
Gamescom: Battlefield 4's Graphics Lacking on PS4

This week at Gamescom, DICE is offering hands-on with Battlefield 4 running on a PS4. How does it look? The answer might surprise you.

Wizziokid3911d ago

Well lets hope they sort out this for launch...

s8anicslayer3911d ago

Your going to see this for all console ports which really is a damn shame. The game looks beautiful running on PC lackluster for PS4 and a no show for Xbox One...hmm!

black0o3911d ago

DICE always works on PC 1st thn consoles .. let's wait and see the game on launch then let's have this talk then

if BF4 can look anything like KZ sf I hve no worries

Muerte24943911d ago

This is a none issue for me. Battlefield 3 felt alot like COD so I bought it and never even played it. Killzone will be holding me over until I upgrade my PC.

tuglu_pati3911d ago


You cant compare BF4 to KZ multiplayer graphics because one has planes, choppers, vehicles total destruction and the other not. All this affect graphics and performance.

LOGICWINS3911d ago

Comparing KZ to BF isn't fair. Shadow Fall doesn't have the same scope of BF and GG devoted ALL their time and energy on the PS4, as opposed to DICE who had to spread out their resources over five different platforms.

AlexanderNevermind3911d ago

People must understand that the specs of the PC used to run BF4 demos would smoke a Console (Dual AMD Radeon HD 7970s and AMD FX-8350 4ghz). I run an AMD FX 8350 and a single 660ti. So my personal machine doesn't compare. Also the majority of PC gamers aren't running in SLI yet. So even they won't match the performance of the rig used for BF4.

All that being said of course the PS4 un-optimized demo will look subpar. Way to early in the game to bitch and moan about the PS4 demo specs imo.

Blackdeath_6633911d ago

yeah it really seems PC is the way to go. i've made the switch to pc just in time for BF4

ABizzel13911d ago

The whole last paragraph of the article sums this up.

"As uninspiring as my demo was visually, it's also important to remember that we are still months away from Battlefield 4's release. It's clearly a work in progress. And most importantly, the game itself is still very much a blast to play. But if today's demonstration is any indication, DICE's commitment to supporting 64-player games and maintaining a solid 60 FPS on next-gen consoles could very well come at the cost of visual fidelity, and as a franchise renowned for its state-of-the-art graphics, it's an unexpected compromise."

It's a work in progress, and if they optimize the game then this is what you should expect to be playing come launch.

660 (PS4) vs. 650 Ti Boost (XB1)

PS4 (7970m)

But with them making BF4 for PC, PS4, XB1, PS3, X360 this is what happens.

StoutBEER3911d ago

@Muerte If you felt like Battlefield was like CoD but you love Killzone?? Imma stay the hell away from Killzone.

3911d ago
GiggMan3911d ago

This is not surprising and it's also the reason I picked up the Killzone SF bundle with my next gen purchase.

Killzone is the only shooter that is coming out with just the next gen in mind. Most AAA games coming out this year are all coming out on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U etc. They are all going to be watered down experiences for the PS4 and Xbox One.

We are going to see the same thing with Watchdogs, AC4, CoD and any other game coming out on current gen hardware being ported to next gen.

NewMonday3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

BF4 was running on a frigging $4000 PC


$4000 vs $400

is difference in graphics 10x ??

thezeldadoth3911d ago

its not going to get much better between now and launch.

JsonHenry3911d ago

If it bother you that much to have subpar graphics then just go buy/build a PC like the rest of us.

If not then enjoy it on the consoles.

We have options people. Just choose yours.

morganfell3911d ago


And Killzone has a hundred times more detail in the environment. Have bothered to look at the game recently?


Ju3911d ago

You can't compare this to KZ:SF? You blind? The opening sequence of KZ dwarfs BF4 in every respect. The draw distance in the cityscape is unmatched. The water shader used for all those water falls, real time reflections, lighting, the "air strips" with moving vehicles, ton of NPCs is nothing but amazing. Given the SP runs 30fps - and yet, all those weather effects made it into the MP and it still runs at full resolution and 60fps.

