
Ninja Theory says screw you to Devil May Cry babies

Ninja Theory sticks two fingers up at the Devil May Cry fans who initially moaned about the leading character's looks - doing things their own way. Video contains minor spoilers so watch at own risk.

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RaidensRising4133d ago

Just needs a free dlc original Dante costume.

Godchild10204133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

I don't see that ever happening.

EDIT: That was great and made me want the game even more. Not because I like what they did,, but because it made me laugh and I want to get up to that part myself, on my own TV.

Blacktric4133d ago

For the ones who don't know, this is Robert Cram's own "article". Who was the first guy to reveal the "demon sex scene" in DmC exclusively with a video (which got bashed hard). It seems his lower parts is a bit sore from all the rightful bashing and now he's trying too hard to prove that he was right all along.

Stay classy Robert.

3-4-54133d ago

What is with these games and the Possibility that the "Devil" may cry ?

I've never played these...they look boring after you do the same moves over and over and over again. Watched my friend play the first one and it looked like it would be fun for a bit.

zerocrossing4133d ago

"Ninja Theory says screw you to Devil May Cry babies"

See what I mean? Insult after insult from these people, I played the demo with an open mind because I wanted to like DmC I really did, even after all the smack talk from NT, but I just can't.

NT had their chance to impress me and failed miserably, they have no right to gloat like they've done something to be proud of, they may believe they have something special but DmC is in no way beyond scrutiny.

I wont be buying a game they develop ever again, I hate their attitude, their mistreatment of a once great well established franchise and their total disregard for the fans they upset and continue to insult, is appalling.

bunt-custardly4133d ago

The video is an interpretation of their [NT] actions. I doubt they actually thought "screw you" although I could be wrong given all the hate towards the game.

DragonKnight4133d ago

Considering how many references are in the game about the fans disliking it, and considering Tameem is arrogant enough to put his own twitter in the game (leaving aside that he directed, wrote, and cast the game himself), this is clearly a "f*ck you" to the fans.

Godchild10204133d ago

They didn't really say that, if you read the article and watch the video, you will see where the writer got that from.

I'm not saying go out and buy the game, but I am saying watch the video and read the article. I personally like Ninja Theory and the games they made. Their attitude can get on my nerves, but it's not like I have to hear it when playing the game.

colonel1794133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

If that's in the game, then they are really mocking fans; and after the poor reception that the game, and specially the look of Dante has had, I think it's not a good idea to have that attitude.

First Ninja Theory blaming fans and Sony for not selling Heavenly Sword as expected (after all, how much were they expecting for a launch game?), then they go multiplatform and Enslaved still not sell well.

At least Heavenly Sword and Enslaved were good games and maybe even DMC will be a good game, but treating fans like that and making stupid comments it's what's going to get them in the end.

Just look at Platinum Games. People complained when they announced that they'd be developing MGR, but instead of making arrogant and stupid comments, they have proved with gameplay, videos and interviews that the game is good, or at least people will have fun.

Godchild10204133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

@Colonel179, You are right they did go about the proving their interpretation of Dante will be just as good, even if he doesn't look like the original in the wrong manner or way. They should have made the reviews and the Gameplay talk for it's self, but they didn't. And so far the reviews have been in their favor and rating better than their first two games.

Platinum Games may have gone about showing they can handle making a Metal Gear game better than NT, but that doesn't mean everyone that works for Platinum Games was okay and level headed. Kamiya From Platinum Games has been in the headlines quite a bit. While it was never talking bad about the fans or the game he was working on, he did have a lot to say about other games and Kotaku.

But hearing what Kamiya had to say didn't turn me away from buy any of Platinum's games or any of the games he talked bad about.

ayabrea934133d ago

they didn't actually say it lol it's the writers interpretation. I for one quite liked the demo, ninja theory never blow me away but they provide a couple days of entertainment with their games. Heavenly sword's probably my favourite of the lot

GusBricker4133d ago

The developers are British, they aren't bashful, they would've told everyone to fuck off, not screw you.

zerocrossing4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Im British, it's no excuse for being a condescending asshole.

NT had 1 hit game thanks to the lackluster launch of the PS3, Enslaved was a mess and now they've ruined DmC.

You may like the game but it represents nothing that the franchise stood for, why reboot DMC just to rip its soul out and turn it into some generic hack n slash that's unchallenging and renders any need of skill moot?

