
Iwata: Cloud gaming not the future

Satoru Iwata told investors at a financial results briefing earlier this week that Nintendo does not believe “cloud gaming is the future”.

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Knight_Crawler4119d ago

Just like when Nintendo said that Online gaming is not the future or when they said that apps like netflix, facebook or twitter are not need on a video game console.

Nintendo will forever be part of my child hood memories and Zelda will forever be my favorite game franchise but Nintendo needs to go back to the NES, Super NES, and N64 days and look back on what made them who they once were.

Chuk54119d ago

Haha, we remembered the exact same blunder. That Online gaming statement, damn I will never forget that.

guitarded774119d ago

Yep... and before anyone comes to the defense of Nintendo, they should note that this is just HONEST CRITICISM. Honest criticism is what makes the industry grow. By denying where gaming is going, and trying to do their own thing, Nintendo is isolating itself from millions of gamers.

I want Nintendo to succeed, I want Nintendo to be innovative, but Nintendo needs to adhere to the conventions which are becoming standard to gamers. Nintendo needs to listen to gamers, and lead developers in the industry. If they will do this, and continue to take chances with innovative tech, they would be in a great position to make even more money, and gain new fans, and some of their lost fans back.

I like the Wii U, I bought one day 1 and see the potential, but I wish Nintendo would not be so closed to outside influence.

PS-Analog4119d ago

Even if Cloud Gaming was just used for demos, that is already a massive advantage. Who here is fed up of waiting for 1 to 3 gig of data to download to try out a game?

Cloud Gaming could give it to you instantly.

stuna14119d ago

The crazy thing is.... this is the same exact type of blunder they made with CD vs Cartridges!

Yet you would have some defend them to death just for the 1000th remake of zelda or mario! Talk about having the "Wool pulled over your eyes"! Sure there are others that are guilty of the practice, but come on, we're talking about 20+ years.

Then you have those scrambling to defend the specs of a machine, that without a shadow of a doubt should be a lot more powerful than it is! On the real, people need to cut the crap! instead if trying to go back to the hey-days of generations past. This is the present deal with it.

We went through this same crap when they announced the 3ds, we had the tech savvy fanboys on this site guesstimating made up specs that weren't even close! But let them tell it, they "Hit the nail on the head".

The same things can be said about the WII U now! Because those same ones were 1000% sure they had it right! I wonder what prize came along with that/s

But to get on topic, for those saying that Sony can do no wrong in the crazed and delusional fanboys eyes or, Microsoft's fanboys eyes, wouldn't this statement also hold true to the Nintendo fanboys?

Nintendo makes me believe that they operate in some alternate reality!!!!!

The cloud is not the future!?! Then what is? Cartridges, lol smh.

rainslacker4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

It's not the only future, but it will be part of the future. To what degree, and to what effect still remains to be seen. Nintendo says these kinds of things when they don't want to support it, for god knows what reason.

I like Nintendo, always have, despite not being interested in some of their past few hardware ventures, however I think they should stop trying to dictate how gamers should play. The market itself makes that decision, and it's their responsibility as a company to either adapt or be quiet and watch how it affects their sales.

Speaking to investors in such a way I find to be misleading, and I would hope those investors look deeper than some statement with no backing.

This same thing goes for those people who say DD, SmartPhones, Tablets, F2P, etc are the future. Stop taking such an insular and myopic view of the industry.

Mounce4118d ago

Shhhh...Internet isn't popular at all. Online, who needs that?! Friend codes that will remind people of ICQ for all!

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3-4-54119d ago

They aren't the future....They are the now.

They will evolve into something that more resembles regular gaming.

It will all come full circle and those who are casual will wonder why they've been wasting time playing games that are ehhhh when they could have been gaming on Wii U, PS4, or Xbox 720. ( in future or current = as of now )

ABizzel14119d ago

They aren't the future....They are the past / history.

I love Nintendo and because they have some of my favorite franchises, but they're just so backwards as a business it's not even funny.

Nintendo produces some of the most upsetting sighs, I've had in gaming. It's unfortunate, because they have so much to give, but they JUST. DON'T. GET IT.

@Knight Crawler

You said Nintendo needs to go back to NES, SNES, and N64 days. I get what you're saying, that's when Nintendo was on top of it's game, but I also think that's the timeframe they have in their mindset. They're still in this world of N64, but times have changed and they're failing at keeping up with the times.

