
'Next Xbox Will Not Be Compatible With Second Hand'

NowGamer: Managing director of publisher Xing Interactive adds for the next Xbox 'you’ll have to go through Microsoft to do anything'

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Godmars2904038d ago

So while Sony is looking to be more open and accessible, Ms is going the more controlling route?

Though really, if their push next gen is the cable box, entertainment, games are going to be something that's just there on the system.

TimmyShire4038d ago

Sony has really turned itself around, somehow. Asked most people a couple of years ago and things would have looked bleak for Sony (sadly), but these days it seems everyone can't get enough of 'em.


Abash4038d ago

'Next Xbox Will Not Be Compatible With Second Hand'

So no buying used games, no borrowing games from friends, and no option to rent a game even?

I really never thought a new game console could sound as unappealing as the next Xbox

jimbobwahey4038d ago

It's worth taking into account that Sony requires an online pass for all their first-party games so that people buying used have to cough up extra cash if they want to play their games online. This is something that Microsoft do not do to their customers, and they appear to be much more tolerant of used games than Sony is.

As such, I'm incredibly wary of any rumors that spring up claiming that Microsoft will block used games with the next Xbox, since so far this console gen they've been much more considerate to gamers who buy used than Sony has.

Philoctetes4038d ago

"It's worth taking into account that Sony requires an online pass for all their first-party games so that people buying used have to cough up extra cash if they want to play their games online. This is something that Microsoft do not do to their customers, and they appear to be much more tolerant of used games than Sony is. "

Yeah, because Microsoft would never charge people to use their own internet connections to play online games that they already bought.

Darrius Cole4038d ago

@Jimbobwahey, Post# 1.1.2

What are you talking about? Microsoft doesn't have to attach an online pass to used copies of games they publish, because Microsoft charges you to play online with the original, brand new copy.

GameSpawn4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

@Darrius Cole

Remember that XBL fees are money in Microsoft's hands, not the publisher or developer. This is why day 1 on disc DLC exists; publishers are trying to recoup however they can.

I have no issue with online passes as they are a "fair" compromise. Remember you have a choice to buy new at $60 (online pass included free) or used at $45-50 and then optionally (key word here) purchase the online pass for $10.

All that being said, the only way I can see what the article is talking about as working is that Microsoft ties the games to your XBL account and if the game is bought used you'd pay a fee to untie it from the original owner and retie it to yourself. This would be far more complicated than "online passes" and an open system for used games; it would give Microsoft more control and the ability to track trades though.

EVILDEAD3604038d ago

Nothing has changed.

Xbox mini will be only be online as already stated.

The 720 will be offline and will support used games.


andrewsqual4038d ago Show
fr0sty4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Jimbo, I've never had to use an online pass with any first party sony game. They have mentioned all games using it, but so far have not implemented it. Uncharted 3 didn't even ask me for a code, though that was the last first party game I bought.

3-4-54038d ago

Not compatible with Used games = Not profitable system.

Seems like Microsoft is abandoning it's hardcore market and trying to go pure TV/Cable/Movies/ Casual route.

That may be good for Microsoft, but bad for the Xbox brand......you know the brand that has given them millions.

gatormatt804038d ago


Sony now uses online passes. I'm not sure which game it was first implemented in, but I rented GoW:A from Gamefly and I wasn't able to play online without an online pass.

DOMination-4038d ago

Sony already said they have some tech that detects preowned games inside the ps4 but was up to publishers if they wanted to use it.

MS said they do NOT have this tech.

This rumour could end up true. System wide inability would suck for those who buy second hand. But right now only one console is confirmed to block and n4g glosses over the fact that console is the ps4.

Rainstorm814038d ago

PS4 confirmed to Block games?......link please...I must've missed that in the press conference......

Here's my link...can u match it?


DragonKnight4038d ago

@EVILDEAD360: "Nothing has changed."

From the nothing that already was?

"Xbox mini will be only be online as already stated."

Citation needed.

"The 720 will be offline and will support used games."

Citation needed.

Remember kids "My own damn opinion" is not a credible citation. Show your work, credit your sources.

DragonKnight4038d ago

@DOMination-: First, read this.


Note this: "Interestingly, I also spoke to a Sony source elsewhere at the event this evening who told me that the anti used-game patent discovered last month was actually nothing to do with PlayStation 4 at all."

And this: "But whatever reason Sony did have for patenting it, it sounds like it wasn't for its next-generation console."

Then read this.


Note this: "While Yoshida's statement leaves open the possibility that individual publishers can still block used games at will, it's just as likely he was simply leaving the door open for the kind of "Online Pass" purchase systems that already routinely limit certain online game functions in used copies of games."

Every source except for one, that being the managing director at Sony UK, says used games will work on the PS4. I'm inclined to take the word of executives like Jack Tretton and Shuhei Yoshida over a managing director who wouldn't know anything that these two executives don't.

Saigon4038d ago

It amazes me that we all are condemning Sony and MS for this feature that may occur when technically some publishers and developers have started to already apply these features within this current generation, and I expect them to continue to the next. I know for a fact several used games that I have purchased that require an additional purchase to access online features. By Sony and MS applying the feature (Sony as an option and MS, we don't know yet) in their next console, I can expect most publishers to actually use it. So we can purchase used games, but in order to access the content of the game, you have to purchase an additional feature.

