
Sega comments on ‘Bayonetta 2’, company serving as advisor to project

Nintendo made a major announcement yesterday during their Nintendo Wii U Preview Event when the company declared “Bayonetta 2” as a Nintendo Wii U exclusive.

Controversy formed when it was revealed that Nintendo, not Sega, would be publishing the title, thus negating any chance of it going multiplatform. Some fans have shared their disappointment in the matter; meanwhile others have asked Sega what their role in the title’s development may be.

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-Mika-4260d ago

I think SEGA going bankrupt. This plus other cancelled games show that they might not be around soon...

tehpees34260d ago

Which is why you should thank Nintendo. If it wasn't for them the game wouldn't be continuing production and nobody would be able to play it. Its clear Sega couldn't afford it going off rumors earlier this year.

Carl_Shocker4260d ago (Edited 4260d ago )

Your honestly telling me that Platinum couldn't of found another publisher which would allowed the game to be on all platforms...

I don't think they looked very far to be honest, the main reason I think this is because if they spent some time looking at all there options and had some meetings for example something would of came out of it news worthy over the following weeks which would of been on N4G for example "Is Platinum Games looking for a new publisher" but it never happened, and these things always get leaked someway.

All we got was "Is Bayonetta 2 cancelled" and then a "No it's not" article straight after meaning they must of resolved the issue very, very quickly secondly meaning they just went with whatever came at them first instead of looking around to see if they could get it so all gamers would be able to enjoy it.

PopRocks3594259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )


First of all, it isn't "couldn't of," it's "couldn't have." If you're capable of using basic punctuation, don't butcher your grammar.

Why wouldn't they accept an offer from a company as wealthy as Nintendo? They may not be the mega-conglomerate status that say Microsoft or Sony achieve but as far as game companies go, they know how to make money.

Also I think you're completely underestimating the practices of this industry. Surprising decisions like this are not made on a simple whim; one or both of these companies wanted this and I'm willing to reckon it's Nintendo.

And while we're on the subject, crying about it isn't getting anyone anywhere.

Carl_Shocker4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )


I never said they should of gotten MS or Sony I just meant any punlisher which would of let all of us experience the game...hell they need the sales since Bayonetta didn't sell so well. I mean 360 gamers arn't really the hack and slash typle and the PS3 version was broken. Anyway if not MS or Sony how about Konami for example, a great choice when they've already got a good relationship with them since they are working alongside them to make Metal Gear Rising. They would of appreciated Bayonetta and what Platinum were trying to do with it so don't give me that "There was no other way" excuse when there was plenty of options, they just had to look for it.

"And while we're on the subject, crying about it isn't getting anyone anywhere"

Oh yeah I forgot your the type of person who thinks anyone who voices some slight critisim towards anything Nintendo related or Nintendo themselfs are a "troll", "hater", "PS3/360 fanboy" or a "crybaby" when really your just throwing those words about because your throwing a fit yourself that someone is voicing an opinion that dosen't match your own. If you want to go around praising Nintendo in every article fair enough, free country and all but don't bash other peoples opinions down just because yours is differn't, nobody replies to your comments and bash waht you've said so why do you do it to other people.

PopRocks3594259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

What about Wii gamers who never got to experience Dead Rising or Resident Evil 5? Congrats, you're feeling their same bite. And before you accuse me of being bitter, don't even. I own a PS3 and a 360 and have both games.

So boo-hoo for you I guess. I'm doing the productive thing and supporting both the new console and the new installment. If people are too pissy to do the same because they hate Nintendo, then it's honestly no skin off my nose. I get an awesome game and they get to continue their bitching. Fair trade.

And by the way, going onto Platinum Games' Twitter and completely trashing it is not 'some slight' criticism.

It's a bunch of butthurt fanboys crying that something didn't go their way. You didn't hear me complaining when Rare games appeared on Microsoft consoles (not that any of Rare's newer games turned out to be any good).

Carl_Shocker4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )


"So boo-hoo for you I guess"

Nice...really mature /s

"If people are too p***y to do the same because they hate Nintendo, then it's honestly no skin off my nose"

See this is what I'm talking about, you make out everyone is hating on Nintendo

"And by the way, going onto Platinum Games' Twitter and completely trashing it is not 'some slight' criticism."

...I havent been anyway near there twitter so I don't know why your trying to make it look like I'm one of them.

"What about Wii gamers who never got to experience Dead Rising or Resident Evil 5?"

and why's that....honestly why is that...oh yeah because the Wii wasn't third party friendly, we all know that. Unlike the PS3/360 it can handle Bayonetta 2.

"You didn't hear me complaining when Rare games appeared on Microsoft consoles"

Well they bought the studio, it was fair and square...Nintendo are just publishing this one game for them.

See you honestly can't handle other peoples opinion...it kills you. You've basicaly just proven my point in my last comment about you.

gamer78044259d ago


Carl_Shocker is exactly right. Platinum sold out to nintendo cause they could get the most cash and support form them. Which would be fine, if this was Bayonetta 1, but instead its not and they are disrespecting the fans that helped Bayonetta succeed in the first place.