They are acttually calling DmC a better game! It's utter madness...

N4GDgAPc4133d ago


Get your facts straight. Enslaved was very well recieved. It was one of those big silent hitters. Pretty much everyone liked it but marketing sucked on it.

DragonKnight4133d ago

Enslaved was not a "sleeper hit" and it wasn't well received by gamers. If it was, it would have sold better on 2 platforms than Heavenly Sword did on 1 and people wouldn't talk smack about it every chance they could. Enslaved was a terrible game and even its head writer hated the concept of it.

VileAndVicious4133d ago


To be fair bayonetta was a sleeper hit that sold poorly across two platforms. I think enslaved was decent it just had bad marketing.

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Mykky4133d ago

Try seeing it from their perspective also. They have been working for years making a great game for everyone to enjoy and not just those who played the earlier DMCs. Then all they get in return is whining and a lot of crap. It's not wierd they have had enough. Now they also have proof of the game beeing good.

A rule developer in at least writing use is: listen to fans but do not let them control you.

(I also see it from your perspective, I would be crying in my bed and raging over the whole internet if Zelda ever turned into something else than it originaly was.)

360ICE4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

I get that people are tired of them acting like dicks, even though I think it's funny, because I, like every reviewer on planet earth think this game is awesome.

What I don't get is they're being called sell-outs. They took an already popular franchise and turned it on its head, instead of making another copy. And they called all their fans whiny in the process. That's not what a sell-out would have done. A sell-out would have changed stuff to the fans's liking, re-used current art and not changed anything that works.

You know who would have turned everything on its head without caring what people said? Dante. Yup. That sounds an awful lot like what Dante would have done. And even more importantly, what Jesus would have done. He died for your sins, get with the program.

zerocrossing4133d ago

I don't mind that NT turned it on its head, its the fact the end result so laughably juvenile and pathetic.

This mess of a game bares the burden of being compared to the previous superior titles weather fans like it or not, anyone can tell you why the old games are superior from a technical perspective even down to the story.

Please explain to me what you like about the reboot? Outside of the fact that its "new" and "fresh" cause I heard all that and its entirely subjective.

I want a technical and performance evaluation comparing the old game and reboot, because that is where this game fails in comparison IMO.

fei-hung4133d ago

I've made a decision to vote down every site from now that chooses give this broken game anything more than 7 out of 10.

I know some people will argue it is an opinion and you shouldn't such things, but IMHO, lying and being biased is shitty journalism. These are the very same people who had an uproar and gave lower scores to the likes of Ninja Gaiden since the latest edition was too "mainstream" compared to the old and Ryu taking of his mask was too much and pointless etc.

I wish anonymous could hack into Capcom and find evidence that these publishers have been paid to talk shit to ensure this game gets good reviews as the game cannot stand in its own feet.

RuperttheBear4133d ago

'I've made a decision to vote down every site from now that chooses give this broken game anything more than 7 out of 10. '

What a childish attitude you have.

Blues Cowboy4133d ago

Hang on. If loads of sites (i.e. every site) and magazine is giving it a high score because it's a mechanically excellent game, doesn't the problem lie with your love for the franchise? How is DmC broken exactly?

fei-hung4133d ago

*** Spoiler alert***

What a childish attitude to have to make an assumption that I base my opinion on a demo alone and absolutely nothing else!

No, not at all.

Is it a better story? Really? Well how is it a better story? Just because it follows NT's previous title Enslaved, about reality not being what it is and freeing the people from it, this does not make it a better story. The shitty dialogue does not mean better story telling. The ridiculous ending with Virgil jumping through a portal to escape does not make it a better story.

Dante digging 3/4s of his sword sword through Virgils heart but not killing him via this as its not fully through doesnt make good story telling.

Virgil choosing to rule mankind after everything they went through and taking down the evil Mundus just to go against it all at the end doesn't make good story telling.

A broken combo system does not make it better gameplay.

Button mashing does make the combat in depth.

Great platforming with broken mechanics does not mean better gameplay.

Making a game a lot easier does not mean it is more accessible, it just means you do not need to put much if any effort in to complete the game. I'm not an 8year old who has to have his hand held at every turn.