NegativeCreepWA4038d ago

Lol, did any of you bother looking up this no name publisher? Hardly a reliable source.

g2gshow4037d ago

it's all about money a lot of companies are taking a wait an see approach to all this microsoft will lead the way the rest will soon fallow gamers are not united an the new generation dont care nor do fanboy's. it will all come to pass sooner or later

BattleAxe4037d ago

Sony going the good way, while Microsoft going the Apple way of control.

Boody-Bandit4037d ago (Edited 4037d ago )

I sure hope we are being Rick Rolled and MS isn't this stupid. New only will be the kiss of death for them. That can't be this stupid, can they?

E3 can't get here soon enough. If these rumors turn out to be true? I prefer options and having resale value in my purchases. That and "it's been a blast MS but I feel we are headed in different directions." CIAO

jmc88884037d ago

What people forget though is that the 'online pass' has to do with the online portion of a game.

True for quite a few games this is an instant deal breaker in terms of how many people use games. As many games people buy just for the multiplayer.

But for microsoft this means, if true, is that NO part of the game will be able to be used. It may not even be an option to buy an online pass as the disc may not run at all.

Then again if the console isn't connect to the internet for a multitude of reasons, the console itself would be worthless as well.

I also wonder what happens if you move or have an online service that doesn't give you the same IP.

nukeitall4037d ago

I find it ironic that online passes is a way to block used games, so in essence when Sony, a first party, pretty much introduced this and made it acceptable, nobody gave a damn.

Suddenly now used games is an issue?

I have always been against online passes, because it never actually gave me anything and pretty much just took my rights away.

If you can give me something compelling in return for the lack of ability to play used games, then I might, just might be fine with it.

It's like MP3, CDs has better quality, but I will take MP3 for convenience and cost. However, I will not take nasty DRM on my music.


'Sony has really turned itself around, somehow'..... other than showing the PS4's basic spec, a controller, and a handful of demos, I don't think Sony have done anything to turn their fortunes around.

loulou4037d ago

you cant beat n4g. a positive m$ rumour gets the "wait and see" from the sony fanboys, yet a negative one gets over 200 comments of hate..

troll on kids

MrBeatdown4036d ago


You act like Sony originated it. This is despite the fact that EA pioneered it, and WB and Ubisoft followed suit, making Sony the FOURTH publisher to require it. Quite hypocritical coming from someone who, just a few days ago, accused someone of being a lying fanboy.

Making your bullcrap all the more hilarious is that you try to imply some hypocrisy by saying "nobody gave a damn" about online passes, despite the huge backlash against it, which even helped EA earn the title of "worst company in America".

What's even more hypocritical is that this is coming from a guy who's clearly pro-Microsoft, a company that asks you to put in your credit card number to play your new games online, instead of just a code that comes in the box.

Outside_ofthe_Box4036d ago (Edited 4036d ago )

lol @ nukeitall

***"I have always been against online passes, because it never actually gave me anything and pretty much just took my rights away."***

I'm pretty sure everyone is against online passes and what "rights" are you referring to being taken away? The ability to play used games online without an additional fee? You do realize that MS pretty much does that with new and used games, right? As you have to pay for live in order to play your games online...

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 4036d ago
LOGICWINS4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

I wouldn't call removing the "Other OS" feature from the PS3 and limiting Vita owners to expensive proprietary memory cards "open and accessible" on Sony's part. EVERY company wants to control your content to an extent.

Microsoft is simply taking the practice a step further. They probably figure that the revenue they lose from rebellious consumers who want to play used games is gained back tenfold by consumers who sign contracts for two year cable subscriptions. Very smart on their part.

Not to mention the goodwill they'll have with developers given this strong stance on anti-piracy.

ziggurcat4038d ago

since when is legally buying a used game piracy?

LOGICWINS4038d ago

^^I never said it was. I'm referring to people who have been making copies of 360 games for the past half decade.

asmith23064038d ago

Very smart? I don't think so. If Microsoft block used games they have officially gone full retard in regards to what they bring to gamers. And I am talking about core gamers, the ones who made the 360 and the original Xbox sell in the first place. It's never good for business when you alienate your core audience and fanbase.

I don't think devs will benefit from this either. Look at the uproar over Sim City, which went to great efforts to have always online. It crashed and burned, and as a result Maxis is marked because of the negative publicity. Any screw up with always online is a major one. Devs don't need that hanging over them.

What you need is better business models; subscription services such as PS+ are the way to go if you want to defeat piracy and ween people off used games. I don't know many people who say they don't love what they get out of PS+. I'm saying this as a person who has never bought used either. Kill used or try to block it with always online, is a disasterous approach, unless you bring services that fill the void.

Godmars2904038d ago

Other OS had to be removed for a reason everyone here should very well know. And while the Vita MC can't really be defended, at least they did more than take something off the shelf and put it in an enclosure.

As for MS and goodwill, from what I'm hearing they don't really have any. Not with small and indie.

Also, was talking about the next console cycle. Not the current one. And even then Sony's games are region free. Physical ones anyway.

