
Molyneux Says Nintendo Would Fare Better Out Of The Hardware Business

Outspoken game developer Peter Molyneux agrees that Nintendo would fare a lot better if they left the hardware business and just relied purely on quality software. Molyneux doesn’t agree with Shigeru Miyamoto’s opinion that Nintendo must create hardware to cater to the needs of its own development talent. Here’s what Mr Molyneux had to say.

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xflo3603983d ago

I think Nintendo should stay in the handheld hardware business ( obviously as they all sell like crazy ) But drop out of the home console business, I just dont think they know what gamers want anymore. Look at e3, they were a massive letdown-no Metroid, New Mario looked average, No new zelda or F zero or anything which us core Ninty fans wanted!

US8F3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I swear this guy talks so much lately. First he says Xbox one Won next gen, then it's reveałed and fan reaction's been negative, he says they got it all wrong, then says they didn't market properly, now this!? Just shut up man

Nintendo will stay in the console market for a long time. They can afford to fail and still have enough money to make a replacement if they choose.

longcat3983d ago

Nintendo need to keep their own ecosystem or get lost in the clutter of the other platforms.

What they need is to consistently keep a low entry point to their hardware...which is the mistake they made this gen...twice

Dir_en_grey3983d ago

LOL after the XBone reveal some how it made WiiU way more interesting and it is now on my radar to possibly pick it up when I see a game I like is out.

That is how bad XBone's policy is, it made a WiiU look way better then a supposed next gen just with a default "don't need to be always online no DRM" BS lol.

Hadoukameha3983d ago

You kidding? They can afford to fail? I see you ain't in business.

Their inferior handhelds and home consoles are only selling because of the games. DS, 3DS, Wii and Wii U are underpowered, feature-lacking piles of trash that run fantastic games. Imagine if PS4 and Vita was running those games.

Wii U 2 and 3DS 2 better stepup their game.

n4f3983d ago


if you think that after outselling your opponent by a large margin you should retire than you dont sh-t about business

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PSNintyGamer3983d ago

I agree with you, as long as you also think that Sony should stay in the Console Business,but drop out the hand-held business.

LOL_WUT3983d ago

Most definitely Sony's presence in the handheld market is a lost cause as is with Nintendo and their home console hardware efforts. ;) PULL OUT!

ABizzel13983d ago


Sony's handhelds are great, especially the Vita, the problems with the handhelds come from Sony themselves.

Lack of marketing, pricing when factoring in memory cards, lack of younger audience appealing games (Mario, Mario Kart, Pokemon, etc...)

Now if Sony made the hardware, and Nintendo focused on the software than that handheld would be the one to rule them all.

hay3983d ago

I think Molyneux sniffs way more coke that he can handle.

live2play3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

"Us core ninty fans wanted"
Riiiiiiiiiight youre a core ninty fan

I got a beautiful looking DKC, a gravity defying mario kart that looks like a pixar film, a crazy looking seizure inducing Wonderful 101, a first ever 4 player 3D mario adventure, that if you played it at best buy (which this hardcore ninty fan traveled 140 miles to try) would know it looks so crisp and colorful you almost want to eat it, a handheld AND console super smash bros, ...

You know what you get the point

Keep calling yourself that

N4g_null3983d ago

Letting real gamers play the games was the best possible thing to do. The media is full of trolling clowns.

xflo3603979d ago

Actualy I AM a core Ninty fan, for me they are the best developer out there, I just feel they've lost they're way a little. Metroid prime, Zelda WW and Mario 64 are all in my top 5 games and Ive owned practically every Nintendo console released. Now Im not saying that there were no great games on show, because there were, but there were no massive reveals and the ones they did have were dissapointing IMHO.

showtimefolks3983d ago

MS leave the gaming business and enter software/apple wannabe

Nintendo for better or worst make quality titles and anyone who has been gaming for 20 plus years grew up a Nintendo fan.

was just at gamestop buying LOU and pre ordered ps4, the store is getting 65 ps4's and 8 xbox one's. There was a paper right on the counter saying ps4 is $399 and list of games and than xbox one $499 and list of games

i asked the guy if GS was favoring one or another, and his words were we are making an full effort to inform people about buying ps4

so MS you have much much bigger issues than what Nintendo should or shouldn't be doing

Angeljuice3983d ago

I've been gaming for 33 years and I can't stand Nintendo (software or hardware).

showtimefolks3983d ago


i haven't bought a nintendo console for a long long time but if you don't mind me asking why do you hate them so much?

my main concerns with N are simple they keep making the same games over and over and gaming media gives them a free pass but if MS or Sony makes one halo too many than they are milking it

i give you a example, when the zelda hd remake was announced Nintendo fans went nuts but if sony or ms or any other 3rd party publisher makes a hd collection than they are recycling

my thing is hold Nintendo to the same standards as sony and ms. wiiu is no where near as powerful as xbox one or ps4 yet its suppose to be next gen

how about not make the gemepad and actually spend those resources in improving the actual tech of the system so it can be a little bit future proof

the day ps4 and xbox one gets released wiiu becomes last gen no matter how anyone spins it

