
PS4 development 'not that big of a change' from PS3, says Battlefield 4 dev

PSU writes:

"Battlefield 4’s multiplayer head honcho Aleksander Grondal has revealed that developing the military shooter for PlayStation 4 didn’t prove much of a difference in comparison to working on the PlayStation 3."

n4rc3913d ago

That's kinda odd... Wouldn't have expected a statement like that

pedrof933913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

“For us, it’s not that much of a difference really. We have a scalable engine – it was already ‘next-gen ready,’ if you will, when we shipped Battlefield 3,” said Grondal."

It means that the transition goes automatic ? And not manual ? Is this why i 60 fps on 1080p is not possible ?

Skate-AK3913d ago

No. They mean that they can work on all the versions at the same time but still get the most out of each platform. The only way for BF3/BF4 to be on PS3/360 is because they could scale it down from PC. 24 players, 30FPS and not even real 720p. That is where the the scalable engine comment comes from.

Army_of_Darkness3913d ago

Maybe if EA didn't develop BF4 simultaneously on all platforms, the Xbone and PS4 versions would actually be 1080p @ 60fps no problem!! -_-
Damn EA!

xxxsiegezzz3913d ago Show
Kleptic3913d ago

^no...they have plenty of 'power'...what is obvious now though, at least through most of the release window, is that tapping the power needed to get 1080p/60hz out of what seems like most games so far...takes so much time in optimization and everything...that its not a realistic goal...THAT is what sucks...both consoles are fine power wise...

the PC market, and the way it works, completely skews multiplatform development efficiency...NO PC game is completely optimized, but listed requirements for what type of PC hardware you need for a specific game completely screws up what 'we' see as acceptable hardware...then specs for a new console show up and everyone sits around acting like they have any real idea how powerful it is, good or bad...

PC stuff is so cheap and available anymore that any particular dev can nail down crazy high resolutions and framerates almost without trying...but console hardware is much more specific...it takes a lot of clever programming and time to get everything optimized...BUT...the hardware is set, so you only need to do it once...this is exactly why a lot of launch games fall well below what future releases run like...but whatever, i'm still disappointed that next gen doesn't start with the standards we were pretty much promised in 2006...

Dir_en_grey3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Multi-plat developers use middleware(the "engine" they talk about here) that transfers the same work to different platforms (plus some tweeks of course)

So the result can only be as good as how good the middleware was made, think of it as a "google translator" for different languages.

That is why PS3 multi-plats suffered at first because of the middle ware they use. Even now if a developer don't update their middle ware you will see the same bad results as early PS3 ports. "The Cell" was a completely different language and even the middleware makers didn't really know how to speak it at first.

But PS4 is a different case now. It's the easiest language to speak. But to the developers that uses these middlewares, the easiest way to explain would be that they are just putting the stuff they write into a "translator" sorta speak so the process would be the same.

Conzul3913d ago

Scalable engines tend to be less optimized for their target platform. No wonder PS4 BF4 looks a bit mediocre.

DAS6923913d ago

It is possible... The game is not done.

Gaming1013913d ago

All it means is they scale the engine to the capabilities of the console. It's project management speak, if you don't know anything about business or development, you won't understand the statement. It doesn't mean they're the same console, it means the project management aspects are the same, you take your engine and scale to a console.

ohiostatesman3912d ago

Worse multiplatform games on PS4 confirmed?

WarThunder3912d ago (Edited 3912d ago )

We don't need another US soldiers rambo style generic shooter...
They can shove their game in their ars.

Gaijin" "PS4 is so powerful, and the architecture is similar to PC, so it’s much easier to maintain simultaneous updates."

A small russian studio says ps4 is similar to PC and yet so called big dev like dice say PS4 is like PS3? lol what a amateur studio.


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3912d ago
Skate-AK3913d ago

Did you only read the title?

"We do parallel development for all platforms, so, for us, [moving on to PS4] is not really that big of a change."

n4rc3913d ago

Its a misleading title then.. And no I havent read it yet

So they aren't really moving from ps3 to ps4.. They are moving from pc to ps4..

Just saying... imagining the cell isnt much different then x86 would make alot of statements ovrr the years suspect.. Lol

Skate-AK3913d ago

It is misleading and it isn't. It just needs more context. He is saying there is nothing different about working on BF4 for PS4 because the engine can scale across all sorts of different hardware.

Ju3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

If you read this here: http://dice.se/publications...

then you'd see that Dice has invested a lot into the PS3 and how their render technology is based on jobs, deferred renderer, etc.

I am not surprised Dice is continuing that road. Like I said before, developers who understood the PS3 in the past will have an easier live with new gen consoles.

Also, transition from a previous Sony API to a new one is probably easier for them then using DirectX code base.

And yet, because of that, I'd have expected more from BF4...I hope it will materialize eventually. Dice is absolutely pushing the envelope on PS3. I'd have expected the same on PS4.

DeadlyFire3913d ago

They likely will, but I wouldn't count on one opinion of the graphics without seeing them in motion first hand.

shimme013913d ago

Me neither. But DICE has really smart engine developers who were one of the few studios who didn't whine about the intricacies of the ps3 but capitalized on them.

