
Sony Will Compete With Valve, Not Microsoft, Next Generation

GR writes: "Watching the PlayStation 4 reveal I was surprised, despite trying not to be, at the specs for Sony's next console. The eight-core AMD CPU was anticipated, but opting for 8GB of GDDR5 and a GPU comparable to the GeForce 660/660ti is something the PC gamer inside of me couldn't help but be excited about. My astonishment soon turned into curiosity once I thought about how Microsoft's Durango (code name for next-gen Xbox) is clearly not aiming for the same demographic."

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alexcosborn4120d ago

It'll certainly be interesting to see what sort of direction Microsoft takes with its new console. Can't wait!

Dms20124120d ago

This opinion is getting pretty boring, at least come up with something else.

chasegarcia4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

Kinect2.0 is exactly what I want

& for them to remove Xbox live gold.

HammadTheBeast4120d ago


It's your species that make me sick.

Mainsqueeze4120d ago

I Love Valves games but i honestly don't think they will do well with the steam box. Just to much competition and not enough brand recognition with the casuals. Even if they do just focus on high end specs i feel most people will opt for Sony with the PS4 because its something they know.

Mounce4120d ago

Whoa man, Kinect 2?! Sony doesn't stand a chance.

Valve should also scrap the Steam Box completely, they can't handle the power of Eyetoy 3- I mean, Kinect 2.0

Spoon_4120d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Steambox is an upgradeable console so there is no limits nuff said
You can slap a Titan in your steambox and voila!!

Also stop being small minded the steambox is being packaged with a CONTROLLER NOT A KEYBOARD IT'S COMPETITION IS CONSOLES

Virtual_Reality4119d ago

''You can slap a Titan in your steambox and voila!! ''

Seems easy, but do you consider it the price?

$999.99, nuff said.


dcbronco4119d ago

The person that wrote this seems to be incapable of learning from the past. Design means a lot, not just the parts. The writer, and may others, doesn't understand that we are moving into a new kind of computers. And software. And people are underestimating the software.

And neither consoles specs are final. Sony has said so, so apparently they believe they might have to upgrade theirs. And Microsoft's is a modular system. So parts can be added. Their own documents from a couple of years ago show 3 CPUs and 2 GPUs. We saw one APU design. What if there are two of those APUs in the Xbox. On paper that is a 25% power difference the other way.

Plus no one has figured out what the move engines in the 720 do. People have speculated that it was about increasing the RAMs bandwidth, but if bandwidth was a issue why not change the RAM from the beginning. So it might be for bandwidth and other reasons. That might add efficiency that increases power further.

And people keep talking about changing the motherboard at the last minute. No one has seen a motherboard for either console. Or a shell design. What motherboard needs changing?

Let's wait for final specs and a real examination of the parts before we determine a winner. Though I believe the Xbox will be more powerful. Based on some of the things I've been reading about their work.

Ritsujun4119d ago

yup, slap dat Steamboobx

BattleAxe4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Sony and Steam are the two best places to be for games, so I guess this makes sense to some degree. However, I think it will take Valve at least one full generation before they get the brand recognition they need to be able to compete with Sony in the livingroom.

What will be interesting is whether or not Sony will compete with Steam on the PC with using GaiKai, and since the PS4 architecture is similar to a PC, Sony could conceivably create a service like Steam or Origin on the PC, and offer both downloads of ported PS4 games and a streaming service.

Nitrox4119d ago

From article-
"Most importantly, the Durango is presumed to have an even more advanced version of Kinect built-in. Such a move indicates that Microsoft wants to make its motion and voice command capabilities a major feature of the next console"

I think it's pretty funny that the author of this seems to be putting down the next Xbox because Kinect integration is somehow "going a completely different route" but nowhere does he acknowledge that PS4 is shipping with its very own update of the uber successful (/s) PS Move.

Double standards I assume...

TheBrownBandito4119d ago


"Though I believe the Xbox will be more powerful. Based on some of the things I've been reading about their work."

I was taking you seriously until you said that.

Cueil4119d ago

lolz at the Titain vs 7970 comparison

TheRealSpy4119d ago

You're an idiot. You'd already have been removed for trolling if it was in reverse.

N4G is such insane hypocrisy.

DOSemp4119d ago

Sadly.... Kinect 2.0 AND Casuals

TopDudeMan4119d ago

People marked this as funny, but I'm gonna mark it "well said" because it's probably a pretty good prediction.

Tr10wn4119d ago

After reading all these comments i still can't believe how idiotic people are on this site, we have clairvoyance people in this site, these guys can tell how powerful an unannounced console is gonna be that's just astonishing why the hell are you guys even here? you should be millionaires by now.... read your comments before posting eat you will laugh with all the non sense you guys write.

I love steam but there is no way ill use the Steambox over my PC and there is no way ill buy it over a PS4 or a 720 i still want to see the spec of both the 720 and the Steambox but my PC is not that bad so i'm looking towards the PS4 and the 720.

dcbronco4119d ago


I understand what you're say. Let me explain why I said that. It's because I've read so many articles about what Microsoft is doing from non-gaming sources. They have built a huge CPU/GPU design section of their own. They have modified chips on their own in the past. The APU in the Xbox Slim was their take on IBM and AMD parts. It was better and they had to slow it down to keep parody with older consoles.

They are making their chip modular. The leaked documents they have tried to have their lawyers remove from the Internet show that they plan to use their Xbox chips in TVs, Set-top boxes, TVs, Phones and tablets. They have already released Surface with other parts. I believe the next versions will contain MS chips.

It's clear to me that Microsoft is very serious about becoming a major player in the whole entertainment eco-sytem. From making their own original content to their own hardware. It will be based on other peoples parts(for the time being). But it will be heavily modified by Microsoft. I haven't seen any evidence that Sony has become so deeply involved in chip design. Apple has.


