
It's Official: YouTube Says Gaming Channel Content ID Claims Are All Valid, Channels Will Shut Down

"We recently enabled Content ID scanning on channels identified as affiliates of MCNs [Multi Channel Networks]," a YouTube spokesperson told Polygon. "This has resulted in new copyright claims for some users, based on policies set by the relevant content owners."

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Majin-vegeta3802d ago

All hell is about to brake loose.

SolidStoner3802d ago

There is no combo..

and youtube now sucks bad officially! Stand up and hate it!!! People power!!

Anarki3802d ago

Google just needs to leave Youtube alone, it was fine the way it was with out them messing it up.

DragonKnight3801d ago

AngryJoe has responded, and it ain't pretty.


frostypants3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

The sad truth is Youtube can take videos down for whatever the hell they want...they are a private enterprise. Fair use protection prevents copyright holders from coming after you, but it doesn't prevent them from convincing Youtube to do take it down. There's no law against that.

Solution: find a better video site.

Yes, it sucks. Yes, Youtube is being stupid. No, it's not illegal as Angry Joe implies.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3801d ago
creatchee3802d ago

And they're not going to upload anymore because they're not going to be paid for it. The whole "love of gaming" argument is officially out the window. These people just wanted to make money and they're being exposed as the sellouts that they are.

Prime1573802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Ok, you can take over and do it for free. See how long you last.

Heartnet3802d ago

Sellouts? People want to get paid for the content they produce?

There not going to upload anymore since people need money to live there gonna go out to get a full time job and not have the time to record edit etc...

but no they sold out cuz they want to get paid...

SecondSon3802d ago

Creatchee knows his shxt! Money is just paper your dumb parents go to work for, are you with me?... Huh... are you with me?


HammadTheBeast3802d ago


These peoples' jobs are making content on Youtube. People like AngryJoe, Totalbiscuit and the rest live off making entertainment content.

creatchee3802d ago

We've survived 6+ generations of consoles, arcade gaming, and most of the PC era without let's-play-for-profit. I think we'll manage.

I will never, ever, EVER shed a single tear because somebody has to quit playing video games and get a real job. Call me old-fashioned or a stick in the mud, but that's just me.

Again, as I've said before, people who play competitively or make tips and tricks videos or reviews are fine. Those people deserve to be paid. Simply recording yourself playing a video game and adding your own commentary, entertaining or not, does not warrant compensation. In fact, it probably violates fair use (not that that would stand up in court or anything).

megalonagyix3802d ago

I do it for free for over 2 years. I agree with creatchee

malokevi3802d ago

creatchee, u da man. spot on.

SpringHeeledJack3802d ago

Well said, these people did it for free in the beginning so shouldn't be a problem if they like gaming. You upload vids because you want people to see you or hobby, not for money.


Why can't he last doing it for free, it's only recording gameplay, those who are money whores should leave youtube. Those who gave up their job for youtube money are mugs, it was never guaranteed forever.

People on ustream n twitch right providing real time gameplay and for free. Those youtube commentators had it way too good for too long just for pressing a record button with their voice over gameplay.

uncharted563802d ago

Your so delusional lol. Get a real job. Omg use a new argument for the love of god. Some people on youtube spend not only hours editing gameplay but also use their creativity to make and put out some entertaining content for people to enjoy, which takes time and effort. I tried to be a youtuber for a while and it literally takes time and dedication to do it.

Skate-AK3802d ago

Lol. Yeah dude. Because bandwidth is free. /s

creatchee3802d ago


"Your so delusional lol. Get a real job. Omg use a new argument for the love of god. Some people on youtube spend not only hours editing gameplay but also use their creativity to make and put out some entertaining content for people to enjoy, which takes time and effort. I tried to be a youtuber for a while and it literally takes time and dedication to do it."

Building model airplanes takes time and dedication. Mastering Monopoly takes time and dedication. Building Ikea furniture takes time and dedication. That doesn't mean that people who do that stuff should be paid for it.

And I'm sorry, but there's nothing creative about playing a video game to competition and recording your reactions to it. Editing might have it, but that's a necessity and not a focal point.

And just because "get a real job" is an old argument doesn't mean that it's any less true.

escott0133802d ago

I totally agree. That was the first thing I thought. It's a shame that they won't continue to do it for the viewers and fans instead of the money.

Somebody3802d ago

@ HammadtheBeast
Isn't Angry Joe part of the TheGuyWithGlasses group? If I'm not mistaken the main reason they chose Blip because of the early movie copyright claims harassing their reviews on Youtube. They thrived and with this new wave of Content ID Youtube is employing will only drive more content makers to follow TGWG's path.

