
Xbox One allows us to "turn everything up and up and up", says Need for Speed: Rivals developer

OXM: "Senior producer discusses frame rate, resolution and "evocative" sunrises"

MultiConsoleGamer3851d ago

What bloated hyperbole. "Up and up and up." What does that even mean?

PR talk aside, I enjoy this series and will definitely pick up a copy of the next game.

bicfitness3851d ago

It means everything except anti-aliasing and ansiotropic filtering, both of which Forza is clearly lacking. At least its 1080p. So there's that. But as far as being impressive on a technical level, it falls flat. MS need to stop with the chest pounding on specs and focus on what makes their box different and worth the extra $100. It certainly isn't power people are paying for. So what is it that makes the X1 and its games and features unique. That should be the question they are seeking to answer and the messaging they are conveying to consumers.

dirigiblebill3851d ago

"MS need to stop with the chest pounding on specs and focus on what makes their box different and worth the extra $100."

The interview is with a chap from EA.

Volkama3850d ago (Edited 3850d ago )

And it isn't about Forza. We've progressed from not reading full articles to not even reading the titles :)

Good catch on the cars theme though.

Dread3850d ago


I just spilled my coffee when I read your post.

That was too funny dude..bubbles up

kickerz3850d ago

I think maybe it's you beating your chest. Like a gorilla in a jungle

ambientFLIER3850d ago

Volkama...second time I bubble you up in 30 seconds. Lol.

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Bigpappy3851d ago

It means they keep finding more ways to improve performance (more juice if you will). Don't worry, he did say anything negative about PS4.

mightyhokie3850d ago

someone disagreed with this?? wow. talk about blinders...

people, some friendly advice:
never, ever refuse to enjoy a good Spinal Tap reference.

Knushwood Butt3851d ago

Up and up and up, into teh cloud.

MotoDot3850d ago

I died from laughing xD

kickerz3850d ago (Edited 3850d ago )

I like the cloud.. I just wana roll around in those nice white fluffy servers.

Saviour3851d ago

well if they praise ps4, thn "its amazing tech piece" but when its xbox thn "What bloated hyperbole". meh fanboys!

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Belking3851d ago

Thats because xbox is custom design and not thrown together shelved pc parts.

MysticStrummer3851d ago

A custom design that results in lower power seems like an odd choice, but MS can run their business how they please.

XxGOWxX3851d ago

I find it funny how "gamers" are focusing on pure hardware specs and not on the actual games being made for each console. Its like they dont care about what theyre playing as long as its the best hardware theyre playing it on. Very interesting.

Utalkin2me3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )


Well i think people are more pointing out hardware is cause, in the last 2 generations of consoles who has put out better games? MS or Sony? Sony has a great track record of pushing boundaries of game on a technical level and a gameplay level with their first party studios. So i wouldn't see why it would be any different this time around.

Considering you just joined 2 weeks ago.

MysticStrummer3850d ago (Edited 3850d ago )

@GOW - Specs are being focused on because for months there was denial from MS and their diehard fans about which way the wind was blowing. As more information came out confirming that forecast, the denial continued. 720p was predicted. That prediction was scoffed at, then proven. Then, days later, the same people who predicted 720p were being scoffed at again about another prediction. They had just been proven correct, yet suddenly their next prediction was automatically worthless. Yesterday, someone actually said the whole resolution thing was a "stunt" by Sony, as if MS didn't respond by saying resolution isn't everything. There would be no reason whatsoever for MS to say that if PS4 wasn't really pushing a higher resolution, but this particular person refused to acknowledge that simple fact.

Does the power gap matter in terms of gameplay? Maybe, maybe not. Hard to say at this point, but Best Games and Best Specs are two different conversations. I don't think the focus on specs is any more interesting than any other "I told you so" situation. Should it matter for people who really want to play XB exclusives? No, it shouldn't. In the end, who has the best games is entirely subjective. The same can't be said when you start comparing things like resolution, and no… upscaling isn't just as good when you're comparing what each console is pushing visually.

Jeedai Infidel3850d ago

XxGOWxX, I think it's time we differentiate gaming enthusiasts from console enthusiasts.

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3851d ago Replies(1)
3851d ago Replies(1)
Sadist33851d ago

But I thought the Xbox One couldn't do 1080p...

Childprod1gy3851d ago

It can do 1080p fine, but because it's new technology it'll take a little bit for developers to get used to it and make games that run better on both consoles. Forza is also 1080p, just because somebody says something won't work doesn't mean it won't, look into stuff, don't hang on other peoples word. That my friend is how Hitler became a leader.

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Top 10 Best Need for Speed Games of All Time, Ranked

After nearly three decades of NFS games, here's a list of the best Need For Speed titles that have ever been released in the past years, ranked by The Nerd Stash.

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Ranking the Need for Speed games - from the bad to the great

Paul writes: "Without further ado, here is my list of the best and worst Need For Speed games in the history of the world! I'll run worst to best, so if you want to know which is the best ever Need for Speed game, you’ll have to read on."

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OneEyedSteve1756d ago

Most wanted 2012 imo was awful, on PS3 the graphics are dreadful, and the crash cam was very annoying. Rival is the worst imo, hated that game. My favourite is Hot Pursuit, great game. Also Shift 1&2 are really good.

OnlyThoseOnTheFence1756d ago

High Stakes will always be my favorite. Great cars, great music, and you could see through the windows which was pretty mind-blowing at the time. Best of all it was ricer-free.

steven83r1756d ago

Lame. The list doesn't even include any of the originals. NFS 1 and NFS hot Pursuit 1998. Must be a youngster who created the list.

CYALTR1755d ago

He clearly stated that being this was an Xbox centered site he was going to limit his list to games that released on some form of Xbox. He also stated he had been playing them since OG PLaystation, so pretty sure he's not a "youngster"

Retroman1756d ago (Edited 1756d ago )

From my personal experience NFS I personally don't like.......
The Worst : Underground 2 , Carbon, Prostreets, Undercover, Porche unleashed, Nitro, NFS World, 2012 Mostwanted, Rivals, 2015 Reboot last but not least Paycrap.
Best NFS I personally like :
All ps1 NFS : HighStakes (the best) including NFS 3 Hotpursuit , ps2 Hotpursuit 2 (Excellent game ) ..Underground ( Best so far)
2005 Mostwanted ( Excellent game) Shift 1/2 (Spectacular) remind me of GT , 2010 Hotpursuit Great game but race Waaaaaaay to long in my personal opinion . Last but not least The Run . these are my favorite NFS titles .
After The Run in my personal opinion NFS went down hill fast with Open world mapping crap, always online, multiplayer crap, alldrive, drifting in every freaking corners, no gripping anymore,autolog. None of this crapfest is NFS original formula. until Ea contract Ghost Games to return the original formula back in NFS it will always be Shitty game.


The 10 Best Need for Speed Games of All Time

For 25 years now the Need for Speed series has kept its fans glued to their seats, but what are the standout titles?

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AdmGenAladeen1848d ago


Those are my favorites. Anything released recently is a big steaming pile of hot garbage.

gammaray131848d ago

NFS on the 3DO was the best by a mile and i wish they would bring that back

FlameWater1848d ago

My favs in order: NFS 3 Hot Pursuit, Hot Pursuit II, Both Undergrounds, Carbon, Prostreet, Shift 2 is a masterpiece

Inzo1848d ago

1. NFS2
2. NFS Most Wanted (Original)
3. NFS Underground2
4. NFS 3

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