Apple and Microsoft have made it clear they will not depend on their to do their chips anymore. So I believe they have secrets that Sony won't have access to. They have also been gearing Windows 8, C++ AMP and DirectCompute to take advantage of the HSA architecture.

So it wasn't a fanboy comment. But I can see why you would thing that given this sites reputation.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
pain777pas4120d ago

I think that Microsoft will be competing with Valve more than Sony is. Microsoft may just try to push Valve out in some way. This gen will be interesting.

scott1824120d ago

Yeah it seems more likely MS and Valve may get in some sort of heated competition then Sony and Valve. Sony will try and push Nintendo out I think.

ForgottenProphecy4119d ago

Well, IMO, if Microsoft tries to stick with Kinect, I think it will be Microsoft vs Nintendo for the casuals and Valve vs Sony for the hardcore. Overall, we all win with a great experience found on all four consoles.

karl4119d ago

SONY has always bet on the hardcore market

soo if MS doesnt keep on the way they did up to now with the next xbox then SONY will be left alone

with pc of course

the rest is casual...

NonApplicable4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

I think you should re-analyze Microsoft's direction. They clearly are pushing towards entertainment services and less on gaming. Just look at the Xbox interface and marketplace today; heavy on media and services. The gaming that they do focus on, is indicating a more casual future. The fact that Microsoft will bundle a Kinect 2.0 with every Durango says it all.

I hope I'm wrong!

extermin8or4119d ago

Microsoft could concievably make it harder for steam to function on windows and that would destroy a large portion of it's userbase. It'd be hard todo but not impossible and a right dick move but if they made life as hard as possible to be used on windows 8 or whatever comes next seeing as gabe as spewed anti windows 8 stuff already :p #what I wonder is if valve plan to make games like the inevitable half life 3 multiplatform or only on steam/steam box? Also steam box isn't going todo aswell because it's basically a pc, it is upgradeable which will put many people off and that for the money they shouldn't expect to be outdated in 3/4 years...

pain777pas4119d ago

Extermin8tor you don't forget do you? Neither do I. Gabe says that he wants to use Linux for the Steambox in addition to what he said about Windows 8. All signs point to Steam having some issues in the future with Microsoft or they are currently having issues with Microsoft. Some of us may not know how Microsoft became the Goliath that they were or are now. Apple is on the rise too so... if they find a way to just lock off other providers from Windows 8 and funnel everyone to their Windows 8 app store we may see a slow decline in Steams presence in a Windows OS space. I think that Microsoft is going to get angry and vicious soon to anyone non google because that is the only company that they need right now because of their search engine dominance and Youtube etc... That is the only partnership that they have to preserve everyone else is under the heel of their boots so to speak.

Tres214119d ago

@ extermin8or
ive been wonderin the same thing & wanna kno if they plan on still making multi plat games still or just goin for steambox & pc there r a few games i wanna play

Ju4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Steam is going the Linux route anyway. A Steambox won't run Windows. Not sure what MS can do about that (other than locking down the boot loader in Windows8 certified Mobos). You wouldn't notice. Big picture will take over the OS in Steambox anyway.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
TheGamerDood4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

MS is already being written off...wow.

CommonSenseGamer4120d ago

Only by fanboys. I will wait to hear about their games line up before I decide.

LOGICWINS4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

Writing off MS is like putting your back to an angry unchained dog thats been mistreated over the past couple of years. Big mistake.

haggishurler4119d ago

@LOGICWINS mistreated by the millions of gold customers, who pay money just to use the console with friends?

Zhipp4119d ago

I think you may have misunderstood the "mistreated" part of the metafore...

nukeitall4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )



Sony wrote of the original Xbox, then the Xbox 360 and look what that got them. This time, Sony is essentially copying Xbox 360's strategy upon release with social gaming features and core games.

Sony isn't even looking at Valve, because they don't realize the threat yet, while MS is an immediate danger.

However, I agree that Steam will be a bigger competitor since both are likely to be using x86 architecture. This means, targeting PC first, then porting to consoles is more likely to happen. This puts Valve at an advantage, combine with the fact that PC is a moving hardware specification target.

The real question then is, can Valve make a box as integrated as upcoming consoles? Do they understand the "instantness" of consoles?

Valve also doesn't have the deep pockets to go after the razor and blade business model so we will see.

It certainly are interesting times for an entertainment consumer and gamer!

UnholyLight4119d ago


At least your name holds true to the logic you speak in your #1.3.1 comment

xursz4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

About "Instantness" of gaming, neither does Valve have the cash to invest in Cloud which will be a substantial part of Next Generation at least for Playstation.

I expect MS will follow up on the idea, too.

And we know Steambox wouldn't charge for multiplayer so MS will have no choice but to drop the subscription or offer a remard program similar to PS+ if they want to charge people.

thereapersson4119d ago

I don't know what you are going on about. Sony has always been focused on the core gamer. In fact, they are pushing more than ever to give core gamers what they want for the PS4.

Tr10wn4119d ago


A rare attribute in this site since most of the people use rumors over common sense or solid facts.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
Cam9774120d ago

Since Sony have Gaikai it WILL be a battle between Soy and Valve.

Kalowest4120d ago

MS has had cloud services since 07.

ThatXboxGuy4120d ago

Cloud space and Gaikai are on two entirely different levels.

Mainsqueeze4120d ago

Microsoft pretty much hired everyone that worked for OnLive so they will most likely have a cloud system like Gaikai.

Reverent4119d ago

The problem with Microsoft recruiting OnLive employees... Well, Onlive failed.