Reibooi4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

A part of me kinda thinks that the game being on the Wii U will kill the franchise or it's chances of becoming one as it were.

The first game sold decent it go over a mil and might be closer to 2 at this point but that isn't a big hit.

It's no secret that the Wii U has no install base and won't have a very big one
(when compared to the current gen consoles) by the time this comes out and that in addition to the fact that Bayonetta isn't the type of game you expect on a Nintendo platform it will sell probably less then half of what the original did. Platinum will likely look at that as a sign the game just isn't gonna sell despite the fact that the real reason behind that is the place it was released didn't have the right audience or install base to move copies.

Some will say that the install base will be huge by the time the game comes out and that is entirely possible but it's not going to be as big as the PS3 and 360's combined. Others will say the target audience will not come into play but we saw that a platform draws certain players. FFXIII for example sold WAY more on PS3 then 360.

Ben_Grimm4259d ago


"Your honestly telling me that Platinum couldn't of found another publisher which would allowed the game to be on all platforms..."

Carl, how do you know that THEY didn't try and shop this around? It was no secret that Sega canceled this game a while back. From that time until now there wasn't even a hint of any rumor that any other publisher was even considering picking this up. Just as you suggested.

The fact is that Bayonetta was not as successful as it should have been. No other company is going to take on that risk and that is why they where not approached by EA, Activision, Ubi or any other 3rd party.

"I mean 360 gamers arn't really the hack and slash typle and the PS3 version was broken"

Speak for yourself, I'm a 360 gamer and i love hack 'n slash.

"Platinum sold out to nintendo cause they could get the most cash and support form them."

WHAT!?! That is absurd!

"...they are disrespecting the fans that helped Bayonetta succeed in the first place."

It didn't succeed, that is the problem. That and Sega going through very harsh financial problems that THEY canceled the game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4259d ago
ThePsychoGamer4260d ago (Edited 4260d ago )

I doubt that. Sega went through a restructuring, so it was unavoidable that some games get cancelled. They are also making a good deal with Bayonetta 2, if the title douse poorly Sega doesn't lose much, if it does well, Sega gets money through licensing fees.

Keep in mind Sega will also still be making games that sell well like Yakuza and Sonic games.

jc485734259d ago

I don't think Yakuza is selling well outside of Japan. Thanks a lot consumers.

ThePsychoGamer4259d ago

That won't stop Sega from making Yakuza games. Since in Japan Yakuza gets the same kind of numbers as games like Dragon Quest or Monster Hunter.

Localizing, now that's a different story.

LX-General-Kaos4260d ago (Edited 4260d ago )

Sega is an amazing gaming corporation. One of the best ever to exist in our realm. I am happy to see them partaking in the digital crafting of the Nintendo Bayonetta 2 experience. Bayonetta 2 with the help of three Elite game developers collaborating on one project has AAA quality written all over it. A fine future Nintendo Wii U entertainment system exclusive.

Rated E For Everyone

stuntman_mike4259d ago

i'm from the cheese board and i love cheese it makes the world go round and people breathe. it also helped create Nintendo in to what it is now.
without cheese Nintendo wouldnt of made it to the gaming, it's what made Mr Miyamoto imagine all these wonderful gaming worlds, its what turned Mr Iwata's hair in to a giant centre parting, it even created Reggie's forehead.

REMEMBER: with out cheese there would be no Nintendo.

Grated Cheese for Everyone

LX-General-Kaos4258d ago

I hope that you enjoy your copy of Bayonetta 2 for your Nintendo Wii U entertainment system as well.

stuntman_mike4258d ago

I certainly will. Should be an excellent game. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long for it to come out.

AWBrawler4259d ago

I love Sega. I still own a Dreamcast, and I wish everyone would stop crying over a game that they didn't even buy when it was on their console. It's your own damn fault. you didn't support em, so Nintendo picked them up. Deal with it!

the first game being on 360 and PS3 didn't stop me from playing it, so why should part 2 being on Wii U stop you?

Knightofelemia4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

I played the first game on the PS3 a few little hiccups but still a great game I was looking forward to the sequel. But since its an exclusive to the Wii-U I guess I'll look into a Wii-U People forget the game was developed by Platinum Games and published by Sega they were just the publisher. Its no different then a small studio developing a game and Capcom or EA coming into publish the game. This is a first I have seen Nintendo snatch a title in a while usually its other companies like EA or Activision, Microsoft or Sony who publish games. Unless Sega owns some part of Bayonetta then she is free to go where they want her. This just means Bayonetta 3&4 might stay with Nintendo.

prototypeknuckles4259d ago

like i said before at least its getting a sequel unlike pop08 which may never get a true conclusion

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MadLad520d ago (Edited 520d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast520d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper520d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot519d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


Bayonetta 2 Update 1.2.0 Patch Notes Released by Nintendo

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