
Xbox One: Hard Drive Full at 362GBs

IGN- To test its capacity, IGN installed 20 games on the system before we reached capacity at 362GBs out of 500GBs. Results may vary.

FlameHawk3803d ago

Lol no wonder they didn't want to show how much GBs your Xbox One has, so much GB already gone.

zeal0us3803d ago

I expected to be at least 460-480gbs but 362gb come on

Sephiroushin3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

What you were expecting is almost impossible to achieve, in fact its impossible...
When a "500GB" HDD is manufactured it will tell you that on the box ("500 GB") and its in fact a 500GB, what the box do not tell you is that its an "unformatted 500GB" HDD, if you want to use that 500GB HDD you'll need to format it, and it actually becomes a ~465GB HDD, that w/o the OS or anything else...

OT: I cannot believe the OS + included apps takes around 90 GB of it, that's massive !

TomShoe3802d ago

They better get working on that external drive solution, and fast.

Army_of_Darkness3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Maybe MS lied and its actually 400GB HDD! Oh my!? or maybe the OS is just that powerful??! LOL

NatureOfLogic3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

I know PS4 allows over 400GBs, plus you can read and manage your space unlike Xbox One. Overall, Xbox One is just a beta box right now. I'm sure It'll be fixed in 2014 like most of the lacking or missing features. Imho, Xbox One is clearly not ready. It's not worth the current asking price imo.

Seriously MS this is 2013 ffs. For $500, you shouldn't hide the HDD space from the user.

M1ST4K33802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

@Sephiroushin you really think a formatting table takes 500-"~465" = 35GB of disk space!? Oh boy... that's SO wrong...

What you might argue is that when they tell you 500GB they are (conveniently) using the scientific notation of 1 Giga = 10^9 and not the one used in Computer Science (1 Giga = 2^30) (Every HDD is marketed this way...)

So, scientific notation:
500 GB = 500 * 10^9 bytes
To get the real value you divide this value by 2^30:
500*10^9 / 2^30 = 465 GibiBytes (gibi is used to know that 1k = 1024 instead of 1000)

Or you can see it this way:
500 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 bytes
Computers see:
465 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes

And now I fly away leaving you guys a wall...

TL;DR: A different unit dimension is used when HDD are marketed to make them seem "bigger"

I_am_Batman3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

It's just the difference between GB and GiB. I'll switch from giga to kilo to explain the difference.

1kB = 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes
1KiB = 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes

So giga is decimal while gibi is binary.

Now the important part: The hard drive is labelled in gigabyte but most systems display the volume in gibibyte.

So when it shows 465GB it actually means 465 GiB which equals 500 GB.

Edit: Damn too slow.

EL Lanf3802d ago

@M1ST4K3 You are correct however MS is one of the few major OS producers that actually take giga to mean 1024 x mega rather than 1000 x mega. As far as I'm aware, Apple's various OS's and some other do use the recent (and lexicologically accurate) definition of 1000 and refer to 1024 as gibi rather than giga.

It's really false advertising on MS's behalf if they use mixed standards.

thehitman3802d ago

Its probably all the software that comes with the OS. Not sure how much pre-installed crap they put on it but it seems like a lot. Sony also has a bunch of pre-installed stuff I wish I could take off but doesn't effect me too much. MS is 2x as bad though with the space management. Worst part is you cant change your HD w/o voiding your warranty with the xb1 lol. Talk about all in one /s.

assdan3802d ago

You're an idiot if you thought that. A 500gb hard drive doesn't actually provide 500gb EVER. I would expect a minimum of 400gb though.

Mosiac773802d ago

If I paid $500 for this system I should have the right to see how much GB of space I have left. MS are getting me mad already. They better give me the option to see the amount of space I have left or they can forget me supporting this system when it comes to buying software for it.

UltimateMaster3802d ago

It's somewhere around 125Gb, it could be more, but someone already made a test and saw that it was around that size.

indysurfn3802d ago

Microsofts own website has a chart in the answers section showing what a unformatted drive is after formatting. The answer for the 500GB is 465Ggib in capacity. I 465gb-362gb=103gb No Microsoft operating system is 103GB Even the large ones fit on a dvd, some of that has to be pre loaded content, and or reserved space. Is it instant ads? An insane amount of preferred Apps? Surprise free games? Surprise free movies? A huge reserve to insure 3rd parties have what they want for content downloaded automatically? All of the above?


Back-to-Back3802d ago

"460-480gbs" Spoken like someone who has never used an MS OS.

500gb hdd has about 460gb useable space. Then you take into account MS adding their OS on top of it. Its a heavy OS, but thats why MS needed their HDD to be upgradeable like the ps3/4

Volkama3802d ago

There is hardly anything pre-installed, most of the apps download and install the first time you use them.

Who knows what takes all that space, hopefully IGN were smart enough to take a fresh system and not one they've been using?