Genuine-User4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

You can't be serious LOGICWINS.
Sony is well within their rights to do those things.
On the other hand, Microsoft seems more intrusive and anti consumer if all these rumours are to be believed.
Those propriety memory cards can work on as many different Vitas as you want, as long as you format them.
Microsoft is planning to limit the disc to a single account. That I believe is unethical.

LOGICWINS4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

"And I am talking about core gamers, the ones who made the 360 and the original Xbox sell in the first place. It's never good for business when you alienate your core audience and fanbase."

It doesn't seem like you understand whats going on here. Microsoft is WILLING to lose a chunk of their core gamer audience if it means getting a bigger piece of the casual pie.

Microsoft isn't stupid. This is a company that made over $2 billion on XBL subs alone this gen.

As much as people here want it to happen, they wouldn't do something thats going to put them in the red.

"As for MS and goodwill, from what I'm hearing they don't really have any. Not with small and indie."

Does that matter to 99% of people? Will most people spend $299-$399 for a 720 to play AAA titles or $5-$15 indie game?

@alessandro10- I love how keyboard warriors think they understand business better than billion dollar companies.

alessandro104038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

good luck with that

lets see DAT goodwill when everyone starts to jump out

Godmars2904038d ago

"Microsoft is WILLING to lose a chunk of their core gamer audience if it means getting a bigger piece of the casual pie."

And given how well the casual market supported the Wii, you honestly consider the active alienation of a segment of its current market a good idea?

Also if rumor is true and they're going more towards TV and entertainment support, anything resembling hardcore gaming support if going to whittle to Halo and anything else with name recognition while quality is actually casual.

LOGICWINS4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

No, the Wii and the 720 are two different beasts. The Wii went for casual gamers, the 720 on the otherhand is going for casuals in general(people who spend more time streaming/social networking, watching cable than gaming). There are more potential consumers for the latter than the former.

If Microsoft subsidizes the 720 to $199 with a 2 year sub to XBL Gold, Cable, and Netflix for $25 a month, you REALLY believe they won't be successful?

grimmweisse4038d ago

Good will working with developers is not some BS archaic form of DRM. Working with devs making it easier to release on to your platform is what is needed and making the tools available for your particular platform readily available.

If these RUMORS have truth to them, then many gamers will shy away from the Nextbox. Always online or connected is never a good option. Previous and current games with those DRM restrictions has proven that its a problem.

kayoss4038d ago

"Does that matter to 99% of people? Will most people spend $299-$399 for a 720 to play AAA titles or $5-$15 indie game?"

Have you seen the ipad and tablet users? They spend $400-600 for an Ipad or Iphone so they can play $0.99 games. Most of these games are indie games too. Yes it true they use the Ipad for other purposes, but i can guarantee that %85 of the Ipad user uses their Ipads to play these games during their pass time, How do you explain Angry bird, candy crush, words with friends, etc...???

LOGICWINS4038d ago

"Have you seen the ipad and tablet users? They spend $400-600 for an Ipad or Iphone so they can play $0.99 games."


But thats not ALL people do with an iPAD. You KNOW that.

Thirty3Three4038d ago


You said, " they have officially gone full retard "

Can I use this? I just spit my water all over my computer XD

Qrphe4038d ago

Now you're just arguing for Microsoft's corporate interests instead of your own.
If they do choose to block used games then let them rot and don't try to defend them. That said I don't expect them to block them (it'd be unbelievably stupid).

T24038d ago

So people think its ok to buy an item you cant share with a friend ? Hey can I borrow your car? No sorry gotta buy a key from ford ... Only an absolute sucker would lie down and take this

Rainstorm814038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Logic your name is so ironic sometimes

If MS abandons gamers for its next GAME Console then it will fail..... Whether it's Kinect Gears or Halo the Xbox Brand is associated with Gaming...when they abandon that to be a casual hardware device , Nintendo and Sony will no longer consider them competition, just as they don't consider Comcast or FIOS boxes competition...and yes they play games as well.

Also u said "the Wii and the 720 are two different beasts. The Wii went for casual gamers, the 720 on the otherhand is going for casuals in general".

That statement is ridiculous, the Wii got grandparents and soccer moms and more into gaming that may have never touched a game prior to the Wii...the crowd you are think MS are aiming for have no reason to get a Xbox720 if they already have a cable service or smart tv and have no interest in gaming....unless its incredibly affordable..... even then I've used FIOS on 360 and it's a mere shadow of the actual FIOS service ( missing channels, features , etc..)

DragonKnight4038d ago

"I wouldn't call removing the "Other OS" feature from the PS3 and limiting Vita owners to expensive proprietary memory cards "open and accessible" on Sony's part."

Yes, because removing a weakness in security that less than 1% of the userbase used and was not a necessary feature for the console's basic function is exactly the same as closed and restrictive practices with the prohibition of used games. EXACTLY the same. /s

CEOSteveBallmer4037d ago

Dude I somehow get your point in a business point of view, But its still "Risky" for them if they are going to do this. And you really sounded like you defend microsoft as if you gain something from it. I dont mind if you defend microsoft if what their doing is good. But even though these are rumors, still they are unappealing no matter where you look at it. I too defend my console or company of choice which is sony because I see that their way of doing things is good if not great and very "Pro" consumer. But if they have done something unappealing too then I will not stand up for them. Like example they chose region lock games for the first time. But its just an example. No matter how we love our brand of clothing or devices, if they done something against their customers, I dont think standing up for them is a good idea.

gigoran4037d ago

Right, because Microsoft allows you to buy any hdd you want and install it in the xbox360. Oh wait....