I'll always have a soft spot for Nintendo, but the Wii era has left a huge gap in my heart for Nintendo, and while the Wii-U looks like it might rekindle that, every 2 steps they take forward they take 2 back, and it's angering.

Nintendo had a template of what Online gaming is with the Xbox 360 and even the PS3, but they failed at it.

Nintendo are still using Gamecube tech (Wii-U CPU is derived from the same CPU in the Gamecube), and doing just enough to get by rather than stepping it up. I'm not saying the Wii-U needed to be cutting edge, but a simple AMD A8 APU would have made the Wii-U the console it should have been giving the tech available at that time, and it still would have been a $300 - $350 console.

Nintendo knew they were launching the Wii-U at least in December of 2010. Why on earth wasn't there a solid library of games being prepared for launch, especially considering they showed the console off at 2 E3's.

It's like Nintendo doesn't even know what they want to do. They need to get a game plan together and soon.

badz1494119d ago

this guy is out of his mind! he never learn ha?

Kos-Mos4119d ago

He earns more money than every xbox and sony gaming division employee combined so shut it kids.

Kingthrash3604119d ago

Kos mos, his wallet dosnt hide the fact that he's an idiot sometimes.
I remember the online statment and frankly his wallet would be fatter if he'd stop living in the past. Just imagine if the wiiu came out in place of the wii, and he had say, smash brothers or pokemon with online multiplayer... dam if pokemon was a mmo lol he'd have mega paper.

4119d ago
juandren4118d ago

Kos-Mos: Iwata earns $1 million a year. Kaz Hirai earns $101 million. Where the HELL did you learn to do maths?

badz1494118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

That's the single dumbest counter argument ever!...of all time!

Just because he's rich, he can't be wrong? Or dumb? Some rich and powerful people make dumb statements and decisions sometimes. Iwata is no exception as has been proven with his statement on online gaming. Remember how Steve Ballmer responded to the iPhone?


We know how that turned out!

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CouldHaveYelledUiiW4119d ago

"Satoru Iwata told investors at a financial results briefing earlier this week that Nintendo does not believe “cloud gaming is the future”. Although he acknowledged that it has its advantages (and disadvantages), Nintendo is “trying to work hard on a future where gaming only consoles are not gone."

PLEASE Read beyond Headlines as we ALL should know by now that Journalist pick scary titles to drum hits.

He is just saying that he does not think cloud gaming can keep "Gaming only consoles" going.

Nintendo has already announced Cloud gaming for WiiU.

PopRocks3594119d ago

That's like attempting to ask this community to approach anything with an ounce of respect and objectivity.

Judging by most of the comments here, many of these guys chose to read only the headline and not the article.

Outside_ofthe_Box4119d ago

LOL, It's all about the hits. The title could have easily been:

"Iwata: We are trying to work hard on a future where gaming only consoles are not gone."

But that wouldn't have generated as much hits as the one they ultimately decided to use. Journalism at it's finest.

stuna14119d ago

I could see if everyone viewed things that objectively, but that's not the case! Considering that cloud gaming is being adopted at a enormous rate.

If most thought like that we would still be using floppy discs.

rainslacker4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

I read the whole thing. By that quote alone it shows me that they are more afraid of it because it could cut their hardware out of the equation. The fact remains though that cloud gaming isn't applicable to all consumers, and as such dedicated consoles will never be gone. If you avoid emerging or existing technologies now, you will be behind when you are forced to use them to maintain share in the future.

On-line is a prime example of that with Nintendo. While I feel their online is decent, it is much more centered around a social aspect instead of a game play aspect. I'm sure it will get better, but they were forced to adapt instead of being a market leader that they should have been in the first place given their history.

Gaming specific consoles will eventually be replaced with something else, what and when are still up in the air. If Nintendo isn't ready to evolve at that point then they may be forced to go the way of Sega.

Jadedz4118d ago

Iwata's comments were never stated in those words (article header).

That's the only way to get the majority of N4G members to read Nintendo (negative) related articles.

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solid_warlord4119d ago

Nintendo is a hasbeen...we can tell now that the Wii U will be a failure. Sure the new Mario & Zelda games will help sell system but it won't be for long. Nintendo will see it self in the same situation as they were in during there third year of original Wii life...nintendo wont have support from most third party. Don't expect games like GTA 6, future Mass Effect and many other games that will utilise full capability of next gen consoles as it will become harder to downscale to last gen tech that Wii U is.

