
Beyond Two Souls Released on PS4 with Bonuses

SegmentNext - "The popular PS3 title Beyond Two Souls is going to join The Last of Us and Journey on PlayStation 4."

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GarrusVakarian3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

Good news for people who missed out on the PS3 version, but personally, I won't be buying this one. I played it once, and that was enough. Same with Heavy Rain.

Edit: Oh, another rumour. Wtf? Unless it comes from the devs/pubs mouth, then it ain't so. Article needs to be changed to rumour.

CarterMonsta3541d ago

Just loaned it from the library today for the ps3 but i will get it on ps4 ASAP!!

Hellsvacancy3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

I enjoyed and hated it, I liked the story (although I guessed the twist really early on) it had awful controls though, really unresponsive at times, I liked all previous QD games

Not sure i'd want to play Beyond again, unless the controls are tweaked, maybe use the touchpad instead

rodiabloalmeida3540d ago

So sick of waiting for this generation to really launch...too many rehashes and delays, not enough new games.

20bravens3540d ago Show
thorstein3540d ago

Yeah. There were too many games for my PS3 that I wanted that I had to give this a pass. Now, I will be getting it.

Orpheo3540d ago

Loaned it from the library? The library loans video games?! Since when?! Is it free?

mikeslemonade3540d ago

Lame! Certain games like TLoU and Metro require a remaster but not this game.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3540d ago

The story is what made me finish it. It is a fantastic story. The gameplay (if you can call it that) was mediocre though.

UltraNova3540d ago

OK I was never sold on this so If they remaster both Heavy rain and this, include them both on one disc for $30-40 max I will be getting it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3540d ago
spacedelete3541d ago

this has got to be the most pointless remaster yet. for anyone interested i'd recommend just watching the entire game on YouTube as theres barely any gameplay in it or replay value.

GarrusVakarian3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

Speak for yourself, please. It won't be pointless for the people who buy it and enjoy it.

This doesn't negatively affect you in any way. So why the negativity towards it?

Ju3541d ago

I borrowed the PS3 version which looks phenomenal. I am curious to see what they could make out of this on the PS4 - and I'd like to try some alternate decisions. Sure, before you say they have no impact, they do even if just so subtle. Only thing is...the price for those games should be $40 max.

OculusRift3541d ago

Oops, gave you an agree instead of disagree. Darn phone

sparta763541d ago

Yeah that's what a lot of people on here said about Last Of Us and look how well it sold ( over one million first day or few days, not to sure ). The point is there are a lot of ps4 owner who never had a ps4. Beyond was a good game, I myself won't get already played it. But a lot of people haven't.

Kribwalker3541d ago

^^^ 632k in first week. InsiderP is known to be a terrible source of news where they said 1.5million in first day


Magicite3541d ago

I actually liked this game more than Heavy Rain and theres plenty of gameplay, if u havent played, then stop misleading people.

afterMoth3540d ago

This and Heavy Rain barely qualify as games. What game play they do have is horrible. It can't be hard to have nice graphics when you don't have to put much into the game play engine.

Snookies123540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

@afterMoth - W-What? The way a game plays doesn't have any effect on performance. Quantic Dream games have always been more like interactive movies than games. If you buy a QD game looking for awesome gameplay, you've obviously not done much research on them or the way they make games.

afterMoth3540d ago

Are you kidding me? Having game play eats into system resources. Simple game play (like Pong) takes far less processing power than complex game play mechanics (wide range of hit reaction mechanics, physics, levels of destruction, etc). Spending less resources on game play leads to be able to do more in other areas, such as graphics.

Ju3540d ago

Ah well...looks like it needs a special person to appreciate that game...like ...ugh...grown ups...

Rimeskeem3540d ago

23 different ending or something like that and this had no replay value?

I don't understand your logic at all

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3540d ago
nicksetzer13541d ago

Not a rumor because Gameblog is a major game news site. Same as if IGN posted something as factual. This site is claiming it IS happening, not that "we heard so." However, if they are wrong they will come out of it with a lot less reliability.