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4037d ago
iamlegend99994038d ago

Main reason why i'm switching and the the main main reason i'm switching is because planetside 2 was hinted to be on playstation 4. When i heard that i was like "SOLD".

blackpanther254038d ago

The whole thing I love about the PS4 is that it is going to open the door for more MMOs on consoles.

abzdine4038d ago

i dont care what manufacturer we are talking about but no preowned no buy, it's as simple as it sounds.

This means no one can borrow games from friends? NO WAY!

indysurfn4038d ago

Not only that but as @asmith2306 said "Microsoft has officially gone FULL RETARD!"@asmith2306

mcstorm4038d ago

What I find funny is this is a rumour nothing else.

If Ms drop xbox live subscription then I see them making a online pass like Sony do for there exclusive games where they can only be used once to play on line and then if you buy the game 2nd hand you will have to buy the pass as well.

I don't thing any of the big 3 will stop pre owned games next gen as people would end up with far to many games hanging around in there homes that they never play. I also think it would hurt sales of games Ike fifa ect as people will not want 7 copy's in there collection

Rainstorm814038d ago


MS already will have a tough road justifying a subscription for XBL IMO....most if not all of XBL current payed features will be free on other consoles this gen

Godz Kastro4037d ago

I wish people would stop acting as if this is not inevitable. Sony and MS need to catch up to modern day platforms like apple/google/amazon when it comes to digital distribution. The only reason this is talked about is because they are still using physical media which is on its way out and I for one can not wait.

I want a nice clean interface that displays all my games and I can hop in and out with no need to touch a disk...

Its gonna happen people, both MS and Sony will go this route. The question is when?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4037d ago
AngelicIceDiamond4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

More flip flopping rumors, as usual I call BS.

Meanwhile this seems plausible


In case nobody reads it:

"Moving away from questions of hardware for second - remember Black Tusk Studios? The exciting new people who're developing at least four new IP, presumably for the new console? They're in the market for a campaign engineer with serious "core" credentials. "This opportunity is best suited for an experienced engineer with a background working closely with Design to create outstanding single-player experiences in a core AAA game," reads the listing in question.
"The role will be to create and maintain custom campaign gameplay systems that are needed for our game. Our ideal candidate will be a committed gamer with a passion for delivering new experiences to the core consumer." Experience with the Unreal Engine is preferred. Hmm.

Black Tusk also needs a senior services engineer to help assemble "a reliable high-traffic web application to support console and multi-screen end points". Multi-screen, eh? Could this be a SmartGlass-style auxiliary in-game service of some kind?"

This seems more interesting than the same flip flopping rumor that pops up every week.

Godmars2904038d ago

And it could just as well be for the WiiU. More so in fact specifically because the WiiU comes with a tablet device.

Blaze9294038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

can we start putting rumor in the title for these RUMORS? Geeze we already know how gullible the internet is. This just makes it even worse acting like they know what they're talking about; a product that hasn't even been announced yet.


That saying it's false now this saying it's true.

Here we again. June really can't come soon enough >_>

Godz Kastro4037d ago

Thats what im saying... everyone is talking as if this is set in stone. I wish the internet would just shut up until june...

omi25p4038d ago

When a rumour appeared on this site the other day, saying the 720 will use used game and is more powerful than the ps4. Everyone said to ignore it because its just a rumour.

Now its negative towards the 720 its got to be true.

People on this site are so full of it.

MysticStrummer4038d ago

That goes both ways. Negative 720 rumors are dismissed by the faithful, while positive rumors must be true. Let's also not forget the years of negative PS3 articles we saw on this site that's supposedly run by PS3 fanboys.

Condemnedman4038d ago



DragonKnight4038d ago


Objective4038d ago

Agreed. And if you check on the number of positive or negative comments on each of such articles and the number of agrees or disagrees each comment receives, you get a very clear picture of which camp of childish fools overrun this site.

MuhammadJA4037d ago

Your disagrees prove your point. This site reeks of hypocrisy.

jmc88884037d ago

Well there's a reason for that.

If you look around there's literally been somewhere around a hundred articles with various sources of whatever credibility that says one way.

Then there's been maybe a handful the other way.

This doesn't guarantee anything one way or the other, but it is very reasonable for people to have formed a mindset towards a certain viewpoint.

Afterall MS has had months to deny these rumors, as these rumors ARE very damaging to their brand.

It's never a good thing to let thousands and thousands of people to swear off the 720 if these things are true, and then just expect every one of them can be won back. Quite a few are already gone.

Lets put it this way.

If you are standing still and everyone is running towards you from one direction saying Godzilla is coming and then you turn around and find one person running your way saying Godzilla is coming.

Which way are you going to run?

In absence of official information, which MS is guilty of not providing in light of rumors of such impactful nature, people are going to draw conclusions from the information that is around them.

