
New beginning for Call of Duty? Activision revealed next-gen visuals

At the Game Developers Conference today, Activision technical director Jorge Jimenez has revealed their photorealistic next-gen engine.

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a_bro4064d ago

well, with all that money they made, they better get to it, before battlefield kills it

aCasualGamer4064d ago

It seems, lately, every developer wants to show their nextgen muscles. Question is, will we actually see this level of fidelity in characters come PS4 and next Xbox launch?

The main character model in the latest Infamous Second Son trailer looked really amazing, but nothing compared to these pictures. Hope we get to this level of detail sooner rather than later.

CGI-Quality4064d ago

inFAMOUS is also an open world franchise. You can't expect this level of fidelity.


Their showing off the engine capabilities... there's no way that would translate to in game visuals outside of cutscenes. If it does... well damn.

BitbyDeath4064d ago

If the Killzone devs didn't know about the full PS4 specs when making Shadow Fall then you can expect Sucker Punch to be in the same boat.

Both engines are likely only using around the 2gb mark.

PLASTICA-MAN4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Did anyone watch the tech-demo : http://youtu.be/l6R6N4Vy0nE ?

irepbtown4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

I cannot get enough of the eyes!!!
They look very realistic.

I skipped MW3/Black Ops 2 (though I borrowed MW3 and I'm playing it now) so the next COD will hopefully be a big change like COD4 was (one of my favourite FPS).

TopDudeMan4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Well, that's cutscene quality (It's pre-rendered), though. Realistically, their character models won't be able to touch that level of quality during gameplay.

Activision are really gonna have to push the boat out (gameplay-wise) to get me on board for the next one. I'm pretty much spent on those games.

Irishguy954064d ago Show
Insomnia_844063d ago

It clearly says in the picture "not actual gameplay". Cut scenes might look like this but not gameplay.

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jcornish4064d ago

I imagine Battlefield shall kill it anyway. Bf3 was so much better than MW3

secretcode4064d ago

To be fair, a lot of games were better than MW3.

Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 Licensed to Drive for instance.

nypifisel4064d ago

There are no other franchise more in need of a new engine than COD, they've been using the same one since 2005 (with minor tweaks), though not sure it could save a COD game anyway^^

artdafoo4064d ago

U are 100% correct but as long 15 year olds line up to buy it every year they see no need to change the formula.

vZeppelin4064d ago

Elder scrolls games have been using the same engine since Morrorwind. Just with minor tweaks but people still lined up for Skyrim and no one complained about it. Double standards FTW.

Mustang300C20124064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Source engine as well but omg it is wrong that Activision found so much success with COD using a successful engine. Just proves they don't listen to N4G and Neogaf armchair analyst vs their own business expertise.

negative4063d ago

Not a huge COD fan but they've been using the same engine since 2005 because IT LOOKS GREAT!!!

Quit your bitching you're ruining gaming for everyone!!!!

nypifisel4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

There's a noticeable difference and upgrade with each iteration of the engine used in TES games. That's more than you can say about the Cod one, each game has felt the same, played the same and looked the same.

Good business doesn't automatically means a good game. There's nothing so lacking in fantasy than COD, why is that? Cause they milk it, there's not enough time between releases to actually come up with something new and fresh.

If you think the COD engine looks great you got glaucoma.. -_- It's horrendously outdated in every aspect - compare it to BF3 (I'm not a huge fan of that game either but at least they put in the effort to create a great new engine to imagine their game

vZeppelin4063d ago

The graphic difference between Oblivion and Skyrim are the same as the difference between COD 2 and Black ops 2. During the same amount of years, I'm not saying COD doesn't need a new engine, it does. But I find it to be massively hypocritical of the game community top throw out" COD sux and is for kids, am I cool now guys?" then give Skyrim a pass even though the engine held back the game and caused all the problems for the PS3 version.
Which is the real outdated engine. The one that gives you the same thing over and over again or sorry we can't make DLC for the game.

Gaming_Guru4063d ago

Halo has been using the same engine for years and people never complained. With the new Halo 4, graphics finally updated with less features and bugs (especially with Swat matches).

If the consumers still buy the product, why change something that is not in demand? When a company does become more radical they get shunned because it's too new or people think they lost their focus.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

nypifisel4063d ago

I agree with you on Skyrim, I don't give it a pass, I'm still disappointed at that. So I'm not hypocritical, but you still have to agree that the leap from Morrowind to Oblivion was a substantial one so brining that game into the equation isn't feasible.

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GraveLord4064d ago

BF3 released, didn't kill anything. What makes you think BF4 will be any different?

HammadTheBeast4064d ago

Actually, it did dent CoD's sales a bit, and it wasn't made to kill, it was made to begin the process.

RememberThe3574064d ago

Because thats how people talk between games. BF4 looks mind blowing to BF fans so of course we're going to think it's gonna kill it. And honestly, "kill it" could mean a whole lot of things. I think of it as "BF4 will be better than the next Duty" more than a sales statement, but I guess on N4G you never really know what people are talking about.

nukeitall4063d ago

I thought BF3 was at least going to make a small dent, but instead there wasn't even a scratch.

That is actually good news, because there is at least a competitor to CoD, yet they both live on despite me not really liking BF series. I traded BF3 within days of getting it and never looked back.

