speaking of its bad traits ?

Moreover do you really think that a narrative of such things (by the way the Bible NEVER goes into detail on such things) is the same as actually DOING and kind of EXPERIENCING it in a videogame. Because thats what videogames are for: take us into a virtual REALITY.

Its not because the Bible mentions rape or murder for instance (and once again it NEVER goes into detail) that it puts it at the same level as videogames. It ony serves a narrative purpose unlike in videogames.

Darkstorn5149d ago

I admire some aspects of religion, namely the community building it brings to otherwise individualistic people, but you can't doubt that it isn't responsible for some of the most egregious mass killings in history.

Somehow religion seems to capture the worst parts of both individualism (self-interest) and collectivism (submissiveness) and morph them into a belief system. Religion of any kind simply isn't sustainable, and radicalized belief SHOULD NOT be as prevalent as it is today.

I think if scientists can research how the human brain handles superstition, we can come to a conclusion on whether or not religion is healthy, and then this timeless argument will (hopefully) be resolved.

incogneato5149d ago

This article was most likely written by an atheist to get all the teenagers on N4G riled up so they can get tons of hits.

Christopher5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

***And to the post talking about movies and books. A: Most respectable books don't have swear words in them nor do they have nudity.***

So only respectable books count? The majority of fiction novels that make the Best Sellers lists have curse words in them. The majority of them also depict and describe violent acts against others. A lot of them have at least one sex scene that is described in some detail. And, even then, I think you'd find that more than half of the top 100 English-language books have cursing in them or lewd acts described in them. Heck, you do know that The Clockwork Orange is in the top 100, right?

***B: No one goes to a movie thinking "I can't wait to see Matt Damon curse up a storm" they go thinking about how awesome the story is going to be or how thrilling the action sequences are going to be. ***

Weird, that's the exact same thing I think when buying a video game. I don't buy a game based on how much blood there is, whether or not I'll be able to murder everyone, or if I get to see some nude CGI models or anything of that sort. Neither do the people who review games, who tend to not just rate games higher because they're more violent, have more cuss words, or more nude scenes. In fact, most games that go overboard with these are typically rated much lower than others and have poor gameplay.

Darkstorn5149d ago

If the Bible is all about individual triumphs, then why does it focus on creating a strict doctrine to live one's life by? It seems hypocritical to sensationalize self-discovery, and then turn around and espouse a list of rules that must not be broken.

smittyjerkins5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

The Bible DOES talk about individual triumph, but it also talks about working together and creating a better world. The only real solid God sent rules I remember are the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule. Both of which are not extremely restrictive and are basic rules to lead to a healthy society.

The REAL problem are the corrupt institutions built around Christianity. They make up these rules and spout out their own beliefs and try to force others to live exactly like they do. In the process they forget Jesus' own words, "Love one another, as you love yourself." This basically translates into don't treat people like sh!t and don't force things upon them that they don't want.

Note: I don't think all institutions built around the Bible are corrupt, but some of them definitely are.

Noctis Aftermath5149d ago

The reason why there aren't many christian games is because the bible has a fairly boring fictional tale, if you want a good fictional tale read LoTR or harry potter.

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

I'm not trying to suggest that games are bad or that people play them for excessive cursing etc. What I am trying to say is the excessive cursing in ALL mediums is unnecessary. In fact your counter-argument to my point "B", cgoodno, is pretty much exactly what I am getting at. Games get rated lower for having excessive amounts of these things so why can't developers learn that this stuff should be left out or at the very least tuned down?

I still play Killzone 2 and God of War III, but if they would've have eliminated the lame cursing in KZ2 it would have been more enjoyable and all the nudity in God of War sure as heck didn't make the experience a more enjoyable one and it just felt forced and cheesy.

FragGen5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Uhh... why do some Christian groups seem to think everything has to be run through some sort of Jesus filter? Why would you expect the video game industry to do anything other than create products that sell well?

What's the industry doing for Muslims? How about Hindus? Wiccans?

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

Seriously, I have never seen you ever contribute to an argument in a beneficial way. I don't see Christians here insulting atheists and even if they did then there is no need to stoop to there level, no need for you to insult Christianity by implying it is equivalent to LoTR. You are trying to rile someone up and it is simply asinine.

Christopher5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Because those games that are rated lower are because it's truly excessive and unnecessary use of them.

Just because some games rate better without those things doesn't mean games with them can't rate just as well. My example was to show that the trend of games that tend to go overboard and focus too much on these elements get rated poorly.

Rogue Warrior, DOA Paradise, and those type of games. How well do they perform? Those games go overboard in one way or another and forget that important elements of the video game. Just like many movies and novels do as well. But, there exists a lot of great movies and novels out there with very strong and well established stories and events that utilized nudity, cursing, and violence... but those are used to support the story and not just to have them in.

corneliuscrust5149d ago

ARE the triumphs. It is a triumph to successfully choose not to follow the the world and give in to its many gratuitous temptations and to dedicate your life to such a choice.

It is not easy to ignore baser instincts. And to give up your own way of life in favour of another's way requires a serious commitment... especially in the face of public ridicule and those who would be hypocritical and only do damage to that which you follow.