GarrusVakarian3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

It's a rumour until it's officially announced by Sony or QD, or reported by someone with quotes of the official announcement. I'm not doubting that the remaster is real, I'm just saying that this, as of now, is a rumour. If it was IGN "claiming" this, that would also be a rumour. Claiming things is not the same as confirming things.

Accidentally hit agree instead of disagree, btw.

Kayant3541d ago

"Same as if IGN posted something as factual" - Like when they did with TLG claiming multiple sources then it becoming one source. It's still a rumor. Like
Lukas said until actual official wording from Sony or QD it is a rumor whether leaked or not.

nicksetzer13541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

@kayant that's strange, because most "news" on here is exactly the same. A game news site reports a story based on what a dev/publisher/platform holder says. Now though, just because you are unfamiliar with the site you claim ALL new has to come directly from sony/MS/nintendo? I'll keep that in mind.

Next time a site claims the creator of said content told them something, I'll make sure to remind you to report it as a rumor until it comes straight from said source, right?

spacedelete3541d ago

first of all i'm not against remasters if its a game that deserves it like The last of us which i can see your a fan of as well judging from your pic. but Beyond two souls was very average game with zero replay value. i YouTubed the entire game when it released and i'm glad i did.

GarrusVakarian3541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

The part you're not understanding is that your opinion does not = fact. YOU think this game isn't good enough to be remastered, that doesn't mean everyone else sees it that way. You don't get to say if it "deserves" a remaster or not, lol.

Opinions and preferences, man.

nX3540d ago

Well if it's so good that you Youtubed the entire game I guess it's worth getting the remaster for someone like me who hasn't seen or played this game yet at all :)

trouble_bubble3540d ago

Some people like to actually -play- games though, not just youtube 'em. Crazy I know

warczar3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )


If you want to talk about facts then you should point out the fact that beyond its an average game at best (70 metacritic score) and really doesn't deserve a remaster or even a rehash. It's not TLOU or diablo, in fact it would easily be the worst game to get a crossgen release. If it is now ok to bring painfully average games cross gen then gaming is dead.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3540d ago
VforVideogames3541d ago ShowReplies(1)
Blaze9293541d ago

They should do Heavy Rain instead. BEYOND was pretty terrible all around for a QD title.

Christopher3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

I see no point in doing an HD+ remake of a game that did not reach a very wide target audience to begin with. Sounds like a waste of money that could be put towards games that the general market has more of an interest in.

TricksterArrow3540d ago

Beyond sold more than a million. It's a hit.

Christopher3540d ago

It's a hit?

It was outsold in 2013 by games that released in 2012. And I don't mean CoD, but games like Borderlands 2 and Dishonored.

It was the 78th best selling game of 2013. It has a 70 metacritic.

It wasn't a hit. It was a game that failed to sell as much as The Last of Us, Killzone Shadowfall, Aliens: Colonial Marines.

I mean, if we say selling 1 million is a 'hit' then what does it say when Aliens: Colonial Marines was 26th best selling game of 2013 and Beyond Two Souls was 78th?

G20WLY3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

When you factor in how late in the generation this released, it could make sense.

Certainly, some people have a gaming budget each month (a little TOO organised for my taste!) and so games were missed while they saved for the new console.

I pretty sure they won't hit TLOU:R numbers, but I feel confident they'll profit from the decision, just as the gamers that gambled on the likelihood of a PS4 remake will.

TricksterArrow3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

I'm not particularly sure if you undestand how big of a number 1 million copies sold is. Specially on a single console. It is and will always be a big number in any media. Can it be a number under expectations? Sure. Is it low? No.

Yes, Colonial Marines was a sales hit. The game was not a critical success though. Not sure why you are mixing sales with critical acclaim or overall quality of a game. A game does not have to be great to sell a lot or vice versa.

Plus, why compare a game with a very niche target audience with bigger action oriented titles is beyond (pun) me. You'd have a case if you compared it to other adventures such as Heavy Rain, Farenheit, Omikron, The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Jurassic Park, etc, etc.

Oh, and 70 is not a bad score, it's actually way above average (which is 50).

