
Cliffy B, microtransactions, and why I’m done with console games

StickSkills.com writes, "Last night, a blog post by Gears of War creator Cliff Bleszinski ignited the internet. The subject of the blog? That dirty “M” word that men in suits love to spout: Microtransactions. Needless to say, the reaction has been all over the place."

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Seraphemz4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Every console game MUST have a steady stream of DLC because, otherwise, guess what? It becomes traded in, or it’s just rented.” thats a really good point that i never considered as a gamer.

And something to consider, these are all optional things... you dont HAVE to buy DLC or Microtransactions..but once it takes away from the actual game, thats when it becomes an issue with me.

cyguration4079d ago

You're ignoring that these microtransactions WILL eventually take away from the actual game.

Do you honestly think that shareholders believe in maintaining the integrity of a game? Or respecting the art or time or effort that the developer puts into the title? You're deluded if you think that shareholders care.

If EA is abusing microtransactions in all their free-to-play games they'll further abuse it in retail games. It's not a matter of "IF" but "When".

Shareholders only care about money and eventually they'll want to make MORE money from every avenue of the industry they can, even if it means selling $10 DLC to get the "true ending."

Seraphemz4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

I make decisions on facts. And I dont speculate what MIGHT happen. Im talking about right now, and right now..they are optional.

If they change that.. then I will react.

Ilovetheps54079d ago


Have you ever heard the phrase "Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile"? That's going to be the issue here. If we keep giving companies all this leeway, they are going to start abusing it. It's best to just stop the trend right now before they abuse microtransactions. So what happens now affects the future. I would rather be proactive and not buy these games with microtransactions so that they hopefully don't start taking away from the actual game and selling that to us through microtransactions.

EA has already tried taking away from the game in ME3. They then sold the level and character as DLC. So, this is happening now. I don't want to wait until I have to pay for every aspect of a game. I want to put an end to it before it becomes too big of a problem.

Diver4079d ago

As soon as he can't afford the insurance on that crappy Lamborghini he'll come crawling back.

NotSoSilentBob4079d ago

@ Seraphemz

Ubisoft has already cut content out of Assassins Creed II that was resold as Bonfires and didn't add any trophies just game play that was on the DISC. Micro-transactions are taking away from games by allowing less dedicated players to pay to win. Instead of the normal you don't have to out run the lion just the other gazelles.

da_2pacalypse4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Totally agree with you. Microtransactions are fine when it's for a meaningless hat for your character that adds nothing to your experience of the game other than a visual difference.

When you talk about making microtransactions for actual upgrades in a game that you paid 60 dollars for.... that's pushing it.

Also, @Seraphemz you're wrong. I'm still playing skyrim, I'm still playing Borderlands 2, I'm still playing Dragon Age Origins (there are many more on this list). And this is without purchasing the DLC. The game is good enough for me to replay. Even several years after the game has released.

If you make a strong game, people will replay it... and they will hesitate to trade it in. DLC is good when it's done right, but it doesn't prevent me from trading in a game I don't like.

Seraphemz4079d ago

You know what I do about DLC that I feel should be added already??? I dont buy it.

As a matter of fact, I dont buy ANY DLC. Never have. And I would NEVER buy MT's

I just stated that I could see his side how he wants his game to make more money for him.

What people need to do is stop buing DLC's...but they wont. And guess what, companies will still make them as long as they sell...

morganfell4079d ago

Here is the fact no one wants to face. If you do not like DLC you are in the far far minority. It works for the publisher because it is monetarily feasible. So many people buy it that it is impossible to turn down the money angle.

The people that complain about it may seem numerous but they are a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers that purchase that same DLC.

Even better I love how many people at Neogaf were complaining about the DLC for Dead Space 3 while acknowledging they purchased the Gamestop or Amazon versions...which came with DLC.

As an afterthought arguing about some DLC is pointless, particularly that in Dead Space 3. Does it really change your experience because you know a 14 year old in Croatia used DLC to upgrade his character faster than you? If so you have issues unrelated to game you need to sort first.