RuperttheBear4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Nintendo's been going longer than you, your parents, and your grandparents. Probably even longer than your great grandparents. I'm sure they'll be fine.

solid_warlord4119d ago


Sega, Atari and many others have been in the industry longer than most and they all have either become irrelevant or no longer in existance.

Tuff generation ahead for nintendo. They either will die as a hardware company in the upcoming generation or the next. I forsee a day when Mario games will be released for Sony, Microsoft and PC platforms. Not that i would care for mario games but it will happen.

RuperttheBear4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

The 3ds is the best selling handheld at the moment, the Wii U has sold better than the 360 and ps3 in the same time frame as their release periods. I think they will be ok.

Sega and Atari didn't adapt and took numerous wrong turns, they aren't a valid comparison.

SuperShyGuy4119d ago

a 124 year old company like Nintendo won't go out anytime soon.

The reason Sega and Atari went out is because they made back to back mistakes and bleed money.

For the Wii U to fail it would not only have to have poor third party support but Nintendo's main franchise games would have to flop and the handhelds would have to flop.

Mr_Stark4118d ago

Iwata has gone on record to say that if Nintendo goes down so does it's IPs. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Star Fox, Pikmin etc. will never grace Sony and Microsoft's consoles. Fortunately Nintendo will probably be in the hardware business long before Sony have died out.

WiiUsauce4118d ago

lol yup, you're right Nintendo IS a hasbeen considering the Wii was the best selling console of this ending gen, DS is the highest selling video game platform of all time, and the 3DS is already outpacing the sales of the original DS and has already outsold the lifetime sales of the PS3 in Japan.

Yeah, they are going the way of the dodo, because the Wii U is already outpacing the sales of the 360 and PS3 lol. Yup they definitely will close down reeeeal soon, lol. You're just butthurt hahaha.

Oh and of the top 10 highest rated games of all time, 5 of them are Nintendo games (and even more Nintendo games are throughout the top 100), and the number 1 highest rated video game of all time is Super Mario Galaxy, a very recent Nintendo success.

The only reason why Nintendo fans respond to your guys' comments is because you are always spewing extremely biased, false, and subjective diarrhea out your mouths.

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L6RD7BLU34119d ago

Nintendo man, I just don't know anymore

1upgamer994119d ago

LOL, Nintendo did not say online was not the future. They said there was not a big enough demand for it back Gamecube came out. I was already online with Dreamcast back then. Nintendo still included it on Gamecube there just were not many games that used it. Wii was a step up for Nintendo for online games, and back then the reason they chose not to do the HD thing was because 7 years ago MOST TVs people had were not HD and there was not enough demand yet to justify the cost. Now with Wii U, The Online is better than my PS3, and its FINALLY HD. As far as Cloud, I don't think Nintendo is saying it has no future, but they want to find a way to keep console gaming alive. I mean hell right now between all the IPAD, Android ( Like Gamestick), Consoles, PC's. There are an awful lot of ways to play games. I respect Nintendo for wanting to keep Game Consoles around. My smart TV has downloadable FREE games that are fun and the Graphics are really nice. I hope people will support Wii U, PS4, and 720 with all of the new ways to play around. Seems like the market is going to be saturated.

Ck1x4118d ago

What's even more interesting is that both Sony and Microsoft knew that HD tv penetration wasn't at mass quantities also. That's why neither company included Hi-def cables with the consoles at launch... The infrastructure is not where it needs to be just yet for cloud gaming to be the next big thing. Many people still experience frequent internet outages and speed inaccuracies. I myself have the 3rd tier service for Road Runner and I almost never get the theoretical download speeds of 30Mbps and I live just a few short blocks away from the main Timewarner office in my city.

Deku-Johnny4119d ago

He's got a point, although I think it will be important to the future of gaming it isn't in itself necessarily the future of gaming.

Yes apps are available on games consoles but they wouldn't be any worse off without them.

Online gaming is integrated into gaming a lot these days, it's important to gaming right now but it's not the now of gaming it's just a fun add on to games, campaigns/story modes are still the most important aspects of gaming and always will be.

Knushwood Butt4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

The more Iwata talks, the more he makes himself look like an idiot.