Dante's hair changing to the colour white as a reward for completing the game makes no sense whatsoever and is just as ridiculous as Virgil hoping through what looks like a Portal portal after getting his ass wooped far too easily.

Most importantly, journalists need to make their frigging minds up. Going by these reviews, they should have given Ninja Gaiden the same scores, but they didn't. They shat on Ninja Gaiden for the very reasons why they have praised this game. Just like DmC itself, the writing on the wall does not add up, hence why I will be down voting every site that chooses to talk shit.

N4GDgAPc4133d ago

You don't make sense fei-hung. So you think Capcom went to every site and paid every single person off? Because there hasn't been a score lower than 7 yet. Get off your high horse and realize people actually like the game.

Pozzle4133d ago

I gotta admit, I'm surprised by how high the scores have been for DmC. Granted, I don't think Capcom paid off the reviewers. That's just silly. But for a game that has so much controversy surrounding it and such a polarizing style, I'm surprised there haven't been at least a few reviewers who found the game "meh".

4133d ago
DragonKnight4133d ago

You all can dismiss what fei-hung says all you want but he's right about Ninja Gaiden 3. Every review about that game has the same problems with it that exist in DmC and yet DmC is getting a pass for that? Care to explain that?

I'm not saying all reviewers have been paid off. What I am saying is that it's entirely possible that some have been, it's also even more possible that there is another Eidos situation going on where the reviewers were told that they can only review the game early if they gave the game high scores to put on the box of the game. It's also possible that there are troll reviews going on just to spite people who don't like the game.

When you consider that every positive review of this game has allowed and praised aspects that have been slammed in other games, even of the same genre, how can you not have a raised eyebrow and ask wtf is going on?

bunt-custardly4133d ago

@pozzle Adam S gave the game a 6/10

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360ICE4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Oh please, you've what, played the demo? Have you ever played DMC2? That is an actual mess of a game.

The entire point of the game is that Dante is juvenile. He's a kid in this game, and (SPOLER) the game leaves many strong indicators that he'll grow into a person very similar to the Dante we know from the other games.

What do I like? Cinematic, responsive gameplay. Great combosystem, that is much more accessible than in previous titles, yet with more or less the same depth.
Solid story, well mixed soundtrack and some decent platforming for a change. Is everything better? No. But it's a pretty damn good start on a new thing. Looking forward to the next one.

Btw, what I like about the reboot WOULD necessarily be subjective, as a product of the phrase "what I like".

zerocrossing4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

The demo is a demonstration, it demonstrates the core mechanics of the game for goodness sake, what the hell is the point of releasing one if you just disregard it!

OK, the Cinematics are awful in DmC they are poorly done and the voice acting is laughable, responsive gameplay? Don't make me laugh! The game is choppy, full of glitches and feels just plain slow, Great combo system, yeah right, just because it's easy now to string a bunch of combos on some pitifully slow and stupid AI and get SSS does not make for great a combo system, it makes it accessible and renders the need of any genuine skill moot, Story is just a poor comic book version of the original... The music is entirely subjective but I find it inferior. Well the games coming from NT platformings like the only thing they do right.

You know DmC is the transformers of the gaming medium and NT is Michael bay, it's like no matter how god awful a movie he makes is, countless idiots still love them. That is pretty much my experience with NT and their fans also.

N4GDgAPc4133d ago

Pretty much every game that has come out is Glitchy in some way. Take a AAA title and type "title of game bugs" and u will see some crazy bugs. Not everyone has gone through the demo and actually came across the glitches u came across.

Its like Assassins Creed 3. I hear others how buggy it is but guess what? I didn't run into any bugs. Bethesda is the worst company to release games full of bugs. I don't see anyone not playing the games because of it.

MikeMyers4133d ago

So why are you so eager to call people sheep for enjoying it? If you want respect you need to show respect.

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RedSoakedSponge4133d ago

people need to grow up lol. for god sake, you guys are pathetic lol

GusBricker4133d ago

That vid might actually be the ending of the game. lol

colonel1794133d ago

If true, then a big F**K You to whoever made the video

GusBricker4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

My bad.


byeGollum4133d ago

the devs are people just like you 'nd I. . they've got feelin's lol.. Ninja Theory only make good games in my opinion. . .

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC20d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC20d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos19d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga19d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer20d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60220d ago (Edited 20d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya19d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde19d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP19d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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