Christopher3540d ago

***I'm not particularly sure if you undestand how big of a number 1 million copies sold is. ***

I'm not sure you understand how small of a number that is to warrant a HD Remake just a year later. Let alone that it got beat out on more than a few exclusive PS4 titles that sold much better and rated just as well if not better.

Talking about the niche-ness of it as far as comparisons is only supporting my point here. You do remakes of games that appeal to a wide audience who are likely to be similarly represented on both generation hardware. But, no, a niche title released at a time when exclusive titles were limited and the number of people who owned the hardware were at a number greater than any previous year.

To note: I also said that it was a waste of money to do a remaster of TLoU as well. I'd rather that money go towards new titles. And, more people are playing games on last gen consoles than current gen games still.

trouble_bubble3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

According to vgchartz, Beyond sold more on the ps3 than aliens colonial marines sold on the ps3, and more than aliens colonial marines sold on the 360.

Multiplats aren't the best sales barometers next to exclusives. Games available on more platforms kinda should sell more. Aliens didn't though.

Syntax-Error3540d ago

TROUBLE BUBBLE- Did you just compare Beyond Two Souls sales numbers to Colonial marines. OMG aren't you desperate!!!! Who does that? That game not only failed in sales, but critics destroyed it. It was so bad that the company sent out an apology, so for comparing any games sales numbers to it is just reaching. That is so pathetic

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3540d ago
FAT MAN GO BOOM3540d ago

hope it happens I missed out on it and I could go and get it but to be honest I would rather invest in games for the ps4...

So if this does come to the ps4 I would be more inclinde to pull the trigger on it and buy it...

Tapewurm3540d ago

I skipped this because the PS4 was coming out.... I will be grabbing it for sure to go right along with The Last of Us Remastered, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, and (another game I skipped due to PS4->) Grand Theft Auto on PS4 when it comes out.... I didn't skip The Last of Us or Tomb Raider on PS3.... and still bought the PS4 "up-ports"... well worth my time and money 8)... Really Glad I skipped Grand Theft and Beyond Two Souls and will get to experience them on PS4 instead.... now if they would only port South Park: The Stick of Truth and Ni No Kuni to PS4 :)

Nodoze3540d ago

Ni No Kuni is one of the most unappreciated games on PS3. It would look amazing on PS4!

ceedubya93540d ago

I actually really enjoyed this game on ps3. I traded in but always planned to come back to it at some point. I'm interested in this ps4 version

starchild3540d ago

This is the only PS3 exclusive I didn't get around to playing and I would definitely be interested in getting a PS4 version.

solar3540d ago

so remastered PS3 games is what PS4 owners should look forward too?

i want TLG more than anyone, i love SOTC more then anyone, and that is the only reason why i will buy a PS4. Sony needs to stop re-regurgitating IP's for me to buy it sooner then later.

Xer0_SiN3540d ago

i bought it to support the developer. i played through it once. its not a play through again like how tlou was, so i wont buy it this go around. i originally thought the title sakd beyond two souls 2 is real LOL.

hkgamer3540d ago

its real, but its a rumor... lol

kind of misleading title.

mediate-this3540d ago (Edited 3540d ago )

This game is garbage. And this starting to get worrisome, why is sony remastering all their games? Im agaisnt all remasters from just last year, i feel sony is taking advantage of their system sales and reselling last year games that did not sell well

Killzoner993540d ago

If you played the game you wouldn't say it was garbage TROLL. I'll gladly buy this game and I already own it on PS3. It's an amazing game that uses A list Hollywood actors in ways never seen in games before. Why are you so threatened by it?

mediate-this3539d ago (Edited 3539d ago )

@above im not threathened at all, despite my harsh sentiment, sony is my fave of the three, i just dont ride any companies ****.

And i own all systems, ps1 to ps4, xb1 to xb1, all nintendo consoles etc, im a gamer, and beyond two souls was garbage. I played it at a friends house, i put it down then.

cellfluid3540d ago

I never played beyond 2 souls the last of us or grand theft auto 5 so its a bonus 4 me when i get time im definitely goin in._.