One thing's for sure Iwata: tagging a tablet controller onto a Wii sure isn't the future of gaming. I would have thought that was your biggest concern at the moment.

Bigpappy4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Well I don't see Cloud-Gaming as the near future either, but eventually. May be next,next-gen. I do see downloaded replacing physical sooner than later though.

Lvl_up_gamer4119d ago

The problem with cloud gaming is the bandwidth our internet providers cap us at.

Cloud gaming would advance much faster if we either didn't have low caps or caps at all.

Problem is, sure as time goes by, internet providers increase the bandwidth however games also increase in size as well. Games get bigger but internet providers only add a 30 gigs to your existing cap every 3-5 years or so.

So long as internet providers keep caps low, cloud gaming will never take off because there is no market for it...people just can't afford the high cost of internet charges by their internet providers.

Ck1x4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

Now this I agree with. I can see these next consoles focusing more on digital delivery and downloading of software. But home internet service has really been lagging behind 4gLTE in offering fast consistent connections. My phone and tablet always get a much better speed than Roadrunner, but of course with data caps. There's no way anyone would use their cell service as their main connection. Way to expensive right now!
And as much as I'm excited as the next person to see what the next wave of gaming will be. The scary thing about cloud gaming is its just like Netflix, you don't own any of the titles that you have access to play. But unlike most movies, the average game is over 2hrs long to get the full experience and interactive, not linear. So even when Netflix does fail on you, generally the next time you boot it up, it asks if you want to continue where you last left off. How will they go about achieving this in gaming? People wonder why Sony is being so quiet about their Gaikai service that they purchased. I think that they are trying to figure out how to price and market this thing in an attractive way to the customers without scaring them off.

showtimefolks4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

They said online wasn't the future
They didn't wants a CD format in their system
They basically created Sony playstation because Sony only made PD after Nintendo refused to use the CD format
Apps aren't important

There is a reason why 3rd party publishers are scared to support Nintendo, because Nintendo rolls on its own pace and doesn't care about anything but their 1st and 2nd party titles

If this mindset doesn't change than once again Nintendo will have trouble attracting
publishers 3rd party

BullyMangler4118d ago

Nintendos 1st and second party titLes is what inspires OTHER good games . sooo

showtimefolks4118d ago

Maybe to you but stop acting like Nintendo is the only one making great games

ElitaStorm4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

what if he is from le future?

otherZinc4118d ago

Iwata should also note that Wii U isn't the future either...

Amplitude4118d ago

Haha. If Patcher was a company he would be Nintendo xD

BullyMangler4118d ago

weLp, dont forget the gamecube and all the KILLER games it got, . oh and the wiener wii gots mario galaxy 2, skyward sword "hero mode", smash brawL, etc . . (: . .these are all kilLers .(:

Gamer19824118d ago

Exactly! They are in pure denial with there strategys and with there logic. They still think a handheld console will dominate in a world of ipads and smartphones which is nuts. Then wonder why they dont sell as well as previous generations. Imagin if Nintendo released mario and Pokemon on ios and android? I bet they would make a LOT more money than releasing there own consoles and releasing the game on there.

But they are too stuck in their ways and it will eventually be Nintendos downfall.

helghast1024118d ago

"or when they said that apps like netflix, facebook or twitter are not need on a video game console."

Are you saying they are? Disgusting.

bobtheimpaler4118d ago

WTH do they mean not the future? It's happening now!

the_Predator4118d ago

I'm going to be the devil's advocate and say that apps like Netflix and Facebook ARE NOT needed on video game consoles. They're just useless clutter in an attempt to make consoles an "all around device" when all I want is to put in a game, press the power button and BAM, I'm on the title screen.

LAZL0-Panaflex4118d ago

Agreed. They are insignificant now.

skyrimer4118d ago

Agreed. Sometimes I wish Nintendo was a software company only, their hardware makes them always go one generation late in all their games, and lack features that are standard in every other platform but theirs, like said online gaming until recently. It's a pity because 3ds cloud gaming from WiiU would be incredible, and the technology is there as we've seen with remote play on the tablet, but yet again Nintendo will be 1 generation late with that feature, like always.

