
PlayStation 4's price and DRM policies not an answer to Xbox One, Sony exec says

The PlayStation 4's price and DRM policies were welcome announcements to those watching Sony's E3 press conference, but they weren't created in response to the same policies for Xbox One, Sony VP of Worldwide Studios Scott Rohde told Polygon in an interview earlier tonight.

"I literally have goosebumps right now, because that was always our plan," Rohde said. "It's something that we believe in. We know gamers come first; we know what they want. I was personally overwhelmed with the massive explosion on Twitter, with everyone essentially begging, 'Please don't do this Sony, please don't do this PlayStation!' It was so hard not to say, right away, 'Well, we never were going to do that, but now let's have a little fun and announce it in a fun way at the PlayStation press conference.'

Donnieboi3984d ago

Sony did it for the REAL gamers. Not because Microsoft was gonna do it. Microsoft's plans were outright evil and controlling.

ThatCanadianGuy5143984d ago

Pretty much.I mean, damn, they said as much back in febuary but people were gobsmacked at MS's audacity and tried to drag Sony into somehow.

Oh well.I hope those people are eating some humble pie.

blitz06233984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

As it shouldn't. This shouldn't even be big news if MS didn't go anti consumer. Now Sony looks like heroes. Not saying they aren't.

I'm glad with the news, but let's be honest. Sony has ALWAYS been about gamers and this should have come as no surprise

Enemy3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )


Where are all the butthurts that said Sony would have their own DRM and mandatory online now?

4 > One

RedHawkX3984d ago

i agree ms fanboy chumps said microsoft wont do this wait until the reveal then ms did all the drm crap and such then them same fanboys tried to say sony was gonna do the same. im like you idiots gave ms the benefit of the doubt and they are the most grimy company but you didnt believe me or sony that they didn have the slavery bs drm crap.

Angeljuice3984d ago

The thing is, everyone was talking about 'publishers pressuring Microsoft and Sony for DRM', however that is not what happened.
Microsoft dreamt up the cloud idea and all the DRM and then TOOK THIS MODEL TO THE PUBLISHERS!!!
They wanted to create a paywalled garden where they could lock people in and control their funds more easily. At no time were they under pressure from the publishers and even Activision thought it wasn't a great idea (EA and Ubisoft loved it).

This all came about when Microsoft saw that it's console was doing well and decided the team in charge should be replaced by their 'money men' to maximise profit.

(Thanks go out to cboat and ms employees for this info).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3984d ago
Donnieboi3984d ago

Wow lololol. Nice find! Funny bubble for you!

Snakefist303984d ago

OMG that is Hilarious!!!!

DrakenSilverwing3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

lmao, i was trying to put up something else as well but its not working for some reason... :(

jc485733984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

yea, but that didn't stop Sony from making fun of MS. Like who wouldn't find xboxone's features outrageously absurd? Read the damn facts. The videos won't tell you everything, so that they can trick your wives into buying it.

EcliPS33984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Let me say that I am a multi console owner. I play both systems. I tend to play my multiplayer games on my Xbox due to my friends mostly gaming on that platform. I've always said that I prefer the Xbox's online functionality over the PS3's in terms of user friendliness, etc.

HOWEVER... This is all going to change now. I am furious at what MS has done regarding their used games policy. To add to it all, the console is going to be priced higher.

The PS4 will be my go to gaming platform from now on, as long as their online is useable and functionable. The only thing I'll need to get used to is the controller.

Angeljuice3984d ago

If anybody out there can convert an Xbox controller into a PS4 controller, go into business now, you will make a fortune ( big issue with touch pad though)!

Same goes to third-party peripheral manufacturers!

hunggago3984d ago

@Donnieboi. Yup, I agree. The moment a software company like Microsoft went into to gaming industry, I felt that one day they were going to apply that same ole 1 OS per PC deal that they have with Windows to console games, just for the $$$. They seem to be leaning towards that non-disc based games for the future of console gaming. I'm glad Sony stayed traditional with theirs.

Mottsy3984d ago

I own a 360, wii u and ps3 and I have to be honest. I was considering buying the Xbox first then PS4 but now I don't think I'm going to buy Xbox at all! What a great show by Sony!!! Hoping the Nintendo one is good. My Wii U needs games damnit!