In this case, hundreds of articles over months of timeframe of vast negative consequence have been rumored. MS are fools for letting it fester like it is. It's the worst publicity possible.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4037d ago
bunt-custardly4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

NEXT XBOX (XBOX MINI) will not be compatible with second hand.

Yeh we already know this, and I like how the article doesn't make the distinction between which next Xbox Connolly is talking about.

Nowgamer says Xbox 720 yet Connolly says next xbox.

Way to play with words.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

"So while Sony is looking to be more open and accessible, Ms is going the more controlling route? "


ichimaru4038d ago

Lol wait, what happened to "wait for an official announcement " . dude at least be a consistent troll

JasonKCK4038d ago

how many more of these same rumors going to pop up on N4G? this is like rumor number 5000 of the same damn thing.

jmc88884037d ago

Which with its so negative content forming first impressions on Microsoft's new content is akin to....

Every newspaper in an area introducing a political candidate each with an article talking about how they are a convicted sex offender with multiple dui's who can be easily bought off on any issue and also kicks dogs.

Meanwhile said candidate remains quiet.

Yeah, smart move Microsoft.

indysurfn4038d ago

once again if this is true, the xbox 360 will be my last Microsoft machine. Looks like instead of having Microsoft/Sony combo I will have a Sony/Nintendo combo! LOL. BLANK MICROSOFT AND EA!

Virus2014038d ago

What ever happened to "Let's wait for official announcements"? Last week we hear good news(rumors) about the NextBox and everyone wants to wait for "official announcements". Now we go back to the bad news (rumors) and everyone want to accept it as truth. F'in pathetic.

infamousinfolite4038d ago

MICROSOFT NEEDS TO COME OUT HERE AND REVEAL THEIR CONSOLE ALREADY. Too many rumors out here that people are running blind don't know what to believe anymore.

Double_O_Revan4037d ago

Exactly. It's one thing to have rumors for a new console, but with the all the outright insanely negative rumors for their next system, they really need to say Something. At this point their still playing the neutral PR bullcrap and denying even the Existence of the next system.

I'm willing to bet we don't get anything before E3. Which is a long ways when it come to these rumors on a daily basis. I also think they're on damage control behind the scenes with last minute changes because they got caught off guard by Sony's reveal.

takohma4037d ago

@infamousinfolite- you're right they need to at least give small tease or some kind of info about it all.

@azshorty2003- After reading the history on E3 at ign I agree with you about Microsoft doing damage control. Sony has done this before with putting news out about a system surprising the competition. Sony did that before with a price cut on the PSX which forced Nintendo to cut the price on the N64. I could be wrong on details but it was a similar situation. It seems like Sony is getting back to there old days with surprise announcements.

JokesOnYou4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Well his assumption is just based on rumors, either way these companys will get their money micro makes you pay up front for online, sony makes you pay through an online pass. Lets wait and see what micros strategy is next gen, Im guessing it will be much the same as far as online charges are concerned.

vv @zichu dont sweat it, people are not jumping ship to sony based on rumors, thats all n4g talk, those folks werent going to buy the next xbox even if it cooked you breakfast too, if micro incorporates great games, with the best online structure, plus intergrated tv/set top box programming like I believe they will, I guarantee you the next xbox will be the best selling console in the US by far and do similiar sales to this gen in other markets.

takohma4037d ago

lol you are right I wasnt planning on buying the next xbox even though I have a 360. That breakfast bit was very funny though lol. But.....if the next xbox makes protein shakes I would by it!!!!! lol

Urusernamesucks4038d ago

"So while Sony is looking to be more open and accessible, Ms is going the more controlling route?"

Sony has officialy revealed theyre conlsole and its ideas, ms hasnt,so STFU.

4038d ago
slapedurmomsace4038d ago

If Microsoft is successful, Sony will follow suit. They are a business, not your friend.

Godmars2904038d ago

All companies are greedy, but are still defined by what methods they use in order to get your money.

MS comes up with XBL Gold, which makes you pay to access features in both games and console. Sony sees this and come up with PS+, which is at first a discount sales, then later a game leasing or rental service. Both are basically the same and yet PS+, developed upon the example of XBL, actually gives something other than what could be considered basic.

slapedurmomsace4038d ago

@godmars, Oh I completely agree, and I really don't think it would be added to the PS4, that would be a huge disaster to all of a sudden make peoples games non-playable. I'm thinking that would be added for the PS5 if Sony as a company is still around. What I'm trying to say is, people point to Sony as if they are their personal friend and are only looking out for the gamer. That's not true, they are looking out for themselves, and will make money where ever they can, just like any other business, they just aren't as blantly dickheadish about it as Microsoft is. But it's made up for in other ways.

As in example, Microsoft charges a ridiculous amount for a small hard drive that you have to buy from MS. Where Sony lets any lap top drive in. Huge advantage Sony. However, Sony removed features from the PS3 as time has moved on and than lowered the price. I.E. You paid less and got less, (though in my personal case, I didn't give a rip about the features that were removed) Where MS added wireless with B/G/N* and the priced stayed. (though it should've been there to begin with) and when sony made the super slim they didn't add wireless N, which kinda did suck.