Loktai3540d ago

IF it does happen Id probably pick it up... I Skipped playing it on PS3 and opted to work on the epic backlog...

Syntax-Error3540d ago

Dont really enjoy playing a lesbian in a video game. Just like I don't want to see lesbians in straight people roles when it comes to movies. Not my thing.

Sly-Lupin3540d ago

Don't try to spin this. Its not good news at all.

For mature gamers its more evidence that Sony is moving in an increasingly anti-consumer direction; for PS3 gamers, its irrelevant; for PS4 gamers, its a port of an older game that wasn't particularly well received instead of something new; for people who loved the game, its just a lazy cashgrab; for people who hated the game, its just a lazy cashgrab.

I am sick to death of seeing gamers here defend last-generation (or same-generation) ports on one side, and celebrate the loss of backwards compatibility on the other. Don't you realize you are actively fighting against your own beat interests?

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3539d ago
JoGam3541d ago

I never played it. Guess I'll be grabbing it one day.

nicksetzer13541d ago (Edited 3541d ago )

Don't think that beyond was good enough to justify remaking and using quantic dreams resources on. However, as long as it didn't hinder quantics future projects, then I'm fine with it. Definitely not interested in this personally though.

However, if it is a quantic collection with heavy rain and beyond, then I am game.

vickers5003541d ago

Meh, if they're going to remaster one of their games, at least make it Heavy Rain instead.

Hellsvacancy3541d ago

I'm still waiting for HD version of Fahrenheit

solar3540d ago

i bought Fahrenheit for PS2 for my PS3 and the damn game was glitched out to where i couldnt finish it. i was in the library. made me go all akfladshfkdlasfklsd

Ju3541d ago

Why instead? Make that one, too..

spacedelete3541d ago

why not just remaster every single PS3 game and forget about new PS4 games right ? i understand remastering the best games of last gen but Beyond isn't even a good game. in fact its not even a game its just a movie wannabe and not a very good one as well. you want to play average PS3 games play or buy a PS3.

Ju3541d ago

Don't like it, don't buy it. It's your choice.

sipale3541d ago

This is purely for the people who didn't play it on the ps3. I remember reading an article, in which one of the devs or the writer or director idk said that this is agame that is meant to be played only once and left at that. Leaving a thought of "What if..?"

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Detroit: Become Human & Beyond: Two Souls are available on Steam without Denuvo

DSOGaming writes: "Quantic Dream has just released Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on the PC, and has removed Denuvo from them."

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Quantic Dream Announces Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain for Steam

Quantic Dream revealed the upcoming Steam Release of its games Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain coming "soon."

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Obscure_Observer1443d ago

Sony is expanding their PC approach beyond (no pun intended) Epic Store realm.

Steam official pages:

Heavy Rain

Beyond: Two Souls

Detroit: Become Human

Abriael1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

Quantic Dream is self-publishing and doing this entirely independently from Sony. Sony is not involved at all.

Sciurus_vulgaris1443d ago

Detroit: Become Human and Beyond: Two Souls are owned by Sony. Therefore,Quantic Dream needs Sony's permission to release the titles on steam and PC.


Abriael1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

@Sciurus_vulgaris: neither is owned by Sony. Registering a trademark (trademarks are related only to titles and have nothing to do with game or IP ownership) is completely unrelated from owning the rights of a game.

Sony had the publishing license on the games as a second party for a period. That license has expired, so now Quantic Dream is free to do whatever they want with them, and they are.

Incidentally, they have announced a few months ago that now they're taking the independent route, so expect their games on all platforms from now on.

hulk_bash19871443d ago

A trademark is a way a company or individual exercises legal ownership of an intellectual property. And as of right now Sony does still own the trademarks for those two QD developed games.


Abriael1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

@hulk_bash1987 "Breaking Games" isn't trademark law. That's a massive oversimplification of trademark law. Trademarks do not in any shape or form give you ownership on an IP. It gives you ownership of a name. period.