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

I understand that, and I know there are just a few bad apples that make the whole batch look bad, but I know that isn't the case I am just trying to make a case for more appropriate content in video games. This doesn't mean all games are about unicorns and rainbows, but that they just don't go overboard. I am an avid gamer and 75% of my collection that spans from NES to PS3/360 is rated M and 20% is T. I know that many games are capable of doing things right, I would just like to see less amazing games, like Killzone 2, be ruined by such stupid things such as language.

Solidus187-SCMilk5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Im more confused about how you have no problem with all the violence and killing in video games but are offended by bad language(I know you mention violence but the whole article is about bad words. You even say that with out the language you would not have a problem playing them). There is no commandment about Not using bad language but there sure is one about not killing people.

Do you think god would rather you play a video game simulating constant killing or one with bad language in it?

this is not a Christian/non Christian issue, its a sheltered, offended person trying to use religion to suit their own personal morals.
According to Christianity bad language is not a sin, yet you somehow try to connect the two. According to christianity murder is a sin, yet you overlook that the 'games with bad words' you complain about ALL REQUIRE YOU TO TAKE THE LIVES OF COUNTLESS PEOPLE IN THEM. Trying to sneak your own morals in on the coat-tails of religion was a nice try tho.

I think I understand why you mentioned religion in the first place. I think its because not as many people would read an article titled "Im a sheltered individual and bad words disturb me while violence doesnt: the gaming industry doesnt care about me."

EvilBlackCat5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

The problems with Video Games, Movies, TV, & commercial this day with Christianity is that today everything that sells well support SIN or is sometimes advertised with SIN.

Today what we have in games is explicit manifestations of SIN of course we can't count Sport Games and educational games on this but the Blockbuster games like GoW, Ninja Gaiden, CoD MW, BComp etc all of them have a manifestation of SIN and the most famous and used one... KILL.

"There is no commandment about Not using bad language but there sure is one about not killing people"

well one thing that i have is that i like to read and if i remember correctly Jesus at one point teaches his disciples that cursing is wrong and is a sin but where is in the bible i really dont remember right now but i know that is there. You know what read the bible and look for it.

Anyway Fnck this I dont get offended by games that curse and killing in them because i know that ITS A GAME and i am a fncking intelligent human to notice the difference between real and video games. The only bad thing is that there is a huge of weak minded people that take this seriously and look at it like a good example for their lifes.

Seriously why do people like games like Gran Theft Auto so much? i just found them just stupid just like the movie Scarface. I like Al Pacino acting but i dont like that movie.

@MEsoJD (bellow)
"Well .... religion is responsible for some pretty gruesome events through the years"

Yes like Christians against Muslims in the medieval time but remember Jesus Christ teachings and his real disciples have nothing to do with THOSE Christians.

So remember that in the roman empire the Pagan Religion and the believe in Jesus Christ was mixed by the empire to control and conquer. Why do people blame the believe in christ and his teachings for that? is just ignorance.

mal_tez925149d ago

I don't like swearing. Boo hoo.

This is not news at all, just some whiny little bi+c# having a cry because they don't like swearing.

As for swearing in games, it's only usually in war games. I have never been in war, but I imagine that if I am getting shot at, I'm not going to say "oh fiddlesticks, I almost darn died." What I could imagine is me saying the f-word over and over.

MEsoJD5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

They can make a game about the Crusades. Maybe a game about burning witches.

(Man made God)

cLiCK_sLiCK95149d ago

I came across this a couple weeks ago. Interesting read IMO.

"I think Square-enix is really against organized religion."


ColdFire5149d ago

Christianity doesn't ban bad language, it does ban killing, but in CoD and KZ, it's the language that angers you? Please, think this through!

Mr_Bun5149d ago

If you are finding that a form of fictitious software is interfering with your lifestyle, maybe you should be reassessing your lifestyle.

Therealspy035149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

I think it's time, as a society, that we start treating religious ppl the same way we treat other nut jobs. we shun ppl that still think elvis is alive. we shun people who believe in hobbits, and fairies, and unicorns.

it's the same thing. i, for one, am glad the games industry doesn't cater to the whims of these borderline psychos.

@coldfire: thank you! i remember a few years ago i got banned from a "christian" counter strike server for swearing. actually...i got kicked because when the admin warned me about swearing on a christian server i said "so my language offends you, but my shooting you and all your friends in the face is cool?"

that's the other great thing about religious ppl. they lack all common sense. they don't derive their own values based on life experience...they misinterpret values handed down to them by other people who lack common sense.

EDIT: What i love about all this is that christians don't stop trying to make points. every time i read one of these i see the very obvious contradictions and lack of reason. i think it's because they are raised or conform to a set of values that is completely based on hypocrisy. they are so used to living in a world where they say and believe things that go against each other that when they try to use logic and reason with sane people, they don't even realize they're being hypocritical. it just comes naturally to them. and the rest of us sit here with our jaws hanging open wondering how they can believe this garbage they spew.

rockleex5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

God has killed MILLIONS of people, according to the Bible.

Crusaders killed people in the name of God just because those people didn't believe in the same God/religion.

Priests molest little boys and the Pope tries to keep it under wraps, says its none of our business. Yet at the same time, they don't want homosexuals to be equal like the rest of us under the law.

Yet they want to determine what is censored in games and what is not? Why do they have to meddle with every single little aspect of EVERYONE's life?

