
Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4: Under the Hood

Both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are continuing to grab headlines the world over despite being months away from their launch. Both consoles are set to go head-to-head this November, but which is providing the most bang for your buck? An examination of the technical specifications may not be everything, but it’s as good a place to start as any.

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Ksar3937d ago

I will choose Xbox One for games. Specs doesn't matter for me.

Bennibop3937d ago

Then you are choosing timed exclusives and lack of innovation!

buddymagoo3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

I think the last generation proved Sony bring the games and Microsoft bring the gimmicks and a few exclusives but mostly timed.

Not just that but Sony have a lot more proven Studios. So you can trust that Sony will actually be making a lot more games unlike Microsoft who have very few proven studios.

_QQ_3937d ago

Yet to be seen, i'm not an xbox fan,and i doubt MS will ever offer better exclusives than Sony, but its still yet to be seen, Currently MS has a stronger exclusive lineup than Sony for the new systems. as for innovation, the xboxone itself is more innovative than the ps4.

Hufandpuf3937d ago

Lack of innovation on the XB1? False

XB1 has Kinect which bring a slew of new features that were never in a console before such as:

Voice recognition
Face recognition
Tv integration
Cloud features
Amazing launch game lineup
And Dev kits are available within the system

So if Xbox isn't trying anything innovative, then what's so innovative about its competitors?

XtraTrstrL3937d ago

@ Hufandpuf,

PS4 Eye will also have:

4 microphone array for Voice Recognition
Face Recognition
Advanced Gesture Recognition
More enthralling Augmented Reality

You can also expect:

Cloud features
Amazing launch and launch window game lineup

AngelicIceDiamond3937d ago

@Bennibop how bout you let him choose whatever he wants with out your unhelpful opinion.

Elzer3937d ago

Xbox one has shown better exclusives so far. Twitch integration much better than ustream. Better record function. " while playing online multiplayer able to say " record that" (with Kinect for epic moments without pausing your game. While ps4 has a back track of 15min recording time which is an average multiplayer match... You'll have to find that great moment after your long online match which can be a hassle. A lot of people complained about Xbox tv functionality but thats just extra stuff. That instant switching is great. Your going to have your tv on sometime during the day and when you get that game invite that overlays a Xbox UI because of the HDMI in you'll be able to switch instantly to the game especially with "smart match" multiplayer games just got much easier and faster. Dedicated servers= less lag/less cheaters.... Also with xbox live "reputation" service it will keep track of your behavior online such as getting booted, muted, etc. Games will match you up with people close to your reputation. Trolls will play with trolls and pros will play with pros. People must be ignorant to think that Microsoft's $700,000,000 investment with Xbox live is for nothing. Xbox one is the gaming system for "TRUE" gamers.

harrry3937d ago

lack of innovation? Microsoft are the ones trying to push a new vision with family sharing, disc-less games etc. You guys whined and got the same as ps4. no innovation, just updated graphics. cool man. Changing discs in 2013? you guys 'won' this.

nveenio3937d ago

Honestly, I could care less about hardware or interactive innovation. For me, innovation should occur within the games themselves. Games like Journey, Uncharted, The Last of Us, etc. Those games push the boundaries of what we can (and should) expect from games. For instance, it is clear to see that Far Cry 3 and the newest Tomb Raider were inspired by Uncharted's great cinematic production values. And that's fantastic, because it elevates the quality of the titles we play. This is the kind of thing I want to see. I want gameplay to become emotional. I want it to inspire me. I want to feel like part of another world for the time that I'm playing. That's the magic of games, and that's where innovation is most welcomed and encouraged in my book.

mewhy323937d ago

I agree here. I feel that Sony by far in large has the lead in the development studio arena. They've released exclusives that have proven to be some of the best game software on the market. I mean look at The Last of Us. It could almost pass for a next gen title now. Yeah I'm going with Sony. I may get an xbone after they reduce the price.