MariaHelFutura4119d ago

I don't think people understand what Gaikai is doing.

xxLuckyStrike4119d ago

Will Sony will have Gaiki behind a PS+ subscription to stream. They paid a lot of money to acquire them. And the PS4 isn't gonna be cheap. But I think for Sony to thrive this gen they need to charge for one of those services via PS+ or monthly fee.

*If Sony doesn't charge for Gaikai and online next gen "my hats off".

Zhipp4119d ago

That's probably why the hired the employees but didn't buy the company.

TheRealSpy4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Yeah...ummm. Apple failed in the 90s, too. Then MS bailed them out. Now it's one of the most valuable companies in the world...

Can't believe you got a "well said." lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
ATi_Elite4120d ago

I don't think Steambox will compete with PS4PC

PS4PC = Sony Faithful and other console users who enjoy the console experience

Steambox = PC Gamers and those looking to step up to PC Gaming in a easy way.

It's good to see the PS4PC be so powerful but it's still catering towards the console crowd while PC Gaming is totally different.

Us PC Gamers have our own long list of PC Exclusives, Mods, and Gaming Genres not found on the consoles i.e. Mobas, RTS, Space Simulators, etc..

So I really don't see it as a PS4PC vs. Steambox debate. Sure Both platforms will have the same mindless Multiplats but someone spending hours playing Killzone Shadow Fall may not really care about DayZ or someone spending hours playing Star Citizen may not care about Uncharted 4.

PS4PC and Steambox are TWO Different Game worlds!

Buy both and enjoy both or just enjoy one!

Conzul4119d ago

Looks like PS4PC is already wearing down the barrier against MMO's, which HAS to be the biggest PC "gamer" base.

I loved Freelancer and I'm sure I'll love Star Citizen, but........uuuh....Playstation exclusives are better than PC exclusives, with few exceptions.


Sithlord-Gamble4119d ago

I completely agree.
Sony isnt going to lose customers to Valve anymore than Valve will to Sony.
Console gamers will most likely continue gaming on their system of choice & PC gamers will continue gaming on their PC/Steambox.

Both groups are hardcore gamers in their own right.

ufo8mycat4119d ago

Stop fooling yourself.

PC shouldnt even be put into the mix because it is now an irrelevant platform with no REAL exclusives. Seems like you are still living in year 2000. PC "Gamers" aren't even true core gamers, just nerds playing games - BIG difference.

As for Steambox, unless Valve can bring out quite a few REAL exclusives to the console, I don't see it beating the PS4 as terms of games and gameplay.

Bladesfist4119d ago

@Conzul No you are wrong again. You playstation gamers are always talking about your amazing exclusives however you don't understand that a lot of PC gamers do not care for the linear AAA experience and prefer playing sandbox or strategy games. Saying that Playstation exclusives are better than PC exclusives is just naive. What can be said as fact is that PC has more exclusives than playstation. I prefer PC exclusives such as Mount and Blade and DayZ / ARMA as they give you a blank canvas and you can do whatever you want. On another note I have just ordered a PS3 to play Uncharted 3 / Killzone and the upcoming playstation exclusives.


You can insult PC Gamers as much as you want, I hope it makes you feel better about your life.

Ju4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Question. If the next console can pretty much run any PC game, wouldn't you think we'll see more of those on the PS4 (and maybe XBox)? Since PS is more liberal I'd think some games will be excluded from MS's business model. But w/e. It should be pretty easy to port games to PS4 now, incl. play for free, etc.

I'm curious if that controller/camera combo could enrich games like RTS. This is the only real disadvantage I see on consoles. M/KB vs. Controller is a personal preference; both work reasonably well - it does not exclude the genre.

But strategy games kinda do. Unless there will be broader KB adaption for the PS4 (which will support this, my best guess - PS3 did, but the only game which actually implemented it was UT3). And then, there is still Move, which will have a lower entry barrier now that the camera is included (Move is $25...I guess, NavCon the same?).

Steambox has all the same "disadvantages" because it "controllifies" PC games, which basically takes away your beloved K/M. So, what's the big advantage then? (Well, I can imagine, Steam games will still support K/M to a larger extend).

Hey, BTW, PS3/UT3 ran mods. The only problem was that bigger ones which did not fit were PC exclusive. But this barrier is gone, now, too. ( http://www.ut3mod.com/ )

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
fermcr4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

"Sony Will Compete With Valve, Not Microsoft, Next Generation"

Seriously !!!

Sony haven't presented all their plans for the PS4.

Valve haven't presented their console nor future plans for their console. That Steam Box presented wasn't Valve's console.

Microsoft haven't presented their console nor future plans for their console.

Article is total nonsense.

3-4-54119d ago

It's like they are trying to find their own places within the industry again like it used to be instead of trying to do what the other company is doing.

Think about Sega Genesis Vs SNES and how many unique games we got for each system.

Games that you couldn't play on the other because they were exclusive.

color pallets and music also were different.

This past/current gen was all about Talk and no walk...if you get me.

Everybody tried to do what the other was doing and the only real inovation or creative trying seemed to be coming from Nintendo.

I think they learned from this and while they will have superior graphics, they are learning how to bring that indie and casual gamer in as well as the PC gamer.

Sony did good for the first time in while with the PS4.

I'm hoping Xbox upgrade the memory...

DD3 memory was good like 3 years ago.

It was last gen even.

extermin8or4119d ago

They can't upgrade the memory, apparently they'd have to scrap the lot as their entire build is based on DDR3 assuming that those leaks are correct for MS aswell then to switch to GDDR5 would mean having to start over-for one their gpu might not support the transfer rate of the GDDR5 as it doesn't need to, that alonwe would limit the effectiveness of redoing the RAM with such a barrier to cause the bottlekneck would be rediculous not to mention wouldn't work anyway....

mwjw6964119d ago

@ 3-4-5 "DD3 memory was good like 3 years ago.