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Chuk54119d ago

Hey Iwata, remember when you said online gaming was a fad back in 2004? Boy, Nintendo sure could have used the practise to avoid having an 8-year idea of how an online infrastructure works.

meganick4119d ago

In all fairness, online gaming was a fad with the non-PC gaming crowd back in 2004. I think Nintendo just took a "wait and see" approach with console online gaming, and now they've learned its viable, so they now have the 3DS and Wii U eShops and Nintendo network, which are all good, even if they could use some improvements like any online service.

gumgum994119d ago

What's with the disagrees??

Its not like Nintendo Didn't like the concept of online gaming, they are just not one to follow every trend like a dog follows its tail. It is good business sense to see how such technologies pan out before throwing your dice at it; so if the tech loses its vitality, you don't go along with the sinking ship.

I sometimes wonder how many of the commenters
here actually read the article, and how many actually know a few things on how to run a business?

rainslacker4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

That's the problem though. For a company like Nintendo to stay relevant, they have to have the foresight to see what is going to be popular for the entire life of it's console.

Fad or not, it is up to Nintendo to create what the future will be. They did it with motion controls on the Wii, they did it with the gamepad on the NES. But they took a wait and see attitude with something that was becoming big on PC, and was being asked for long before the Wii and GC came out. MS had the foresight to see what it would bring to gaming, and it payed off big for them. Even Sony had basic networking and internet connectivity as early as 2 years into the PS2 lifecycle. It was obviously going to be important, but Nintendo waited.

The "gimmicks" they create are great and all, but they are leaders in the industry along with MS and Sony. As such it is up to them to make sure they bring out what people will want, and stop downplaying what already exists. When they can't implement something as simple as trophies/achievements at launch because of some apparent feelings that they aren't needed, just ignores what people already have, and have asked for. It isn't even looking at current trends, and shows them stuck in the past.

Cloud gaming may or may not be the future. It certainly won't be the only one. But given Sony's acquisition of Gaikai, you can damn well better believe they are going to be making it important. That's what leaders do.

Gamer19824118d ago

A fad means its a fleeting idea and it will pass by and nobody cares so no in 2004 it wasnt a fad it may not have been a big hit like it is now in 2004 but it certainly wasnt a fad! People thought 3d was a fad and it may still turn out to be.

TheDivine4118d ago

Nintendo doesn't follow trends they set them. They don't care what everyone else does they do the best they can and try to innovate in ways other dont. Sony is the one that copied sticks, rumble, l and r buttons, ps move, handhelds, touchscreen, and I'm sure a tablet controller eventually. Yes that was bad foresight but at the time it was a fad. Hell iit still is to me, it's for casuals and bros who want to shoot each other all day. I don't want online ANYWHERE near sp gaming. Maybe a touch here and there like demons souls but not much else. If I play mp I want split screen or handhelds in the same room with real friends.

I'm glad one company has integrity and doesn't follow any old trend like this gen when Sony made all their studios make shooters because they were popular or when MS and Sony fight over dlc and preorder bullshit. People thought jrpgs were dead and the whole gen the ds had great jrpg after another. The wii got some of the best jrpgs ever made at a time when people supposedly didn't care for them. Glad thing they didn't follow trends and ditch jrpgs for shooters. Thank god they didn't ditch 2d platformers and 3d platformers also. They make games they want to make and they happen to be the games I want also. Il take Smt4, Mh4, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Pikmin, Devil Survivor, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Bayanetta 2, Luigis Mansion, and Castlevania over another Killzone, Halo, or Cod. Nin is the only company that has actual diversity. Srpg, jrpgs, action, adventure games, space fighters, strategy, dungeon crawlers, farm sims, racers, shooters, fighters, hell their games are genres in themselves.

Fire Emblem in 2 days! I can't friggin wait.

Prodigy-X4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

He better watch what he say because Sony's cloud gaming service could be.

GribbleGrunger4119d ago

PS4 games on the Vita. BELIEVE.

xursz4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

"I just want to play ps4 games on my handheld, is that too much to ask?!"

LOL_WUT4119d ago

Silly Iwata he'll be eating his words once next-gen consoles hit and prove him wrong. ;)

4119d ago
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KingofBandits1163d ago

nothing wrong with him per say but he just feels kinda lifeless compared to Iwata and lacks the tough guy almost Yakuza vibe Yamauchi gave off

Nodoze1163d ago

This guy is a penny pincher and has no love of gaming. It is obvious in the half assed ports he is pushing. Iwata we miss you.