Since trademarks are completely separate by publishing contracts, Sony's publishing contract on a game can have expired (and it has, the publisher of the games on PC is Quantic Dream itself) but the trademark still not have expired.

Quantic Dream has full ownership of the IPs. In fact, you won't see Sony named absolutely anywhere in any listing for PC. If Sony was involved, you'd see them listed right there.

Imalwaysright1443d ago


The intellectual property being the title of the game. Trademarks only protect names or logos. The game itself and everything in it: code, story, characters, art, etc are protected by copyrights.

hulk_bash19871443d ago

Sony does own the trademarks and therefore have ownership over some portion of the ip. So they wouldve had to agree or had some type of legal or mutual agreement in place for QD to release them on platforms outside of Playstation.

Abriael1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

@hulk_bash1987: Sony's influence on the title is determined exclusively by their publishing contract. That's all the legal agreement you need.

If the trademark had any value over this, you'd see trademark notices and Sony plastered all over the listings.

Bottomline, this has literally nothing to do with Sony's approach related to PC gaming as Obscure_Observer tried to imply.

hulk_bash19871443d ago

Regardless of the ownership debate. Sony has been more liberal with their exclusives recently. QDs games, Death Stranding and most importantly HZD.

Abriael1443d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn is likely an experiment done because Kojima Productions optimized the engine at basically no additional cost for Sony.

The release on PC of Death Stranding was likely a condition from Kojima himself since the beginning. This has nothing to do with Sony.

hulk_bash19871443d ago

Horizon is definetly and experiement. Its Sony testing the water, to see how big of an audience their games might have on PC. It was pretty much out right stated that they want to get their games out to as many people as possible. Which will potentially open people up to buying PS hardware.

ZwVw1443d ago

Bro, you're getting licencing and copyright confused. Beyond and Detroit are both Sony properties, who Sony is granting licensing permission for QT to publish on PC. This is nothing new. Companies like MS, Square and Sega do this all the time.

Besides, is you visit Detroit's Steam page, you can clearly see the Sony copyright at the bottom of the page. https://store.steampowered....

Obscure_Observer1443d ago

"Quantic Dream is self-publishing and doing this entirely independently from Sony. Sony is not involved at all."

The only reason those games are available on PC, is because Sony gave Quantic Dream a permission. If you think Sony paid those third party studios millions to develop a game so they can claim "independence" and do whatever they want with said games, you´re seriously mistaken.

Persian_Immortal1443d ago

According to the United States Copyright Office https://cocatalog.loc.gov/c...

Sony owns the Copyrights for Detroit Become Human and Beyond Two Souls and Death Stranding.

RosweeSon1443d ago

Even if they were 2 of those games were last gen who cares it’s a bit different if they are your only good games to talk about and releasing simultaneously these games are 5-10 years old came out of ps3 originally except Detroit. Like horizon it was a great game do I care it’s gone to PC also not at all I’d already and finished it over a year previously 🤷🏻‍♂️🤓 😜✌🏻

neutralgamer19921443d ago


sony is notorious for wanting IP's. Insomniac pitched sunset overdrive to sony but went with ms because they were going to let insomniac keep the IP. I think sony is allowing this because it's towards the end of gen and these games will generate extra resources. Sony allowed it on epic first because they have a great relationship lately eith epic and now even if QD are self publishing they would have spoken to sony about it

you are making it sound like just because they are self publishing they don't have to ask sony. The company that owns the IP's has a lot of say


BTW i am not saying other games from sony will come to PC just that they do own the IP's

TricksterArrow1443d ago

Hmm... You can literally see this in their steam page:

DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN: ©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe ltd. Developed by Quantic Dream. “Detroit: Become Human” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1443d ago
blackblades1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

The dev always said he wanted them on pc. Lol putting Sony in it to make it look like Sony putting more of there games on pc.

ajax171443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

I'll agree once I see God of War and Spider-man on steam

Bronxs151443d ago

What about horizons zero dawn??