Flames763937d ago

So i guess he should go with a $400 PS4 10 pound paper weight with no games?We are gamers we dont need a console to hold our paper in place on the table.We want the best games Forza 5,Halo 5,Quantum break,Sunset Overdrive,Dead Rising 3,Ryse,Tiatanfall and so on.Not one of them is timed exclusive

oscarcat593937d ago

The sony ps4 eye was rendered ineffective due to sony not including it with every console at launch to lower the price. So I would not call that innovation myself because it will most likely will be used poorly or no at all.

BluEx6103937d ago

Innovations like AA batteries for Xbox One controllers, no bluetooth, no swappable HDD's and adapters for my headsets??? lol

Common man my PS3 does this haha.

Xbox One is still a good system, if you like Kinect, Live TV, NFL, and CoD/BF4 Timed DLC, and yearly Halo/Gears/Forza and exclusives that's also on the PC...

I got 2 360's but I'm taking a wait and see for the Xbox One. The last 3 years have been nothings but Kinect, Forza, Gears, Halo....

nosferatuzodd3937d ago

ha ha ha games that's so funny when 360 has none i know Sony will bring the games no doubt but the question everyone should ask is after Microsoft gets you're money in 3 to 4 years time will they still be bringing new games like what Sony does
look at the ps3 new games after new games look at 360 a ghost town and tumble weeds

B-radical3936d ago

Who are you to tell him what he's choosing? you dont know what games he is referring to

badz1493936d ago


"...disc-less games"

you do know that just like the Vita, all PS4 games will be made available day 1 as digital download on PSN, right? and games can be played while it's being downloaded too. wanna go disc-less? go all digital, simple!

"You guys whined and got the same as ps4. no innovation, just updated graphics."

are you stupid? the same? NO, the Xbone is the weaker system and NO, the PS4 don't need a camera to work! no innovation? yeah, keep telling yourself THAT lol and what's bad about updated graphics?

"Changing discs in 2013?"

it was fine for the 360 still doing it until now and now suddenly it's crap? like I said earlier, if you go full digital next gen, no more changing disc! problem solve!


Show me proof of a timed exclusive.

Thomper3936d ago

How is the PS4 innovative exactly?

RememberThe3573936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )

Can we ban everyone who disagreed with AngelicIceDiamond's comment? I'm not even buying the Xbone because of Kinect but I don't see why I'd need everyone to agree with me. If this guy likes what he's seen from the Xbonw one, great. I fail to see a problem with that.

@Thomper: I want to hear this as well. I'm buying the PS4 because it looks like a better PS3 as far as features go. But nothing about it seems to be pushing any envelopes. All the previous Playsations pushed innovation while this one seems to be pushing collaboration. I'd like to see Sony finally actually work on some of these previous innovation, because they seem to always come up with cool stuff then just leave it.

SniperControl3936d ago



All of these features have been available on P.C for years.

I prefer to play games on my console.

PS4 all the way for me.

joefrost003936d ago

Lack of innovation
Online mutiplayer mainstream
Making app apart of a game system
Hdmi Input and live tv function
Cross game chat
Music from the hard drive in game
All of these sony has ripped except the last one
Even the features they brag about the ps4 (video recording, broadcast, ect) MS talked about two years ago
The fact they are just getting they have the nerve to bring up a last
gen feature as something new(cross game chat) is funny
The last thing that sony did innovative for games is bluray(part of that credit goes.to toshiba)
MS might a lot of things but lacking foward thinking and innovation is not one
If anything you could say that about PlayStation

WarThunder3936d ago

I already own a good gaming PC. so I need to buy a PS4.

PC-PS4 is the best combination for gaming.

IMO X1 is a waste of money, for $500 you can buy a good gaming PC and play all the so called X1 exclusive on the PC. lol

and @ the potato heads who say x1 has better exclusives... I bet most of you believed that everything was shown at E3 were x1 exclusives lol....

lilbrat233936d ago

@ Lopez_Josue

You stated "MS has a stronger exclusive lineup" Please enlighten me with this list of ACTUAL exclusive that is not Halo and Gears?

edgeofsins3936d ago

@ Hufandpuf

Voice and face recognition were done on PS2 and cell phone for years.
Cloud features are just regular features you have had for years on 360, PS3, and PC but they emphasize calling it a cloud.
Amazing launch game lineup? What is innovative about that?
You have to go through Microsoft to make your console into a dev kit and even then it isn't as good as a proper dev kit that real publishers would still likely get, they just want to spark interest in customers fantasies of creating games.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
GraveLord3937d ago

I'm choosing PS4 for not only games but also specs.
It's also not made by Microsoft which is a plus.