BF3 wasn't my cup of tea, but maybe BF4 is?

However, this just illustrates what is wrong with the community. It seems actual sales is opposite of what the community thinks will happen.

irokster4064d ago

Wow. The possibility of CoD maybe running on an engine with capabilities like these? Maybe it can stick around for 2-3 more years...

caperjim4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Battlefield wont be "killing" anything if it is still stuck at 720p for next generation like it is rumored to be. If Call of Duty can give us native 1920 X 1080 resolution (1080p) then COD will be better graphically.

No amount of destruction, high res textures, better lighting and tessellation will help Battlefield 4 if you are looking through a dirty window. ( 720p )

I love Battlefield games so i really hope this rumor isnt true.

On topic.....I look forward to seeing what next generation COD has to offer. These images look great.

fatstarr4064d ago

I mean, it should be about time

cod4 modern warfare was revolutionary and it changed everything.

since then its been 6 games on that aging engine and people have been eating it up.

i doubt we will see a new engine tho, im expecting some hybrid engine. ex think wiigames ported up with hd textures and better resolutions.

I dont see Activision Making MW4 4 different times.
1 time for the handhelds vita/3ds
1 time for the ps3/360/wiiu? with the same stale engine
and 1 time for the next generation twins with some sort of brand new engine.

I dont see it. especially not in 1 years worth of time. unless the 4 studios are actually doing what I just listed.

Mustang300C20124064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Right because that is the same thing that was said for Battlefield 3

ZombieKiller4064d ago

Whatever....ps will still get a shitty port and this game will still lag. Despite graphics

Ashunderfire864064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

If this is how Call of Duty will look like next gen I will scream!!!! I would say man Activision you made a massive leap from the old Call of Duty engine to this. But I won't believe it, until I see it for myself.

codename134063d ago

and I bet they're gonna use this same tech for next 10 years without making any update xD

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SkyCrawler4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

For some reason I cant get over how creepy next gen faces look(to me)....As impressive as they are theyre so freaky looking. Even if they show some kindve emotion. Its especially hard when the pictures are med-large sized and I have my fingers across my eyes. Im excited for next gen but I gotta get rid of my fear. :/

Lone_Man4064d ago

dude do u have some issues??

Hydrolex4064d ago

SkyCrawler I know you in person and you look creepy too bro ! no offense

Chapulin4064d ago

Amazing. Actors start looking for a real job.

RememberThe3574064d ago

Yeah... No. Someone still has to read those lines someone still needs to act so the animators have a reference.

But those were impressive, I'm not as skeptical as other people are, I think characters will look like that. Just look at Crysis 3 on consoles, or at Beyond, or the new God of War. We're already seeing some really cool stuff and all of that is only gonna get better as developers move to this new hardware. I'm pumped.

Eldyraen4064d ago

Personally I think it looks great but there is still a certain amount of glassiness to the eyes here and there. To be fair though the detail is insane and looks great from a distance (well looks great at all angles, just some are more 'fake' than others) and is always hardest to get right no matter the medium. The video (don't remember where I saw it) looked better although it also highlighted flaws like they usually do (eyes again being main issue). The video wasn't quite as impressive as some of the other tech demos due to less realistic animation but they might had been intentionally exaggerating it at times to show wider range of motion (which would be great for non-human characters in other games).

I love all the tech and gameplay videos we've seen so far though as just looks fantastic and a significant boost from this generation all around (and in many cases better than what we've seen on PC which only makes sense--half of it is running on PC but designed with next gen in mind so ups the ante compared to games of today).

This next year and onwards should just be great all around for console and PC gamers both especially since the architecture is more familiar for all platforms (according to rumors for Xbox naturally) and probably easier to port to PC (easy=less money to do it) so we might see even more new games than we did this generation.

I can't wait for new consoles to be released although there's still quite a few games between now and then to hold me over. Plus a backlog that's only growing longer as time goes by.

hesido4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

I think they have done an extremely good job, the eyes hold even when zoomed, tho I haven't seen it in action.

(Comparing the eyes to the Nvidia faceworks demo, they trump the Nvidia demo)

hesido4064d ago

I've just seen it in action and they use the faceworks tech :)

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor3d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead3d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo3d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow12d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


Judge Delays Ruling on FTC's Attempt to Exclude Evidence in Microsoft's Favor in Activision Case

The legal battle for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard continues, with Microsoft countering one of the FTC's latest moves and the Judge delaying a relevant ruling.

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thesoftware73085d ago

Look, to be honest the FTC should just stop.

MS has A/B and nothing has really changed yet...if you are worried about 5-10 years from now...just drop it cause the future is unpredictable.

Take this week's news, that 4 Xbox exclusive are going Multiplatform.


FTC and "Gamers' Lawsuit" Lawyers Denounce Microsoft's Layoffs in Activision Blizzard Legal Battle

The FTC and the lawyers behind the "Gamers' lawsuit" against Microsoft over the acquisition of Activision Blizzard are denouncing the recent layoffs within the respective legal battles.

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Abriael95d ago

It's like watching a bad legal drama.

XiNatsuDragnel95d ago

Best part there's no dramazation lol