KumquatGOATBEEF3802d ago

Many of these channels are very well done and provide decent content at the expense of their time and equipment. Granted, it's relatively cheap to find ways to record PC games on a computer, but recording PS3 or XBOX 360? You need video capture cards, HD-PVRs, or some other solution so they need to recoup some of that cost. There's time that goes into managing channels, editing, and encoding every video.

No matter how you spin it it still takes time and effort to create the content you see on YouTube. They're not sellouts if they quit uploading because they'll just go back to what they were doing before, what YOU'RE currently doing, which is just playing games for the sake of playing games. Like Prime said, if you claim that they're sellouts then feel free to start uploading your experiences, too. You shouldn't have a problem putting forth the effort because of your "love for gaming," right?

kupomogli3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

I agree with creatchee, I mean these people just played games to get easy money. As soon as a new popular game came out, they'd spend the 20-40 hours it took to beat the game.

There's no editing a lot of these Youtube users had to do. Some of them that do reviews have to do editing, and I'm pretty sure that's still legit and they'll be making money, but the ones who just recorded videos and people watched them play through "walkthroughs." You're just getting money for playing through a game you were probably going to play through anyways.

The only time the player had to spend, is the time it originally takes to set up their capture card or recording device, and the short time it takes to click a button to decode what they set as their default setting. Then the short time it takes to click and add the videos to Youtube. The computer does all the work for people recording video walkthroughs.

These people are still going to play the games, they're just not going to take the extra 10-20 minutes per game, not video, to load it onto Youtube, so yeah. They're sellouts, they just saw it as an easy way to make a quick buck, not because they give a crap about their adoring fans.

There are people who put videos on Youtube for their love of the game, not to play the newest game and cash in on it.

Here's a video I put up. Did I put it up on Youtube to cash in? It's Yakuza 4, so common sense would be no. I put it on Youtube because I like the series and it's one of my favorite games last gen. Aside from this and Boxcelios 2, I didn't put any videos of Yakuza 4 up.

youtube.com/watch?v=qAd3FDWdL A0

But anyways. You know how long it took me to create all my videos which were just playthroughs? My "time and effort" was less than a minute to start recording, less than a minute of for decoding, and less than a minute to set it for upload on Youtube. As I said above. I didn't do much at all for any of my videos. My computer did everything. People shouldn't make salaries off playing video games just because they do five minutes of work for a video that will be watched 100,000 to a million times.

kupomogli3802d ago

Like I said in my above comment, there are people who put forth the effort to edit and cut videos to do reviews, and these people deserve the money they get from ads. Hopefully those that do reviews don't lose out as well, just those that play the games and nothing more.

Writing the review itself takes a decent amount of time, but then cutting the video to fit along with what you've written takes a lot more. It'll take some time to do a decent review, a lot more if you're like some reviewers such as Angry Joe who goes all out with his reviews.

ShinMaster3802d ago

""people who play competitively or make tips and tricks videos or reviews are fine. Those people deserve to be paid. Simply recording yourself playing a video game and adding your own commentary, entertaining or not, does not warrant compensation""

This I agree with. However, video walkthroughs are very useful.

Underworld3802d ago Show
Volkama3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

If they're making money off these channels they should be held accountable to the same regulations as any other party doing so. The original content is protected.

But in most cases stopping these channels is lose-lose. The author loses out, whoever produced the source material loses out, the audience loses out.

Note Google/Youtube do not gain from this either. They have to do this because it is their responsibility.

Expect these channels to re-surface, with the correct and proper agreements in place. A potential legal s***storm will be controlled.

6YardsOut3802d ago Show
rainslacker3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

Or they'll do it less. When they can devote their life to it, then obviously they can put more time and effort into it.

So lets all cheer for less content, with lower quality. Lets all cheer that we're going back to the system where only the big boys like IGN, GameInformer, or GameSpot, get any major exposure because they are big, even though their content is essentially the same, and sometimes of lower quality.

Hoorah that these people can't make money anymore. I know it will be better for all of us, and there is no reason to appreciate the quality content that some of these channels provided. /s

Personally I don't care if these people make money off it. If they can provide content that enough people feel is worth watching then I'm OK with that. Angry Joe's interview with Larry Hybb at E3 was one of the best I saw. But yeah, let the major publications who are more interested in maintaining the status quo run the show.

I can't believe you got a well said. Do that many people really think that these people don't love video games? They wouldn't have started doing all this if they didn't. The fact they can make a living off it is just a bonus that allows them to pursue their hobby in a meaningful way. I can't believe anyone on here wouldn't do the same if given the opportunity.


The biggest problem with all this mess is that it's flagging content that isn't under copyright. There is something called the fair use act, and what these 2 particular guys are doing falls under that, as they are doing reviews and adding their own commentary. As such, they can use clips from the content to "illustrate the point", as Joe puts it.