GraveLord3937d ago


Unfortunately I don't have the money for that. I am stuck with Windows.

nosferatuzodd3937d ago

get a mac mini its only 500 dollars

madpuppy3936d ago

"Do you use a MAC?"

Hell, Apple is worse than MS, and MS is pretty bad.

B-radical3936d ago

Hahhahah just noticed how being a ps4 fanyboy has worked in your favor nice bubbles

Blachek3936d ago

Why would anybody fork over soo much money for apple garbage -.-

slapedurmomsace3936d ago

@grave....if you genuinely don't like windows and aren't just wagoneering here, try linux. The gaming will kinda suck, but you could always duel boot if you choose.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
No_Limit3937d ago

"lack of innovation!"

LOL, so what is so innovating about the PS4 besides better spec?

At least MS is trying new things with the included Kinect, migrating to an all dedicated online servers for all games, the system itself can be a Dev Kit.

PlayStation_43937d ago

required kinect is not an innovation, it allows the X1 to watch you.

Microsoft said that they would "aggressively challenge" any government requests to access the Kinect (same thing they said about skype), but what can M$ do against the US govt? nothing, the kinect will be used to spy.

XabiDaChosenOne3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Kinect- Bundled attachments are not innovative in the least. The playstation vita, 3ds all come with cameras. WiiU tablet and the Wiimote would also like to have a word with you.
Console as devkit- Playstation mobile says hello
Dedicated servers- This one is a toss up for me since we don't know the specifications of it.
The PS4 is the most powerful console ever concieved, that's definitely innovative.

GraveLord3937d ago

Trying new things with Kinect?


Thunderhawkxbox3937d ago

Ps4 got better spec only on paper based on the old spec of dev kit I'm sure Xbox one will be more powerful

oscarcat593937d ago

I am looking forward to Kinect and all the features it provides. If it does as advertises it will be money well spent. No one here I bet has tried it so to say it sucks means that persons opinion really means nothing. Now when I have tried it and it does suck I will be the first one to agree.

Thunderhawkxbox3937d ago

Yeah better spec on the paper wait for final spec of Xbox one I'm sure Xbox one will be more powerful

madpuppy3936d ago

I cannot wait till NCIS, Criminal minds or CSI start "accessing" the "bad guys" video game system's camera and microphone....you know?...to protect us from danger...:|


How is MS trying new things with Kinect? You know this is called "Kinect 2" for a reason, right? And PS have had a camera since PS2, there's no "trying something new" in putting a camera on the box... Unless they showcased something comepltelly new being done with this camera, in which case please share with the rest of the class.

I'm not saying Sony is being oh so innovative and MS isn't... Quite frankly, no one is... Actually the one still trying is Ninty and no one seen to care about that either. You know what? As far as hardware goes, update in power should be enough, we are thinking too much about the hardware and too little in what's being show new in games...

It's like after so many years of gaming, gamers now think that you need some gimmick to be innovative, like everything in software was already done... Well, sorry to break it to you kids, but gaming industry isn't like cuisine accessory business... Or maybe it is, don't matter how many new pieces of plastic you bought from TV, if the food still stinks, maybe it is the cook at blame.

mitchell11883936d ago

Kinect... really? Understand this. I do NOT want kinect. Maybe some do but I dont. I will not buy a system that FORCES me to have what I want no part of. If you were to walk into your favorite store and they stopped you and said to shop here you have to give us $100 dollars and we'll give you this "innovative" vacuum cleaner. From what I'm gathering from a lot of xbone fanboys is they would gladly spend an extra 100 bucks even if they don't really want the vacuum cleaner.
My point is simple. I don't want to be raped by my gaming company. If I don't want it and you force it I'm screaming rape. Is it possible Sony will rape me in the future? Maybe. But do I want to be raped now? Hell no.