If you believe in a religion, go ahead and follow its doctrines. But don't force the REST OF US to.

Tony P5149d ago

It offends my faith that you would use words like "crap" and "piss" in your article. Please provide an alternative.

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

I'm not going to say that the Christians who are either idiots or hypocrites are right, in fact some spread some very false information because not many Christians take time to educate themselves in their faith, but I will try help enlighten you guys on the truth.

Everyone thinks killing is a sin, where do they seem to get this misunderstanding? Well it can be traced to one of the ten commandments "Thou shall not commit murder". People mistake to mean "Thou shall not kill" which is wrong. War is killing, shooting someone on the street because they won't give you their wallet is murder. Defending yourself by shooting an armed robber is not murder, it is killing. It is a fine line between killing and murder, but the line still exists.

There are many instances of both murder and killing in the bible. The murder is typically punished and the killing is typically in war.

@coldfire actually the Apostle Paul tells Christians that they shall not succumb to using foul language and swears. I don't know if that necessarily makes it a sin, but it is frowned upon.

Also war in games is SIMULATED violence I think that differs quite a lot from actual violence however the curse words are actually swears.

@rocklee The catholic church trying to protect men who proclaim to be of God, but molest children is despicable and in fact disgusts me. This is the corruption of men and this why I am not a fan of church. Any organization in which people are involve will most likely lend itself to corruption. That is all I will say about that.

Finally I would like to say I am not condemning video games, I am simply trying to point out the flaws in many arguments as well as highlight why a Christian or any person my have qualms with cursing in games. And although I'm not really offended by said swears they can be annoying at times. That is all, I am reaching the end of my bubble limit, my patience and the time I have to spend on this.

Good day and please educate yourselves on a subject before you speak on it, not saying everyone here is a moron, but many are quite misled.

HSx95149d ago

If games abuse your religion, Why the hell are you still playing them?
Honestly. Think about it.

ZombieNinjaPanda5149d ago


This coming from an atheist, you should try reading your 'bible' some time. There are many verses where God tells his followers to murder etc etc.

Army_of_Darkness5149d ago

if I was a True hardcore christian like some families I know, I wouldn't even be allowed to play video games in the first place!!! GOW has no curse words, but it's Brutally violent, so If this guy complains about cuss words, then he better not even touch GOW3, let alone a First-Person-Shooter game!?!? WTF?! don't use your religion as your defense if your not even following it the way you should be....

yesah5149d ago

Ernice Gilbert you think your so much better then everyone because you don't curse? F*ck you.

Viper75149d ago

I consider my self as Apatheist and I see really no reason for already brutal games to have some sort of word filters or anything. I also don't see any point in providing people imaginary violence that gives them impression that no blood ever spills or no1 ever swears.

nveenio5149d ago

Hmmmm...I've actually thought about this a lot: Why can't they make an interesting Christian game? The money there would be amazing (think what a Veggie Tales game would make...)

The problem is that anything interesting to play is repulsive to "Christians" (the ones that think video games ruin children's lives). If you did something even remotely cool (like an open world game where you're David, going to kill Goliath), you'd have to take liberty with the stories (like they did in GOW), and add lots of violence. Christians just aren't into that...even though the Old Testament is full of violence and sex and such (things that "God" ordained but Christians would freak out about if it were ever in a game).

Before we'll have any decent religious games, we'll need Christians to decide what they really have a problem with: Nudity or Lust, Violence or Rage, Alcohol or Addiction, etc, etc, etc.

tripewire5149d ago

<Looks at title>

God I am so f***ing sick of whinging white middle class who all seem to carry an all-consuming sense of entitlement.

Jesus would be rolling in his grave knowing what a bunch of whiney dipsh*ts he had inspired. You know... If he was still dead.

Wait... Im just reading throught the new testament... Trying to find any part where Jesus is a self-entitled whinging brat....

Coming up empty guys....

CimmerianDrake5149d ago

Ummm, they removed lyrics in a song in LittleBigPlanet for the Muslims. Which, come to think of it, actually supports this guy's argument. I guess all it takes is a group of fanatics hiding behind a religion to scare the world, thereby changing how the world responds to them, to get things that shouldn't offend anyone to be removed. Because honestly, if God (any God) is offended by words from His Holy Book being used in song, He's got a lot of time on his hands.

thorstein5149d ago

Nice insult. Meh. I care not to respond to what you call my ignorance. Had you ever studied that book you would know that god created evil (Isaiah).

I bet you are one of those bible toting morons who refuse to acknowledge the Theory of Evolution as sound scientific theory that has been proven. Your bible hasn't been able to stand the test of peer review, yet evolution has. Why is that? Could it be that all you hold dear is a giant lie? But whatever, go worship your invisible zombie god. Enjoy all the hatred that has been bred from this moronic book. You say murder is a sin? I agree. But where does that stupid book stop with the sins? Homosexuality? Eating Swine? Eating shellfish? (Leviticus) Please. "Imagine no religion." (the Book of Lennon).

The only rule found in that book is one found in all religions, including the ones predating yours: treat others the way you wish to be treated (hence, why I called you a moron because you called me one).