It was last gen even."

So find me a mother board that supports GDDR5 as system ram then... o wait you cant.

This site I swear to god bunch of idiots that cant tell a spoon from a fork.

PS: Its DDR 3 not "DD3" as in Double Data Rate Ver 3.

Virtual_Reality4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

It should be interesting to see what this companies have to offer.

Hopefully, Valve can develop games to the PS4 with cross platform and Steamworks like they did with Portal 2 on PS3.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

I want valve to take MS's place.

extermin8or4119d ago

No I want valve and Sony to coexist only slightly in competition, acknowledging they target different areas of the core gamer market and with valve games remaining multiplatform? :P I think that would be healthier for the industry...

UnholyLight4119d ago

All these people, I can't wait to see if Kinect 2 can shut some people up. I see nothing wrong with experimentation to advance technology and the way we think "gaming".

At least Microsoft didn't pussy out and has the BALLS to try and come up with a solution to completely controller free or hybrid controls gaming, rather than Sony's basically Wii 2.0 motion solution.

Don't get me wrong, the Move is great, but seriously, all you Sony guys drive me nuts. I just want to see some new experiences for the future.

I could care less about allegiances to a certain brand, and as such, I just want someone to show me that they can innovate and make something cool, fresh, and new.

mandf4119d ago

You are right, but you need to realize there are more hardcore gamers than casual on Xbox. Ms spent half a billion on Kinect advertising alone. The created new Kinect IPs but neglected to make a new IP for the hardcore. Somes fans are feeling left in the dust. An exclusive IP Gets a large budget and a large dedicated team focused on one console in mind. Xbox the second half of it's life lived off multiplats. That's not good enough for the people who made xbox, xbox. For 500million. They could have made 10 new AAA IPs. But nope, they turned casual and neglected the core.

extermin8or4119d ago

At this point can I please point out the EYE TOY EXISTED YEARS BEFORE KINECT WAS ANYONES IDEA. So sony tried controller free motion gaming 1st and like most applications for kinect have been- they've been gimmicky just as eyetoy games were.

Ju4119d ago

UnholyLight, I kinda see your point, and maybe we can applaud MS to have a vision. But at the same time, I think Kinect also showed there is no big market for such a peripheral to justify its cost. Kinect games have their market, but pretty much none of those games make any profit. But yet, those would recoupe the $500M investment somehow. They don't, what's left is it's a marketing write off, not much more.

Well, maybe it requires someone like MS to brute force hold on to the concept. Because it needs a lot of cash to burn before this can really become the cash cow of your product. And I still can't see that you would just get the console because it has this over exciting experience.

At the same time, they can't be so wrong, because Sony updates the Eye and includes it with every console. With much less investment, though. And as an option. The strategy behind this I can see. It is to take the wind out of MS sails. If it is just enough to claim a "me too" it takes this extra selling point away from MS.

By not making this a priority Sony can claim the "hard core" (and they do) and second, they can also claim a "me, too" should this be required (and third, they can actually claim the hard core motion crowd because of the precision of the Move - which nobody else has).

We will see, but the more and more we know, I am curious to see how MS can actually sell a more expensive to produce console (Kinect 2 certainly costs more than Eye3) under the PS4 price. They could simply take a bigger hit.

MS won't get ahead of Sony this time, I suspect. Not saying that Sony will take this away, though. Unless this buzz is any indication...

princejb1344119d ago

im pretty sure microsoft will bring something new that will wow all of us
yea ps4 sounds awesome and im buying one but im also interested on microsoft new console

imdaboss14119d ago

Kinect! doubt they have anything but that

PS4isKing_824119d ago

Apps apps and more apps. Oh and more apps.
And a heavy focus on kinect and kids.

dragunrising4119d ago

I don't think anyone should write off Microsoft until they actually reveal it. PS4 is everything I want in a console. Sony's focus is games, pure and simple.

I'm console/platform agonistic so I hope Microsoft has a similar focus. If Kinect 2.0 makes gaming better, I'll welcome it with open arms. To be honest the most fun I had with Kinect was with Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim and voice commands. The voice recognition commands augmented the experience for me. The Gunstringer and Fruit Ninja were fun for a few hours of gameplay but constantly reminded you of Kinect's limitations. If Kinect 2.0 is unobtrusive, optional and extremely accurate I will use it.

Talking about graphics on consoles is a moot point to me. I'm perfectly happy with graphics on consoles today.

Microsoft needs to do away with ads if your gold and make multiplayer free.

showtimefolks4119d ago

i hope ms also target core fans instead of casual kinect dance game buyers

show games
show atleast the same if not a little better specs
and than show some more games

leave kinect out of this

joab7774119d ago

Actually, i agree with u. Its a unique strategy too if its true. They went after nintendos motion controls amd if they can undercut nintendo while providing pretty good 3rd party titles, while offering new gadgetry and ways to play, all while aiming at those that dont have alot of money, they may be on to something. They know that the economy isnt getting better. They know they have a huge install base with the 360. They also know how successful nintendo was this gen. From this perspective, it could be brilliant. Hell, they probably know too that if they can sell a console at $250 or less, most hardcore gamers may buy a ps4 first, but will also invest in a 720. The reverse may not be true. And parents will want to opt for the cheaper console. Many teens amd their friends will simply want the next xbox. Also, if they can assist their pc and OS divisions, it helps them as a company. They can buy a few timed exclusives while developing a core group of new and existing ips, all while pushing the kinect to the millions tbat loved the wii so much. From this perspective, it could be absolutely brilliant.

As far as valve goes, i am a little confused as to why tbey are creating a medium spec steam bkx and liscening out companies to make others. It may end up being too confusing for many gamers, giving sony a bigger leg up. I just think the plaustation brand is too familiar. Its funny but sony and microsoft could do very well this genfor entirely different reasons.