Kleptic3913d ago

all i know is the gamescom ps4 video for BF4 with only 16 players...looked pretty bad...and honestly not a whole hell of a lot better than the PS3 version of Bf3...just nice and smooth...that was the only difference i could really see...

however...i played over 50 hours of the ps3 bf3 beta back in 2011...which released just a month before the full game...and the difference in fidelity between the beta and finished product was literally night and day...there were entire layers of renderer missing from the beta version...

so i very much do trust Dice with this stuff...only this time i'm in a very different position...I finally have a PC 'ready' for it, just waiting to see on these upcoming AMD gpu deals (certain cards ship with a full game code)...and since bf4 is really the only 'next gen' title i'm interested in for the time being...its pretty realistic i'll be waiting for a Ps4 well in to 2014...

jdfoster3913d ago

Check this really interesting 'lecture' from Mark Cerny. He explains how eventhough ps4 is more powerful it's easy to develop for just as much as the PS1 was... Really interesting to watch.

papashango3913d ago

Cerny! Cerny! Cerny!

get your daily Cerny fix here!

JunioRS1013913d ago

Did you read the article?

He's basically saying:

"We have an easily-scaled game engine, so it was easy to scale down to PS4 just like it was easy to scale down to PS3"

He's not really saying anything about the similarities of the two systems' architectures.

xtremeimport3913d ago

Glad Killzone us at 60fps.
Once again, 1st parties getting the most out of the console...obviously easier since they are fully dedicated to one platform.

tee_bag2423913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Appples and Oranges mate. Great KZ is running at 60fps. But doesn't change the fact that BF4 is going to suck at less 1080p and 30FPS...again

That's just good enough which ever way you slice it

xtremeimport3912d ago

Well, I just mean't it in the sense that it is possible. There seem to be some people who are saying that this generation can't do 60fps.

well, we know it can be done..so hopefully that pushes devs to not be so lazy and accept the minimum.

Crazyglues3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

@ n4rc

Well the reason is because DICE is a third party developer.. (therefore they are just trying to get there game to run on both platforms) Nex gen consoles are basically like coding for PC's now, so the engine just dumbs down the PC version.

So while a 1st party developer will more then likely push the system -because there, the game will only be on PS4 - so when they put a nice trick to get a better shadier or more texture they don't have to worry about that won't run on the Xboxone.

So BF4 on PS4 will just be the Xboxone version, it won't be better on PS4 like AC4 because the developer has done a deal with Microsoft, which get's them DLC first and ensures the Xboxone is the lead version.

||.........___||............ ||

Syntax-Error3913d ago

I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS DAY ONE!!! PS4 IS AN UPDATED PS3. There's nothing new but prettier pictures

xtremeimport3913d ago

You're aware of how ridiculous this comment is, right?

Syntax-Error3913d ago

Why because you don't like to hear someone tell the truth so you can keep believing you're buying something innovative? Yeah whatever makes you sleep at night.

aaron58293913d ago

erm.. i dont think you have problem understanding english... so i assume you didnt read the article.

Tuviejacalata3913d ago

and for prettier pictures.. you might as well get a pc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3913d ago
TBONEJF3913d ago

I would tell them make a different game and stop making sequels

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3912d ago
GribbleGrunger3913d ago

“We do parallel development for all platforms, so, for us, [moving on to PS4] is not really that big of a change."

We have our answer.

HarryMasonHerpderp3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

So basically they said they are used to developing for different platforms at the same time. Talk about taking things out of context.
Some of these headlines are appalling, they can put a spin on anything to get more clicks.

Iceman_Nightmare3913d ago

screw him, not getting Battlefield 4 anyway. Waiting for next gen Mirrror's Edge !

Gaming_Guru3913d ago

So there is no learning curve, why is this news when the architecture kind of implies this?

Angainor73913d ago

so.. is it the same sh*t developing for?

Ju3913d ago

Actually, some developers prefer the PS3 because you can do "compute" prototyping in C++ and then backport this to shaders.

Traditionally you do things on the CPU first and then try to port whatever you can to some "vector" units (shaders). SPUs give you an intermediate step by moving plain C/C++ code to a vector unit before you throw what's needed at shaders.

Angainor73913d ago

still makes it hard to for most of the developers, basically to put it more accurate.. not as easy as the 360.

starchild3913d ago


I don't know why you are getting so many disagrees.

A lot Playstation fans have been admitting lately that the PS3 was harder to work on and they have been pointing out how much better things are going to be now that the PS4 is much easier to work with.

You are saying the same thing, but they are disagreeing. Why?

Ju3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Well, maybe people disagree with the fact that the 360 is not really easier to work with than the PS3 - not if you want to reach the same result.

You might get quicker results on the 360, but lately almost all games (incl. 3rd party) beat the 360 in performance - latest example Splinter Cell. Not by much and mostly negligible, but there none the less. In fact, the 360 games benefited the most when developers spent time optimizing for the PS3.

TheGrimOfDeath3913d ago

You really came over to start a console flame war didn't you? Even your XBox One picture solidifies that you're a fanboy.

Angainor73913d ago

just because i own a specific console doesn't change the facts my friend. i don't want to start anything.

* when ps fanboys troll xbox articles is ok, huh?

TheGrimOfDeath3912d ago


No it's not okay for PS Fans to troll Xbox fans. I hate every type of trolls or fanboys.

And because you don't own a PS3 or PS4, IT DOES MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE THE FACTS TO COMPARE THEM.

What you have are false facts. The PS4 is stronger than the XBox One in Power.

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot777d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250776d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface775d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop776d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno776d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel777d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps776d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33776d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888776d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH776d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad791d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


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KingofBandits883d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"