God murdered babies. He places babies in hell to burn for all eternity... Sounds like a great guy. And don't forget that "[He] is a jealous god and you will have no gods before him." So, even he believed in the others (Ra, Zeus, Odin, etc.) The difference between you and me is simple, I believe in one less god than you do. But don't for one second, think that the bible doesn't contain all that I said and more while at the same time censoring stories of strong women (generals et al). I would suggest NOT following the teachings of that book. However, I have yet to see any Xians actually follow in the footsteps of jesus except for the famous Mother Theresa (who was, in the end, an atheist.)

The bible is fail. Get over it.

ruiner44825149d ago

"Let’s start with the language – this one really pisses me off."

+ Show (43) more repliesLast reply 5149d ago
IDvsYOU5149d ago

Uh again like clockwork, these culture-less, religion haters emerge from their holes when topics like these appear. So what's with the hate if you got brains to choose however you want to live your life?

PotNoodle5149d ago

Kratos is their god!

* Looks at avatars

bjornbear5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

so religious people are cultured atheists are not?

did you just insult my choice of faith?

then you are as bad as they are, you are insulting my way of life and my integrity, and the integrity of millions

see what I did there?

damn some religious people get so defensive thats why people always take the p!ss out of them, just take everything as an opinion its not personal, everyone can't see things exactly the same sometimes, especially in terms of religion

thats the problem with the world: one person doubts/challenges someone else's opinion, no one minds, a bit of a quarrel but thats it

someone doubts/challenges some else's religion? he's a rude culture-less idiot.

one day people will realize the part that lights up in the brain when dealing with religion is the same that lights up when dealing with a difference of opinion.

its just another choice in life, nothing more.

@ Element

Amen, if only the rest of the religious world (all faiths) has the basics down like you did, we'd probably not have half the amount of conflicts we do now days =(

ElementX5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Well, I am a pagan individual, as my avatar gives away. I don't have a problem with anybody's religion as long as it's not shoved down my throat and the followers don't blatantly attack me for being gay or a pagan. Live and let live.

Cold 20005149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

People feel immortal because they're alive and young but at the end of the day when you're on your deathbed, you realize that God DOES exist.

Everyone feels it deep down in themselves. Some just choose to shut it down.

I mean no matter where you live, in a modern society or in some tribal village still undiscoverd by man, EVERYONE's conscious responds in the same way to murder, theft, disrespect, lying, violence.

Its the SAME and UNIQUE voice in EVERYONES head and conscious. How does the man living in the Amazon jungle that has never even seen an electric device hear the SAME voice responding to the SAME things that you or me hear..

@2.8: "Society is what molds the tenets of right and wrong." And do you know on what basis western society determines whats good or bad ? The Bible... Funny even societies with no Christian influence fom the Amazon tribes to Asain cultures have the SAME limits when it comes to whats moral, acceptable etc concerning such things as mentioned above.
ust a coincidence you would say. I say its just a small element from amongst many more that same person created us all: God.

Darkstorn5149d ago

There's a lot of propaganda out there, from religion to thinking that the Federal Reserve is the center of a conspiracy to take over the world. Critical thinking is the key.

Anorexorcist5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

"EVERYONE's conscious responds in the same way to murder, theft, disrespect, lying, violence.

Its the SAME and UNIQUE voice in EVERYONES head and conscious."

It is not because of the bible or some guy with a big, puffy white beard sitting up in the clouds acting as a don to every living thing on this planet that murder and theft and violence are seen as they are.

Society itself (at least in democratic societies, so you saying everyone responds in the same way is just plain wrong) has deemed murder and violence and theft as inappropriate and wrong, not some book or some guy sitting up in the clouds.

Society is what determines these things, not some omni-present "voice" in "Everyones" mind. If that were the case, why are murder and violence and theft still rampant?

If this voice is so prevalent and so influencial on everyone's minds, why were certain things like slavery and genocide and ritual killings deemed appropriate at points in time?

Society is what molds the tenets of right and wrong, not religion. Oh BTW, did you know Adolf Hitler was a Catholic? Yeah "God" must have certainly forgot to tutor him on how to respond to violence and murder.

Parapraxis5149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

Cold 2000 ..you hear voices in your head?
Whodda Thunkit.

PS, anybody claiming to talk to voices in their head is usually (and rightly) looked down upon by society as being unstable and frankly insane, however once you say that voice is "god" it's all good.
What a riot.

EDIT: Very well said Anorexorcist.
I'm honestly too tired to go into any long posts right now, so thanks for that well spoken reasonable comment.

TheGuidoGamer5149d ago

Sorry but I don't think religion has a place in video games.

Religion is personal. People need to stop stuffing it down the necks of others in hopes to "turn" someone to their religion.

That is just fanatical.

Cold 20005149d ago

Adolf Hitler was catholic right ?
A catholic is a christian. A christian is somebody who lives by the Bible.

Somebody like Adolf Hitler that murdered 6 million people goes against something as simple as the respect for ones life.

Now tell me, a christian that murders people...is he a christian or does he just CALL himself christian ?

It's not because I say that I'm christian that I am christian. It's not because I go to church that I'm christian.

It's like saying I'm a non-smoker when actually I smoke. Same goes for people (like Hitler for instance) who say they are christian but murder people.

I'm not saying a christian is perfect. You may be from a christian background and call yourself christian. But if you call yourself christian but go doing all the opposite, well to people you may be christian, but not to the Bible nor to God.