Today on this forum someone was just mad enough to illustrate their anti-DLC stance by remarking that a DLC weapon in Black Ops II unfairly assisted DLC purchasers.

If you are playing Black Ops II you have bigger problems than DLC.

Outside_ofthe_Box4078d ago

***"I make decisions on facts. And I dont speculate what MIGHT happen. Im talking about right now, and right now..they are optional.

If they change that.. then I will react."***

I hate to be so rude about it, but that is a retarded way of thinking.

Prevention is better than a cure.

You have to take a stand now before crap starts becoming the norm. Once things are the norm it'd be very hard to go back as that would require the majority to cooperate. As we know it's very are hard for the majority to deviate from the norm as at that point they'll have the "it's been this way for a while. Why stop now" mentality. At that point it be far too late to 'react.'

knowyourstuff4078d ago

Yeah, don't you love how this "author" considers himself an old school gamer who hates microtransactions, DLC season passes, and has always been a PC gamer who has been "confused" by consoles, also considers himself a game critic with enough authority on consoles to judge their games. If they really confuse you, perhaps you should just stick to playing and critiquing PC games, which even more than consoles have free to play models with tons of microtransactions to make money on.

Britainz-Fin3st4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

I agree with cyguration,

Microtransactions are a way for developers and publishers to keep there hands in your pockets even after you have initially bought there game.

Im not against DLC when it is things like new maps for multiplayer etc but when you take for example BF3, the shortcut to the kits then it is something i dont particularly like, its just a form of "cheat code" only you use money to unlock it imo.

Not only that DLC is becoming more and more common, proving cygations point and the fact we have already had day 1 dlc just proves to me that if they can sell us crap and they can get away with it then there is going to be alot of crap for sale.

Some people say its just keeping the game alive but imo the majority of the time DLC is not good value for money and just a way for cashing in.

Another example of what i mean is take on xbox live, i pay for the yearly subscription but from day one i have had to pay for different themes, gamer pics or even clothes for your avatar, all things which should be free seeing as what it is. What you pay for you get is just a joke.

Bimkoblerutso4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Like cyguration said, you're delusional if you don't see that it's ALREADY negatively affecting the games we buy. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything we can do about it. Crap like this eventually happens to EVERY medium of entertainment out there.

Unfortunately, most of the more casual gamers and CoD-heads out there don't understand (or even want to understand) what throwing money into these microtransactions is doing to the industry.

Their only exposure to the issue will be when they read some ridiculously biased article from a very high-profile, corporate shill website, or a blog from some washed up dickhole that USED to be a corporate shill (*cough*) and that will be it. Their opinion on the matter will have been fabricated for them. No need to think about it anymore, let the corporations do what they want.

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BDSE4079d ago

Same thing was said about DLC and that has led to day one dlc releases and ultimately to micro-transactions.

camel_toad4079d ago

I still think he just needs his own talk show.

OcelotRigz4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

"Every console game MUST have a steady stream of DLC because, otherwise, guess what? It becomes traded in, or it’s just rented.” thats a really good point that i never considered as a gamer."

I dont agree with that statement. I just took a glance at the collection of games in front of me and will name a few of them, Dark Souls, Bioshock, Arkham City, Red Dead, InFamous 2 and GTAIV.
Now i know some of them have dlc, good dlc at that, but still, ive come back to those games a few times before any DLC was released and will do again and again. Why? Because they're great games.
If a game is good enough then you'll never consider trading it in because you know you wouldn't mind playing it again in the future because its so good, not because of DLC.

Dont get me wrong, DLC can add a lot to games and add some more longevity, but developers shouldn't depend on it so their games wont get traded. Just make their games better and add elements to make the replayability factor more attractive.