External storage definitely needs to happen soon. Right after they give me my dolby digital and chat adapter for headsets.

mewhy323802d ago

Wow. That's a lot of space used up before you even start using the thing.

tee_bag2423802d ago

A 500 GB HDD loses 35GB after a format no matter what. So we're left with 465. So if its full at 362GB that means the OS is 103GB !!! Holey $hit. That's more bloat than a 4 x full Windows 7 installations!

wampdog293802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

@Sephiroushin and zeal0us:

Actually, on top of that, there is something MANY people do not know about quoted hard drive sizes. It's actually funny that Microsoft is mainly a software/OS company and yet they STILL report the manufacturers quoted hard drive space. HDD manufacturers report HDD space as being 1000 bytes equals 1 Megabyte instead of the actual 1024 bytes equals 1 Megabyte. Continuing this real-world logic into Gigabytes would show that there is 7% less space than what is reported in a "500GB" HDD. The real world number comes out to 465.54GBs. So, a completely unused, 500GB hard drive only has 465.54GBs of real-world space. Then, you have the OS and other software and drivers as well as preloaded apps and other sectioned off space (maybe things like virtual memory for example).

Of coarse, this is only under Windows... every other OS uses even numbers in 1 Mbyte = 1000 bytes

KwietStorm_BLM3802d ago

I can make a wild guess why you got all those agrees, but it's so illogical to expect 480gigs free on a 500GB hard drive, that it's laughable. 362 still sucks though.

nukeitall3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

Remember when the PS3 didn't have cross game chat because resources weren't set aside?

Well PS3 still doesn't have that feature!

Point being MS probably reserved the space for something. Maybe for caching, bigger apps, video recording and so on. Heck, maybe IGN is just wrong....

For now the vast majority ain't going to hit the limit, and an update is coming for external hard drive so what's the big deal?

Well except for fangirls....

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3801d ago
vigilante_man3802d ago

PS4 has 409GB left after install and system patches. Must be the 3 OS's even though they are run in virtual machines you still need the OS files. Windows 8 must take a few gig, even stripped down.

This is fine as long as you can change the hard drive to 1TB+.

There again, 20 next gen digital games is a lot. Guess that's why we have bluray capacity for games.

I currently have about 40% of my games digital on PS3. Guess I may do the same on PS4 until I get a 1.5TB-2TB drive.

ThePope3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

They could have said 480 of 500gb and you witch hunting fool's would be like; That's super weak, no wonder they didn't...insert some lame recycled hate. News flash people that own the Xbox One love the system and this won't change that. Get over it. I know, I know your thinking but, but, 1080p!!!!!!! You guys are like a bunch of children in a room all shouting at the top of your lungs. "Xbox, be awesome" oh wait it already is that...

bsquwhere3802d ago

Wha..? Am I having a stroke? What did he just say? ^

pacosanchez883802d ago

"'xbox be awesome' oh wait it already is that..." wow, just wow.

ThePope3802d ago

Read it again. I mean't every word. Holla.

Back-to-Back3802d ago

@ThePope sounds like someone doesnt understand how HDD's work.

LastRequest3802d ago


Or apostrophes and contractions.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3802d ago


Firstly im the pope
Secondly Never go full retard.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3802d ago
lpc3802d ago

Microsoft Maderchod kuttay liars hain

whome3802d ago

maybe dat cloud takes up alot of space. or its a special program for the nsa to use.

Magicite3802d ago

my 1tb hdd has 930gb, so logically 500gb hdd should have around 465gb. My WIN8 OS takes around 35GB of space (all apps, but no games, included).

TrueJerseyDevil3802d ago


It is "The CLoud" that is taking up 90gbs

kingduqc3802d ago

Hard disk problem: Only a console thing. lol 2.5 inch 5400 rpg HDD is ridicoulous for both xbones and ps4

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Waits for Official over priced Xbox exteral HDD's..

3-4-53802d ago

Zat is passetic und ya.

So what happens when people want to own more than 20 games for XB1 ?

Hopefully they have been working on a solution that works.

Codey473801d ago

Unfortunately that solution is under NDA......

Megaton3801d ago

Wait... you can't manage your storage on the bone?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3801d ago
Concertoine3803d ago

wow, hard drives gonna fill up faaaaaast.
they should do this experiment on ps4.

Bigpappy3803d ago

Correct. I am sure this is not exclusive to X1. Anyway, I expect some acceptable solutions to be presented in the near future. Since the drive is built in, I would expect them to have an external option, which they already said is coming.

In the mean time I would just delete games that I would not be going back to anytime soon. 20 full games is plenty.

Concertoine3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Yeah, but that's not including game updates, DLC, and hardware updates. And seeing how devs seem to only be getting lazier and lazier as their quality standards dwindle further to reach that beloved fall release, we're looking at some BF3 situations where there's like an additional 10 gigs of patches to get the game at a quality level. Not all cases, but an increasing number.
With all that, i'm seeing more like 16 games and a little wiggle room for good measure. An external hard drive will be a necessity a LOT sooner than we hoped.

Qrphe3802d ago

Wii U Basic ordeal all over again

ExCest3802d ago


Well, game updates and hardware updates usually just overwrite older files (note: usually) so those don't really count too much. DLC does but I doubt 1-3gb DLC (and usually lower) will warrant that much space.