DivineAssault 4119d ago

im very curious to see what they do.. i really hope its not the same as PS3 cuz i wont get it.. They need to do something different & provide me with a new gaming experience that i will embrace.. If its in the slightest way "gimmicky", i will turn a blind eye to it.. But if its really cool, ill consider buying one as well as PS4.. I got a wii u & was beyond disappointed with it.. Miiverse was the coolest thing about it imo but i dont feel like i got a new console.. In fact, it felt like a more dull experience playing multiplats on it w/o getting trophies n stuff.. I need that feeling that i got a NEW machine

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
ftwrthtx4120d ago

Can Microsoft really consider their Xbox 720 a media device if no Blu-ray drive is included?

Kalowest4120d ago

Xbox 720 does have a Blu-ray drive.

Software_Lover4120d ago

There are so many misinformed kids in these articles its sad. Where are they getting this information from?

Riderz13374120d ago

You've seen the 720? Where?

SonyStyled4120d ago

you do realize if the 720 has a blu-ray drive sony will profit off of every 720 disc sold right? because sony is one of the founders of the blu-ray disc. its a similar instance as when sony profited of of FF13 on 360. sony owns like 30% or something of squeenix thus they get a share of every 360 copy of FF13 sold
Founders of the blu-ray disc

ftwrthtx4120d ago

If the rumors are true, it won't play blu-ray movies:


scott1824120d ago

I heard MS was going to use HD-DVD..... I'M KIDDING!

olLANDSHARKlo4119d ago

And Microsoft makes money on every computer of theirs that has windows.

rhcpfan4119d ago


Actually, I believe it's Sony who pays Microsoft licensing fees for "VC-1".


hazardman4119d ago

MS also gets a cut on blu rays. It uses a codec owned by MS.

YourFlyness4119d ago

@rhcpfan @hazardman, Wrong the VC-1 patent is own pay MPEG LA. Microsoft is part of the group but so is Sony, and Royalties dont go to the group, directly to the member that grants usage.

So Sony can rant usage to VC-1 to themselves

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
greenpowerz4120d ago

What are you talking about? Every rumor leaked or made up says the 720 has a blu ray drive. Tablets etc don't have blu ray drives does that mean they're not media devices? The people on this site are strange and rabid

ftwrthtx4120d ago

No movies though according to rumors.


As for the tablet comment: Apples and oranges. That shouldn't even be in this conversation

greenpowerz4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Needing a blu ray drive to be considered a multi media device is ignorant at best. Most *media* in a multi media device consists of much more formats than Blu ray discs LMAO

The BS theories of: MSFT will be paying Sony for blu ray so it can't be true is nonsense as if Sony is the master of BD or the only member of the BDA. Blu ray has used MSFT codecs you know. Windows is on Sony platforms as well. LMAO


***People saying 720 has a blu ray drive and others saying it does not and finally you ranting about movie watching based on a rumor probably skewed by pro Sony authors/media/leaker is "Apples and oranges" That shouldn't even be in this conversation***

ftwrthtx4119d ago

You seem to be the only one ranting. I just made a statement based off of rumors, just like you.

IF the 720 doesn't play movies, including 3D, then MS fails on it being a complete media device. Blu-rays have almost completely replaced DVD's at this point, with the exception of in-car players.

IcicleTrepan4119d ago

These people saying that it would have a blu ray drive and not play blu ray movies.. that's just fucking stupid lol.. how stupid can you be. Every WINDOWS PC that has a blu ray drive in it can play blu ray movies. Smoke another one, fearmongers.

fsfsxii4119d ago

X720 is going to have a Blu-Ray drive, to use you're gonna need a gold subscription...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
imdaboss14119d ago

didnt microsoft say blu ray is not needed?

Godmars2904120d ago

I can see MS being a presence in gaming, but if they make they make their focus entertainment as seems to be the case, I can't see them really being on anyone's radar.

Kalowest4120d ago

"I can't see them really being on anyone's radar."
After 2 gens, MS is now on everybody's radar on matter what.
"but if they make they make their focus entertainment"
Both consoles(PS4/720) are Multi-media entertainment devices.

Godmars2904120d ago

The 360 had Netflix all to itself as far as consoles went, but now, even though a MS CEO also sits on Netflix's board and set up that exclusivity, the company itself admits that the PS3 is the number one platform for their service. Somehow, even with most advantages, MS did something wrong and came out last.

That is the difference between being a presence and being on a radar.

And as far as games go, Sony has continued to build up their library of IPs whereas MS frankly has a bad rep for even maintaining ones that they bought. Rare and all of their titles is the best example of that.

MS just really needs to do more than throw money and their influence around, because its not getting them anything.

C-Thunder4119d ago

Key word is 'focus', if they focus on the Multi-Media side of the system over the games, they will fail with gamers. Not that they'd mind, because if they focus on the Multi-Media over games, gamers weren't their target consumer anyway.

omi25p4119d ago

So by you're logic the definition of coming last is:

1. Started this generation of consoles with the smallest fan base by a long way.

2. Built that fan base up and is now the joint most popular console with the console that had by far the largest fan base last generation

3. Has a constantly growing user base that is always active.

4. Largest sales on nearly all exclusives and multiplatforms.

5. Released a peripheral the same time as the former Console juggernaut and destroyed it in sales.

6. Has the most advanced and easy to use console interface.

7. Have overcome the awful fault with the console that kicked off the beginning of the this generation.

If you really think Microsoft have come LAST this generation you are very sadly mistaken.

dragon824119d ago

Where is this "Most advanced and easy to use console interface" you are talking about?