GenericNameHere3984d ago

So... They admit they.... Had fun... Hmmm

Lol that crowd reaction sure was the greatest thing ever! I bet even if Tretton farted, everyone would have still cheered and clapped for that small gaseous wind that came out of that brilliant man!

Manwhoore3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

I can tell you one thing for sure that GameStop will be supporting PlayStation for sure; since that's how GameStop's generates a lot of their revenue with used games. Sony this time has really fucked Microsoft. Not even a vaginal rejuvenation will save Microsoft.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
xPhearR3dx3984d ago

"PlayStation 4's price and DRM policies not an answer to Xbox One, Sony exec says"

Price probably not, DRM policies, come on. Don't lie, you know damn well that a response to the backlash MS got. You made that clear as day. This was a very good choice to make, but don't act like MS had nothing to do with your choice of words when announcing it.

Dunpeal3984d ago

dude, if you read the quote he says they chose to have a little fun with it at the event, but DRM was never going to be an issue they just chose to address it at E3 because of the shitstorm caused by MS

greenpowerz3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Not to mention Jack spent a few minutes bad mouthing MSFT at the presser and then Sony released video further talking Sh!T.

They knew they were going to have a bad E3 from their point of view and offerings and MSFT's unexpected stellar E3 presented them with a no brainer. They had 9 hours to go to the back up plan, with MSFT leaving them no choice.

I form this opinion based on Sony not having new IP's or doing stage demos on PS4 hardware with already announced Ips. Sony's presser had a bunch of fluff with no new Ips to show they claimed they had in abundance.

Sony's exclusives didn't match MSFT's graphically most likely the reason they focused on 3rd party games that were most likely shown on PS4 spec PCs again. I read even PS3 fans complaining about Sony only demoing 3rd party games(Unless PSN games)

CGI-Quality3984d ago

That has to be the worst explanation and excuse making I've seen in a while.

M-M3984d ago


Sadly, his only purpose here is to make delusional posts.

Cupid_Viper_33984d ago

Lol, This guys has been running his mouth since the original Leaks about the Xbox One requiring Kinect and online connection and blocking used games. He denied every single one them and said it was just wishful thinking from Sony fanboys

Then Sony did the reveal in February, and he spend his entire time downplaying the specs of the PS4 and claiming that MS will have "Dual GPU"? or some sh!t like that.

Then Microsoft revealed the Xbox one and guess what? Rumors were spot on, Kinect required, so is online, so is DRM for games.

Then he moved on to an even more absurd level as he started telling people that Sony will have the exact same policies as MS with the Xbox One. And that all PlayStation fans are being "so naive"...and guess what?

He's dead wrong! anyone surprised though? Nope.

And now he's basically saying that Sony went back in time to february and re-did all the interviews to make it seem like they've never had any plans to do gamers dirty.

Hello_World3984d ago

You're full of shit and I used to back you up a couple of years ago. Xbox One doesn't look that great man. It looks like you're being treated like a thief that doesn't even own the games he buys. Are people this stupid

gta28003984d ago

Let it all out. It's okay to cry.

thereapersson3984d ago

Still think it's a good idea to give EVERYONE their bubbles back? There has to be an N4G reputation system implemented.

GenericNameHere3984d ago

I may be biased, but Final Fantasy XV and KHIII were enough to blow my freaking mind off. It's been 7 years since KHII, and Final Fantasy XV (which were rumored to have had help from Sony's first party studios meaning it's more than likely it's a PS4 exclusive) is looking like it will finally saved Square Enix and restore tha Final Fantasy name. That, and oh, you know, the indie support. I'm pretty sure indie devs are highly respected for their creative and unique games, and having them on the PS4 just makes it even better than it already is.

callahan093984d ago

Sony's exclusives didn't Microsoft's graphically? Are you for real? You gotta be trolling, seriously. There's no way you believe that. Give me comparisons, prove to me that Microsoft's graphics looked better.

Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall all looked like a slight step up from current gen to me. None of them looked as good as Killzone or inFamous.

madpuppy3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

who are you kidding, MS has been bad mouthing their competition, be it Apple, Netscape, Linux or Sony For years. they are a typical arrogant corporation with a monopoly mentality and no tolerance for a healthy market where they don't dominate completely.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
Cupid_Viper_33984d ago

@ xPhearR3dx

Of course you would have been totally correct in your assumption if Sony didn't already say the exact same thing way back in February at the reveal.