Honestly we could go back and forth like this for a while, but the bottom line is, I'm not a fan boy of either system, I'm a fan of gaming in general, if it's on PC/360/PS3 or old school systems, and from you response where you weren't an ass for no reason, I'm sure you agree it would be a waste of our time. Just gets tiring to see people destroy Microsoft for unconfirmed rumors, but when the rumors was the PS4 would block used games, no one believed it. I can understand people wanna defend Sony and the PS3 cause they like the company, but the PS3 fans on here at least, are really teetering on becoming worse the Apple fanboys. If you wanna be a fan boy of something gaming related, become a fan boy of a developer. I'm a huge Naughty Dog fan, and have been since Crash, and would follow them even if they did start to make games on other platforms, I'd buy the other platform if I didn't have it just for their game. Just to add, i don't mean this personally towards you, just any fan boy for anything system

Godmars2904037d ago

The only reason we'd go back and forth is that you equate having to remove Other OS from the PS3 as an obituary money saving action. Ignore that MS sold wifi adapters separately when they'd been in the PS3 since day one, or that upgrading it would be of general advantage and not just something tech minded gamers would be concerned about.

When Sony offered their console it was as the best they had to offer at the time and was sold at a loss. When MS offered theirs its cheapest and shortchanging version was advertised the most, it ate discs and resulted in "RRoD" becoming a common term.

Going back the original argument: companies DO NOT do the same things. Some put their interests besides those of their customers while others put them above. MS has done things which in my opinion puts them in the latter category. If you see things differently then you just do, but at least try and bring up some evidence or cherry pick it.

slapedurmomsace4037d ago

@Godmars..yeah I guess i was wrong, you were interested in going back and forth. You go ahead and bring up the RROD problem that has zero to do with the conversation and has been resolved for years, and I'll just go ahead and bring up the fact PSN was hacked and account info was stolen. I know this cause Sony bought me a year of identity protection as an I'm sorry with a cheap game. And no, it wasn't just an OS removal, you just go ahead and ignore the USB ports and SD/XD card ports were removed. No problem.

As far as the Wifi, wifi back in 05/06 as a dedicated connection was unreliable at best. Most people had their system hard wired. Though I agree it was stupid of MS not to include is, as I'm sure it'd costed them $5 a console to do so.

And I guess it's only cherry picking cause you think I'm picking on Sony, well I apologize but as you said yourself, all companies are Greedy, but somehow Sony is greedy company that has it's customers best interests at heart. Yeah ok

takohma4037d ago

@slapedurmomsace Dont forget the original xbox 360 didnt have hdmi connections. My friends original one finally bit the dust lol.

so if you wanted a hdmi you would have to buy another 360 I think the elites had started using hdmi. Then if you wanted wifi you would have to get another 360...lol so that 3-xbox 360 just to get what the ps3 already had.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4037d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4038d ago

Typical N4G. This is a bad rumor for MS and the Durango, and everyone is jumping on and talking about it like it's true.

Good rumor comes out last week or week before about Durango, and being pretty powerful, and right away everyone disses it, and says no way, never could happen.

Only the negative rumors are true on n4g.

jmc88884037d ago

You're reading it wrong.

Which shows you WHY Microsoft in FACT has already screwed up.

When hundreds of articles from many sources say one thing, and a single or handful or articles contradicts it, which are people likely to believe?

The part which is FACT, is that Microsoft has ALLOWED this situation to fester when all they had to do is come out and say that these negative rumors are false (if they are) and that when they have something to announce they'll announce it.

So either MS IS doing this, and they're screwed.


MS isn't doing this, but everyone already thinks they do, which means they are screwed, just a decent portion less.

Great job Microsoft. You guys must have the same PR people as EA.

g2gshow4037d ago

im just going to say it like this this is where the industrie is headed if we like it or not just like fare hikes an so on. sony an every ne els pc will get on the band wagon sooner or later. when they see microsoft making all that money an publishers geting a bigger return on sales an not losing out on the used game market i dont like it but business is business /just hope we the gamers get something out of this change cheaper games would be nice but i doubt it maybe forst party games . the younger generation dont care about always on line or being watched or understand whats going on they just want to play the next best thing

1OddWorld4037d ago

Inc Disagrees for me

When you purchase a game new the creator is selling you a license to his "Intellectual property". You do not have the right to sell his "Intellectual Property". You have the right to sell the disc which is just the "key". GameStop and others have walked a fine line in this area and now technology has given the creator the ability to protect his creation.

Like many have said buying used is robbing the creator of his "Intellectual Property".

While I hate big business in most cases and am completely against always online DRM. I am for protecting ones body of work.

And {Yes} there is a huge difference between a creation of the mind and a used car.

4037d ago
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4036d ago
TimmyShire4038d ago

This rumour won't seem to go away. I'm not saying 'wait to Microsoft confirm this' stuff, but there's usually no smoke without fire.

And that worries me... I won't buy and Xbox 720 if true.

Zichu4038d ago

The reason it won't go away is because journalists have nothing else to tall about and jump on the most popular bandwagon. At the moment it's the always online and no used games rumor for the 720.

It's just a rumor though, people are taking it as if the final decision and are jumping ship to Sony. I know the Ps4 sounds amazing and I will definitely get one, but plz be open minded about this everyone.