If Dice scales BF4 down just to reach 60fps this is a massive mistake. But not really a surprise after what surfaced here lately. It looks the same as previous games. Disappointing. Really.

mewhy323911d ago

If it looks bad on the PS4 then the bone version will look like last gen.

SnotyTheRocket3911d ago

Does it have 64 players? Check. Does it have 60FPS? Check. 720p or 1080p? I could care less. If it's fun, and doesn't look worse than BF3 on current gen, I'm fine.

MidnytRain3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )


You won't NEED a four thousand dollar rig to max out Battlefield!

NegativeCreepWA3911d ago

Like I said months ago, I don't care what BF4 looks like as long as it has 64 players like it should.

ProjectVulcan3911d ago

It'll always look better on a good PC. The question is merely how close can DICE actually make the console versions.

Its a big ask knocking out so many versions stretching your team and on new console hardware. If you get 720p/60FPS and similar assets to maximum on PC then you shouldn't complain

Br0nc0B0y273911d ago

they showed BF4 gameplay at microsofts E3 press conference...

thereapersson3911d ago

@ 1.1.18

Ju, that is a (+) bubble-worthy comment you have there!

mikeslemonade3910d ago

I'm not impressed by this game regardless if it's on console or PC. It's visually average in both respects.

Hello_World3910d ago

Yea I switched to PC too. I have so much more fun on PC and if you have the money you should. There is still fun on the consoles, but there is a huge difference in PC and console gaming. And PC gaming is booming too so nows the time to join! Just built a PC with a 7950 about 2 weeks ago and I am so happy I did.

timl2413910d ago

First there was an article stating that BF4 will run at 1080p at 60 fps. Then there was an article saying it would only be 720p. Now this. Do we all see why this website might stretch the truth a little bit. Now granted, I understand its still in its alpha stage, but the console is out in 2 1/2 months. They really shouldn't be having these issues

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
Thisisjuju3911d ago

I do hope they get it looking swish before release.

I remember think how awesome BF3 looked when they released the trailers and then being somewhat disappointed when playing the multilayer on consoles.

I hope BF4 is not the same story. With it being 64 players and 60FPS I am more confident that it wont be.

BlingBlaine3911d ago

How much $$$$$ do those pc's running bf4 cost? 18-2000$?

PS4 $400

So IGN is trash media and we know it, terrible article nothing new from IGN.

andibandit3911d ago

the cheaper the better,

im getting it on ps3[200$]

Andronix3911d ago

The article is comparing the graphics from a tricked out super pc with the PS4, which is silly. Comparing the PS4 to Xbone is understandable - although that wasn't done here.

MWong3911d ago

Hell where is the video footage of this game play that had you worried? That's my question?

I really want to see some BF4 footage on the consoles.

Deadpoolio3911d ago

Thats becasue you can't compare the PS4 to the One80 at the moment since every scrap of every game shown for the One80 were all running on PCs running Windows 7 with Nvidia graphics cards...There has not been one piece of any game shown actually running on a One80

solar3911d ago

We were told by Sony the PS4 is a "Supercharged PC". If it can't produce what a PC now does, it's a bold face lie.

extermin8or3910d ago

@Andronix well other games look superb-killzone, infamous etc so really if its the developers who cant get it running when others can whatever their reasons its on them not the console or Sony's fault

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3910d ago
thetruthx13911d ago

The Xbox version will take advantage of the exclusive directx 11.2 so it'll more than likely perform better

Gozer3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

With the esram, hypervisor, and tiled resources you could possibly be right. They did show BF4 singleplayer running on an X1 devkit at E3 and it looked good.

Mkai283911d ago

I would like to add the X1 has the move engines that takes loads off the GPU/CPU as well..(you know when the PS3 had the weaker GPU but still came out on top due to the cell processors) It also has a custom audio processor that can help the CPU.
So you have DirectX 11.2, 32MBs of eSRAM, hypervisor, custom audio processor, move engines, not including the cloud because its unproven until otherwise.