As for the blog post, it was well written and i agree with some of it, you cant deny some cold hard truths. I dont like EA simply because they are too successful and have too much influence on their developers, as a result you will see less creativity and innovation and more of copy and paste of "whats selling" with their games. Thats why i like developers who genuinely listen to their fans and answer to nobody, theres not many of them (CD Projekt RED from the top of my head), and also why i think the indie scene is very important for gaming.

Spookshow4079d ago

I think they tried to add replayability putting crappy online multiplayer on every game ... so far it ain't working...


EditorAtGNG4079d ago

There was a time when a game's longevity depended on QUALITY rather than DLC's. That time wasn't so long ago if you recall.

Cliff is being a moron for comparing Valve with EA. Valve didn't invent DLC's and has never shipped a half-arsed product in their lineup. EA on the other hand is the prime leader of greedy gaming corp. who's only contribution and overall innovation is testing how much they can further push the microtransation system down their consumers' throats before they lose all of them.

isa_scout4079d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. Valve is far to damn good to be compared to EA. Cliffy, call me when EA makes the next game that is the equivalent of Half-Life 2, and then you can compare EA to Valve...Scratch that, Valve is still to badass for that...You stay classy Valve.

Sephiroushin4079d ago

By that time it will be too late to react!
That's what is wrong with people, waiting for problems to get big to speak up, react & try fix to them when is clearly too late!
So keep telling yourself is just a "might" and try to react when that "might" you refused to see is your present and not a possible future!

OcelotRigz4079d ago

Yeah, the saying "Prevention is better than cure" comes to mind.
Its like these guys are lying on a train track saying "Its fine, no train is going to come and if it does then i'll worry".

AngelicIceDiamond4079d ago

"Why I’m done with console games."

No more Gears? O_o

Perjoss4078d ago

Cliff Bleszinski does not own the Gears of War franchise.

wagnus4079d ago

A steady stream of new content is awesome. But let's let Minecraft & Terraria(to name a few) lead the industry. All new content invokes more sales, and is entirely free. Minecraft is topping PC sales all time with this methodology. They'll never charge a cent for their updates.

ZombieNinjaPanda4079d ago

They need to have a steady stream of DLC? How about making the game replayable. How about making a game people won't want to trade in? But that won't stop people who still want to trade it in.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4079d ago

I get Seraphemz point. As it stands right now you don't really need to get DLC. Sure it is overpriced, but it isn't necessary.

But we don't live in an ideal world and we have already seen developers try and take advantage of DLC. Capcom with DLC on the disc, Batman requiring a DLC code for Catwoman was quite cheap in my opinion and Azura's Wrath lololol.

It's sad because people don't realise that this is a stepping stone for bigger and more drastic changes. It is that simple. They WILL try and take all our monies lol. I supported the Dark Souls DLC, but that is about it (and Warhawk in the early days, but it wasn't good enough for me). Dark Souls is how DLC should be done.

showtimefolks4078d ago

just go cliffy no one will miss you, you are nothing more than over rated game director. I don't think these morons realize how much money gaming has made for them and now all of the sudden they want to nickle and dime us

if you are so confident in your game release it free to play and than see if people like it they pay as they play.

talk is cheap actions speak louder than words cliffy

gears of war was made by a huge team with a huge budget from epic/MS yet cliffy acts like he was the sole creator of gears

rezzah4078d ago

So you would wait for an accident to occur instead of trying to avoid one?

I say this based on your comment 1.1.1.

You must at least attempt to see the pros and cons of how you look at things.

I on the other hand tend to look toward the future. In opposition to your views, I would look to the future and adjust the present to abide by the best possible outcome.

Not wait to see everything turn to hell and then make a decision. In some scenarios, your point of view will end up getting someone killed.

LocutusEstBorg4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

That's why consoles shouldn't play used games. All games must be purchased and registered to an account, just like Steam.

die_fiend4078d ago

When did Cliffy B become an industry commentator? Didn't he quit? He's worse than Jaffe...no-one cares what you guys think as you haven't made relevant games in over 5 years. You would both be doing the industry a favour by passing on

GuyThatPlaysGames4078d ago

Gamers are tired of him. He just needs to talk a long walk off a short pier.