That said, Im out I gotta go, so I wont be able to respond.

Christopher5149d ago

I respect your beliefs, but ask that you share your opinions as opinions and not facts.

"People feel immortal because they're alive and young but at the end of the day when you're on your deathbed, you realize that God DOES exist."

That should be prefaced with "I believe that..."

ShadowRyuX5149d ago

@bjornbear, I am pretty sure he wasn't referring to all atheists I believe he was talking about the atheists who act like unintelligent trolls and forgo logic, reasoning and proper debating methodology in favor of anything that can get a rise out of someone.

I can't see what Cold is saying, but I can tell he is doing a poor job at defending his point. (Not surprising)

@Anorexorcist First let me just get this out of the way. I am a Doctor, I also happen to be a Lawyer, an airplane pilot, rock star, famous rapper, Grammy winning actor and founder of Microsoft. I'm sure thats pretty unbelievable and that you would want to see proof? Well the truth is I am not any of those things and no matter how many times I say I am it will not make me more of any of them as I don't have a credentials. The same goes for Hitler, he can say he is a Catholic all he wants, but when you call yourself God, kill his chosen people and millions of others there is little chance you actually are. There is a saying in the Christian community: "They will know you by your fruit" Implying that a Christian is like say an apple tree and you will know this by the fact that it produces apples, not oranges, not pears, apples. Hitler claimed to be an Apple tree, but what he produced was far from apples.

"Society itself (at least in democratic societies, so you saying everyone responds in the same way is just plain wrong) has deemed murder and violence and theft as inappropriate and wrong, not some book or some guy sitting up in the clouds."

Notice the line "at least in democratic societies", those happen to be the ones who have, at some point or another, had a strong presence of Christianity. Notice throughout history a lot of societies become a lot less "barbaric" after becoming Christians, like the Germans for example. And you can tell the difference between the once very Christian/Catholic European/American countries and the ones who were never really influenced by them such as most Asian countries and a lot of African ones as well. While places like Japan may be very advance their culture, morals, values, etc. are extremely different than that of European countries or the U.S.

Back to Hitler, you must really be grasping for straws if you are trying to "diss" Christianity using Hitler. Just saying.

Mr_Bun5149d ago

Anyone looking for proof that religion hinders intelligent thought, look no further than cold2000's comments. It is funny how 'true believers' jump to a "god" argument when it is the religion that is under fire...not necessarily god

jke825149d ago

i dont have a problem with god....its his fanclub i cant stand......

Viper75149d ago (Edited 5149d ago )

@Cold 2000

This is basic mistake in theistic view, if A is B then C must also be A.
Ignoring millions of possibilities just to make yourself look right.

You can't really say that modern society knows the right from wrong just because of the bible. Or the possibility that bible is just written by very talented man with ideals.

//Society is what molds the tenets of right and wrong, not religion. Oh BTW, did you know Adolf Hitler was a Catholic? Yeah "God" must have certainly forgot to tutor him on how to respond to violence and murder.//

"Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarianism is wrong."

CimmerianDrake5149d ago

You just called atheism a form of faith. Thank you. You've just acknowledge Atheism as type of religion, the religion of science. So, let's see if any hypocrisy results now.

Christopher5149d ago

Actually, he said 'choice of faith,' which in this case could be having the choice to not have any faith in a higher being.

Therealspy035148d ago

The christian god routinely murdered tons of people including that one time where he wiped out the entire world. i'd say hitler still had a long way to go to catch up. sounds like he was being very christian-like.

just like someone said before, it's society that determines what it means to be christian-like. if you come up with a set of rules that make moral sense that go against society's, that's something you're capable of doing on your own. not through the guidance of a book. the bible has so many conflicting stances that you have to pick and choose the ones you wish to acknowledge and live by.

in fact, i think there's one thing everyone can agree on. there is nothing more Christian-like than picking and choosing which moral guidelines provided by the bible you care to observe. hitler apparently just stopped at genesis.

there is only one real rule you must follow to be a christian: you have to believe jesus died on the cross for your sins, and then arose 3 days later and ascended into heaven. and i'm willing to bet you 50%+ of christians realize that story is load of crap (making them non-christian by definition). but if hitler was in that other 50%...he's good to go.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5148d ago
bobrea5149d ago

Cool, nobody cares, as you said. You don't deserve any special treatment.

BeaArthur5149d ago

haha, exactly. So what if they don't care about you? To be honest they don't care about any of us, only our money. And unlike a Christian we actually spend it on their product so logically they would cater to our tastes.

5149d ago
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The PS5 Has Shipped An Estimated 5x More Units Than The Xbox Series X/S In The Last Quarter

When the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S first launched all the way back in 2020, console sales were not what either platform manufacturer wanted them to be. The pandemic slowed things down more than ever before, even though in the case of each next-gen console, all the units that were manufactured, sold.

Of course that didn’t last, and soon manufacturing limitations on the consoles were a thing of the past, and sales started to leap forward. For one next-gen console platform, at least.

-Foxtrot14h ago

I can see why Microsoft is putting their games on PlayStation with these numbers

Imagine how many copies of future games like Elder Scrolls VI, Blade, Indiana Jones and more they could sell if they went fully multiplatform.