DerfDerf1443d ago

@Bronxs15 that was before the goal posts were moved

neutralgamer19921443d ago


there is no goal post if yo are comparing MS releasing all their exclusives on pc day one to sony releasing HZD(3 years after release on pc) than maybe you should look up those said goal posts. Most likely case with HZD is the fact kojima optimized the game engine for PC so sony/GG didn't have any extra cost to make it work on pc

hulk_bash19871443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

Interested to see what other Sony IPs will see a release on PC

Father__Merrin1443d ago

QD are now independant in fact they always was but used sonys platforms to sell thier games.its thier ip they can do what ever they want with them

gravedigger1443d ago

Quantic Dream are no longer works for Sony. Contract ended

S2Killinit1443d ago

If this makes Obscure happy, then does that mean he is secretly sad that ALL of xbox’s games are available on PC? Hmm

Obscure_Observer1443d ago


"If this makes Obscure happy, then does that mean he is secretly sad that ALL of xbox’s games are available on PC? Hmm"

Sad? Lol.

Xbox games on PC means more money to fund new first party studios, games and new IP´s for us, Xbox console gamers.

Sony is not stupid, they´re paying attention to every move competition makes. They will allow day one exclusives on PC? Unlikely. However, you´ll see more and more Playstation games making their way to PC. Then, will see more and more PS fanboys telling how Sony is making money out of the PC gamers to fund new first party studios, games and new IP´s for us, Playstation console gamers.

You heard from me first. Mark my words. ;)

S2Killinit1442d ago (Edited 1442d ago )

Not much of a prediction though is it? The issue is that xbox is already moving toward obsoletion of consoles because MS has realized that they cant dominate the console market, so they want to scorch earth the console habitat by making it irrelevant (or at least a less important factor). As a console gamer I will support consoles and console makers that resist these types of maneuvers. I say screw Microsoft.

itsmebryan1442d ago

Can someone explain why MS console exclusives on PC are bad, but, when Sony copies the same thing it's somehow "different" or "Okay"?

I need to understand fanboy logic.

1442d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1442d ago
WeAreLegion1443d ago

Sony would be crazy not to attempt to acquire them at some point.

Veneno1443d ago

Nah. QD is too all over the place. Not consistent in terms of quality.

Tacoboto1443d ago

Detroit was mechanically great, regardless of opinion on story. With Sony support officially behind them, they'd have those resources to improve their management

Flewid6381443d ago

I have yet to play a QD game I didn't like

AspiringProGenji1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

Didn’t they get owned already by some publisher?

Obscure_Observer1443d ago

No. And they will remain independent for the foreseeable future.

Abriael1443d ago (Edited 1443d ago )

Sony may want whatever they want. Quantic Dream wants to be independent and they're swimming in money (they recently expanded considerably) so they have no reason to sell.

WeAreLegion1443d ago

Insomniac wanted to be independent for decades. But things change. Nice to see you again, Abriael.

TeamIcoFan1443d ago

And I will be rebuying all three on steam!

AmazingGeneration1443d ago

When the crazy Xbox fans completely falsify facts to meet their agenda it really just makes you question how desperate these people are and how brainwashed they’ve become.

I blame Sony, you can only take a beating for so long and Sony been laying the fist into them for three generations now.

Tacoboto1443d ago

What the... The only mention of anything Xbox here is coming from you...

TeamIcoFan1443d ago

Alright sonny, put down the crack pipe and try to come back to reality, m'kay?

Neonridr1443d ago

sorry who's the one who's brainwashed here. Stop drinking the koolaid, what in dear god are you going on about here. Nothing you said relates to this article in any way. The fact that you got 4 agrees makes me wonder about those people too.

InUrFoxHole1443d ago

Lol. This news truly broke this poor soul!

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The Top Five: Women in Games

BY GRANT TAYLOR: If there’s one thing I appreciate in gaming, it’s a strong female character. In recent years, we’ve seen countless women in games, ranging from fierce warriors to masters of the supernatural. These days, if a game doesn’t have a female lead, you at least have the choice to select one.

I’ve played so many games with brilliant female protagonists in the last decade. It was honestly difficult getting this list down to just five!

So, which of these characters rank the highest?

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