SniperControl3936d ago

You do realize, 98% of developing a game will be done on P.C right? The X1 is just acting as a debug kit in final stages of development.

From what i gather on these forums is that, people seem to think they will be actually programming a game on the X1 itself lol.

jukins3936d ago

the system will not be a dev kit!!! At best you will be able to DEBUG by being able to play unfinished code. I really wish people would learn the difference. There's no way Microsoft is gonna sell $1000-$2500+ dev kits to its best partners but allow the general public to get it for free or a fraction of the cost.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
SIX3937d ago

I will choose PS4 for games. Specs doesn't matter for me.

WickedLester3937d ago

I will choose PS4 for specs AND games!!

pyramidshead3936d ago

You also get more bang for your buck in regards to gaming, even more so if you drop a little extra for the superior PS+.

Ezz20133937d ago

if specs don't matter then why didn't you stay with the first xbox ?!

i'm going with with ps4 for the games AND the specs (which mean more future proof console)

Sitdown3937d ago

I am guessing that it probably could do something with loss of support with regards to games......unless games for the original xbox are still being pumped out and I am unaware of it.

RememberThe3573936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )

Sitdown just got flooded with disagrees for making a perfectly logical comment. WTF is up with this site lol.

iBlackyi3937d ago

So if you want games, why do you buy a xbox then? Sony has just not revelead all of their games like microsoft. Sony had always more and better ones.

NeloAnjelo3937d ago

Choose something that's lower spec and more expensive... That's the Xbox way!

riseer233937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

You say games yet this gen its been Sony's first party developer's kicking the crap out of any first/third party devs beyond Sony.Naughty Dog has proven you can have 2 new IP's and succeed.I am more excited about first party Sony titles then i am with whatever MS has.

JunioRS1013937d ago

This whole "Xbox has a better exclusive lineup" thing is going to end at Gamescom.


Flames763937d ago

Thats because sony didnt have any games to show at E3.Xbox One crushed the $400 PS4 paper weight

JunioRS1013937d ago


it's funny because usually people use the "paper weight" joke to imply that something is useless, and considering the PS4 is a more capable machine than the Xbox One, that joke really falls short

Flames763937d ago

Thats why im going with the Xbox One the games just look amazing.With the PS4 you get what you pay for.A $400 10 pound paper weight with no games

ASTAROTH3936d ago

So for U the PS4 is going to be the next XBOX 360? Ohh I forget that exclusives game didnt matter for you xboxers. Now in a 180 MS way of thinking they are important... LOL... fanboys...

trancefreak3936d ago

1 min commercial for the contents of this video really?

Other than that not a bad basic breakdown.

PS4 this coming gen and I am good.

mitchell11883936d ago

Someone get this guy an Atari.

harbie3936d ago

Dafuq? That is the LAST reason anyone would chose the xbox lol...

Valkyre3936d ago

This is something worthy of the saying : "fuck logic".

You choose xbox1 for the games...?


When was the last time 360 had any kind of exclusive games lately??

Meanwhile the PS3 just had 8 blockbuster AAA exclusive games released in 2013 ALONE.

How can someone, seriously buy xbox1 "for the games"... what "games"?

If history taught something is that Sony is always investing in a big family of exclusive studios that create a diverse and quality exclusive lineup, whereas MS just writes check for timed exclusivity and DLC deals...

Seriously I do not get it.

Buy xbox1 for Kinect, buy it because you want to watch TV, sure... but buying it "for games"?

Well... LMAO.

MizTv3936d ago

Really? Really?.........Really?

wynams3936d ago

"Specs doesn't matter for me"

Then buy a Wii

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
Megatron3163937d ago

I Choose PS4 for Games, Specs is a Bonus!!

SpitFireAce853937d ago

ok here we go again..flame on lol

GreenRanger3937d ago

The ONLY reason I'm not getting an Xbox One is that Kinect is mandatory.

fsydow13937d ago

PS4 mate and no kinect for me, thank you very much.

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MeteorPanda1h ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.