Nintendo IMO are a gen behind

baodeus3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

why are you using game stop as reference? They have the worst reputation:

1. open game sell as new
2. pay you $5 for your game then sell them at $55, $5 less than the new game (funny, people still op for the used game tag, rather buying it new, giving GS so much profit and nothing to the developers. Worst, they can sell them over and over)
3. Constantly hustling customers to get their reward cards (they are pretty adamant about it)

I'll bet you anything if MS drop their disc based and go Steam rout (which I believe was their original plan), and games price goes down drastically, GS will die instantly. Who cares about used game at $55/pop when you can get it around $30-$40 in a few weeks? Going digital, you don't need GS.

3-4-53982d ago

this moly guy talks too much for not accomplishing a whole lot.

Instead of saying what Nintendo should be doing he should be focusing on his own games.

He says A...but then B happens.

Can't trust the guy


But, Dem Pokemon X and Y. They know what I want.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3979d ago
US8F3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I believe when the blockbuster games release this holiday, it will sell more Nintendo consoles

weekev153983d ago

Cant believe the disagrees you just got for staying a very obvious fact. Of course Nintendo will shift mor units this yoliday.

What may also go in their favour is the demand for PS4 outstripping supply as I think a lot of people fancy a PS4/WIIU combo.


I bought a 3DS XL as soon as I could before Pokemon X and Y where even announced in expectation of them! The people who wait are the ones who have to fight or pay excessive amounts to get what they want. To anyone reading this BUY NOW!

EcoSos33983d ago

"But I do wonder about the Wii U – it seemed to be a kind of reaction to SmartGlass."

Really did he just said that, SmartGlass was a reaction to the WiiU not the other way around.

animegamingnerd3983d ago

i am pretty sure smart glasses was revealed the year after the Wii U was revealed molyneux is a idiot

Realplaya3983d ago

LOL I saw that I said didn't Microsoft try to copy Nintendo with smartglass. Og yeah if the Vita is $200.00 plus dollars and they try to make games that take advantage of the PS4 and the Vita has anyone realized that the combo is more expensive than a XBONE ? That price is what $249.00 + $399.00 It gets worse for the XBONE $499.00 the cheapest tablet from Microsoft is roughly around $499.99. Even if you get a cheap tablet it's still pricey.

I understand why Nintendo isn't dropping their price now. For those who think the PS4 games will go with them if they buy a vita are you willing to spend that much money just to play a game?

Nintendo is playing catch up to the HD twins but in one year they have made a game that looks like Mario Kart 8 it's safe to say they are just fine.

Oh yeah go spurs( I am a bulls fan)

Animavicion3983d ago

the wii u have: has backward compatibility, no drm, free online, can play used games, support for indie developers, cheap, great first party line-up.

I'm sorry, but I think Nintendo should stick with the hardware market.

MikeyDucati13983d ago

Ok but who's buying a Wii U? What about the business side where it took so much money to fund the Wii U project and the turn around isn't great? What about the games? What about publishers making statements about the tech and devs not developing games for it?

All those options mentioned and not once has there been a substantial turnaround since the introduction of next gen consoles (MS, Sony) that omits the options you mentioned.

If you want Nintendo to stick around in the hardware market then its console needs to stop playing kiddie family time and mature. It needs better tech under the hood that keeps up with the giants of Sony and Micro. It's apparent that even Wii U buyers are looking towards other consoles since the support for Wii U is basically non-existent.

Hadoukameha3983d ago

Now name the weaknesses; last gen graphics, no 3rd party, forgotten 1st party franchises, and no meaningful 3DS connectivity. PS4 has all that.

N4g_null3983d ago

Who buying a ps4 or Xbox one? Oh they arnt out? Well the must have games are not out so ummm what is your point when the must have games have not come out and people are expressing they will buy when the price drops. This is called good pr on the Sony side. Yet we must all realize people will have a wiiu and or ps4 or unfortunately an Xbox one or pc.

So sales wise only a fool will miss out on the wiiu exclusives that they grew up on.

Now if they grew out of Nintendo's games then you have to understand all gaming is like toys.

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NihonjinChick3983d ago

What about the 3DS? That's selling fine.

Animavicion3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

"Ok but who's buying a Wii U?"
A: "Amazon UK: Wii U Sales Rank Jumps 875% Following Microsoft’s Xbox One Reveal" ( http://n4g.com/news/1263854... )

"What about the games?"
A: There are currently 132 games confirmed (90 retail and 42 downloadable) as of the 11th of April 2013. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

"If you want Nintendo to stick around in the hardware market then its console needs to stop playing kiddie family time and mature."
A: http://playeressence.com/wp...

no need to lie for the simple fact that you do not like. there are plenty of good games and to come to the wii u.

MikeyDucati13983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )


Usually in the gaming industry, 3DS is referred to as portable or handheld gaming. The Wii U would be considered the hardware.