Minato-Namikaze4038d ago

I'll get a next box if the online is free and they release more games. 1st party games have been very lacking since the kinect revealed. I cant justify buying a system that wont release games on a frequent basis for me.

grimmweisse4038d ago

I hardly doubt they will stop charging for their live service with the 720. It's has proven to be lucrative for them.

Donnieboi4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

My head is spinning. Sick of these rumor articles popping up. Who the heck knows what to believe anymore?

EDIT: Whoa, I just finished reading it (sorry), and yeah this actually seems like a very solid lead!

NastyLeftHook04038d ago

i can see it happening so easily with them.

InMyOpinion4038d ago

Either all of them do it or none of them will. It would mean instant failure and none of them are THAT stupid.

pompombrum4038d ago

Logically speaking, it sounds like suicide however the average consumer will probably end up blissfully unaware of it's inability to play second hand games and get caught up in Oprah, smiling families and whatever else Microsoft's marketing department throws at everyone.

Still, if they take this route, in the long run, it's going to provide more negatives than positives especially if the ps3 can play used games.

Darrius Cole4038d ago

I don't know. Maybe the average consumer won't know, but the average consumer who buys from video game specialty stores will know. EVERY video game specialty store will be out in force against this if it is true....

But we don't know that it is true. Frankly, it seems so likely to cause major damage and so unlikely to produce a tangible benefit for Microsoft, that I find it difficult to accept.

Why would Microsoft do this? Why? What would they gain from it? Or, if you will, What do they THINK they will gain from doing this?

It's very difficult to see how this help Microsoft. Therefore it is very difficult to believe.

pompombrum4038d ago

Thinking about it, the only reason I can come up with as to why Microsoft would risk it would be as an aggressive attempt to get third party publishers to make Xbox exclusive games. I don't know the figures and I'm fairly certain that wouldn't be the reason but maybe publishers will come to the conclusion that they'd make more money from making their games xbox exclusive than risk second hand sales on the ps3.

JokesOnYou4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

No No aibreeze, thats not logical because going exclusive for a dev although they would get funding from micro still means they lose a larger amount of profits from the ps fanbase, and as for micro this does not benefit them in anyway because they are still going to be out of pocket paying the devs like always to go exclusive while likely generating lower sales because less people want to buy a game they cant resell or that have more restrictions.= Why go through all that trouble when they can just pay for an exclusive outright? Its not like games like Gears of War dont sell a sh*t ton anyway just from new purchases....killing 2nd hand purchases from micros position would be anti-productive, thats more a problem for devs, because micro needs to make money based on game sales AND an accessible console.

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More Job Losses At Xbox, “There’s More To Come”: Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott in a recent episode commented on the on-going Microsoft fiasco hinting at more job losses and that "there's more to come".

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Sonic188120h ago(Edited 20h ago)

There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future . Xbox has to pay Microsoft back. It might take two decades to do that.

sagapo17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

I don’t understand what you’re saying. Xbox IS microsoft so there’s no “paying back “.
And MS gross profit in 2023 was over 140 billion dollars so forget your 2 decades.

Unless you mean the money MS invested in Xbox (acquisitions included) and the time it will take for xbox as a brand to gain that money back on it’s own, then yeah, that could take a while.

romulus2310h ago

The better term to use might be return on investment, xbox is simply a division of Microsoft one that MS can easily do away with if profit margins are not met. So in that regard he's right, if xbox isn't showing the expected return on investment the higher ups are expecting than it's unlikely Microsoft will acquire any other studios any time soon, especially if they are spending billions buying developers just to shut them down in the end.

MrBaskerville3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Xbox is a division that they discussed shutting down but doubled down on after Gamepass was pitched.

It needs to make money at some point. Big money.

rokos1h ago

According to Statista the net income of Microsoft is about $72.4 billion dollars which is a bit lower than last year profit. That is almost as much as Activision's acquisition but I assume that would be a one off since it costs so much plus I see how their focus has been shifted to AI, thus any major future investments will probably be in that area.

Markusb3329m ago

i think you are really missing the point

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 29m ago
SonyStyled16h ago

“There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future”

No bro, there do be is for Microsoft not acquiring for what is now if not what it be is 😂

14h agoReplies(2)
ChasterMies4h ago

Xbox isn’t a separate company from Microsoft. It’s all Microsoft.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 29m ago
jwillj2k420h ago

There really needs to be a class action lawsuit here. You buy these companies just to put people out of jobs. And it’s not like something happened to derail their plans this WAS the plan. Microsoft has no business in this space at all.

franwex19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Microsoft has been doing this for years. They simply want the IPs. Look at Nokia. Look at Skype. This time it simply expanded to games. Gaming is not as important to Microsoft’s executives as it was to the founders too. Bill Gates was willing to sell the og Xbox at a loss. Steve Balmer approved the red ring of death fiasco. This CEO isn’t really a gamer.

-Foxtrot19h ago

Maybe it's time though to put a stop to it and use a big giant like Microsoft as a huge example to the rest of these big companies.

There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

People like the FTC and the like went against Microsoft yet their Actvision deal was still allowed to go through yet look what's happened...it's not even Acitivisions studios aswell, it's Bethesdas.

RNTody19h ago

Ninja Theory, Perfect Dark, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Wolfenstein 3, Dishonored, Prey, Doom, Quake... something tells me that bad things are going to happen to these entities under Microsoft.