T3MPL3TON 4078d ago

Cliffy fails to realize that share holders don't care about anything but the bottom line. The bottom line is the game either makes money or it doesn't.

There are plenty of games with none or 1 addon that sell very well. They are maintained by word of mouth. Games don't all need micro and games don't all need DLC. DLC is whats killing the industry not Micro.

Micro says, here is the game for free if you want to get these super powered items that you'd normally have to spend months on earning, right now. Pay $5.99.

DLC says, we're going to make you pay for subpar quality so that you stay interested long enough to care about the sequel we're putting out in 6 months.

liquidhalos4078d ago

Id just like to add one quick point thats been mulling around in my mind for a while. If devs stopped all this twitter and blog posting nonsense and concentrated solely on making good quality games, we as gamers would probably be better off.

I cant speak for everyone but i personally am not interested in how much cliffy b loves ea or how many friends he has in valve. I have consoles and a pc for games, not to hear about some rich game developer trying to justify squeezing every single possible penny out of a game at the expense of us gamers to make him richer.

Abdou234078d ago

No one cares about Cliff B

roshi19874078d ago

Besides, inflation has taken away part of their profits. DLC merely acts to get their profit back...and then some.

s45gr324078d ago

the point being developers have forgotten how to make money in this video game industry. Free to play with the game free and online free and only pay for dlc ok makes sense. But having to pay $60.00 plus tax turn around pay for useless dlc content like horse armor is just bs. We as gamers should not allow game developers and publishers continue with microtransanctions for retail games.

KaBaW4078d ago

Wrong. If the game is good, I keep it. Regardless of DLC 2 weeks or 10 years later.
If the game is bad, that is what will make me trade in a game, or only rent it.

Developers need to create a great game, if they want me to keep it. Simple as that.

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Jek_Porkins4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

Cliffy B has kind of lost his mind recently. I kind of understand what he is saying, but very few games that aren't Call Of Duty are going to be played year in and year out. People buy and play the newest and "greatest" thing.

Micro-transactions are basically pay to win. I didn't buy the map packs for Black Ops 2, those who did now have use of a new gun called the Peacekeeper that is an absolute monster. It tears through laggy rooms and gives a clear advantage, that is the model I cant stand.

I realize DLC isn't something you have to buy, but it shouldn't give someone who did buy it an advantage.

Cupid_Viper_34079d ago

yeah I'm with you on that one man. It should be a system that forces you to upgrade or die, when the only means of upgrading is to spend more money.

Surely games can have micro transactions, but to shorten/fragment a game on purpose in order to generate more revenue is straight up disrespectful to the gamer/consumer. And then EA have the Gall to say that "we love this stuff".... I'm steaming over that comment.

And I didn't buy the Black Ops 2 expansion pack, because they've specifically accepted money to delay it on the PS3, then charge the same price for it on release. And that's something I'm not cool with whether it's Sony or Microsoft doing it. But the majority of the blame goes to Devs/puplishers, who willingly accept more money to alienate their own customers.

It's one thing to make a game exclusive to a console, Gears of War for example, meaning that no one on the PS3 is a customer of yours. But when you make a multiplatform game, then you have customers on both sides, and the service to them should be equal, unless it's a console specific feature.

Dark_Overlord4079d ago

"And I didn't buy the Black Ops 2 expansion pack, because they've specifically accepted money to delay it on the PS3, then charge the same price for it on release. "

Its worse than that over here in the UK,

Xbox £31.99 Season Pass

PS3 £41.99 Season Pass

Cupid_Viper_34079d ago

@ Dark_Overlord

I didn't even know that actually, that's crazy.

I think that the Gaming Industry needs a governing body that goes after unfair practices. Otherwise I think it will go to sh!t really fast.

You know, a place where you can report abuses such as what you just showed me. Forcing them to explain why the same product is priced higher on the PS3, and get fined or sued for it.