OtterX9h ago

If they don't, it would be the death of them.

purple1017h ago

while I see your point, i'm one of those people that dont really want to see a M$ logo, when I boot up, however good the game is, unless truly exceptional, I've got enough games from Sony and enough coming down the pipeline, plus the 2 free smaller games on ps+, why do I need to give Microsoft anymore money,

I usually play just GT7 and cod, you've got Gran Theft Auto coming, its over for microsoft, they shot themselves in the foot, and now have to hobble away, to the losers corner, sit there, and repent.,!!! hahaha

OtterX6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

@Purple101 At this point, Microsoft just wants to be the American Tencent, but also just happen to have a console available for those who want it.

I hate what they're doing to the industry, but I would play the next Elder Scrolls on PS5 or PS6 even if I had to look at a MS logo at the beginning. At this point, I'm just invested in the series. I didn't feel this way about Starfield, which is why I've skipped it. Worst case scenario, I'd pick Elder Scrolls up on PC if it didn't come to PS, but I've stayed true to my word - I have not, and will not buy another Microsoft console after 3 red ringed 360s. They've killed my console support for life. They showed how scummy they can be by knowingly rushing out a product before it was ready, just to try and capture a 1 year headstart.

If a MS logo shows up at the beginning of the next Elder Scrolls on a Playstation console, so what? That means Sony won and MS is just another publisher. Many of the large publishers are quite dirty, so it fits them well. I wouldn't mind seeing their console die off though and them solely take up this publisher role.

Jingsing3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Yeah, I never bought another Xbox console after the 360. But at the same time you shouldn't find yourself captive to Elder Scrolls if the company behind it is very scummy. I dropped COD after Ghosts and I don't regret it the company has only become worse and I'm glad I never was part of funding that.

13h agoReplies(1)
13h agoReplies(1)
Barlos3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

A surprise to nobody.

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

5X is a surprise as it’s just unreal.

Jingsing2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Sony would probably be selling more if they stopped sending mixed signals about their future. Putting games on PC because you are taking data analytic advice from Microsoft about the future of consoles is folly and has limited their potential sales. Microsoft want Sony and the world to believe that consoles are done as a business so companies like Sony and Nintendo etc can end up serving Microsoft's platform. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It is us or no one and the three E's" Don't fall for it.

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

MS has forced everyone’s hand in regard to PC. If the other two dont release on PC, they will be giving them an edge. Imo

Although i think Sony/PlayStation would be wise to release selectively on PC.

Jingsing1h ago

The way Sony are doing it though is very suspect, It almost seems like they are trying to tunnel their way out of Steam with a PSN back-end. They should have just launched their own store. Yes this would no doubt upset PC users but you just can't have everything on Steam as that means no market competition. Microsoft and Sony should only use their own stores. That way they can also enforce their subscription fee's (I don't think there should be fee's) like they do on console as right now they are saying people on console have to pay this fee but if you play on PC you don't. That is very anti-consumer.

Skuletor9m ago

While putting their games on PC would lose them some console sales, there's a large market of people that prefer consoles for their simplicity and convenience, I wonder if it would really effect them negatively. Well, I guess at this current point they won't be dragging PC players into a PS Plus subscription, so there's that.

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Why Xbox believes it must cut costs and close studios

Companies, particularly public companies like Microsoft, need to grow.

Read Full Story >>
gold_drake2d ago

i mean its pretty simple, they spent close to 30 billion in acquiring activision, they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen.

its just shit that because of MS's miscalculation alot of people lost their jobs.

Jingsing1d 23h ago

This is exactly what many people said would happen including the CMA and FTC. Lies lies and more lies and they allowed a $69 billion buy out to happen.

gold_drake1d 23h ago

oh yeh it was 70 billion. that was my bad haha even worse.

JackBNimble1d 2h ago

MS has educated financial advisers, they knew there was little chance to recoup the 70billion just to break even on the Activision deal let alone whatever other nonsense is going on in MS.
This whole thing was to corner the market for leverage.

thesoftware7301d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )


You can't be serious, right?

Do you think that MS thought they would make 80bill in a year & Half? They haven't even released titles under MS yet, lol.

But in fact, that A/B revenue is already paying off, look at the last earnings call. That $80 billion is long-term money, my guy, no sane person/company would think they would make that back in any short-term situation, it's a long-term investment.

Let's play silly then. If MS's reason for laying off staff and closing studios was due(which it really was not) to the A/B deal, tell me what Sony's reason was for past studio closures, the recent 900-person layoffs, closing Sony London, shutting down Dreams, and closing Japan Studio? Zipper? Psygnosis? cuts at all their internal studios.

Keep in mind, you are claiming MS's reason is because of the A/B deal; please explain Sony's reason.

Hofstaderman1d 23h ago

You actually still defending them? Sheesh.....

gold_drake1d 23h ago

this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt.

and of course not, but im pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. they didnt, and closed off some studios.

its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case.

romulus231d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

(It really was) due to the Activision Blizzard deal and the loss of physical sales due to gamepass. You keep bringing up Sony in all your posts about this, stop deflecting and trying to change the topic, this is about MS and what they are doing.