MrDead9h ago

ID software, the makers of Doom and Wolfenstein that have been with us since 1991 could be gone and MS will keep the IPs.

I hope some of these studios can buy their freedom from MS otherwise this is going to be even more devastating for the industry and gamers.

Yui_Suzumiya6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

That's exactly what I'm worried about. I've been a fan of id since Wolfenstein 3D and I'm honestly afraid.

lodossrage2h ago

Toys for Bob saw the writing on the wall and bought themselves out.

Wouldn't be the first time a company did that under MS either. Bungie and Twisted Pixel did the same. Considering what just happened, I can see some other devs trying to buy themselves out too.

anast18h ago

Good thing the bosses of all those small studios made their money.

glenn197918h ago

they cant do it right now they will get burned

XiNatsuDragnel10h ago

Phil and his team need to be gone

lodossrage2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Won't make a difference.

The whole structure needs to be overhauled. Anyone that replaces Phil will be no different than him, Mattrick, or anyone else.

Until the company changes how they go about business, nothing will change

lodossrage2h ago


But they may as well get it over with. Whether it happens now or later, the burning is going to hit the same.

Reality is the ONE move that can alleviate a lot of this is the one move they can't make. Remove day 1 from gamepass.

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Microsoft Opening Xbox Mobile Game Store in July

The Xbox brand is expanding, as an Xbox mobile game store is opening this coming July where Microsoft will brings its "first-party portfolio."

Jin_Sakai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

“Bond adds that they will start on the web”

This will go nowhere.

Nice knowing you Xbox. This is what happens when the house never gets cleaned.

MrDead2d ago

The only this MS is expanding is the amount of feculence it sprays on everyone who just want to enjoy gaming and make games.

The best thing MS can do for the gaming industry is leave and never return.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck with this even it might not succeed.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel3d ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga1d 21h ago (Edited 1d 21h ago )

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow2d ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

Zachmo1821d 20h ago

Microsoft didn't force MLB on Xbox. MLB gave Sony 2 options either go multiplat or risk losing the license.

Rynxie1d 10h ago

And why do you think MLB said that? I believe Ms approached MLB.

ApocalypseShadow1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Totally ridiculous comment.

The only exclusivity Sony had was to their own creation of The Show. Microsoft could have paid the MLB for the license just like Sony did and made their own baseball game.

Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox. They're worth 3 TRILLION dollars. You think that's not enough money to make their own baseball game? Don't be delusional.

Microsoft spun it like they always do and told the media that they had to trust Sony with their hardware. After they put Sony in that position of not having a choice. Either go multiplatform or stop making one of their successful games. That's a no win scenario.

And what did Microsoft do? They didn't try to sell the game to the Xbox community. They put it on game pass to hurt Sony. Pushing the idea of why buy games that are $70 when you can play them in their cheap service for $10. It was a dirty tactic.

You fell for the Kool aid drink Microsoft served you instead of spitting it out. Hope it tasted good because you were fooled by Phil and the gang.

1d 5h ago
Hereandthere1d 1h ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Bond revealed that MLB The Show “always came up” in conversations between Microsoft and the Major League Baseball organization. “We always said, ‘We love this game. It would be a huge opportunity to bring it to Xbox.'” she recalled. However, when Microsoft’s efforts materialized, it put the company in an awkward situation where it had to send in pre-release consoles to a rival company.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 1h ago
Notellin1d 6h ago

"Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox."

Take a nap, conspiracies are rotting your brain.

1d 5h ago
Hereandthere1d 1h ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

ApocalypseShadow11h ago

Lying to yourself is unbecoming.

Article link tells you all you need to know in Sarah Bond's own words.

Hereandthere1d 1h ago

They were too cheap/inept/lazy to develop their own mlb game, so they port begged for years and bribed the mlb to make the show multiplatform. Like i said many times, xbox brought nothing to the table their 24 years, ZERO.

ApocalypseShadow11h ago

At least you and others get it. Note drank the Kool aid and asked for seconds thinking it was refreshing.

Most don't even know how it all played out but it's there in black and white for all to see. Microsoft brought it up for years until the MLB forced Sony's hand. It was a win win for Microsoft. Kill one reason to buy a PlayStation or kill the game by dropping it in a cheap service to kill Sony's sales numbers on PlayStation.

OtterX1d 23h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Cockney6h ago

They chose well, Sony gave them the backing to pursue their dreams with no restrictions even tho their games especially dreams have very niche appeal. Media molecule and Sony deserve respect for this in an age of risk averse publishing.

RNTody1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno1d 22h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.

Sheppard7t31d 20h ago

How did Sony kill the series?

Inverno1d 20h ago

They shut down the servers, that's millions of user created levels gone. That and dead are pretty much the same, it's also been years since 3 and they cancelled HUB soooo.

1d 5h ago
fsfsxii1d 6h ago

They shutdown the servers because no one was playing, no one in the community cared about the user created levels so why keep them up? Wtf you guys would never succeed in running a business.

Inverno1d 5h ago

Yea dood no one was playing so they shut off the servers. Cause people with enough common sense can't just Google why they were actually shut of, right?

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