Cupid_Viper_33984d ago


For those who are still in that green bubble.

xPhearR3dx3984d ago

I never said they didn't. I said their choice of words. It was very clear it was a response to MS announcements. They could have said "Hey, you can still lend your games and don't need to be online". Instead they said "PS4 won't require a connection every 24 hours or any type of authentication." That's a clear jab at MS.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending MS in any way. They deserved what Sony said and I'm glad Sony had the balls to call them out in front of millions of people. But for them to say it wasn't an answer to Xbone, is a bold face lie. I respect them for calling MS out, but I'd respect them more if they said;

"It was a an answer to Xbone, because we actually care about gamers. We want gamers to have the right to do as they wish when they purchase a game, instead of us controlling their use".

Why? Because maybe MS would get their head out their ass and realize they screwed up big time. Obviously the community outcry wasn't enough, so maybe if it came from their direct competitor and the community, they start to see the light.............maybe.

PSVita3984d ago

They never even considered it so they made it a joke. They've stated that there wasn't a used games block back at the reveal.

badz1493984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

both the PS4 and XBone were not designed overnight and both have taken a long time in the design department before being unleashed to the public.

the XBone was designed with DRM in mind thus the console is not able to stream games off the bluray disc like the other consoles because it was DESIGNED to run games from it's HDD like a pc for DRM purposes!

Sony on the other hand, didn't have any such plans for DRM thus only designed the PS4 to improve upon the PS3 and address the weaknesses of the PS3 thus what we get is a faster BD drive to improve the reading speed compared to the PS3, an easier to developed for console due to it's x86 architecture, a single pool of an unprecedented 8GB of conventional GDDR5 RAM which most devs are already familiar with on pc and support for indies!

I honestly think that M$'s policy on XBone has caught even Sony by surprise just like any other people out there because what M$ is going to do is unthinkably EVIL! thus Sony didn't address the DRM and used games issues during their Feb 20th event assuming that things will go 'as usual' too this gen around seeing as the Wii U is the way it is! after the M$'s reveal, people started asking Sony about their stance in this issue and not long before May 21st, EA also announced they cancelled their Online Pass policy...people were curious but I think (my assumption, of course) Sony was just starting to come to realization that M$ is shooting themselves in the feet! Yoshida's reaction when asked about the matter kinda proven my theory IMO.


man...holding out for the perfect moment to deal the one-two blow to the competition is not easy and Sony has received fair share of criticism for not coming out in the clear regarding the issue but man...I understand! If it's me...I'll definite be doing the same thing! what better than to announce it while the whole world is watching? 1 word to summarize this...OWNAGE! (sorry that's not even a legit word LOL!)

fardan853984d ago

It's not a 1-2 jab, it's Mortal Kombat fatality.. LOL

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
DivineAssault 3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

They sure took some jabs at em about it though lol.. M$ is trying to change the way ppl use their hobby machines.. U just DONT DO THAT! U cant force change on millions of ppl virtually saying "we're doing this & its best whether u like it or not".. Sorry but i wont support that BS & you cant tell me that i have to connect to the net to play MY GAMES! If i pay for my game & machine, im taking it wherever the hell i want & playing wherever i want... As long as i have a TV & my console im good.. I wont be dependant on an internet connection.. I wont be handicapped if my net goes out or i cancel & switch providers.. EFFF U bra, u wont get a cent from me nx gen..

They think theyre slick trying to get money for xbox live, money from used games, money on storage, (u will run out after a while from installing everything) money on kinect (when i dont want it), etc..

izumo_lee3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

So that Twitter hoopla actually did make a difference in a sense. Really glad to know that all this DRM stuff was never in their plan & that the announcement at the conference was some friendly banter.

I find it so funny that for the past few weeks game journalists were making assumptions that since Microsoft was doing this DRM stuff, so would Sony. Even though ever since they revealed the PS4 that the days after they were crystal clear that they weren't gonna do it.

Today i was proud to be a gamer on the Playstation & they proved to me that i was important in the life of the Playstation brand.

Just like Sony's new slogan....i do feel that Greatness awaits.

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I thought I escaped this nightmare when I was a kid.

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Same. Looks like it's still haunting us.

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