BehindTheRows1d 22h ago

Has nothing to do with Sony. Stay on topic.

notachance1d 22h ago

once in a while you see someone too invested in their make-believe console war that everything happened has to be connected to said war…

a bit of banter between fans is normal, this crusade you’re doing now isn’t.

Chevalier1d 21h ago

Wow idiotic. You bring up very old closures not that there haven't been recent ones from Playstations, but, seriously stop deflecting. This has NOTHING to do with Playstation.

Does Playstation got $3 trillion behind them and daddies wallet? No they don't so stop making a fool of yourself.

Xbox has never been profitable really and they just keep losing money so between their worst hardware sales, terrible 3rd party sales and now terrible 1st party sales.

Gamepass numbers that are no longer being announced shows their numbers after 3 years of missed targets has flatlined. Plus their recent gains up to 34 million were ONLY because they folded Gold members in too. Absolutely take your idiotic rhetoric out of here. Keep on topic without deflecting.

S2Killinit1d 21h ago

Ayayayay with these xbox/MS excuses.

Reaper22_1d 16h ago

How dare you mention Sony! Everyone here knows when Sony closes a studio and lay off workers it was the right thing to do. Even when they bought Gaikai and fired almost everyone it was the right thing to do.

Gamers can be such hypocrites sometimes.

andy851d 15h ago

Is it? That's revenue not profit. Completely different.

fr0sty1d 6h ago

The earnings call only showcased how dire the situation is... Even with ABK and Bethesda, they still couldn't make enough to keep investors happy, gamepass subs are stagnant, and hardware sales are tanking.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1d 6h ago
thesoftware7301d 20h ago (Edited 1d 20h ago )


"this is not a sony vs MS debate. dont make it something it isnt."

You are correct that it's not an MS Vs Sony Topic, but when exaggeration and imagination mix from a one-sided social group, similar examples are needed to ground radical thoughts; in this instance, the example was that shutting down 3,4,5, even 6 studios during a restructure/ buyout/acquisition is not some anomaly(it can suck) that has to be dissected or spell doom and gloom.

"But I'm pretty sure they thought they'd make more money after the deal. They didn't, and they closed off some studios."

But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue.

"its pretty insane to think there is any other reason for the closure of studios in this case."

The fact that they did make money, kinda throws this out the window, and besides, you don't wake up and say, hey let's close a studio, you look at the output, you look at the dev as a whole, the long term and short term, you weigh it against all other studios and goals, you keep key members, ect..then you close if they are the weakest links...which by MS analysis they were.

Again, I will make a small Sony comparison, just so some of you can understand and see past the bias; Insomniac, ND, and Bungie have made some of the best games ever created, yet Sony saw fit to cut jobs in every of these studios, even tho Insomniac & ND are the biggest producers of PS games, leagues ahead better than Tango and Arkane, yet, they saw cuts, mind you, while being the TOP produces of PS first party. They were told to cut costs, and more jobs may be on the line, and Bungie is being threatened by a hostile Sony takeover. Put that in perspective, as I know that layoffs and dev closures are different, but if the best of the best is getting cut off, it is less than surprising, that lesser studios are closing.

My response fits well with your comments as well. You even went on to prove that the dev closures are not just due to A/B acquisition. Then you point out Sony has less money than MS, inferring that MS should keep devs open that they see as lesser earners, while Sony having less money makes it okay to close them. lol...it doesn't work that way.

gold_drake1d 20h ago

im not reading all of that. u have ur opinion, i have mine.

thats rly it.

but this aint sony vs ms.

ApocalypseShadow1d 19h ago

You're trying to compare a 100 billion company to a company that has 3 TRILLION worth. SIE has to live or die on their own. And in turn, PlayStation has helped the main company again and again. Sony has to balance out what is working and not working in the company.

While Xbox has Daddy Warbucks footing the bill to keep the platform afloat. They have been bleeding money from Nvidia hardware in the OG Xbox, the RROD fiasco, the attempted 2013 DRM nonsense and the lies about being the most powerful console in the world and the losses of paying out millions to prop up a service hoping it catches on with enough subscribers to justify its existence.

They're not comparable if Xbox isn't allowed to live or die by its actions. It's subsidized. Revenue isn't profit. And if they were profiting on their own, they wouldn't be closing developers. If they were profiting, they wouldn't need Daddy Warbucks spending 80 to 100 billion buying up 3rd party publishers to sustain a loss leading platform.

They stopped announcing game sales, stopped announcing hardware sales, stopped announcing game pass subscribers, they are putting games on their competitors platforms but you're telling us that they are doing great even after killing jobs and closing developers at Xbox.

Stop drinking the Kool aid. You're drunk.

Chevalier1d 10h ago

Again at which point did Playstation have a $3 trillion company shift the market with a giant purchase?

"But they did make more money, a lot, actually; the last earnings call showed a huge growth in profit, almost all due to A/B revenue."

Lol. No they didn't. Increased revenue was ONLY due to adding Activision Blizzard revenue in. Growth was only 1 percent. It's idiots like you that have no idea what they're talking about is why Xbox isn't better than it is. You guys just make excuses continually.

If Xbox got so much profit then why did they stop announcing hardware numbers? Why did they stop announcing Gamepass numbers? Oh right because they're NOT profitable. Their sales in every category has dropped off the face of the planet. It's why Spencer will be closing more studios and canceling upcoming projects too.