Sitdown3911d ago

Could you imagine what would happen to the world, or at least n4g,if this game looked better on the xbox one than ps4? There will be riots and looting to the likes that have never been seen before. Or at least reports that there was poor coding and the developers don't understand how to unleash the power of the ps4,all while pointing to Killzone.

Evilsnuggle3911d ago

Thetruthx1 if xbone was the Superior version of battleflied 4 Why not show it on xbone Instead of PS4 . Why would dice want all the Negative stories and negative press I have read 5 Negative Articles on battleflied 4 . The PS4 is the best Game console version that is why they a showing it. All xbone game are having frame rate problems Except for forza 5.

thezeldadoth3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

do not speak such blasphemy on n4g. sony could release a weak tablet and somehow people would claim it has better graphics than xbox

windblowsagain3911d ago

The onebox one pushes less pixels, has less rops, less texture units. Wtf are you on.

I'm surprised they can manage 60fps on it.

Ju3911d ago

Where did this game actually run on physical Xbone HW? Link please.

slimpickens3911d ago

This is incredibly funny! It's like gamers on both sides are looking for any reason to call the other console inferior lol. The Sony fans are trying to keep the momentum going and the Xbox fans are trying to get it started but late to the punch because of MS and there new stance. If they announce the console release on the same day I'm sure we will have many fights. Tupac-station vs Biggie-one

pyramidshead3911d ago

@gozer, no sources. Telling. :)

papashango3910d ago

I also noticed the sony crowd trying to stop the M$ momentum from building on n4g. Fruitless effort as the x1 hype is building.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
testo63911d ago

Dice says that Battlefield 4 on ps4 is not optimized yet... so...yes its going to look awesome at launch, they have like 3 months to work that out. :)

NextGen24Gamer3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

Only problem is we are only a couple months away from launch, yet a game like TitanFall is 6 to 7 months away and looks WAAAAY better. I would be a little worried, optimized or not. It's getting close to launch time.

Now on the flip side, they actually had a demo at E3 playing on xbox one HARDWARE and it looked great.

So I don't understand how it could look so crappy on the ps4 so close to launch. Isn't the ps4 have more RAW SPECS??????????

Please Sony Fans come defend, please come explain, please tell me how can this be?????

P.S. I'm getting my popcorn out and I'm going to just LOVE the defensive responses.

2 months from launch PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

DeadlyFire3911d ago


You have no idea how much can change in 3 months time of development.

Titanfall is using what game engine again? Source. Runs at close to 100+ fps on new PC hardware. How hard would it be to lock that down to 60 fps.

ABeastNamedTariq3911d ago

"...yet a game like TitanFall is 6 to 7 months away and looks WAAAAY better. I would be a little worried, optimized or not. It's getting close to launch time."

I SURE hope you don't mean graphically. On Source Engine? GTFO.

Sitdown3911d ago

August 23, 2013 + 3 months = November 23 > ps4 launch date.

How quickly do games ship after going gold?

thezeldadoth3911d ago

^ Source engine > Frostbite

MrBeatdown3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )


I like how you immediately blame the PS4 hardware without even comparing it to Battlefield on Xbox One, which would be a far more accurate method of determining that the issue lies with PS4 hardware, rather than anything else.

You're definitely a logical, reasonable person, and definitely not someone I'll mark for obvious trolling.

andibandit3911d ago

these last 3 months will be devoted to testing and weeding out bugs, not some major overhaul to improve engine performance on ps4.

papashango3910d ago

have been a fan of battlefield for years. DICE has never made massive changes months before launch. This is merely damage control from them.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
ATi_Elite3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )


No one can talk bad about the Almighty Playstation 4 and expect to have another article approved on N4G.

I'm sure Sony fanboys are boycotting IGN as we speak.

Clearly BF4 on the PS4 will look 10x better than any $4000 PC.

Why? cause a $400 PS4 made by Sony is ALWAYS better than any old $4000 High end bleeding edge hardware PC.

.....and as an Enthusiast PC Gamer I'm SHOCKED and in total disbelief that a PS4 couldn't run BF4 the way a PC could.

The Nerve of IGN to write such a BIASED article especially during this moment of Sony chest pounding and PS4 Hype!