If you are saying that the 360 Dashboard is more advanced and easier to navigate than the XMB you are nuts. The XMB is about as easy as it gets to navigate. It also won awards when it was first released.

In fact it was the exact same design that the 360 adopted after it went away from the bladed design. The XMB has its main catagories lined up horizontally while its sub-catagories are lined up vertically from each main catagory. The 360 dashbaord had its main catagories lined up vertically while its sub-catagories were lined up horizontally form each main catagory. Toss in a few more ads and boxes on the 360 dashboard and you have the exact same design concept. The new dashbaord is horrible in my opinion. I actually prefer the previous version.

deep_fried_bum_cake4120d ago

I wouldn't count Microsoft out. Even if their specs end up being lackluster in comparison to the PS4, there is not getting past the fact that the Xbox brand name carries power and that most gamers don't pay attention to the fine details of what they are gaming on.

zebramocha4120d ago (Edited 4120d ago )

@deep the problem I see is,Sony basically stated that the ps4 is for gamers and developers,regardless of who has better specs,Sony made it apparent what the ps4 is about and ms has shown that they will sacrifice their core audience just to get a leg up over their competitors.

deep_fried_bum_cake4120d ago

That really isn't a problem though. Most people who play games on a console don't notice this sort of stuff, they don't frequent gaming sites like us.

A large majority of people who are interested in the next Xbox will just be happy to hear that it has Gears or Halo.

While Microsoft may lose some of their market, a large percentage of those customers will remain.

NoSuchUserName4119d ago

Yeah, even if it turns out to be directed towards casual games, there will be a lot of die hard Xbox fans who will buy it. I think MS saw the success of the kinect as a sign to push in that direction. But services and apps? Most TVs have that now so there is stiff competition there. Feels a bit Zune-y to try to win that market now...

StrongMan4120d ago

There is some truth to this statement. Sony already beat MS twice now so they may have their sights on Steam. Sony seems to be big on streaming now. Looks like MS is not competing as a games console anymore. MS is competing with smart TVs and set top devices instead.

omi25p4119d ago

Sony losing over half of the console market to The 360. While the previous Xbox had a very small fan base in comparison to the PS2 and you think Sony won?

If this generation was a movie Microsoft would be the under dog

Lvl_up_gamer4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

How does this Sony fanboy get 8 comments marked for trolling this MONTH alone actually GAIN a bubble?

n4g is a plagued by these Sony fanboys and strongman is a blatantly clear indicator of a broken bubble system on this site where these trash of fanboys can regurgitate their BS anti MS ignorant comments in ever MS thread and STILL manage to get bubbled up.

Strongman your intelligence is so low you make the pet rock look smart.

saint_seya4119d ago

And u wonder why he has a bubble and u dont?
Check the way u talk, then think twice if u deserve to be talking of who should have or not bubbles.. be glad that u cant get ban, because in other sites for personal attacking u would be out supper fast.

sway_z4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )


Are you that insecure that any slight Pro-Sony comment can irritate you?

Seriously, don't be such a Patsy...Strongman only commented on his 'opinion'?

I'll bet you wouldn't make such a fuss had the comment been (in your mind) Anti-Sony??

Nah I didn't think so.....it's people like you that discourage freedom of speech, expression and ideology...

If you can't handle objective comments, you should ask yourself...is 'being alive' really for you?

...think it over ;/

Outside_ofthe_Box4119d ago

You might want to double check that definition of irony.....

Horny4119d ago

Sony didn't lose all its marketshare to MS. I'm sure Nintendo had something to do with it as well since last gen Ps2 was the casual console.
Overall the market grew which is good, gaming is more popular than ever. With all the new features the new consoles seem to implement it might grow more.
Sony might not sell 150 mill with the ps3 but I'm sure they will cross over the 100mill line in the next 3 years.

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PS6 Graphics – Can it Approach Photorealism?

If the PS5 Pro leaks are accurate, the eventual PS6 is slated to be one powerful console. But if modern GPUs still lag behind true photorealism, can the PS6 get there?

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Hugodastrevas16d ago

I hate to be "that guy", but we have go ask ourselves do the industry need photorealistic graphics at this point or actually good games, good content, less anti-consumer practices?
This graphical obsession has brought nothing but years upon years of waiting for a game to launch with huge detailed empty worlds, bad stories and predictable gameplay and (micro)transactions everywhere. Sorry for the rant.

MrGameAndWatch16d ago

Same. I really don't want to be in an interactive film and, to me photorealism is not needed for immersion.

RaidenBlack16d ago

Why always target photorealism?
Why not use the extra horsepower for better, complex & diverse AI?
Why not target more interactable world? Why not use the new performance headroom for more physics effects?
Player choices that drastically affect and changes the game world?

Cacabunga15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Let’s first see what PS5 graphics look like.. we’ve seen nothing yet

RaidenBlack15d ago

For that, first Naughty Dog's PS5 single-player exclusive, then Guerilla's PS5 single-player exclusive

OtterX16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

If anything, the massive layoffs in the industry right now are showing that investors are pulling out and not wanting to invest as much as they are right now into AAAs. Much less push for even higher detail, unless many parts of it are automated by AI for a cheaper price. Not saying I support people's jobs being replaced by AI, just stating a reality of what the money people want.

DarXyde16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Photorealism should be reserved for games like Gran Turismo. It costs far too much to incorporate that level of detail.

Even then, if it comes at the cost of physics calculations or frame rate given the shared resources of consoles, I'd scale it back in favor of a smoother experience.

Nintendo was quite smart to never pigeonhole themselves into that. Great foresight on their part, I'd say.

8bitAssassin16d ago

But they've gotten very lazy on their games. I still like their approach don't just make game play your biggest innovation.

DarXyde16d ago (Edited 16d ago )


I assume you're talking about Nintendo.