Concertoine3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Fair enough. I just remembered having 12 gigs of BF3 updates stacked on top of each other xD i guess i could've deleted most of that >_>

SilentNegotiator3802d ago

I bet all of the marbles that there isn't over 100GB of unusable space on Ps4.

static52453802d ago

But the problem is that the X1 doesn't have any extra memory space to it until they fix the external memory. The PS4 you can at least switch the HDD. Do we know when the X1 is releasing the external storage fix?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3802d ago
Sephiroushin3803d ago

Go to setting > system storage management on the PS4, it tells you how many space the PS4 has, (it should have around 408 GB of free space for you to use); how many games/apps can be installed? that I don't know, maybe it has a cap on games/applications installed at the same time (just like the PSV which is 100 apps), maybe it does not, who knows!

Concertoine3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

Thanks, +helpful. I do not yet own a ps4 or xbox one but i am interested in buying one eventually.

Why did IGN conduct this test then? Can you not see a storage menu on the xbone at this point in time? That'd be silly considering the 360 has one.



I don't have a Xbox One but from what I read that seens exactly the case: there's no option/feature to see how filled your HDD is on Xbox One. I believe this is something they'll have to update.

Visiblemarc3802d ago

You don't have to do this experiment on PS4, it clearly displays your available space. Assuming it's not misrepresentative of what's there, there would be no point.

OrangePowerz3802d ago

As Sephi said on the PS4 you can see how much space is used up.

The Xbox One doesn`t show you the amount of store available, there is no data/save game management option on the console besides of being able to uninstall games and apps, but it doesn`t say how much space it has at all and how much is used.

curtis923802d ago

1tb hybrid drive, $129 @ best buy, probably quite a bit cheaper online. I'd much rather replace the system hard drive than have some external hooked up. No idea why MS won't allow this without breaking warranty.

duli143802d ago

On the ps4 you can actually check how much memory is available and manage it accordingly, you don't have to install games untill it maxes out.

cell9893802d ago

they dont have to, because the PS4 shows the capacity of your HDD and you can tell from there how much space you got left. It would be pointless

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3802d ago
FITgamer3803d ago

Makes going all digital a lot more appealing, doesn't it? :s)


Worst part is that it made going all physical complicated too! Because now we have to install every game, sometimes as big as 50gb, you can no longer just decide to play a random game of your 20+ game library, even if you have 2TB HDD, it may still require deleting and installing stuff before playing depending on the size of your games.

Yay technology. Making us wait more than we had to last gen (and that goes for both MS and Sony).

Lowsnamebrand3802d ago

Ps4 installs the data as you play I was able to boot up Killzone instantly and after 10 mins or so it said Killzone had been installed

LGM3133803d ago

Bub but how about the cloud?

MEGANE3803d ago

U see, thats what pisses me off, misleading information. and that goes for PS4 too. if they advertise 500G of storage u should be able to use it all, not 362G....how can they used over 100G of storage of the 500G? beats me!

KratosSaveUs3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

That's not possible because per installed stuff like the ui and junk take up memory. At least on PS4 you can upgrade your HDD anytime you want up to 2TB. But when I do get a Xbone (when the price comes way down) 500GB PR however much is available to use will be enough because I will only use my Xbone for exclusives like Halo.

cell9893802d ago

you bring up a good point

Bathyj3802d ago

Are you new to harddrives?

Visiblemarc3802d ago

Good question Bathyj...one has to wonder.

Back-to-Back3802d ago

It he chose an xbone he clearly
a. doesnt care about specs
b. doesnt understand specs

Either way I put him in the uninformed crowd that MS has made a killing off.

MEGANE3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

No... Im not, but letme ask u this; PS2 had any hard drive? Some people will say not, but I fact it has some sorth of storage for ui and other stuff but it was NOT accessible to us. Thats my point, I dont care if ui requires 200G, but if they said it come 500 y should I care if I can oly use 362G. Just freaking adv 362G.

I k it has never be like this in the history of storage devices, but when they take more than 30% off, we shoul be concern.

Can some one tell me how much of the wiiu is accessible, out of thr 32G?

StoneyYoshi3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )


Protip: Proofread your comment before you post it. It makes no sense.

On topic:
Every HDD does this. It says it is 500GB but that is not fully available to you. Same thing goes for phones, Ipod's, cameras, anything with internal storage. Its not misleading information. You just don't know how HDD's work. But i do agree that there is some space that is being taken away from you on the XB1 that makes you wonder whats taking it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3802d ago
torchic3802d ago (Edited 3802d ago )

it has never, EVER been like that for ANY storage device in the history of forever, from electronic devices to actual hard storage devices (well in recent history)

even when you buy those tiny little MicroSD cards you never get the amount specified on the box.

how old are you? there's no way a person over 13yo would not know this by now.

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KwietStorm_BLM10h ago

I thought I escaped this nightmare when I was a kid.

Shane Kim9h ago

Same. Looks like it's still haunting us.

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anast2h ago

I wish it were single player. This could have been a Dead by Daylight DLC.