(Cause BF4 was made PC first then ported down cause that's the way it's suppose to be done, Good Job DICE we know your still PC first)

Allsystemgamer3911d ago

Youre making us look bad...

DeadlyFire3911d ago

They could have made 1box version first and ported across. Never know really. It would explain why PS4 version has some touching up to do.

All 3 should look fairly similar at launch. PC is luxury platform so its always going to look the best.

SonyPS43911d ago

I am definitely getting this on PC. That is how to truly experience the game in its full glory.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

controllers.. ugh..

Takes 3 hours to turn left.

getting this on pc.

Glad to see devs use pc in full rather than try to make it 1:1 with console version.

"But up until now, all of the demos we've seen of Battlefield 4 have been running on supercharged PCs"

Poor Mark Cerney lol

Ju3911d ago

What has this to do with the PS4? This does not match any of the games we have seen so far. Blame Dice, not Sony. Or EA if you will.

Mini05103911d ago

whatever, a $1000 new pc will run this high to max. Just turn down the AA. 4x AA kills your frames

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3911d ago
seanpitt233911d ago

The article dosnt say anything about the ps4 graphics lacking somebody has just changed the title of an article that I have already seen.

assdan3911d ago

Yeah, because I'm sure it won't run the same or lower on xbox one.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

needs more high end pc in it?

We forget ps4 is super powered tablet hardware?

plaZeHD3911d ago

Dice makes terrible ports for consoles. I mean Battlefield 3 looked utter shit on consoles, it's like they didn't even bother to optimize the game.

gedapeleda3911d ago

People always hope this but it never improves in graphics.

yeahokchief3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )


Yes you can compare KZ with BF4. If one is more fun to play because it has been optimized for the PS4 instead of being the gimped version of a pc port then KZ will be the handsdown winner on the PS4. It will deserve the money spent on it.

I'm not buying BF4 until i see PS4 gameplay and know all the facts. I will wait until they bundle all the DLC in and give it a price cut on a black friday next year.

Gonna be too busy playing GTA V for either anyways.

BallsEye3910d ago

I can already see the top comments if this would be an XO article. XO inferior ! ps4 will run at 1080p bla bla ram bla bla.

I gotta addmit that kind of sucks but better than 1080p and 30 fps. When you have big tv and sit 2 meters away you won't really see the difference if there will be good AA.

imt5583910d ago

I think the real reason is that BF4 is cross-gen title. Look, guys, DICE is developing game for 5 fucking platforms, because of that, game suffer for porting on another platforms. I wish that PS3/X360 version is never happen. But EA wants money and it must be on as many platform as possible. To bad it is not on 3 platforms : XO/PS4/PC. Results will be better.

Tzuno3910d ago

b..b..but ps4 is the most powerful console, so they say. I think you fan-boys are to over-hyped to sit down and admit Pc is king.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
inf3cted13911d ago

Its just going to be a console port.

PC ftw.

ZodTheRipper3911d ago

I prefer playing with a Dualshock3/4 on a 47" TV
than playing with Mouse & Keyboard on a 24" monitor.

PS4 ftw

Pisque3911d ago

Lol 47" is kind of bad for gaming, it's way too large. Plus you have much more graphical details on PC, which on PS4 you will see the imperfections because of the really bad hardware.

ZodTheRipper3911d ago

Too large? I upgraded from 37" to 42" and from 42" to 47" and it got sweeter everytime you must be kidding. I couldn't care less about miniscule details I'm enjoying near-cinema quality lol

aquamala3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

you know you can play it on PC with dualshock controller with 47" TV OR M&B on a 24" monitor

PC ftw

iamgoatman3911d ago

It's 2013 and people STILL post comments like this.

It's called a HDMI cable and motionjoy drivers for your DS3, or just plug in a 360 controller. Did you pay someone to install your TV or what?

inf3cted13911d ago

You can use a DS3 emulator on the PC together with a 47'' TV.

So yeah, PC ftw.