I think it works for them. I'm honestly glad that it's nothing like PlayStation or Xbox. It's a great reason to own one.

8bitAssassin15d ago

Yup!! I am. Yes it works for them and I love it. I want them to have better than average old tech so the scope of some of their games can drop jaws. I'm not talking about counting pixels either.

anast16d ago

I think we need both. Why lower the standard? A photorealistic Bloodborne or Elden Ring game would be insane.

isarai16d ago

Nah im with you on that, like visually games look fine, maybe up the resolution on average but i would much rather resources be spent on things that actually make the game FEEL good to play at this point.

shinoff218316d ago

Don't forget about the budgets.

ROCKY2815d ago

agreed - stop with the expensive photo realism and just create amazing games that are less expensive that are not a risk to create an original game within 2-3 years and not 7 years of development - like the OG PS2/Xbox era !

WolfSeed15d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc.

This article touches one of them. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

Amplitude15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Some photorealism is much cheaper to produce than what devs are currently forced to do.
If all games could have path tracing, there would be no need for developers to manually map ambient occlusion, shadowmaps, reflection probes, etc. It's a huge undertaking that's making games cost way more to produce on account of the rather pathetic-for-2024 RT and general performance of the current gen consoles.

As much as i hate to say it, we need new consoles as soon as feasibly possible. These consoles launched at the absolute worst possible time, right before RT/DLSS2.0/3.0 were able to quickly skyrocket games in quality on the PC side of things, leaving a ridiculously large gap between PC and console almost immediately after launch and preventing things like CyberPunk Pathtracing Mode in other games. They're holding everything back and making games take longer to produce.

I think Microsoft may be smart if they end up adopting a model where multiple companies (including NVidia) can release multiple spec variant "PC" boxes with the XBox OS. One console every decade doesn't cut it with how quick technology moves in this new era we're in.

smolinsk15d ago

I would love the Next step in graphic to be massive but it always turns out that it takes a long time so the ps6 graphics are gonna be like the best we have now Just with 60fps in every game. World love to se the big ass large worlds with fantastic graphics and depth. Gta 6 are gonna bring that for sure.

just_looken15d ago


100% agree but it also made the use of upscale tech the norm which made games worse and the fact console now are just tablets we need a console with a real gpu real cpu real ram setup.

It would be so amazing to see a game like you said made like the ps2/ps3 era using today's pc parts pushing the hardware.

There are titles out there that make my pc run like its still on the desktop

Barlos15d ago

Agreed. For me at least, games are escapism. I don't want them mimicking real life. Graphics don't have to be photorealistic to be impressive. As with you, I'm more about the story, and I would prefer innovation in other ways. The PS5 did it with the DualSense. This it more important to me than just shinier graphics.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 15d ago
Zenzuu16d ago

Personally for me, graphics have already gotten to the point where I don't really feel the need to see having it to make anymore realistic or better.

At this point, I rather game developers focus on quality/engaging stories, gameplay, & contents. Also not every every single game needs to opened world just for the sake of it.

anast16d ago

I'd rather they focus on both. It's a trillion dollar industry. They should be able to do both.

neutralgamer199216d ago


Believe it or not when it comes to consoles and games graphics are still the biggest factor. Why do you think we still see CHI trailers or in engine footage. The first impression is very important. Not for us core gamers but for millions of casuals who are quite easily impressed with wow factor graphics

TiredGamer15d ago

"More, more, more!!! I don't care what it takes - I deserve more! And I won't PAY a dollar more!"

That's the mindset of some people out there.

JEECE15d ago

I mean, can we still say that's the case even when casuals flock to mediocre looking battle royales? PUBG became huge among casuals, and it looks like a PS3 era shooter with textures that didn't load properly. And casuals have embraced the cartoon aesthetic (Fortnite is the easy example here, but there are others). What is the recent graphics focused game casuals have flocked to? Are you counting COD for that?

anast15d ago

@1992 Candy Crush and Monopoly Go

@Tired Like I said. It's a trillion dollar industry. They could definitely do more. Customers are paying a ton of money.

WolfSeed15d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

smolinsk15d ago

Graphics are the biggest selling point and will always be.

neutralgamer199215d ago

Agreed especially for those who aren’t hardcore gamers. We core gamers look at everything through core gamers POV. But there is a much bigger casual market who likes looking at pretty things

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15d ago
andy8516d ago

Honestly with UC4 I thought we were close but things don't really seem to have improved much in 8 years. Hellblade 2 seems to have raised the bar a bit though

MrBaskerville16d ago

I don't think publishers have the money to make that happen. They can barely sustain the current level of fidelity.

Sciurus_vulgaris15d ago

The goal post for what photorealistic graphics are has always been moving. I remember some 360/PS3 sports games being called photorealistic way back in the mid 2000s.

bRuud8316d ago

Simply, no! Graphics wise there is barely any difference between the PS4 and PS5 just a little more particle effects and very minimal use of ray tracing. I expect even less diffence between PS5 and PS6. Just better implementation of Ray Tracing.

purple10116d ago

you are correct, but there ram has doubled, and now we have ssd not a spinning disk drive, I think we have not yet scratched the surface of next gen personally,

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Nintendo says Switch 2 will be officially announced before the end of March 2025

This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.

Profchaos29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

I'm excited for a switch 2 however I don't feel it will be coming this year as per the tweet in they are commuting to a reveal in this Japanese financial year in 2025.

Realistically we will get one last holiday season to focus on the switch because it would be madness for Nintendo to go into the holidays where the switch always performs well when they have announced a switch 2.

I'm thinking we see a announcement late Jan 25 personally with a release between March and June depending on when the software is ready and how strong the holday sales were if they need to boost those figures for the next earnings call or not

gold_drake29d ago

yea agreed. they'll probably match it with the new pkmn game they announced

VenomUK29d ago

So it begins!

