
The 5 Worst Gaming Snobs of This Generation

The following list highlights some of the most fun-killing know-it-alls that you tend to encounter as a social gamer. They'll insult you for what you like, marginalize your accomplishments, and generally be a buzzkill. These people need to realize that we're all gamers, and it doesn't matter how you game, we're all part of the same community.

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360ICE3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

There's really only one of these I'd really go as far as calling snobs, and that's PC gamers. I mean, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to prefer PC, graphics included, but some PC gamers do not understand console gamers, because they can't get an ******* unless they're staring at something in 1440p.

While I got the impression that a lot of people were turned off immediately by RYSE because it seemed to be a QTE-fest. Some PC gamers here on N4G seem to think that the game is just now starting to disappoint people because Crytek have lowered their priorities. I'm not saying it's good they did, but I'd rather have an ugly game that plays well than a pretty QTE nightmare. If you'd rather have a pretty QTE-game, than that's great for you, but that's really just your opinion. The article kind of makes that point too.

ifritAlkhemyst3859d ago

There are two types of PC gamers that a console gamer will call a snob.

The first is just that, a snob who ardently believes their platform is superior in every way and cannot conceive of any reason why you would want to play on anything less. They're jerk offs and even I ignore them.

The second is the provoked PC gamer, which I fall into. We really don't care that you like to play on consoles, we might even own one ourselves. What bothers us is when a console gamer says something that is clearly, ridiculously wrong. We correct them. They lash out at us for being douchebag PC gamers instead of, you know, doing a little research and understanding that they were wrong. But god forbid someone admit that on the internet, it's much easier to continue insulting one another.

Oschino19073859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

But why do you care so much if someone clearly isn't sure about what they are saying?

Is it your life mission to correct console gamers who misspoke or do you equally correct pc gamers also when they provoke or talk out of their bungholes?

ifritAlkhemyst3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

@ Oschino:

Obviously anyone. And I don't do it just for gaming, but in life in general.

Imagine sitting in a Composition Lit. class when someone explains that the larger the mass of the animal, the more intelligent the animal is, to give a personal example. Then imagine the entire class blindly agreeing with it. Now imagine that entire class telling other people that same incorrect information, and more people go on believing it. I'm the asshole that stops that misinformation dead in its tracks because it's the right thing to do.

thorstein3859d ago

Most console gamers own PCs and play PC games (oh and mobile (DS and Vita) games as well.

But I would add a sixth snob: The I will purposely rate a game subpar despite its obvious genius snob. (aka the hipster reviewer.) They will also rate mediocre games incredibly high, just to be different.

This is similar to the indie snob, but the hipster reviewer actually has favorite AAA games, which are may be subpar but rated highly by this snob.

MadLad3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

This is very much how it is.
There are actually very few "snob" PC gamers on this site. You only see us go on the attack when, as you said, people make ridiculous comments either against PC gaming or for console gaming.
Hell, I was pretty much purely console gaming until early this year. I still plan on owning the new consoles for their exclusives.
I am definitely pro-pc, but that doesn't make me anti-console. Just have your facts straight before you comment on either because I am the sort of person who will go out of my way to correct you . . . aka a "snob".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3859d ago
darthv723859d ago

they forgot one. 'the (insert demographic) =/= the world' snob. AKA the sales snob.

NarooN3859d ago

You shouldn't say "PC gamer" as a slag-off term, but rather "PC elitist". I have been a PC gamer for ages, but I've never been snobbish about it. I don't see why elitists (and console fanboys) are so adamant about putting others down. I play games, not platforms.

360ICE3859d ago

He used the word PC gamers. I did specify what kind of PC gamers it's reasonable to talk about. So, yeah, basically elitists. But saying that elitists are snobs is like saying that snobs are snobs.

Anyway, all respect to that attitude. I play on PC every now and then too, and can totally see how some people prefer it to console.

MyFeetHurt3859d ago

i fall into provoked pc gamer. i also have an xbox and will be buying xbox one. Love consoles.

just dont try and tell me that any console graphics could be considered "high end."

i have paid to much $$$ on my rig to allow you to tell that lie.

zeal0us3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

Some console gamers can be just as snobby as some PC gamers. All PC gamers aren't alike and the same can be said about all console gamers. Sadly both sides tend to get generalize base off the bad apples.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3859d ago
3859d ago Replies(4)
Hazmat133859d ago

PC people are annoying but that does not show off the entire fan base, i just started PC gaming are i met a few nice people who love PC and console gaming. as for J-Blaze thats falls in the ye old PS VS Xbox.

Majin-vegeta3859d ago

For some reason he has an agenda against ND but for the life of me i can't quite figure it out.Hmm ND must have kicked his puppy or something oh well.

darthv723859d ago

Yeah its strange. they are a naughty dog....not a bad dog.

FantasticBoss3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

But... Naughty Dog makes great games, and your quickness to jump onto the PS3 fan boy hate train and bash one of the PS3's most respected devs Mr. Blaze doesn't exactly make you look level headed and impartial.

MyFeetHurt3859d ago

like their only respected dev

TheSsus3859d ago

Sony Santa Monica say "Hi der".

MyFeetHurt3859d ago

whos that supposed to be.

santa monica? sounds gross.

king_george3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )


Dumbass -_-

StockpileTom3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

I'm sorry but it is ridiculous that I can go through assassin's creed games just parry spamming (with a single button and no timing) hordes of foes and coming out victorious and undamaged. If there is no legit chance of failure then how is it a game? How is it fun?

I do love a good story but when the gameplay doesn't match up with the story well it ruins the immersion.

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GTA 5’s cut “James Bond Trevor” DLC was already part-shot, actor says

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Killer2020UK16d ago

More interested in money than giving fans what they want. Such a shame

CrimsonWing6916d ago

With the amount of money they generated, I just don’t understand the scrubbing of this. It would’ve been fantastic for fans.

Profchaos16d ago

I really want to know who drove the decision to focus on multiplayer was it Rockstar or take two.

Because when online started taking off many of the studio leads began having falling outs and leading including a founder

Demetrius15d ago

Ikr mfs that greedy it's ridiculous

andy8516d ago

This makes me sad. Trevor was one of my favourite characters in gaming

Demetrius15d ago

One of the reason I believe once gta 6 release, most of us thoroughly play it, enjoy the world they crafted then after that no offline support, no dlc at all

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