Or when GameStop buys a fairly new game from a 12 year old for $8.00 and then turn around and sell it $55.00. If someone took advantage of my kid like that, you'd have to deal with me afterwards.

jc485734079d ago ShowReplies(1)
IK IR Y IP T4079d ago

All you kids crying need to get a new hobby ! stop feeling so entitled and im sorry but the peacekeeper is not overpowered and it is easily combated pull your panties up ladies !

Stroke6664078d ago

its not really a sense of entitlement this time. its a matter of how far they go to skim a buck, soon in order to finish a board in a game you'll have to purchase the boss key through mt's lol. dlc should remain optional. in a game like bo2 weapons shouldnt be dlc they should be in game upgrades, its like buying a hadoken in street fighter. so long as it doesn't take from the main game dlc is fine with me, but don't give me a game with half the content needed to play is right there on the disc but i have to pay extra to play a complete game

maniacmayhem4079d ago

"I’m against season pass DLC models, online passes, needless collector’s editions, and all the other gimmicks that publishers implement on console games."

I agree with this statement 100%

BanBrother4079d ago

Gears 3 had a season pass. I got the EPIC edition, and while not completely 'needless', it wasn't anything special. They also had disc locked content, which thankfully once caught out gave it to us for free. The 'other' gimmicks that they had for Gears 3 were the day one weapon skin packs for like $20 lol.

Not knocking Gears 3, it was a great game (I have put more than 500 hours into), but most of the things Cliff mentioned were in his game. Maybe it was Microsoft's decision?

maniacmayhem4079d ago

Who knows, I doubt it was MS but more of an Epic decision. But regardless I hate this sort of model that games have adopted.

porkChop4079d ago

Cliff has been saying that he knows these things are problems because he took part in them. He knows he's been guilty of them in the past. I think this is why he's taking a break from game development, it's clear he's sick and tired of all the shit that's happening in this industry.

danitanzo4079d ago

What about games that come with extra stuff for the same price if you pre-order it?...

maniacmayhem4079d ago

I guess that's okay, but just like the author said, don't include game breaking items just because a user payed for an item instead.

Bad design if users have to pay for an item just to be OP and dominate a game.

SJPFTW4079d ago

Day one, on the disc DLC, is terrible. But i don't mind post-launch support and developers creating DLC that expands their game. Dragonborn for Skyrim for example

cjflora4078d ago

Borderlands is another example. They released solid content for each of the games that really is worth picking up to add to the already awesome content that was released.

Kran4079d ago

Isn't it going to be on PC games too? :/

Legion4078d ago

Going to be? I am assuming you are not a BF3 PC player? It happens right now.

Kran4078d ago

I have Battlefield 3 on PC... i just dont play that game any more.

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Former Game Designer Cliff Bleszinski - Bridging the Worlds of Video Games and Comics

Step into the extraordinary universe of "Scrapper," the visionary comic book masterpiece brought to life by acclaimed game designer Cliff Bleszinski, renowned for his iconic contributions to the gaming world with titles like Gears of War, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Unreal Tournament. In an exclusive interview, Cliffy shares his inspiring journey from the gaming industry to venturing into the realm of musicals, revealing the personal inspirations that led to the creation of "Scrapper." Drawing from his 25 years of video game experience, Bleszinski seamlessly infuses the comic with captivating action and world-building prowess.

shinoff2183266d ago (Edited 266d ago )

Bridging the world's of videogames and comics has been done by the Japanese for ages. Not gonna lie I'd rather play scrapper the video game then read the comic.

MIDGETonSTILTS17265d ago

I think Insomniac covered this with Infamous.

Chevalier265d ago

"You’re right, I suck."