ZodTheRipper3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

Yes but with a PS4 I get almost the same graphical quality (these days, last gen was different) for the fraction of the costs (PS4: 400$ - PC that outmatches PS4: 800+ $) AND incredible exclusives (Uncharted, God Of War, The Last Of Us, etc. etc.) regularly.
And do you know what? It's the exclusive releases I'm looking forward to the most every year, NOT the multiplatform games. My favourite games of this generation were mostly PS3 exclusives with few exceptions. I was a PC gamer myself for a long time but times change and I can't see me coming back. Of course I have a PC with MotionJoy that runs all latest games effortlessly but I don't feel the attachment to this machine the way I feel it with a console. You PC-only gamers are a funny bunch.

aquamala3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

you are the funny one, claiming to have a PC but don't know you can just hook up the HDMI cable to your TV?

who are you calling a PC-only gamer? I have all the consoles but will get all the multi plat games like this on PC

and after paying $50 to play online (which you will need for BF4) for 8 years, gaming on PS4 costs the same as a $800 PC.

ZodTheRipper3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

My PC IS connected to my TV what are you talking about? I don't even have a desk in my room that I could use for a PC. My Mouse&Keyboard are wireless and I'm writing to you now from my couch where I also play PC games. I would never want to go back to playing games on a 24" monitor and a desk.

Edit: About PS Plus: I think you don't really understand that PS Plus is about FREE games, beta invites, early access and regular discounts, not about playing online. I have received so many games through PS+ that I've no space on my 500GB PS3 at all and have to delete games every 2 weeks to download new ones. I'm feeling like I'm talking to someone from 2006 lol

Corpser3911d ago


You didn't know you need to sunscribe to ps+ to play online multiplayer on ps4?

Now you say you have a pc connected to your tv , but read your first post again

Are you ok dude?

ZodTheRipper3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

lol the next one :D
Of course I know that PS+ is required for online but did I say that I don't want PS+? It's worth every cent and even more, I have it for almost 2 years now ...and I don't plan on unsubscribing anytime soon. So I don't care whether PS+ is required to play online.

And yes, I have a PC - that makes me a PC gamer? The only games I'm playing on PC are fresh and innovative indie games like Cubeworld, 7 Days To Die or Prison Architect or PC only games like SimCity 5. You people must come from the past, seriously lol

aquamala3911d ago

lol now you have a PC connected to your TV? let us know what you mean here

"I prefer playing with a Dualshock3/4 on a 47" TV
than playing with Mouse & Keyboard on a 24" monitor.

PS4 ftw "

ZodTheRipper3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

lol ... I'm tired of arguing really I've said everything twice now. Point is, gaming consoles are there for a reason and they've evolved a lot. The only argument for gaming on PC always was graphics, but we've reached a point where graphics can't get much better anymore even with highend PC's ...so I'm gaming primarily on the system that has my favourite games, and my favourite games in the last couple of years were mostly Playstation exclusives OR at least available on Playstation. So that's why I'm saying in the year 2013: console > PC
I would agree with you 5 years before but you know
My last bubble, good bye :P

Lulz_Boat3911d ago


Bad hardware? lol
try harder

Pisque3911d ago

^^ The CPU is garbage, only 4.5 gb of RAM are available and the GPU is fine but not the greatest. My PC is better than this.

jlo3911d ago

I don't want to play on my TV because it's only 1080p and that's too low to resolution. 1080p was impressive in 2006, not 2013.

When I get a 4k tv, I will sure plug my PC into it to play 4k games. Because we all know neither console can power 4k games (or 1080p games, in this example). Embarrassing.

Bluepowerzz3910d ago

noob lel your dat 1kd play fo fun guy 24 inch is the way for actually doing well on the game

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
ATi_Elite3911d ago

I prefer using a KB/m on:
3 24" 3D monitors with peripheral view or
1 30" 1600p monitor or
3 42" TV's with Peripheral view.

To each his own but you Idiots and your "gaming from the couch CRAP"

Don't you morons realize that TV's come with HDMI, PC, DVI ports so you can EASILY connect a PC to them.

first flat screen TV i EVER saw had a PC connected to it.

Also MOTION JOY allows for ANY controller to be used on a PC......ANY controller!