The Wood1d 3h ago

How can they be profitable when they're not selling enough hardware, software or subs. You need take a seat on this one my friend unless you can prove you angles

jwillj2k41d 1h ago

Sony didnt shut down the studios you mentioned after they made last of us or ratchet and clank or destiny. Cutting jobs is not equal to closing studios. Sony cuts are a candle in the sun of Microsoft’s closures.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 1h ago
WelkinCole1d 15h ago

I am pretty sure MS knew this would happen and this was part of their plan. I mean if anyone with half a brain can see this happening I am pretty sure a multi billion company like MS knew this would happen

The whole strategy in buying Beth and Acti/Blizzard is for

1. Buy established games they can have under xbox because they have done a horrible job in building their portfolio internally for the past 15 years

2. Following from 1, try and boost xbox competitivenss against a dominat PS which MS after 3 tries still can't crack

3. Follolwing from 2, try and weaken Playstation dominance by taking out these massive multiplats from the PS

4. Following from 3, try and profit off from the PS domiance with selected games they will still have on the PS to make money like COD

5. Obviously get the IP's by buying them instead of creating them which again as I mentioned in number 1 they have been woeful in doing

None of these had anyting to do with keeping all the devs they accuried. MS has always been very shitty to Devs under them. Look at what happned to Bungie for example.

I believe MS in court truely mean it when they said they had to do something because PS was just too dominant. This was their last roll of the dice.

And from the looks of things. It has not panned out as MS had hoped. PS5 is still as dominant as ever and xbox is still behind. Worse still their MP's they got is not irreplaceable as they thought. Starfield? lol!. There have not been any major shift in momentum in this console war in their favor so now its time to start cutting their loses and it starts with the most expensive cost for any company. People.

Michiel19891d 13h ago

for a comparison, sony laid of a bigger % of it's staff this year than ms, it's what companies sadly do nowadays. If you think with GP and Bethesda + acti aquisition they were looking for quick cash, you couldn't be more wrong. It hasn't even been a year, "they thought they'd make it bk no problem, and that didnt happen." shows you have 0 understanding of how a business operates.

thesoftware7301d ago

@ Michiel1989

Exactly this!

I'm reading these comments, and it's mesmerizing how off-base most of them are.

I posted a few comments above, and their rebuttals have nothing to do with the points that I presented; when they start doing that, I just ignore them because, at that point, they're debating all over the place.

Profchaos1d 6h ago

30 more like 70 to 80 plus 7 for Bethesda

Tzuno1d 1h ago

meanwhile everything turned woke an inevitably went downward, i'd say it serves them well if they promote such kind of approach, mwuahahahahahhh!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1d ago
anast1d 23h ago

They are going to use AI for a large portion of the game development process. Upper management need bonuses and the shareholders need more money. So, people will lose their jobs.

Skuletor1d 23h ago

Maybe they were already using AI to make business decisions, which would explain why they closed Hi-Fi Rush's studio, then said they need more games like Hi-Fi Rush not long after that announcement.

Crows901d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

They shouldn't have bought any studios. Some is okay...but they went on a shopping spree...stupid

Einhander19721d 22h ago

The better question is why did Microsoft buy publishers for a service they were subsidizing they knew couldn't support.

And why are so many websites trying to make people feel sorry for Microsoft instead of truly criticizing the fact they are closing studios and killing jobs that would have been fine if Microsoft themselves hadn't gotten involved.

Quit feeling sorry for Microsoft and start feeling sorry for the industry and the all the gamers who are actually losing out.


RNTody1d 22h ago

The first thing that happens after any major acquisition or merger is a consolidation of the whole new portfolio, which includes cutting any excess, bloat or portfolios that don't fit the larger MO of the big boy. So far, it's been par for the course with Microsoft and that's why gamers have been so against this acquisition. Tango Gameworks is the beginning. You think Microsoft wants to pay to keep small timers like Ninja Theory in business?

There is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that Microsoft will improve any of these studios, but plenty to suggest that they will get rid of what they don't need and hold onto the IP. The real agenda of the acquisition was always to acquire The Elder Scrolls, Diablo, Fallout, Call of Duty, Candy Crush etc. that will create millions in passive revenue stream for Microsoft regardless of where the games release. Microsoft simply wants their cut.

Because of Games Pass Microsoft has no interest in investing in new IP which is risky and requires creative talent they can neither nurture nor manage. Game Pass has also not grown in the way Microsoft expected it to, even post acquisitions. Therefore the logical thing to do, without serious money makers to release, is to cut as much cost as possible.

Show all comments (47)

Former Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider pours scorn on EA's AI dreams.

"They want you to believe the devs under them are super stoked to work generative AI into their processes," continued Gaider, "but I assure you what they took as excitement was really a veiled wail of despair not unlike the time that team was informed of their new 'really cool' live service mandate.".

LordoftheCritics4d ago

Publishers see gaming as another stock market.

isarai4d ago

I think anyone with some common sense knew this, im glad i don't support their games anymore, what a sh!t company.

Psychonaut854d ago

Friends don’t let friends buy EA or Ubisoft.

Chocoburger3d ago

I said this yesterday. AI isn't what we want when it comes to crafting artistry. Alas, these soulless corporate morons don't care about their work, only about cutting corners as much as possible.