If these guys were just uploading full game videos with no added commentary, then I might agree with you, but the let's play with commentary actually do fall under fair use, whether the publishers like it or not.

Volkama3801d ago

"The biggest problem with all this mess is that it's flagging content that isn't under copyright. There is something called the fair use act, and what these 2 particular guys are doing falls under that..."

I'm not going to pretend I have looked into the intricacies at all. If what you say is accurate and these channels fall under an established 'fair use' act then I agree, there should not be extra barriers put up that impede what they're doing.

frostypants3801d ago Show
frostypants3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

@Rainslacker: "The biggest problem with all this mess is that it's flagging content that isn't under copyright. There is something called the fair use act, and what these 2 particular guys are doing falls under that, as they are doing reviews and adding their own commentary."

The fair use act prevents those companies from coming after them legally. It doesn't stop Youtube from voluntarily taking the content down for whatever reason they feel like, even if it does make them look like a-holes for doing so.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3801d ago
TBONEJF3802d ago

The Hell with UTUBE WITH IT'S COPYRIGHT protective act B.S.

ELCUCO3802d ago ShowReplies(2)
WorldGamer3802d ago

Well, the traffic to their website will just diminish, probably quite a bit too. I don't think they realize how huge video game content on their site really is.

Maybe they made a business decision and determined that this wasn't a huge deal. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

MestreRothN4G3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

"I don't think they realize how huge video game content on their site really is."

Do you really think they don't have this information in exact terms and aren't very much informed on the direct immediate impact of the decision?


WorldGamer3802d ago Show
AtomicGerbil3802d ago

Google have made plenty of stupid decisions over the last twelve months regarding YouTube. I believe wholeheartedly that they are ignorant enough to shoot themselves in both feet like this.

MestreRothN4G3802d ago

They obviously can go to routes that will harm their interests. Any people or company can.

Now... Doubting that they know the exact extent of the "gaming community" on Youtube is 100% juvenile. They know exactly how many videos are there, how many hits they get, how many people watch and return, which video is profitable or no, and you can bet this is put in consideration.

My guess? Not having to deal with so many "rightful" (in the eyes of lays and license agreements) reports is their target and there is where they hope to save money. So now a bot does the initial work.

SecondSon3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

@Flatbattery, just because we have hated a lot of their choices doesn't mean they were stupid or wrong. Google+ comments was executed amazingly over 2-3 years, it is part of a far greater plan then you think it is. Every one of their moves including this has a strategy plan behind it.

@WorldGamer are you kidding me when you say " I don't think they realize how huge video game content on their site really is"??? O.o

You do know Google has 5 cookies on N4G tracking what site you will click next? They know who watches gaming videos and what they do online, even what they buy. The reason why they are so important today is because they are statistical geniuses and they have a huge amount of data.

They know better then most companies how much of a gamer each of their user is. Their target audience isn't gamers, its every person using a computer or smartphone. (Google Chrome OS, Android Cloud OS in the future) Its everybody! with a company that has so many products any shift in a different direction to get to the end goal is going to kick out people and bring in new ones, possibly kicking out gamers today to bring on-board video game developers in the future.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3802d ago
Murad3802d ago

My guess is something else is a bigger threat than views; and it's most likely companies.

rainslacker3801d ago

This actually extends beyond just gaming though. It will affect the music and movie industry and content providers as well.

However, you're probably right. Youtube will be in trouble though if cute cat videos ever go out of fashion.

If YouTube doesn't relax the policies then some other site will take up the call and capitalize off it. In the world of the internet, it doesn't take much to ruin what you have and another big player to emerge. YouTube is just going backwards, instead of adapting with the times. Which is odd coming from Google, although not entirely unexpected.

snake_eater3802d ago ShowReplies(7)
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Welshy319d ago

Wasn't this touted as a feature of Stadia previously and never came to fruition? I swear I remember a whole thing about "watching a youtuber play Assassins Creed? Just hit the embedded play button and immediately jump to exactly where they are in the game!"

just_looken319d ago

It was then it came out in beta i tried it then like alot of google stuff poof gone into the either.

Now its back no doubt behind there youtube paywall crap after you buy the game sense they supported stadia so well you know this will get all that support also.

gold_drake319d ago

google should be more focusing on their google play games to function on pcs already.

i dont wanna wait any longer haha

just_looken319d ago

Windows 11 can do that right now

Though yes janky it would be nice if it was from google but like m$ and its xbox pc app these trillion dollar companies take there time on everything.

GoodGuy09319d ago

Makes sense. Youtube is...a very big platform and been around very long lol. If I could go to a game streaming tab on my youtube app instantly, that'd be cool honestly.


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Ozzy2407673d ago

PSVR version has the original vector game in it. Plays great in VR