ALSO Wireless KB/m Wireless input adapter I can game from any where, front yard, back yard, neighbors house while my PC sits in one spot and NEVER moves.

Some of you need to grow up and realize Technology has ADVANCED a lot since the days of 300 OHM Twin Lead connectors.

tee_bag2423911d ago

Lol so true. PC's have hooked up to TV's for decades now.
Anyway I wonder what the frame rate of BF4 is on the consoles - that's the biggest buzz kill that fanboys never want to talk about.

ThatCanadianGuy5143911d ago

Not that it's really THAT bad to begin with.Of course a console game won't match a fully maxed out PC version by comparison.Just IGN looking to stir up come flames.

However, DICE really shouldn't have any excuses for this.I mean, Killzone:SF is 1080P, 60FPS and absolutely stunning to see.That, and the fact they're offering all DLC for free may make KZ my go to FPS multiplayer at launch..

AlexanderNevermind3911d ago

I'm all in for KSF and BF4 but KSF is 12v12 max. BF4 is going for 32v32. Big difference with all those players running on the screen and trying to maintain 60fps. I'm sure they will get the console ports as close to PC specs as they can. Just know it won't ever match the ever evolving PC specs.

BallsEye3910d ago

you cant really compare killzone. Basicly no physics simulation. No destruction or tons of vehicles. This is very bad comparison.

Corpser3911d ago

But ps4 has 8gb of gddr5 and is a high end pc?

SpitFireAce853911d ago

This is a 3rd party dev..lets wait and see first
party studios.

ZBlacktt3911d ago

Great to see intelligent people on here.

CalamityCB3911d ago

In terms of them specs they are no where near a high end PC, I'm really sure it's wont be as bad as what IGN have stated but it still wont match up to the full PC game.

Muerte24943911d ago

I hate when PC gamers mistaken "high end" for "enthusiast" PC. Price/Performance ration is always on the side of consoles. PC usually brute force their way through games (zero optimization). PC gamers also leave V-Sync turned off to increase their FPS. You're paying over $500 for your Mobo/System RAM/GFX Gard/CPU/and HDD then you better run games better than a console. But you'll find it hard pressed to achieve the same results. PCI express will never be as fast as integrated memory chips.

Silly gameAr3911d ago

Killzone looks pretty sick, but let's ignore that.

GDDR6_20143911d ago

It's a different type of game, you cant exactly tell people that want to play 32v32 battlefield games to go play 12v12 kz games

darx3911d ago


black0o is joking

BallsEye3910d ago

comparing kz to bf4 is like comparing those to forza. Completely different games , different ammount of simulation. objects etc etc. Hey forza run 1080p 60 FPS! So what??

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3910d ago
General Shrooms3911d ago

vram and ram has little to do with graphic fidelity. Pc's have been able to produce better visuals with sub 2gb vram cards for years and still do today.

tee_bag2423911d ago

Yeah well it allows for higher resolution which at 1080p 2GB Vram is all that is needed..

Still... people get sold by big numbers in marketing

HammadTheBeast3911d ago

And this isrealpha game play. Enough said. KZ Shadowfall blows away any other MP shooter in graphics so far on all next Gen consoles.

Deadpoolio3911d ago

It's still better than the One80 hardware....And If it looks uninspiring on PS4, it will look worse on the One80...There have been NO games shown for XBO actually running on XBO, since it was confirmed that all games shown by MS were running on PCs running windows 7 and Nvidia graphics cards

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3910d ago
Rhinoceros3911d ago

What was it that was said about Multiplats?

iamnsuperman3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

This is clearly talking about the comparison between a PC and the PS4 version. No relevance to "what was it that was said about multiplats"

PC is DICE's bread and butter which is why they use it as the lead platform. Also a ultra PC (what is being used to show this) cost a lot more than a £350 PS4. I am not saying the PS4 will ever equal a ultra PC but it sounds like the demo was half finished

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot772d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250771d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface771d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop771d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno771d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel772d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps771d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888771d ago (Edited 771d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33771d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888771d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH771d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

Read Full Story >>
MadLad786d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits878d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"