Nah you're probably confused because Insomniacs does do a game based off a comic too in Spiderman and soon Wolverine

SpacedDuck265d ago

Dude made some killer Unreal and Gears of War games but has been dud after dud ever since. Don't understand why people hype him up. He's a jackass to start and way to into himself.

shinoff2183265d ago

Agreed. From what I've gathered over the years

generic-user-name265d ago

Like a month or 2 ago he tweeted that people were trying to cancel him and to 'bring it on' (or something along those lines) then someone posted the remarks he made over underage Olsen twins and he wasn't long deleting it.

-Foxtrot265d ago

Seems like he's always trying to do something to "change the industry" rather than just making a good f****** game again.

DrDoomer265d ago

That article sounds like it was written by cliffy himself. This douche hasn't been relevant since the xbox 360 days.

crazyCoconuts265d ago

He started making video games, and now he's a comic

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Cliffy B's Boss Key Is Dead (And Why That Sucks)

Cliffy B's Boss Key Productions had to close its doors. Here's why the end of the studio is such sad news for everyone.

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TheOttomatic912175d ago

Boss Key is certainly dead but Cliffy B sure as hell isn’t

Nitrowolf22175d ago

I thought he was dead for real lol

blackblades2175d ago

I was going to say that, sounds like a amateur.

mogwaii2174d ago

You sound like AN amateur.

rainslacker2174d ago

I was about to be pretty upset when I read the title. Despite my criticism of CliffyB at times, I actually do respect him when it comes to game design. He's even critiqued some of my projects at trade shows for students. Pretty nice guy really.

Pretty crappy of cheatcc to word the title like this IMO.

demonicale2175d ago

What a bad news title. Might want to change that to be honest.

2175d ago
BLAKHOODe2175d ago

I wouldn't worry about Boss Key's unemployed developers. Sure, some might have to relocate, which sucks, but it was just a few weeks ago Cliffy was asking Epic Games to stop trying to steal his team, which considering what has since happened makes Cliffy look like as big a douchebag as we've always knew him to be. But there are tons of jobs available for developers, so these guys will ultimately be okay.

rainslacker2174d ago

May not have to relocate. Raleigh, NC, where Boss Key and Epic are located has a thriving development scene. There's Insomniac, Red Storm, Ubisoft has a studio here(they also own Red Storm), and Epic among the big studios. There are also a lot of mid sized to smaller studios which are pretty well known in and around the area.

DVAcme2175d ago

I don't think the term "creatively bankrupt" has ever applied as perfectly to a studio as it does to Boss Key games. They literally tried to bank on two gaming fads without a single unique idea to contribute. They're the Great Value of gaming, although not even, cause at least Great Value products are cheap, while Boss Key was asking full price for glorified Overwatch and Fortnite clones. And then they have the GALL to publish the ideas they had for other upcoming games, ideas that actually have a spark of creativity to them, as if to make us feel guilty by saying "Look at what you deprived yourselves of by not supporting our mediocre-ass games!" Cry me a goddamn river.

porkChop2175d ago

"without a single unique idea to contribute."

What are you talking about? Radical Heights plays almost entirely different from other BR games. Every BR mechanic works totally different in the game. It's full of unique ideas.

"Boss Key was asking full price for glorified Overwatch and Fortnite clones"

No, they were not. Neither game was asking full price. Lawbreakers was $30. Radical Heights is free.

"And then they have the GALL to publish the ideas they had for other upcoming games"

They weren't upcoming games. They were ideas that were pitched to all the major publishers, and were rejected. They weren't coming out.

You've made it incredibly obvious that you've never played their games, and you have no idea what you're talking about. You're just blindly hating on them. That's pretty sad.

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Cliffy B's Radical Heights Isn't As Bad As It Looks

Radical Heights is from the team behind LawBreakers, but it already looks like succeeding where that infamous shooter failed.

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Derceto2211d ago (Edited 2211d ago )

Indeed. It's far worse.

Not sure how many times people have to witness train wrecks like this in the making to just accept your instinct, but, anyone who's been around for even 5+ years, should see the caliber of stinker this is going to be.

Effortless, copycat, uninspired trash.