But 3DS is doing fine. But I don't think the article (I didn't read it) is discussing the 3DS. Wii U is under the consideration as well as the Wii in its round before the introduction of Wii U.


I understand. You're a fan of Wii U and you take it as if people are slandering your favorite console. Whatever the case might be, there's no need to break my post down, word for word. We don't have enough bubbles for all that crap.

I don't care what an article says (from N4G article of all things) about sales. No one will be talking about Wii U once the arrival of Sony and Micro comes out. The sad part about that? Those sales (Wii U sales rank jumps 875%)just might help get Wii U close to breaking even. You really don't know how far off they are from their projected sales, do you? Also, there are 132 games that the majority of gamers don't care about or even know about. I can have 260 grapes and all but two are rotten. So what do I care if I have 260 grapes? There's only two worth eating. The question is, how many games can you mention before looking at the list? I know it isn't many.

My comments don't reveal any ill will or negativity towards Nintendo. It's actually about you liking the Wii U and feeling a need to defend it. Which is silly. You're not assessing the situation objectively.

I personally like Wii U. I want to get a Wii U. The only games worth mentioning (IMO) now are Zombie U, Bayonetta 2 and Deus Ex Director's Cut. Still, I see not too many developers taking on Wii U. I don't see that gamepad being integrated into the game as Nintendo suggested. I don't even see Nintendo developing games that I want (with that said, we know Nintendo likes to take their time in development, so nothing against Nintendo but hurry up already).

So again, if you're able to look at this objectively instead of thinking that opinions are negative against Nintendo, you would see the truth. People want to see Nintendo flourish but they aren't reacting in a timely fashion to the setbacks that keeps coming their way.

There's nothing wrong with Nintendo just making games for multiplatforms. What is really wrong with that? You still get the games you love and enjoy from Nintendo, but you don't have to invest in a system that all but gets blacklisted from devs because devs don't want to develop games for Wii U with their games that has already been set to play on next gen consoles, PS4 and One. I don't know the process, but I bet it's a pain. They dealt with that on Wii. And the sales told them people play more so on 360 and PS3 than they did Wii. Making for all that porting to Wii a waste of time and expenses.

N4g_null3983d ago

A simple game like cod bullsh1t is made into a star with wiimote controll. You got all of your perks right there on the game pad. Need for speed lets you switch every thing on the fly while driving and no pause screen. Then there is the portable tv aspect. Almost then you can buy the system and not need a tv to even play the games. You wouldn't know this because you don't have one. You only listen to the fud on the Internet.

MikeyDucati13983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )


You mentioned two games that are being played quite frequently on other consoles. You mentioned the TV aspect for the pad that nobody uses. No original content. NO original games that use the gamepad in a intuitive way.

I know this because I have done my research kid. You mentioned three things that don't make anybody say "oh wow, they have that! Mikey was wrong, I'm so getting it!!" Yes, those are quite creative ways to use that 2nd screen but what about original IPs? Where are the devs? Where is Nintendo?

Like I told the other guy, stop mistaking my comments about Nintendo to be nothing more than a full on rant. I am objectively speaking whereas you guys are ignorantly responding instead of engaging into a mature conversation about this thing. I kow it was too much to read but I actually want to get a Wii U but nothing is substantial enough for me to make that investment. Especially when PS4 got my attention. So grow up

Movieworld3983d ago

The TV aspect of the gamepad that nobody uses? Don't be silly kid. I have my wii u hooked up to a large HD tv in the living room. Most nites when I retire to the bedroom I carry on playing Super Mario, Resident evil or FIFA on the gamepad. This is a massive feature, its almost like getting a console and handheld for the price of a console. Also if I want to play wii u I can just pick up the remote and use it to switch the tv off and on and also use it to turn the volume up or down. Its a fantastic bit of kit.

MikeyDucati13983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I'm a grown man, not a kid. All this talk about the great features of Wii U as if Wii U is in place to take the lead in the console race is absolutely hilarious. What world are you guys living in?

Oh wait, is it Nintendoland? Just stay off the mushrooms folks.

It seems as though @Movieworld, @Animavicion and @scissor_runner only skimmed through my posts or just read the posts of someone who responded to me who themselves didn't read my entire response in the first place. Smh, stupid. I can tell that because each post is an attempt to defend Wii U when there wasn't no attack. An assessment is not an attack on your beloved consoles folks.

I don't know a Wii U owner who is raving about the TV add on feature that you guys, in another thread, would slander MS about for putting it in their system. These are discussions, not debates here people. No point needs to be proven here. People want to play games and Wii U is not offering that library that is grabbing the attention of the majority. And that doesn't pay the bills. Deal with it.

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Game Developers Have Begun Confirming Nintendo Switch 2 Support

Game developers have already started to confirm that they will support the Nintendo Switch 2 with their future titles.

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How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno10d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.


Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

Hanzala from eXputer: "The cruel hammer of Nintendo has fallen. Farewell, 3DS and Wii U, you surely brightened my life and many others; you won't be forgotten."