Where one contender pulls out of the game, another comes back bigger and stronger.

Nintendo Switch 2 - let the games begin.

Cacabunga28d ago

A new Splatoon launch title for sure.. hoping they change the recipe and make it open world.

I think it’ll come out Q1 25. Let’s wait and see

H928d ago

There's a event in June for games on the switch and they said there won't be a switch 2 announcement so no way they will announce the console after june and still release it in the same year

Eonjay28d ago

So, I think they will shoot for another FYQ4 release (like with the first Switch) but I am confused by the headline:

'[...] Switch 2 will be officially ANNOUNCED before the end of March 2025' This implies that the Switch 2 isn't coming out till maybe holiday 2025 or maybe even 2026. I think they will be better served by NOT releasing when GTA 6 launches (unless there is some shocking reveal that it will run on Switch 2). Release early 2025.

Neonridr29d ago

I'd say it'll be released before March 2025 tbh.

notachance29d ago

Holiday announcement with summer launch

thesoftware73029d ago

It should be an interesting year; Sony, Nintendo, and MS all have new Hardware to show.

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PS5 Pro specs leak video taken down by Sony

Sony is taking actions as video by Moore’s Law is Dead, has been issued with a copyright claim.

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andy8549d ago

And people say it's all fake because Sony haven't said anything 😂 conveniently forget the PS4 Pro was only announced 2 months before release.

BeHunted49d ago

It's fake. There's no factual evidence other than his own made up specs.

Hereandthere49d ago

What were the specks Sony was afraid of showing?

Shikoku49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Digital foundry put a video out saying what he leaked was exactly what they also knew about the PS5 PRO. So no it's not just stuff he made up

Babadook749d ago (Edited 49d ago )

If it’s fake what copyright does MLID infringe upon?


andy8549d ago

Aye because they'd go to the effort of copyright claiming it if it didn't exist 🙃😂 you'd have to be a special kind to be thinking its not a thing by now

Cacabunga49d ago

They need to reveal it with uncharted killzone or a heavy hitter like this

Ironmike49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

U mean the specs that we'll established digital foundry which said these are the actual specs published a video on 2 weeks ago I mean they are only one of most trusted sites for tech information but they just made up a video for the sake of it

Christopher48d ago

I would love for it all to be fake, but lots of people are saying they've seen/heard the same thing. But, man, we 100% don't need mid-gen upgrades when we're failing hard to optimize current hardware.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 48d ago
Seraphim48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

if I recall Sony lowered sales expectations for PS5 earlier this year. if that is the case we won't hear anything about a Pro until next year or shortly before/when it's dropping. After all, if the Pro was dropping this year/fiscal year they wouldn't have lowered expectations.

As for squashing rumors. Yeah, shit like this prevents potential buyers from adopting now, just like slim rumors in the past. It only makes sense to keep things under wraps from a business perspective. Despite living in a technological age of unfettered access to information we don't need to know whats going on behind closed doors be that at Sony, Nintendo, MS, or amongst any development studios. When the steak is done we shall feast.

JackBNimble48d ago

By the time games are actually made to take advantage of the pro spec's the ps6 will be released or close to it.

jznrpg49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Just announce it already! I want to preorder one asap. But in reality they don’t want to lessen PS5 sales until Pro is ready to launch so I understand the business part of it. September is probably when they announce it with an early November launch like the PS4 Pro

Ironmike49d ago

Pro won't lessen sales sames ps4 pro never and the ps4 pro was more relevant at the time cos move to 4k this not needed

RaidenBlack49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Yea, my brother got his PS4 (coz of a good deal) after the PS4 Pro's release.

darthv7248d ago

^^same here. I got a base 4 for only $100 off a guy who bought the Pro. then a few months later I found a guy on craigslist selling a pro for $100 because it was left behind by his former roommate who moved out. That was the beginning of my obsession to buy up the different variants of the PS4 that were released.

As of now I am really only missing the 500m one and the gold slim but otherwise I have pretty much all the other retail ones. https://consolevariations.c...

crazyCoconuts48d ago

Anyone with 4K that appreciates 60fps is gonna disagree about it not being needed.
DLSS is a god send for Nvidia, and there's been nothing like it for AMD...yet ...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 48d ago
DeadlyFire48d ago

They will announce it around E3 timeframe about May-June whenever they do a showcase for the year.

neutralgamer199249d ago

Just announce it this thing will sell well

Ironmike49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

I don't think it will pll still haven't seen the potential of ps5 yet

Cacabunga48d ago

agreed, but it might sell if they announce some 1st party games to lead the way. if people see the difference with the base version they can move on. for my sake I am still gaming mainly on PS4 (still not finished with RDR2 due to lack of gaming time). I have a huge backlog on PS5 I am hoping to get into.

mark3214uk49d ago

why? game makers havnt even come close to maxing out current spec yet, were getting al lthese new TFlops and game maker are making crappy remakes not worthy of the ps3

Minute Man 72148d ago

The guts of the 5 and X are 5 years old

fr0sty48d ago

People keep saying that, yet we still have games running at near HD resolutions, 30fps, and ray tracing features turned off.

PRIMORDUS49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

I would take that video and upload a torrent of it, fuck that copyright bullshit. If your going to do something that has a chance of being taken down, make a torrent first share it. Then Sony or any other company is helpless and you can laugh in their faces, taunting them to try to take it down 🤣

LoveSpuds49d ago

With kind of analysis and advice, you could be a lawyer for Trump!🤣

tronyx1249d ago

As much as the PS4 Pro didn't represent a major % in the playerbase, announcing a 'better' model will hinder sales from the 'base' model. They are right, business-wise.

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